all the way to fairy

Chapter 303 Missing

Chapter 303 Missing
In the room, Mu Yan frowned and muttered to herself while tidying up the alchemy furnace: "I just arrived today, and I have to leave tomorrow. I always feel that the sect is in a hurry."

Yunli lay on the table, drawing circles aimlessly on the table with her fingers, "Why don't you rush, the stage is set up, the actors are in place, and the scene of catching a turtle in a jar is about to be staged."

The situation will be chaotic at that time, most of the disciples here are alchemists who have little fighting power, and Taiyi Sect's alchemy is weak, and they have been relying on Tianxin Pavilion.

If these disciples are all in Hengyue City, almost all the pills will need to be purchased from Tianxin Pavilion in the future, and they will be controlled by others, how can they be the first sect!

Hearing the sullenness in her tone, Mu Yan asked, "You don't want to leave?"

"Of course, seeing that the two sides are going to make trouble, but I leave at this time, I don't know if the senior brother can handle it. If I am here, I can still help out."

Mu Yan also sighed softly, these things are beyond their control, after a while, she comforted her: "It should be fine, the point is that it is at Tianxin Pavilion, Hengyue City is just a cover."

Yunli turned her head, looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, and said quietly: "I always have a feeling that the mountain is about to come and the wind is coming, as if I have overlooked something."

Her hunch was confirmed the next day.

Everyone in Taiyi Sect was waiting for Zhenjun Fushu and others in the lobby, when a black shadow suddenly rushed into the inn, bluffing everyone.

After seeing that the black shadow was Danyang Daoist's favorite pet, everyone put their hearts back in their stomachs, and at the same time they couldn't help but move away from the fried chicken, for fear that it would lose control of its paw and be hurt.

At the same time, I was very surprised, it has always been the only one that makes others unhappy, and whoever dares to provoke it will definitely take revenge on the spot.

Cang Jie scanned the crowd with his small eyes, and after spotting Yunli, he folded his wings and rushed over, squatting down beside her angrily.

Everyone was envious, Danyang Daoist loved this black-crowned pheasant the most, but he couldn't like it, and lost a chance to make friends with Danyang Daoist.

Most of the Taiyi Sect disciples present were alchemists. For them, Daoist Danyang's status in their hearts was incomparable to that of Yuanying Zhenjun.

Besides, he is the leader of this alchemy assessment, a real ninth-rank alchemist, and he can befriend a ninth-rank alchemist, not for anything else, it is good to ask some questions occasionally.

Before parting, Yunli was depressed, glanced at it, and asked casually: "Who stepped on your tail?"

Cang Jie gasped, "Ruyi, that dead cat."

Yunli was at a loss, cat?Also called Ruyi?The owner's name is so random, but Xiao Hei has made great progress, but in just half a month, he has already spoken so slipperily.

"The spiritual pet of Zhenjun Fuguang?" A Taiyi Sect disciple next to him was full of doubts, "Isn't Zhenjun Fuguang in the sect?"

Yunli's eyes flickered slightly, it seemed that the actor sent by the Taiyi Sect of Catch the Turtle in the Urn was Zhenjun Fuguang, she lazily said: "It's not just a cat, look at you like that."

Mu Yan's eyes lit up with a smile, and she explained: "Zhenjun Fuguang's spiritual pet is a seven-xuan civet. Not long after Cang Jie broke its shell, Zhenjun Fuguang went to Daoist Danyang to make alchemy. Yeh, jump straight over"

"Oh, the shadow of childhood." Yunli turned her head to look at the little black chicken, and muttered to herself, "That cat is quite courageous."

Qixuan civet's bloodline was far inferior to Cang Jie's Kunpeng's bloodline, so he dared to pounce on it.

Mu Yan smiled and said, "Cang Jie was born at that time, and Kunpeng's blood has not yet awakened."

After being exposed to the rumors, the little black chicken glared at Mu Yan, then turned to look at Shang Yunli, and immediately felt aggrieved, "That dead cat took advantage of his identity as the master to be taller than his elder brother, and caught me while I was practicing flying. "

And this kind of thing?

Everyone was astonished, and also lamented how brave the Qixuan civet was.

After being wronged for a second, it became proud again: "After I awakened the blood of my ancestors, it didn't dare anymore, but I got angry when I saw it!"

Yunli groaned, and suddenly realized: "So, you like to walk on the ground, because you are afraid of being scratched by it when you fly?"

Being poked at the pain point, the little black chicken became furious and screamed: "How is it possible, that's because I like to walk! Just now it was on the roof of Fei Miao Xuan, and it was so frightened that it jumped off the roof when I stared at it."

What was said behind it, Yunli didn't listen any more, her mind exploded with a bang, Fei Miaoxuan!

True Lord Fuguang is in Feimiaoxuan!

Shouldn't he set up an ambush in Tianxin Pavilion?How could it be in Fei Miao Xuan!there but
Immediately, she finally remembered what she had missed.

To catch a turtle in an urn, the location does not have to be only Tianxin Pavilion!

Needless to say, the base camp of Tianxin Pavilion, if there is no defense, it is really possible for someone to succeed, but knowing that the target of Canye Pavilion is Zhenjun Jinlan, he only needs to send someone to protect Jinlan.

With the demon cultivators of Tianwu Forest and the other three factions supporting them, they have enough personnel to eat the bait in Hengyue City.

She just felt that her heart was going to jump out of her throat, Zhenjun Fuguang was in Feimiaoxuan, and most of the four major sects had already discovered that it was the stronghold of Canye Pavilion.

No, no, I have to tell my brother as soon as possible!

She exhaled, looked at Zhenjun Fushu's group walking towards this side from a distance, and said to the little black chicken seemingly unintentionally: "If you are not happy, just go and beat it up, don't whine here."

Cang Jie tilted his head and thought, very reasonable!
Why should the descendants of Kunpeng, who are dignified and noble in blood, be angry with a low-level monster?

Thinking of this, it rushed out like lightning, "I'll beat it!"

Yunli pretended to be in a daze, and it took a while to react, and said angrily: "Oh, I just said it casually, are you really going?!"

Daoist Danyang who had just walked to the door saw his pet rushing out. There were so many people, and it was not a small one before. It was so rampant that it could easily hurt people.

He lowered his face and was about to scold, when he saw Cang Jie flying past him, and then, another white shadow flashed past him, leaving behind the words "I'll chase it back" and disappeared in the wind.

Several people were confused, Danyang Daoist frowned coldly, and asked everyone in the inn: "Why did it run out again?"

Mu Yan hurriedly replied: "Just then Cang Jie rushed over angrily, saying that he saw Zhenjun Fuguang's spiritual pet Ruyi, and then he was overwhelmed with anger, so he went to fight with it."

Mu Shaoxun, who was on the side, looked at Mu Yan upon hearing the words. Fairy Mu was really kind, and she purposely spoke vaguely, to downplay the words that Yunli didn't have a brain.

A monster like Cang Jie looks like a seventh-level monster, but in fact it's just a brat, who can't distinguish priorities, so what can I say if it's so aggressive.

Those who don't know, thought she deliberately instigated the two spirit pets to discord, so as to provoke the relationship between Master Fuguang and Master Danyang.

Daoist Danyang twitched his eyebrows, Master Fuguang is here?

That's how it turned out, just now, Cai Cangjie lost his temper suddenly, raised his neck and rushed forward, and couldn't even scream.

He supported his forehead with a headache, and said to Mr. Fushu beside him: "I'll go get it back, please wait for us for a while."

Mu Yan hurriedly dissuaded her: "Master, don't worry, Ah Li has already chased after her. She runs fast, and she might have stopped Cang Jie right now."

After finishing speaking, he winked at Mu Shaoxun who was on the side, and said: "A few days ago, there was an accident, and fellow Daoist Mu's storage bag was robbed, can you let him come with us this time?"

Upon hearing this, Daoist Danyang hurriedly asked.

Mu Shaoxun mentioned what happened with a bitter face, and sighed in his heart, Fairy Mu is really kind and beautiful.

Knowing the ins and outs, Daoist Danyang felt very sorry, if he hadn't taken out the spiritual fruit in front of everyone to save Cang Jie's life, he would not have exposed his wealth and attracted the eyes of thieves.

Without even thinking about it, he nodded in agreement.

True Monarch Fuguang had heard about this when he saw Cang Jie was already a seventh-rank great demon in Tianxin Pavilion, so he naturally had no second thoughts.

After experiencing such a difficult little devil like Yunli, Mu Shaoxun suddenly felt that Daoist Danyang, the King of Hades, was very easy to talk to.

Less than a moment later, Yunli brought Cang Jie back to the inn, Daoist Danyang said a few words to Cang Jie, and everyone set off to return to the sect.

In the restaurant, Yue Yi leaned against the window, looked at the spirit boat that was gradually going away, and said regretfully: "Unfortunately, we came at an unfortunate time, if Qian Shi is here, we can also have more eyes and ears.

Wei Lin lightly opened his fists under the table, his palms were stained with sweat.

Hearing this, he turned his head to look at the thin clouds in the sky, and his thin lips parted slightly, with a hint of warning, "Her mission is Donglu, not to assist us."

Yue Yi shrugged: "Don't worry, I'm not Lan Shu. If Qian Shi is exposed, not to mention the pavilion master, even my master may have to take my skin off."

In the past, he didn't have such a deep understanding. The last time he went out of the city to see the master, the master and Ruoyi did not mention such an important task, and asked Qianshi to participate, and even asked to avoid Taiyi as much as possible. Zong disciples.

Wei Lin glanced at him lightly, "Tomorrow you pick up Mo You, and I'll contact the base."

Yue Yi hesitated for a moment, half seriously and half jokingly said: "You should go, Junior Sister Mo You is infatuated with you, she is full of affection, and even regrets regretting her marriage to be too proud of the family, tsk tsk, the charm of senior brother really makes me wait envious."

The corner of Wei Lin's mouth twitched. He could see how outrageous the rumors were. He was clearly your mortal enemy, but it was spread like a sea of ​​love.

"what ever."

He didn't care, since the four major sects wanted to catch the turtle, they would naturally have to wait for the incident to happen, and then take action together, there is no danger at the moment.

 Thanks to Yu You Ruo Li and 941 Dessert for their monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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