Chapter 298

Mu Yan: "We took turns to guard, and when we saw him go out, we went out to stop, uh, he went out."


Yunli wailed and rushed over, and saw Mu Shaoxun closing the door, just when they were about to open the door and go out to stop him, he found that he turned his feet, did not go downstairs, but came towards them.

Looking at each other, the three of them walked in quickly, Mu Yan took out a few books to look through, An Ran was thinking the same thing, suddenly remembered that she was here to see Ling Zhi off, and would have to return to Tianxin Pavilion later, so she picked up the mobile phone Porcelain tea cups are made to drink tea.

Yunli placed talisman paper, talisman pens and other items on the table. When the formation was touched by someone, she got up and walked over unhurriedly, opening the formation in the room.

"Friend Mu Daoist? Why are you here?"

She looked at Mu Shaoxun outside the door in surprise, then thought of something, and vigilantly scanned outside to make sure no one was paying attention, Fang hurriedly pulled him into the room, "Could it be that there is something wrong with Lingzhi?"

Mu Shaoxun shook his head, showing some embarrassment, and looked into the room.

An Ran and Mu Yan were holding a teacup each, and the other was holding a scroll. They both looked at him in surprise. On the low couch beside him, Danyang Daoist's soul pet stretched out its neck from under its wings, with sleepy eyes.

He took out the nine-story building and said, "That's it. I don't know much about this spiritual plant. I don't know its habits, likes and dislikes. I want to ask Fairy An for advice."

Hearing this, Yunli was overjoyed, she came here to ask for advice, and there is still a chance to save her, so she quickly sent a voice transmission to An Ran: "Hurry up and fool around."

An Ran ignored her, glanced at Mu Shaoxun sharply, and said softly, "I'm free?"

Xu Shi didn't expect An Ran to be so rude, Mu Shaoxun's expression froze, and then his face flushed red, and he lowered his head and said, "I, I."

Yunli was also confused by An Ran's reaction. The next moment, An Ran's voice transmission sounded in her head: "I've never been easy to get along with. How can anyone ask for advice as soon as they want?"

"Besides, aren't you worried that he will look for the second senior brother? Give him some flair. Even if he meets the second senior brother later, he won't dare to speak casually."

Yunli: "...You'll find someone to hate you if you're like this."

An Ran didn't care, "There are too many people who hate me, he's the only one."

Seeing that it was almost time, she gave Mu Yan a wink.

Mu Yan nodded, put down the scroll in her hand, and said softly: "This is a nine-story building. It likes humidity, heat and darkness. Don't put it in the sun. Water it more and keep warm."

She paused, and asked via voice transmission: "When will Mr. Wei arrive?"

Yunli silently estimated, and replied: "If there are no accidents, it can be done tonight, but he is with Mo You, so he has to find a way to avoid her, and then go to get the Jiuzhonglou, let him go tomorrow."

Mu Yanxiu frowned slightly, and changed her voice: "These are trivial matters. The Nine Layers Building is not that delicate. Even if you don't pay attention for a short period of time, nothing will happen. The main thing is that it requires a lot of spiritual energy."

Seeing Mu Yan's answer to him, the embarrassment on Mu Shaoxun's face finally eased a bit, and he hurriedly asked, "What will happen if the spiritual energy is insufficient?"

Mu Yan smiled and comforted: "Fellow Daoist, don't worry, it's just that the spiritual energy is not enough for a while, and the impact is not big, it only hinders the appearance, and it will be fine if you raise it."

Mu Shaoxun breathed a sigh of relief.

Mu Yan said again: "The spirit energy it needs is really huge. If you are just using it to exchange spirit stones, it's better to sell it as soon as possible. In addition, you'd better raise it before selling it. You are also an alchemist, so you know it if you think about it. Those shopkeepers are most fond of picking and lowering prices."

Mu Shaoxun nodded again and again, grateful: "Thank you Fairy for clarifying my confusion."

Yunli, hehe, when it's okay, she's just a normal fellow Taoist, and when it's something, she changes her honorific name and becomes a fairy.

Mu Yan smiled and reminded again friendly: "If you want to sell, you'd better choose to go out in the early morning, when the sky breaks, after a night of precipitation, there will be more lightness in the world, and Lingzhi will look more energetic."

Mu Shaoxun was grateful again, thanked him a thousand times and left.

Yunli looked at Mu Yan and clicked her tongue twice, "I never thought Ah Yan could be so foolish?"

"I didn't fool around."

Mu Yan smiled slyly, "I'm telling the truth about the characteristics of Jiuchonglou, but I just magnified certain characteristics, for example, it doesn't make much difference when I go."

Yunli nodded thoughtfully: "I understand, the best way to tell a lie is to mix the truth with the false, and play in those ambiguous places."

Feeling that the coolness in the sea of ​​consciousness was getting closer, she was a little excited. It had been too long since she had seen her senior brother, and there were many good news that she did not share.

Now that the ingredients for the panacea are almost ready, this time I get the Jiuchonglou, go back to the sect and get the Baiyue Lianxin, then I can start trying to refine it.

Even if it is not successful before the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm, I believe it can be completely refined in the ten years there.

As for the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm, there are too few people who can enter, and high-level monks cannot enter, that is to say, starting from the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm, they are free!
The more she thought about it, the more excited she became, she simply suggested: "Let's go outside the city to meet the senior brother."

"Then Mo You is here too." An Ran rolled her eyes, the girl was reserved and understood.

Yunli didn't care, "She's in a Qi training period, what's so scary."

An Ranmu said with a straight face: "The family has already built the foundation."

"So fast?"

Yunli was surprised, how this girl's cultivation was like riding a rocket, and she jumped up.

It's only been five or six years since she was able to cultivate after she faded into immortality, and she has already built a foundation, and the key people haven't practiced much in seclusion.

After being stunned for a while, she said again: "That's okay, we have Cang Jie here, the seventh-level monster, which is equivalent to the golden core stage."

"A few days ago, didn't the girl in the blue woven gold dress say that Mr. Wei and the others were in Qingzhou Mansion, why did they suddenly come to Hengyue City?"

Seeing that she was excitedly unable to find Bei, Mu Yan gently reminded that Qingzhou Mansion is located in Beishan, far away from here.

Yunli frowned. According to the time calculation, it has only been more than two months since the brother was exposed in Qingzhou Mansion last time. In spite of the time on the road, he has been on missions continuously. Could it be that someone in the pavilion made things difficult again?

She was a little worried, he was so active in the eyes of the four major factions, what if they included him as a candidate for breaking the seal.

After thinking about it, she said: "Then I have to go out even more. There are many monks in Hengyue City, especially for this assessment, many children from aristocratic families have come, and they are surrounded by high-level monks as guards. City, is it bad if it is discovered?"

An Ran frowned, and said for a while: "Then let's go, there is Cang Jie, and the Tianxin Pavilion is nearby, even if it is in danger, it can last until the reinforcements arrive."

The three of them and one demon left the inn and went straight to the city gate.

In a grove near the city gate, as soon as they entered, they heard a familiar female voice: "When will he come out?"

Yunli was stunned for a moment, and quickly set up an isolation formation, her eyes flashed with excitement, "Since we bumped into each other, we must take revenge first."

"Do you have any enemies?" An Ran was surprised. During this period of time, except for the assessment, they were almost together at the same time. When did they have another enemy.

Mu Yan nodded: "That petite one, named Qiu Yunjie, from the Qiu family in Dayan City, A Li felt something in her heart that day, and she deliberately interrupted her."

A coldness flashed in An Ran's eyes. It was common for monks to fight with others and hurt others for their own sake.

Yunli said: "The one in the silver-white dress is also from Dayan City. His surname should be Meng, and they are at odds."

An Ranfeng raised her eyebrows, "Are you sure they are not getting along?"

The two of them stood so close to each other that they almost hooked their shoulders.

Facing Qiu Yunjie's question, the female cultivator surnamed Meng spread her hands: "I don't know, my clan brother is only an outer disciple, and the guest courtyard where Daoist Danyang lives is in the inner sect."

Hearing this, An Ran was stunned, "What does this have to do with Second Senior Brother?"

"Hey, just like Mu Shaoxun, I want to get close to your second senior brother!"

Immediately, Yunli talked to Qiu Yunjie calmly and Daoist Danyang that day, and then controlled the scale very winkingly. Compared with Mu Shaoxun's behavior of catching the opportunity and pointing directly at the target, it was really more scheming.

If she is the one who owns the spiritual fruit, I'm afraid the Daoist in Danyang would have accepted her as his apprentice right now.

Over there, the conversation between the two was still going on, and the more she listened, Yunli realized that she still underestimated them.

These two are obviously teaming up, one to sing the red face and the other to sing the bad face, and they are fighting together.

The general content is that the female cultivator surnamed Meng created opportunities for Qiu Yunjie to catch up with the real person Danyang, and Qiu Yunjie helped the female cultivator surnamed Meng to pursue Su Xu.

Thinking back carefully, Qiu Yunjie would not have had the chance to let the flow take its course if the female cultivator surnamed Meng hadn't suddenly thrown the topic out of her mind.

If she forcibly strikes up a conversation, everyone will be able to see her purpose at a glance.

But because she behaved differently with the female cultivator surnamed Meng, everyone thought she was teasing the female cultivator surnamed Meng, while ignoring her real purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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