all the way to fairy

Chapter 302 Mrs. Mu

Chapter 302 Mrs. Mu
A quarter of an hour later, Yunli and Yunli, who were practicing in the house, were restrained from being alarmed.

"Fairy Mu, Fairy Yun, you all have to be the masters for me!"

As soon as the restriction was opened, Mu Shaoxun's shrill voice rang out across the inn for a long time, startling the two of them and attracting the attention of other monks in the inn.

Standing at the door, Mu Shaoxun's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his neck was dark red, the blood stained his neck, stained his clothes red, his clothes were tattered, mixed with blood and plaster, he was very miserable.

Yunli blinked. Senior brother has been obsessed with swords since he was a child. He can use swords, but he will never move his fists. The wound on his neck is indeed left by Li Li's sword, but the wound on his face is not Like a brother's style?
Also, senior brother Ai Jie, it's not like he would do things like rubbing people on the ground.

After being stunned for a moment, Mu Yan hurriedly stepped forward to help him: "What happened? Come into the room and tell."

Mu Shaoxun sat on the ground with his buttocks, and took advantage of the situation to break away from her hand, crying loudly: "I was robbed"

Next, he burst into tears, crying about the miserable experience during this period.

A good alchemy assessment, when encountering a fight with spiritual pets, the key point is that neither of the two spiritual pets in the fight belonged to him, he was just an innocent person who was harmed, so he missed the chance to be a second-rank alchemist;
And because he opened the storage bag to get the vermilion fruit, Cang Jie discovered a spiritual fruit that he accidentally picked. Danyang Zhenren sent Yunli to discuss with him about buying the spiritual fruit.

I thought that time would come and go, and the spiritual fruit that I didn't know was useful for a long time turned out to be a fruit that was extremely helpful to the cultivation of spiritual pets. Daoist Danyang also agreed to his unreasonable request, not to sell but to exchange, in exchange for a fruit that would be beneficial to him. Very important Lingzhi.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out today, he met a robber who thought he still had that kind of spiritual fruit. If he hadn't given up all his belongings, his life would have been lost.

More and more people were disturbed in the inn. Seeing him crying miserably, everyone couldn't help feeling sympathetic.

Mu Yan tried to help him again, but he seemed to be fixed on the ground and didn't help him.

At this time, Yunli also saw that he did this on purpose, and took this opportunity to clarify the ins and outs of this matter, and told everyone that he was now poor and empty, and had nothing to grab.

The most important point is that all this happened because of Cang Jie. If Daoist Danyang is not responsible for him, his reputation will be bad.

Tsk tsk, it seems that he gave up on currying favor with Daoist Danyang.

Yes, it is indeed more beneficial to rely on Danyang real person in the long run, but there are too many uncertain factors, it is better to seek real short-term benefits for yourself.

After thinking about this, Yunli stepped forward, handed him a Rejuvenation Pill, and said with concern: "Mu Daoyou is seriously injured? It's important to take the pill first to heal the injury. We will help find out the follow-up matters, Mu Fellow Daoist, rest assured."

"Fairy Yun doesn't need to comfort me. There are tens of thousands of monks in Hengyue City. Since the villains dare to rob me blatantly, they must have a lot of background. I, a child from a small family in decline, can't provoke me."

The insinuation of these words is too obvious, all the disciples of Tianxin Pavilion and Four Seasons Valley live in this inn, and everyone secretly sighs that Mu Shaoxun can't be a man, while looking at the people around him.

It is indeed easier for the person who lives in the same inn to start this matter. Among other things, his whereabouts are easier to know.

Yunli secretly rolled her eyes, vowing not to give up if she fails to achieve her goal, right?

She rubbed the space between her brows, but she wanted to throw a bag of spirit stones at his face, the key was for no reason, which aroused suspicion.

They went around in such a big circle, didn't they just want to clear up the suspicion.

She looked embarrassed: "Uncle Danyang went to Tianxin Pavilion, and the date of return has not yet been determined."

She didn't say any more about the following words, the meaning couldn't be clearer, and she couldn't represent Daoist Danyang, even if she made any promises, it wouldn't work.

Mu Shaoxun only needs Master Danyang to know what's going on today, and famous sects value face. If this matter gets to the ears of Master Danyang, he will definitely express it.

His goal had been achieved, he immediately stopped, wiped his face and stood up, "Who dares to bother the real person, Mu just suffered such a misfortune, and his mood is hard to calm down, let's complain, let fellow Taoists see the joke."

Yunli's heart is awe-inspiring, and the person who can spare himself is the real ruthless character.

Back in the house, after thinking about it, Mu Shaoxun really helped them a lot in this matter, and he couldn't take advantage of him for no reason.

Yunli stood up and said: "You said what he wants, if we can do it, we can help a bunch of people, and this karma will be settled."

Mu Yan smiled and said: "It's really rare to see a person who emphasizes cause and effect like you."

Yunli: "The matter of cause and effect is mysterious and mysterious. If you want to go a long way, you have to pay attention to these most basic taboos."

When she said this, her expression was extremely serious, and Mu Yan couldn't help but stop joking and think about it seriously.

Then she heard her continue: "The Canglan Continent is blocked by the heavens and the earth, and the roads are broken. The monks kill mortals and break the oath. There is no taboo. When the heavens and the earth reopen in the future, there will be a price to pay.

After pondering for a long time, Mu Yan asked: "What do you mean, even if the world reopens, they might not be able to ascend?"


Yunli shrugged, decided not to mention the matter, and began to analyze: "He wants to curry favor with Master Danyang, is it because he wants to learn alchemy from Master?"

"Maybe I want to ask for a blessing."

Mu Yan recalled her first days of cultivation. She had no combat power and just learned alchemy. Everything was bumpy. The spiritual plants bought with only a few spiritual stones were often snatched by others.

"This Mu family is actually very famous among our alchemists. About ten thousand years ago, the Mu family produced a talented alchemist."

"He has amazing comprehension in terms of elixir properties, collocation, and heat. It is said that the elixir he refined is most likely the best elixir. The Yaowang Valley, which gathers the world's alchemy experts, is under his brilliance. Underneath, it is also eclipsed."

Yunli took a deep breath, refining the top-quality elixir is harder than winning the lottery. Could this ancestor of the Mu family have some kind of cheating weapon?
Behind the Yaowang Valley is a demon cultivator, and with the strong support of Tianwu Forest's elixir, he was still suppressed, which shows how amazing and talented this ancestor of the Mu family is.

"With the support of that ancestor, the Mu family has been in the limelight for a while, and there are even rumors that the Mu family can replace the Yaowang Valley and become the latest holy place for alchemists."

"This ancestor of the Mu family has outstanding talent and unique luck. He is worthy of the name, the darling of the heavens, the treasures of heaven and earth, the pet of beasts, unparalleled skills, and magical weapons. He has never lacked."

Yunli's eyes changed, this routine is a bit familiar, isn't this a plot that often appears in those scripts?

Mu Yan changed her voice and sighed, "Of course, Xiao He will succeed and Xiao He will lose."

"Destroyed by someone?" Yunli was surprised, "I can't, according to this routine, shouldn't he make alchemy to earn spiritual stones, collect spiritual pets and girls, and reach the pinnacle of life all the way to the top?"

"He has indeed ascended, but it was too fast. In just a hundred years, he has already cultivated to the Nascent Soul and ascended to the upper realm. However, the Mu family rose suddenly, its foundation was not stable, and it lost its protection overnight."

Yunli's heart trembled, and she guessed: "Without the protection, the Mu family is just a piece of fat meat, everyone wants to take a bite."

"Isn't that right? The Mu family has had a difficult time since then. The family has moved again and again, and finally moved to a small town close to ordinary customs. The money in the family has been dispersed, and it is not as good as it was before the rise."

Yunli clicked her tongue twice, and asked, "Didn't the ancestor of the Mu family expect such a situation? Didn't he have many spiritual pets? Why don't you leave one or two for the Mu family to look after the house?"

"I kept it, but it's useless. The spiritual pet signed a contract with the ancestors of the Mu family, not the Mu family. Not long after the ancestors of the Mu family ascended, the remaining spiritual pets were recalled to the Tianwu Forest by the Demon King."

"It wasn't until a hundred years ago that a monk with dual spiritual roots was sent out next to the Mu family, and the Mu family slowly recovered and returned to everyone's attention. Like the ordinary family, when the side branch becomes powerful, it becomes the direct branch, and Mu Shaoxun, who originally Not only has his direct branch become a side branch, but he is also extremely unpopular in the Mu family."

Yunli frowned, so does Mu Shaoxun want to restore his former glory?
This is too difficult!
She sighed, now that Canye Pavilion is doing things, she doesn't care about these things anymore, and said: "Look slowly, if you want to help someone, are you afraid that you won't find an opportunity?"

The next day, Yunli found an excuse to go out, asked Wei Lin to take back the Jiuchonglou, and then waited for Bailu and Ruoyi to sneak into Tianxin Pavilion.

In order to reduce disputes, Mu Yan began to retreat in the name of alchemy, and Yunli followed her in seclusion.

More than ten days later, people from the sect came, and those who came were Zhenjun Fushu from Taixiao Peak and Master Kaiyu from Taiyi Peak.

After the two arrived, they only stopped in Hengyue City for a while to inform all the disciples that they were going back to the sect tomorrow, and then turned around and went to Tianxin Pavilion.

On this trip, they represented the Taiyi Sect. When they came to the Xishan Department, they could not say hello or call and left. They also wanted to pick up An Ran and Daoist Danyang along the way.

Mu Shaoxun rushed over after hearing the news, and before he could speak, Yunli said, "Master Danyang will be back tomorrow, and I will let you know then."

He came here naturally because he wanted to leave with them. It was not a big deal, but it was not something that a young disciple like her could accept.

Mu Shaoxun also knew this, and when he got what Yunli would tell him, he went back and waited.

Although it was revealed a few days ago that the storage bag was robbed, human nature is always greedy, and it is uncertain how many people will believe it.

He is an alchemist with little fighting power, and if he goes back alone, isn't that an opportunity for those greedy people to take advantage of?

 Thank you Orange for your monthly pass! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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