all the way to fairy

Chapter 305 Confrontation

Chapter 305 Confrontation (2)

The disciples of the four major sects were divided into two parts, some monks went to chase Yue Yi, and some stayed behind to clean up the Canye Pavilion stronghold.

At this time, an old voice sounded, "Fellow Daoist Fuguang came to Hengyue City, why didn't you know that I would wait for you, so that you can clean up the dust for fellow Daoist."

After the voice fell, a white-haired old woman appeared in the east. Behind her, there were more than ten figures floating in the air, responding to her words.

"Yes, if there is anything that needs help, Fellow Daoist Fuguang just ask."

True Monarch Fu Guang signaled his disciples to continue their work, raised his eyes and said calmly: "Everyone's kindness, thank you, we can still handle it."

True Monarch Fuguang won't take their words to heart, if he really wants to help, he can help him when he is dealing with the attack from Yu Peizhong just now, whether it is helping to continue to stabilize the teleportation circle or intercepting the male cultivator. very busy.

They just sat on the sidelines, waiting to see the jokes of the four major sects. A cold light flashed in Zhenjun Fuguang's eyes, and there was no need for them to spoil the plan.

Tianxin Pavilion.

Under the siege of several true monarchs, the attackers retreated steadily, and they had gradually moved away from the Tianxin Pavilion Huzong Mountain, and the blazing white light gradually dimmed.

The monks of Tianxin Pavilion below heaved a sigh of relief, the white light was so blazing that it could melt everything within the range, and now the burning sensation finally faded away.

In the air, Zhenjun Rongqiu's face was solemn, they set up a net and waited for the other party to be caught, but they never expected that the other party had quietly lurked among the disciples of Junior Sister Jin Lan.

If they hadn't set up a monitoring circle in the junior sister's cave in advance, which almost allowed him to succeed, thinking of the other party's response just now, Zhenjun Rong Qiu's vigilance once again rose in his heart.

The fiery white light gradually dimmed, and the surrounding water vapor and mist were dense, which was produced by the confrontation with the opponent's magic just now.

This level of water mist has no effect on the monks, not to mention that all the monks participating in the battle in the air are Nascent Soul stage monks, and they are even more indifferent.

But slowly, Master Rong Qiu realized that something was wrong. In the white mist, the opponent was like a fish entering the sea, fighting and retreating, and his response became more stable, as if the injury he suffered just now was slowly getting better.

He concentrated his mind and felt the white mist carefully. The misty mist surged with the airflow, or gathered into water vapor, or stained their clothes and hair, and there seemed to be nothing wrong.

Frowning slightly, he waved a fire dragon casually, leaped into the mist and circled around, evaporating the surrounding water vapor, and the mist in the air lightened a little, but it did not completely dissipate.

Several True Monarchs were stunned, but it was just a little water vapor left after the hedging of spells, how could it not be completely evaporated.

Zhenjun Rong Qiu shook his body, and shouted in a low voice: "It's the Mist Bee! No, it should be said to be the evolved Mist Bee!"

The fog spirit bees are smaller than the fog bees, and the difference between them and water vapor is almost indistinguishable in the fog. The transparent thin shell on their body is extremely hard, impenetrable by water and fire, and difficult to penetrate with swords and guns. Most of the methods used by monks do not treat them at all. kick in.

Immediately, several True Monarchs resorted to their own means, and the dense fog spirit bees were threatened and began to flee in all directions.

Soon, large swaths of fog spirit bees dispersed, however, the killer who attacked Canye Pavilion had long since disappeared.

Several people looked at each other, and Master Shuyin murmured in disbelief: "Impossible, with such a serious injury, how could he escape without a trace?"

Rong Qiu frowned, and what was even more surprising was that they didn't smell any blood.

A person who was seriously injured and on the verge of death not only escaped from the siege of the few of them, but also said it in such a silent way, who would dare to believe it!

Several people immediately dispersed and looked for each other. After a while, they met again. Rong Qiu looked at the several people, and Zhenjun Shuyin said first: "I didn't find it in the east, but I found that Qianjiu was also fleeing to the east. He was alone. .”

A big man with a beard next to him asked, "Do you want us?"

Rong Qiu shook his head, "In that direction, people from the Taiyi sect will take care of it. What about you?"

Man: "No."

"Neither on the west side."

After a while, several True Monarchs had to admit that the man really escaped from their hands.

Rong Qiu said solemnly: "The Remnant Ye Pavilion, it really is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

Thousands of miles away, the dew is even deeper, and Lin Hanjian is serious.

Ruoyi was carrying pale and almost colorless white dew on his back, walking like flying in the forest, feeling the breath on his back getting weaker and weaker, he turned his head and asked worriedly: "Master, are you alright?"

Master Bai Lu always performed tasks alone, but this time it was a special situation, and he only asked them to assist outside, and went to Tianxin Pavilion by himself.

Thinking that I am not good at hiding my cultivation, if it is exposed, there is not even a support person outside, and Ruoyi didn't insist.

The front went very smoothly, but in just ten days, Bai Lu had already replaced Zhenjun Jinlan's lover, and he didn't want to fail the last step.

Ruoyi was only responding on the outside, he didn't know exactly what happened inside, the key right now was to avoid the pursuit of the four major factions.

Bai Lu leaned on his shoulder, raised her head with difficulty and looked in front of her eyes, "Go near the water stream"

After speaking, he fell into a coma.

On the other side, Wei Lin swung his consciousness, shuttled through the clouds like lightning, and adjusted his direction from time to time.

This time the four major sects have arranged a larger situation than he imagined. They guessed Tianxin Pavilion and Hengyue City, but they didn't expect that those alchemy disciples who were waiting for the teacher to return to the alchemy were also in the plan of the four major sects. among.

The disciples of the alchemy assessment gave the four sects a reason to send high-ranking monks here, and their departure also made the killers in the stronghold further relax their vigilance.

But now, the spirit boats turning around in three directions are the perfect candidates to block the fleeing killer.

Afterwards, the four factions of Hengyue City joined forces to pursue, and the front, left, and right sides had the spirit boats who were one step ahead and turned around to encircle them.

He had to choose a direction to break through as soon as possible, and among the three sides, the best was naturally the east side where Tai Yizong was located.

It has the meaning of coolness, it is the bright lighthouse, the specific direction of the Taiyizong spirit boat, and how far it is from him, is clear.

On the Taiyi Sect spirit ship, Yunli was stunned for a moment after realizing that the spirit ship had turned around, and soon felt that Wei Lin was approaching.

In a flash, she came to the deck, and before she could speak, some disciples found out that they were puzzled after turning around, and asked, "Master, why did we turn around?"

Zhenjun Fushu stood on the side of the boat with his hands behind his back, and said calmly: "Hengyue City found traces of the devil in Canye Pavilion, go back and help."

Yun Liya's eyelashes trembled, and he quickly glanced at the people on the spirit boat. They are basically alchemists here, and there is nothing to be afraid of in the foundation building stage.

Among the high-ranking monks, Daoist Danyang, needless to say, the madman of Dan Dao, has rarely experienced fighting skills. Most of his fighting power comes from the little black chicken, and the little black should stay to protect everyone on the spirit ship.

Zhenjun Fushu and Zhenyu Kuiyu who came later were the main forces to encircle.But of the two of them, Zhenjun Fushu was more dangerous.

If you meet the Jindanqi real person, if you fight hard, the senior brother still has a chance to escape.

She immediately moved closer to Zhenjun Fushu, and decided to follow him all the time, firstly, to provide Wei Lin with a dangerous target location; secondly, if it really didn't work, then she could only join forces to kill him!
Aware of the strangeness, everyone walked out of the cabin one after another and surrounded Zhenjun Fushu, but it didn't seem that she was so strange.

After a while, I heard Kaiyu say: "It's Qianjiu, Uncle Fuyu knows things like a god."

An Ran and Mu Yan looked at Yunli, but they saw her face calm, standing there quietly, expressionless, without raising her eyelids when she heard the words.

With Zhenjun Fushu present, it was not easy for them to transmit sound. The only thing they could do was to stand beside her and block other people's sight, so as not to hear the radical words of her fellow disciples.

Fu Shu didn't comment on what Kaiyu said, and said calmly: "I have played against Qianjiu no less than ten times, and every time he was exposed, he would run away as a bastard. His habit has already been figured out."

"He changed direction," while speaking, seeing Qian Jiu getting closer, but suddenly changed direction, Kai Yu was slightly surprised, "Is this a coincidence?"

This distance was already within the range of his consciousness, but he didn't notice the fluctuation of the other party's consciousness, and the range of consciousness in the foundation building period would not be so wide.

Hearing this, Lin Miaotong muttered: "Stupid, at a time like this, you should find a place to hide, how can you escape?"

The rest of the disciples also nodded in agreement. This is the junction of the Western Mountain System and Central Continent, and it is a wasteland of thousands of miles, with almost no shelter.

Master Fushu said indifferently: "He's not stupid, there are monks from our four sects chasing after him, and the spirit boats from Four Seasons Valley and Mirage Palace are also approaching."

Lin Miaotong suddenly realized, and immediately said: "It's really flattering him."

Everyone agrees, isn't it flattering, a monk in the Foundation Establishment period, working for a few Jindan Nascent Soul monks from the four sects.

However, these words are suspected of implying that the true monarchs are making a fuss. Lin Miaotong dared to say that they dare not talk to each other, because they are masters and apprentices.

Fu Shu: "If you have half of his ability, I will be happy to flatter you in any way."

"Master~" Lin Miaotong stomped her feet, and her drawn-out tone was full of coquettishness.

An Ran glanced, then looked away as if nothing had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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