Chapter 299
Glancing at An Ran whose face was as black as the bottom of a pot, Yunli asked, "What should I do now? Shall I beat them up?"

Daoist Danyang has a high status, high cultivation level, high talent, and looks pretty good, so it's not uncommon for him to be missed by others, but obviously his cousin doesn't think so.

An Ran gritted her teeth: "I'll go meet them in person!"

In An Ran's heart, Daoist Danyang is both a brother and a teacher. If she doesn't know it, it's fine if she doesn't know it. Now that she knows it, there is absolutely no reason to ignore it.

Yunli shrugged and was about to move. As the distance approached in the sea of ​​consciousness, she received a voice transmission from Wei Lin, "Don't show your face, Bai Lu and Ruoyi are here too."

Yunli was stunned, and said sharply: "Go, go! I'll teach them a lesson next time."

As she spoke, she slid one in each hand, jumped onto the little black chicken's back, and urged: "Xiao Hei, go back to Hengyue City, fly fast! The fastest speed!"

For her orders, the little black chicken always carried out, spread its wings without hesitation, and flew towards Hengyue City with a few people like lightning.

Cang Jie's back, An Ran who reacted hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

"Lore! Canye Pavilion sent a lore and a sky-level killer."

Feeling the coolness in the sea of ​​consciousness getting farther and farther away, Yunli breathed a sigh of relief for a while, and it must be a big deal to dispatch a lore killer and a sky-level killer at the same time.

The cousin has a high status on the surface, if their task is difficult, they can't afford other thoughts.

She couldn't help but rejoice that because of the coolness in the sea of ​​consciousness, the sensing range of her and Wei Lin's consciousness far exceeds their own, and the sound transmission through the coolness is more stable and secretive, and it is not easy to be detected.

If they wait until they appear within the range of Bai Lu and Ruoyi's consciousness, then it will be difficult.

After a while, she frowned again, the senior brother was transmitting voices right under their noses, wouldn't they be discovered?
Mu Yan was surprised: "Lore? Heaven-level killer?"

"The lore is the top killer in Canye Pavilion. How to become a lore has always been a mystery; and the sky-level killers, second only to the lore, are all Nascent Soul stage monks who have emerged from the mountain of corpses and blood."

Yunli briefly explained the killer level of Canye Pavilion and its promotion mechanism, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Back to Hengyue City in a while, you all go to Tianxin Pavilion with Xiao Hei, and don't come out for the next few days."

"You don't have to be so close to the enemy." An Ran didn't take it seriously. The mission target of Zhenjun Yuanying must not be these little guys.

Moreover, since they came from the Xishan Department, most of the mission targets are monks here, and they are just temporary residents.

Yunli shook her head: "If something happens and you can't escape, a noble junior like you is an excellent hostage."

An Ran was silent, and Fu Yu never concealed how much she valued her. For those who didn't know the inside story, he was indeed the No. 1 hostage candidate.

Yunli fell into deep thought. As a lore, Bailu must have good combat power, and Ruoyi is also No. 1 under the lore. What kind of mission would allow the two of them to fight together?
Could it be that he wanted to assassinate the power of a certain top family in Hengyue City?Or was he annoyed by the four major factions in the Nanshan region, and the pavilion master planned to make a big move in the Western mountain region to divert the attention of the four factions?

Suddenly, she remembered the death of Zhenjun Qianshu, and Fuyu and others were so anxious to go there, they must have found something.

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he had a vague guess in his heart, could it be that Zhenjun Qianshu was killed by Can Yege last time? !

But why did the good-natured people in the pavilion want to kill Zhenjun Qianshu?She divulged the information of the blue book?
Or is killing Qianshu a form of venting anger, and it's just a way to attract the four major factions, and then they come to the Xishan Department to do things?

Her mind was in turmoil, full of threads, and she couldn't figure it out.

Mu Yan thought for a while and said, "I won't go to Tianxin Pavilion. If we leave all at once and fall into the eyes of those who care, we will definitely have doubts in our hearts."

An Ran went to Tianxin Pavilion yesterday. She originally thought that if she took Mu Yan with her, the second senior brother would definitely stop her if she wanted to go out later. .

But this is not a problem, she said: "It's okay, just find another excuse."

Mu Yan: "What about the Nine Layers Tower? Ah Li doesn't know how to raise it, and it can't be kept in a jade box forever."

Although the spiritual plants placed in the jade box will not rot, they will lose their vitality after a long time. The panacea cannot be successfully refined once or twice, and they have to be raised well.

Yunli was stunned, that's right, she came to raise such a life-saving rare and exotic grass, so she didn't feel at ease. If something went wrong, the previous efforts would be in vain.

"but you"

Mu Yan interrupted her: "Don't worry, I'm a small guy, those big people won't notice."

She raised her eyes and smiled playfully: "Besides, isn't there still you?"

After weighing for a moment, Yunli agreed.

Forget it, Ah Yan left with her cousin at this time, but it attracted people's attention. She had her own first-hand information, so she avoided things in advance, so she thought nothing would happen.

Even if it is really dangerous, it is okay to find an excuse to let her go to Tianxin Pavilion to find her cousin after the investigation is clear.

When they arrived at Hengyue City, An Ran and Little Black Chicken went out directly from the other side of the city gate and rushed back to Tianxin Pavilion, while Yunli and the others found a restaurant, and waited for Wei Lin and others to arrive while eating.

She has been urging the coolness in the sea of ​​consciousness to remind Wei Lin of her position.

However, Wei Lin who entered the city was still unhurried, wandering around the city aimlessly, and finally arrived near the restaurant until dusk.

Yunli poked her head out of the window, Wei Lin and Yue Yi were standing by a small stall downstairs, showing no intention of coming up.

She was stunned. Didn't she say that Bai Lu and Ruo Yi came?And why is Mo You not there?
Suppressing her doubts, she raised the corners of her mouth and transmitted a voice with a smile: "Senior brother!"

Wei Lin below looked up at her, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he looked away immediately, "Did Tai Yizong give you food?"

Yunli was confused by his thoughtless words, so she heard him muttering: "It's been four or five years, why are you still so short?"

It is said that Yunli is depressed, her height is really a pain in her two lifetimes, she obviously eats and sleeps seriously to grow her body, but for some reason, her height is only 1.4 meters, and she will not grow long.

Looking at Mu Yan, who was the same age as her but half a head taller beside her, her depression doubled.

"What's going on? Aren't you guys coming up?" She changed the subject and glanced at Yue Yi again, "And why is he here too?"

Wei Lin's actions caught Yue Yi's attention, and he also looked up, seeing Yun Li by the window, his eyes lit up first.

Instead, thinking of her lack of cooperation in the Misty Swamp, his face suddenly darkened, and he looked away, as if he didn't want to see her.

Yunli pouted, as if she wanted to see him.

"Take a chance and come to Fei Miao Xuan tonight."

After finishing the transmission, Wei Lin nodded slightly to the stall owner who warmly greeted them, then turned and walked to the side.

Fei Miao Xuan?
Is Geli in the stronghold of Hengyue City?Yunli remembered that it was a tea house, located on South Street, very prosperous.

The people who come and go are all the heads and brains of various sects and sects in Hengyue City, and the children of aristocratic families. The spiritual tea in it is just one word, expensive!

After thinking about it, I have to let my brother go to Jie Mu Shaoxun tomorrow, it's better to go to Fei Miao Xuan earlier.

A quarter of an hour later, Yunli came to Feimiaoxuan by herself, and the waiter in the shop also belonged to Canye Pavilion, so she was instructed to take her directly to a private room.

There are only Wei Lin and Yue Yi in the room, and Ruoyi and Mo You are still missing. At this time, Wei Lin has lost his disguise and recovered his original appearance.

Yunli looked him up and down, feeling in her heart, those female cultivators were indeed right, the senior brother looked even better.

"This time, we are here to kill Zhenjun Jinlan."

One word from Wei Lin completely stupefied her, Master Jinlan? !

The thread in her mind was connected in an instant, she stared at him, wanted to transmit the sound, but was afraid that there would be Yuanying Zhenjun in the dark place, so she forcibly held back.

Zhenjun Qianshu and Zhenjun Jinlan, both of them were the ones who revealed the opening of the seal through divination, but no one in the pavilion knew about it, why did they have to be killed?

Ten thousand steps back, even if the pavilion knew that the two of them had divined the person who revealed the seal, they should not have killed them.

Not only will they not kill them, but they will also protect them well. Be more aggressive and try to control them; be more conservative and send someone in to inquire about the news.

The only one who wants to kill them is the senior brother, but how can the senior brother persuade the people in the pavilion to help?

Or, do the two have other enemies?It's just a coincidence?
Wei Lin continued: "Because Zhenjun Qianshu was killed a few days ago, the four factions are on guard, and Zhenjun Jinlan stays in Tianxin Pavilion all year round. This matter is a bit difficult."

"What the uncles mean is that some of us caused trouble in Hengyue City to attract the high-level monks from Tianxin Pavilion, and the uncles took the opportunity to sneak into Tianxin Pavilion and complete the assassination."

"Did Lord Qianshu kill him in the pavilion?" Even though he had expected it, Yunli was still surprised when it was confirmed.

"Why did Ge Li kill her?" It didn't make sense, she glanced at Wei Lin, but she couldn't transmit the sound, so she gave some hints first.

With a cold face, Yue Yi snapped: "It's about the mission, can you inquire about it!"

As soon as the words came out of Yue Yi's mouth, she felt inappropriate, Qian Jiu was most protective of this dead girl, not looking at the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha, that's all, for the sake of the two of them's cooperation, let her bear it for now.

Yunli rolled her eyes unceremoniously, "I didn't ask you again, what are you talking about."

Yue Yi gritted his teeth and didn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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