Chapter 294
The setting sun slowly sank into the horizon, and the night came quietly, but the alchemists and the audience on the field didn't realize it. There were already bright night pearls hanging in the sky, illuminating the whole square as if it were daytime.

After staring at the glowing red alchemy furnace for a long time, her eyes became dull, Yunli blinked her eyes, then looked up at the sky, only to realize that it was dark again.

How many days has this been?

She couldn't remember clearly. The difference from the eighth-rank assessment was that everyone knew that the opportunity was rare, and even if they didn't understand, they were reluctant to blink. The alchemists on the field were racing against time, and the people outside the field were also watching day and night.

She kept scanning the night sky until the soreness in her eyes dissipated, and then turned her gaze back to the examination room.

Suddenly, a sound transmission talisman flew over, directly passed the crowd, and flew towards the high platform.

Everyone who had been paying attention to the assessment immediately found out, and they were stunned. Who would have the guts to let a sound transmission talisman fly directly over the assessment area in such a serious and tense assessment?
The people on the high platform are all ninth-grade alchemists, Yuanying Zhenjun of Yishui. Since the sound transmission talisman is flying upwards, it is natural to look for them.

Everyone didn't dare to say much, and they all looked at it calmly, wanting to see which real monarch this talisman was for?

Seeing that the sound transmission talisman is about to pass through the examination area, there is a sudden change!
In the field, Zhenjun Shuyin suddenly withdrew the formation, and in a strong aura, the fiery red medicine spun with dazzling light.

Inspired by the powerful spiritual power, the sound transmission talisman actually shattered on the spot, accompanied by Zhenjun Shuyin's bewilderment, an anxious voice resounded through the audience.

"Uncle, Master Qianshu is dead, please come back quickly!"

The joy and excitement of all the monks seeing Dan Cheng instantly froze on their faces, and the field was silent.

After a long time, a childish voice of inquiry sounded in everyone's ears: "Daddy, Master Qianshu is, uh—"

The person who asked the question was a little boy who was only eight or nine years old at the first level of Qi training, and was held in the arms of a monk at the Golden Core stage. Right now, the monk at the middle stage was covering the boy's mouth tightly, bowing his head and slamming at him Wink.

There are many people who have doubts about this boy. The name Qianshu is not well-known among monks. If the word "Zhenjun" is not added, most people will not pay attention at all.

The name Yunli is impressive, after all, he is a great person who is proficient in divination, a dangerous person who can predict when and where he will go with just a single divination.

On the high platform, True Monarch Mingbai's figure was like lightning, and suddenly disappeared from the spot. Everyone felt a gust of wind blowing by, and then regained their composure, there was no True Monarch Mingbai on the stage.

The remaining three chief examiners looked at each other in blank dismay for a while, then Master Ning Jun said: "We will talk about everything after the examination is over."

The Zhenjun had no choice but to sit down patiently and wait for the assessment to end.

The onlookers couldn't help but whispered that a high-ranking Zhenjun Yuanying died, and Zhenjun Mingbai didn't even care about the identity of the chief examiner, so he immediately walked away.

In addition, everyone discovered that some disciples of the three sects of Tianxin, Taiyi, and Four Seasons had also quietly left, presumably because they had received voice transmissions from the real masters on the stage and went to inquire about news.

Now, everyone is even more curious, who is Zhenjun Qianshu?
Even within the four major sects, there were uninformed people asking in low voices. Lin Miaotong next to her couldn't resist everyone, and she was also very curious, and wanted to discuss with others, so she whispered: "She is the sixth elder of the Phantom Palace, the Taoist companion of Zhenjun Mingbai. "

Yunli was surprised, even though she had learned of the existence of Zhenjun Qianshu early in order not to startle the snake, Yunli didn't want to inquire about it, but she didn't expect that she had such a relationship with Zhenjun Mingbai who was good at alchemy.

While the examiners and the onlookers were scratching their heads, one after another someone Dan Cheng withdrew the formation, and no one blew up the furnace during the whole process.

Those who dared to participate in the Ninth-Rank Alchemist Examination were all Eighth-Rank Alchemists who had been immersed in alchemy for many years. With such rich experience, things like frying furnaces would never happen.

The only difference is that the quality of the refined pills is different.

The sky is gradually dawning, a few residual stars hang in the light blue sky, and the earth is hazy, waiting for a ray of morning light to fall and fade away the veil of night.

Unexpectedly, the sky suddenly became dark clouds, and the twilight sky darkened again. The dark sky even made the night pearl dim.


Yunli, who had experienced the magic weapon that triggered robbery and thunder, recognized it immediately, and was astonished. When she was about to forget Zhenjun Qianshu's death, the pill that could trigger robbery cloud must be an extremely rare and top-quality pill!
Such a scene is rare to see in a hundred years, and the people who eat melons don't care about the death of Zhenjun Qianshu, and they start to commotion, and the people behind can't help but want to move forward.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze!"

"Oh, no matter how crowded you are, you can see it everywhere." Someone in the chaos snapped.

The robbery cloud gathered and slowly stopped above the head of Daoist Danyang.

Yunli got excited and refined the top-quality pill, unless someone else also refined the top-quality pill that could trigger Lei Jie, the leader must be Daoist Danyang!
On the high platform, Zhenjun Fuyu waved his sleeves and sacrificed a defensive magic weapon, covering the entire assessment area.

Zhenjun Ningjun also used the defensive formations in the examination area itself, especially the two examination areas that had not yet completed alchemy, and he also set up formations for the two of them alone.

Yunli lightened her hand suddenly, and when she realized it, she hurriedly shouted: "Xiao Hei!"

She never expected that the little black chicken that had been obediently held in her arms would suddenly fly out.

When she regained her senses and tried to catch it again, the little black chicken flew into the examination area before the defensive magic weapon was lowered, and landed in the hands of Daoist Danyang who had just withdrawn the formation.

Seeing the little black chicken in the formation, Daoist Danyang was obviously taken aback, and immediately became anxious, and stopped a little when he saw Zhenjun Fuyu's defensive magic weapon above his head.

He glared at the little black chicken, grabbed the elixir with one hand and put the little black chicken into the spiritual pet bag with the other, but the little black chicken refused to cooperate.

Under the equal contract, he couldn't force the little black chicken to go in. In the end, he had to use a defensive magic weapon to protect himself and the little black chicken.

Everyone was speechless. They had never seen such a willful spiritual pet, nor had they seen such a doting master. At such a critical moment, they let it make trouble.

The rumbling thunder fell, Zhenjun Fuyu's defensive magic weapon was still very reliable, Dan Jie was no better than the thunder robbery from the magic weapon, the first thunder was easily blocked.

Many of the onlookers were below the Golden Core stage, especially the young juniors. Few of them had gone through the thunder tribulation. Seeing this situation, their hearts dropped.

At this time, the little black chicken suddenly rushed out from the two-layer formation, let out a long chirp, and rushed head-on towards the falling thunder and lightning.

In the huge thunderstorm like snow and pillars, the palm-sized little black chicken spread its wings and faced the thunder and lightning without fear.

Daoist Danyang in the formation reacted from his sluggishness, and was anxious to withdraw the formation, but he could only withdraw what he had set up.

Seeing the deadly behavior of the little black chicken, Zhenjun Fuyu waved his backhand, and the defensive magic weapon was completely closed, and he could no longer come out from inside.

"Master, let me go out!"

Fu Yubai glanced at him, seeing what he could hold with his fragile body, after thinking for a while, he persuaded: "Cang Jie is not an ordinary spiritual pet, it needs its reason to do so."

Just when Daoist Danyang was in a state of anxiety, he finally received the consciousness of the little black chicken, and then he calmed down.

Outside, Yunli frowned tightly. During the thunderstorm, the little black chicken spread its wings, raised its head and screamed, and its body would tremble violently every time the thunder and lightning struck.

"Boom!" Another tribulation thunder fell.

The lightning flashed and the wind moved, and the little black chicken's small body was swept up by the wind and thunder. Its wings could no longer support it, and it hung down feebly amidst crackling.

However, the enraged Jie Lei didn't care whether it could stand it or not, the thunder and lightning still lingered on its body relentlessly.

Everyone looked at it tightly, because of its black feathers, they couldn't see the injury clearly, but in this case, it didn't need to look to know how badly it was injured.

Immortal Danyang below was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, calling its name while urging Zhenjun Fuyu to let him out.

In the blink of an eye, Yunli suddenly understood that it was using the power of thunder and lightning to exercise its muscles and bones. If it worked properly, it could also retain part of the power of lightning and hide it in the body for its own use.

Although this method is good, it is extremely risky. If you are not careful, you will be completely burnt into charcoal, and it is not blindly reckless, it requires a lot of spiritual energy.

She cursed in a low voice, searched the crowd with her eyes, and then ran over quickly, grabbed Mu Shaoxun, and hurriedly said: "Friend Mu, the situation is critical now, give me the spiritual fruit!"

Mu Shaoxun's face was stained with frost, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, he exposed that he had a great treasure, and Tai Yizong really didn't feel at ease.

Yunli stomped her feet anxiously: "Brother, give it to me quickly, our Taiyi Sect will be responsible for you to the end!"

Her behavior attracted the attention of other people around. Mu Shaoxun gave her a hateful look, and sullenly took out the spiritual fruit to her. If he didn't give it to him, if there was any mistake in Danyang's spiritual pet, it would be revenge.

Yunli picked up the spirit fruit and threw it towards Jie Lei, shouting: "Xiao Hei! Continue!"

(End of this chapter)

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