all the way to fairy

Chapter 304 Confrontation

Chapter 304 Confrontation (1)

Thinking of what will happen three days later, Wei Lin couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips slightly.

Can Yege was not careless in this operation, in order to prevent leaks, Mo You has been staying outside the city these days, while the two of them lived in a restaurant near the city gate.

It's a pity that they don't know about divination, so they are doomed to lose everything.

Thinking of the time to do it three days later, he couldn't help but wonder how Bai Lu and Ruoyi sneaked into the Tianxin Pavilion in just over ten days.

The night was dark, the new moon was hazy, and under the pale moonlight, a few monks in black robes walked by from time to time on the street, like lonely ghosts wandering in the world.

"No eyes!"

There was a sudden shout, and people were not surprised, the night was hazy, and there were so many people coming and going, it was inevitable to bump into each other.

"Hiss—a ghost!"

The voice sounded again, sharp and frightened.

This time someone looked over, and saw a tall and thin man retreating a few steps in a panic. In front of him, a woman in a black robe fell to the ground. The hand that was supporting the ground was covered with purple blood vessels. Her long black hair hung down, covering her face.

Someone gasped, "Don't worry about Canye Pavilion!"

The crowd was stunned. In the past few years, the names of Moyou and the devil Qianjiu in Canye Pavilion have been known to everyone.

They are inseparable, inseparable, they are discovered again and again, and they escape from the monks again and again.

Since the woman is Mo You, then Qian Jiu is.
Everyone's eyes fell on the man in black robe next to the woman, and they were hesitating whether he was Qian Jiu, when they felt a yellow light flash in the crowd behind them, and a tall black figure disappeared from their sight.

Yue Yi was stunned, isn't this speed too fast?
The moment Mo You fell down, Qian Jiu took out the Earth Escape Talisman, her whole body tensed up, and when someone called out Mo You's name, she immediately crushed the Earth Escape Talisman.

Yue Yi hesitated, no one found him, or he took advantage of the chaos and walked out grandly, anyway, no one knew who he was.

He stood where he was. Mo You, who was on the ground, had already activated the space teleportation array skillfully. The man in black robe who was closest to her took off his hood in a panic, "I am the fifth son of the Cheng family, not Qian Qiang." Nine."

Everyone glanced at him, then ignored him, and moved so fast that they started to attack Mo You who was on the ground.

The escape methods of the two of them are also strikingly similar. Once exposed, Qian Jiu must immediately use the Earth Escape Talisman and escape without looking back, leaving Mo You to activate the formation and attract everyone's attention by the way.

All the female cultivators felt sorry for this, but it was a pity that that face turned out to be an irresponsible heartbreaker who threw the woman he admired into danger, and even used her to create time for him to escape, scum, utter scum!

More people pay more attention to Mo You's identity. Every time there is a space teleportation formation made by Nascent Soul Stage Da Neng, her status in Canye Pavilion must be quite high. She might be the daughter of the owner of Canye Pavilion , Catch her, the reward must be very rich.

Looking at Mo Huai, the head teacher of the Taiyi Sect, facing her crazy attitude that she will be destroyed if she can't get it, all the monks can't help guessing how amazing she was before she was cursed.

Looking at the various spells and magic weapons that the crowd attacked, Mo You was very calm. In the first four years, she had to experience this kind of scene two or three times a year, and she was used to it.

These spells can't help the pavilion master's teleportation formation at all.

She got up and stood quietly in the center of the formation. She would return to the secret room in the pavilion in the blink of an eye. The danger here could not do her any favors.

Seeing her calmness, Yue Yi, who was in the crowd, also calmed down, and sent her a voice transmission: "This transmission will take a little longer, after all, we have to wait for the high-level monks from the four major factions to come over."

Mo You couldn't transmit the sound, so she just nodded invisibly, the pavilion master had already explained this to her when she came out.

In just a few breaths, Yue Yi found a powerful aura flying over from the direction of Tianxin Pavilion, and he began to stay away calmly, turning around to look in the direction of Tianxin Pavilion.

When those powerful breaths entered Hengyue City, a fiery white light suddenly burst out from the Tianxin Pavilion in the distance, illuminating half of the sky.

Yue Yi was so excited that he couldn't help himself, this was the first time he saw his master attack with all his strength, with the power of the world, it seemed to be able to destroy the world.

"Is that the direction of Tianxin Pavilion?"

The dazzling white light attracted everyone's attention. After seeing the direction clearly, all the monks were shocked.

Someone looked at Mo You in the shining silver light, then looked up at the glorious power in the direction of Tianxin Pavilion, and the monks of Tianxin Pavilion flying towards this side, trembling their lips and said: "This is a conspiracy, this is a conspiracy of Canye Pavilion what!"

Yue Yi pursed his lips, and cast his eyes on the high-ranking monks of Tianxin Pavilion who flew to encircle them like watching a show, but he didn't see their dilemma and hesitated.

As if they didn't feel the movement behind them, they went straight to Hengyue City without stopping.

A bad premonition floated in Yue Yi's heart, and soon, he found that the spiritual power in his body was rushing towards the ground uncontrollably.

On the ground, at some point, a huge formation was activated, and a faint yellow light almost enveloped the entire Hengyue City.

What's even more frightening is that with the inhalation of spiritual power by everyone, the yellow light became more and more intense, and the speed at which the formation absorbed spiritual power also accelerated.

A terrifying aura appeared above his head. He raised his head, and a stern middle-aged man stood in the air. The small golden sword pattern on his white clothes shone coldly under the shadow of the white light in the distance.

His hands turned into afterimages, and the complicated formulas poured out of his hands like a stream of water. The formulas fell on the silver space transmission formation, and the flowing silver spiritual power seemed to be frozen by ice.

In the center of the formation, Mo You half-kneeled on the ground, her face was pale, and the pressure of the senior monks above her head almost crushed her bones. She gritted her teeth and prayed that the teleportation formation would take effect soon.

However, what is desperate is that the spiritual power of the space is controlled by some force, and it is impossible to continue to build the space channel.

Nascent Soul True Monarch of Taiyi Sect!

Yue Yi's heart skipped a beat, he tried to calm himself down, there are many Nascent Soul True Monarchs in Hengyue City, not bad for this Tai Yizong.

Moreover, he had never revealed his identity before. Thinking of this, he felt less flustered and calmly waited and watched.

After a while, the monks who came from the direction of Tianxin Pavilion had arrived, and he realized that they were not all disciples of Tianxin Pavilion, but also monks wearing the costumes of other three sects.

Things have come to this point, there is still something that Yue Yi doesn't understand, they have been tricked.

The monks who came didn't wait for orders, and went straight to Feimiaoxuan and several other shops in the city. This time, Yue Yi couldn't help it anymore, and completely panicked.

He doesn't know about other shops, but Fei Miaoxuan is a real stronghold in the cabinet, the division of labor is so clear, it is clear that they have found out their details early on, and they can only catch the turtle in the urn.

One of the monks glanced at him, and rushed towards him. Yue Yi made a decisive decision, sacrificed the Shadow Sword, turned into a frightened bird, flew up, and hesitated any longer, all the spiritual power in his body was absorbed by the formation.

As soon as the Zhaoying sword came out, Zhenjun Fuguang looked over, his tiger eyes were sharp, and he shouted: "It's him! Stop it!"

Yue Yixin swayed, pulled the jade pendant from his waist and threw it out, Zhenjun Fuguang, who had been paying attention to this side, stopped immediately and rushed over: "Get out of the way!"

A huge black-blue fish-scale epee flew out of his hand, and instantly became larger, blocking the attack from the jade pendant.

Zhenjun Fuguang was horrified, he didn't expect to be another high-ranking disciple of Canye Pavilion, he miscalculated!

They guessed that Remnant Ye Pavilion would ask Mo You Qianjiu to come out as a lure, and they had already figured out the methods of these two people. It was nothing more than Mo You activating the space formation to escape, and Qian Jiudun's earth talisman connecting Yujian to escape.

Unexpectedly, there was another high-ranking disciple who brought Yuanhou Zhenjun to attack with all his strength. Except for him, here are all four factions' foundation-building stage and golden core stage monks. They are the backbone of the four factions, and they must not be compromised. it's here.


He sank into his dantian, shouted loudly, his whole body was agitated with spiritual power, holding the epee in both hands, his figure kept rising until he was in mid-air, and only then did all the attacks in the jade pendant burst out.

And because of Bailu's move, his throat was sweet, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

The monks below let out a cheer. If the powerful attack that suddenly erupted from the jade pendant fell, half of Hengyue City, except for those families with Zhenjun Nascent Soul, would be razed to the ground.

"Thank you, True Monarch, for saving your life!"

"Thank you, True Monarch, for saving your life!"

I don't know who started it, and all the monks shouted.

True Monarch Fuguang landed, staggered two steps before stabilizing his figure, and waved his hands to signal the disciples of the four sects to continue.

A monk from Tianxin Pavilion stepped forward and asked, "Master, are you alright?"

True Monarch Fuguang waved his hand, "Take someone to chase after you."

When he intercepted the attack just now, the male cultivator who appeared in the Misty Swamp took advantage of the chaos and fled, and the space teleportation circle successfully completed the teleportation without his rune seal.

There was a cold light in his eyes, and there was a sneer on his lips, did he really think he could escape.

A monk of Tianxin Pavilion said with emotion while holding his sword: "The devil is really cruel, but there are still people of their own below."

"How can the devil have any fellowship? Then Qianjiu can tell that whenever he encounters danger, he escapes faster than a rabbit."

Another monk responded with a sneer.

"It is"

(End of this chapter)

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