Chapter 301
When she stopped, Wei Lin from behind had already caught up, he didn't stop, and continued to walk forward.

The short moment of the wrong body was enough for Yunli to see his expression clearly, it was indifferent and not surprising.

She was stunned, the senior brother had thought of this a long time ago, and was looking forward to that moment.

Sure enough, the next moment, his voice transmission sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Getting rid of a lore is equivalent to a hand in Duan Can Yege, not to mention setting No.1 under the lore."

"It can also firmly lock the eyes of the four major sects on Canye Pavilion, so that it can achieve multiple goals in one fell swoop. This spirit stone is not in vain."

Yunli worriedly followed, "But you are still in the Remnant Night Pavilion, you have been so active, and now there is no monk in the whole continent who doesn't know about you."

Over the years, he has been leading Mo You to do missions all over the world, assassinating more and more people.

What's even more exasperating is that because Mo You is often exposed, almost everyone who kills him will be known by the monks all over the world.

In the past one or two years, Mo Huai and others have started to set up an ambush. He often needs to escape from the siege of the elites of the four factions, complete the assassination grandly and escape.

The name of the devil Qianjiu is becoming more and more frightening. If this continues, he may be enemies to everyone in the future. Even if he leaves the Remnant Ye Pavilion, it will be difficult for him to gain a foothold in the Canglan Continent.

She very much suspected that the purpose of letting the senior brother bring Mo You in the pavilion was to expose the whereabouts of the senior brother anytime and anywhere.

Every single task is like walking a tightrope on a cliff, and Ge Li has no intention of reducing the task at all, so it's self-evident what An's heart is.

"Isn't there an antidote?" Wei Lin raised his eyes and looked at the dark sky, a warm current flowed through his heart, and the cool wind blowing over his cheeks seemed to have a slight warmth.

"It's not just eyebrows."

Speaking of this, Yunli immediately felt a lot more relaxed, "We found Zhenjun Lingchu's cave, and there is her panacea in it, which is the one that Wen Xueluo ate."

"Now we are short of the main medicines of Jiuchonglou and Baiyuelianxin. When we go back, Ayan and the others will start to make alchemy, and they should be successful in Jiuliyuan Secret Realm at the latest."

"So, you should take less tasks. I can still get some temporary antidote. It will be fine to survive these few years."

After a moment of silence, Wei Lin asked: "The panacea was refined by Zhenjun Lingchu in the late stage of Yuanying. Are you sure that Anran and the others can refine it with their current cultivation?"

Yunli is also a little uncertain, "It should be possible, my cousin is already a seventh-rank alchemist, and there is Ayan to help, she is also a fifth-rank alchemist."

After a moment's pause, Yunli said again: "If it's really impossible, I'll go to Daoist Danyang for help. He's an alchemy madman, and when he sees the formula of Panacea, his hands will definitely itch. It's just a little bit risky to find him."

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this method was also feasible. The antidote for Devil May Cry might be discovered if someone else refined it, but the panacea that can cure all poisons has no such worries.

In the eyes of outsiders, at best, it was an awesome detoxification elixir, who knew what she used it to detoxify.

Next, she described to him the layman's characteristics of Jiuchonglou, as well as their plans.

After a while, she thought that since he knew this was a situation of the four major factions, she should avoid it, so she hurriedly asked, "Why were you sent on this mission?"

There was a coldness in Wei Lin's eyes, because Mo You had Xingye's space teleportation means, all these years, the pavilion had exposed his whereabouts without any scruples, and even sent special summons to him for dangerous tasks.

He had thought of this result a long time ago. What could be faster and more natural than the sensation caused by the exposure of himself and Mo You.

After all, they are often exposed.

After a moment of silence, he pretended to be relaxed; "There is nothing to worry about. If you want to cause chaos, you can do it anytime, anywhere."

"If she wants to come, I have to come too. Otherwise, wherever she goes, Lei Ju will be exposed before the plan starts."

Yunli raised her eyes, and in the boundless night, the slender figure in front of her was as firm and straight as a pine and bamboo, with windy robe sleeves and soft three thousand ink hair fluttering lightly, revealing a bit of lightness and chic, but it was hard to hide her loneliness.

She let out a breath slowly, everything will pass, and when Devil May Cry is relieved, everything will be fine.

When he got near the inn, Wei Lin turned his feet and walked into the alley next to him, and said via voice transmission: "Here we are."

Yunli came back to her senses, and hurriedly said: "Mu Shaoxun lives in room No. 16 of Tianzi, he is tall, neither thin nor fat, with thick eyebrows, phoenix eyes, and a light red mole on the right side of the nose."

In the darkness, Wei Lin raised his eyelashes, "The description is so detailed, don't you just keep staring at him?"


Yunli was stunned for a moment, she had a plan, so naturally she had to observe people clearly.

When the words of admission came to her lips, she swallowed them again, and said with a guilty conscience: "No, I just met him a few times. His mole is very clear, and I noticed it at a glance, hehe."

After she finished speaking, she remembered that she was not wrong, why was she feeling guilty, and was about to say something when Wei Lin's voice transmission sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Ali, what a dream."

Yunli was slightly stunned, her heart seemed to be numb with feathers brushing over it, a strange emotion welled up in her heart, she grinned unconsciously, her brows and eyes crooked as she smiled.

She nodded vigorously, and remembered that it was late at night. He might not be able to see it. She kept her eyes on the side alley, "Then I'll go in."

Originally sound transmissions with no tone and no emotion, for some reason, they fell into Wei Lin's sea of ​​consciousness, but he felt that those sound transmissions seemed to turn into jumping musical notes, which aroused joyful ripples in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Watching her enter the inn, Wei Lin gently leaned against the wall, held his breath and disappeared, waiting for the dawn.

in the inn.

"Have you picked up the spirit stone?"

Mu Yan looked at Yunli who came in in surprise, walked briskly to the table, picked up the teapot and poured water.

Yunli took a sip of water, "Then there is such a good thing, isn't this Jiuchonglou going to get it?"

"Is it?"

Mu Yan suspected that although she was also very happy when Uncle An brought the Jiuzhong Building today, she was not as happy as she is now.

"Oh, it's getting late, go to bed!"

Mu Yan:.
She stepped forward, pulled Yunli's body, raised her hand to pinch her face, and threatened: "If you don't explain it clearly to me today, don't want to sleep!"

Saying that, let go of Yunli's face and scratched her waist instead.

Yunli has always been ticklish, and while twisting to avoid her hand, she hurriedly begged for mercy: "Hey, don't scratch, don't scratch, let me tell you!"

After hearing her words, Mu Yan was speechless, "So you are so happy just because of his good dream?"

Yunli nodded, and seriously analyzed to her: "I think so, if I can hear my brother say good dreams every day before going to bed, doesn't it mean that we have been together all the time, and the years are quiet and peaceful."

Mu Yan didn't know what to say, maybe she was thinking too far ahead.

Also, is this thinking too naively? As a monk, fighting against the sky and people, there is no such thing as quiet time.

The next day, the sky was like washing, and it was just white.

A figure sneaked out of the inn and landed in the alley.

Looking at the man who was vigilantly looking around after landing, Wei Lin twitched the corner of his mouth, sold a medicine, and kept the front door open, he had to go through the window.

It's convenient for him, and he doesn't have to search for it deliberately.

Dealing with an alchemist in the foundation-building stage, or a foundation-building stage, there is no pressure at all. Wei Lin subdued him in two or three strokes, and said gloomyly: "I heard that a spiritual fruit in Taoist friends can directly promote a fifth-level monster to a seventh-level monster." Tier, do you know if there is such a spirit fruit?"

Mu Shaoxun scolded his mother in his heart, he knew it would be like this, after Danyang Daoist's monster beast succeeded that day, he felt that people around him always glanced at his storage bag intentionally or unintentionally.

Hasty, if he had known someone would be guarding him, he should have had the cheek to ask that wimpy little girl to help protect him for a while yesterday.

It is hard to buy regret medicine in the world, facing the cold shining sword blade on his neck, Mu Shaoxun hurriedly begged for mercy: "Fellow Daoist, please forgive me, I only have one, I really only have one!"

"Oh, really?
The visitor obviously didn't believe it, and the cold air in the drawn-out tone was even worse, and immediately his neck hurt.

Mu Shaoxun's scalp exploded, and he hurriedly shouted: "Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I, I, I will give you the spirit stone."

"Kill you, not all your spirit stones are mine."

Mu Shaoxun was dripping with cold sweat and trembling like a sieve in a voice that was neither salty nor light: "You, you, you can't kill me, I'm with a monk of the Taiyi Sect, if you kill me, the Taiyi Sect will definitely not let you go of!"

The visitor seemed to be moved by his persuasion, weighed it for a moment, and said coldly: "You open the storage bag yourself, or I will do it."

Mu Shaoxun hurriedly said, "I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself!"

The storage bag was opened, and Wei Lin couldn't help but shed tears of sympathy when he saw what was inside.

As an alchemist, he was still in the foundation building stage, and there were only a dozen or so low-grade spirit stones, and some spirit plants were also very common. Except for the Jiuzhonglou, which was more precious, the rest were really not interesting to rob.

Seeing the disgust in the opponent's eyes, Mu Shaoxun blushed. He is not good at fighting, and he needs to buy all kinds of spiritual herbs;
Yu Dandao's talent was not outstanding during his journey, and the medicine he refined was not good, and he couldn't sell a few spirit stones. If he didn't want to win, he would have given up alchemy a long time ago.

Immediately, he felt a little bit of anticipation. If the other party looked down on him so much, would he stop robbing him?
In his anticipation, Wei Lin accurately took the jade box containing the nine-story building, opened it for confirmation, and walked away.

 Thank you Yu Youruo Kasa for your monthly pass! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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