all the way to fairy

Chapter 306 Confrontation

Chapter 306 Confrontation (3)

Feeling that Wei Lin's route deviated from theirs, Kai Yu said, "I'll intercept it."

Zhenjun Fushu stretched out his hand to stop him: "There are so many secrets in this son, there is no room for loss, I will be with you."

After finishing speaking, he told Daoist Danyang next to him: "Danyang, stay and protect the spirit boat."

Yunli silently drew out her Dream Slayer, and was about to speak when a person beside her was very surprised, "Junior Sister Yun, you want to go too?"

"The devil and the villain, everyone should be punished. As a disciple of Taiyi, I have a duty to do it!" Yunli nodded seriously, taking it for granted.

The corner of An Ran's mouth twitched, feeling that she was just worrying blindly. With her upright appearance, no one would think that she actually wanted to save people.

Lin Miaotong didn't miss any chance to get close to An Ran's people, and said sarcastically, "He is not an ordinary foundation-building stage. Many Jindan stage monks in Fengyinyuan are under his command, just you? Hah."

Yunli looked at her, and said impassionedly: "Senior Lin's words are different, the so-called evil can never prevail, and as a disciple of Taiyi, how can I be afraid!"

This remark put the other foundation-building disciples who were not alchemists into a dilemma. Naturally, they didn't want to get in touch with such a ferocious demon as Qian Jiu, and they planned to stay on the spirit boat with peace of mind.

Well now, if she said that if they didn't go, they would be greedy for life and afraid of death, and unworthy to be disciples of the Taiyi Sect; moreover, a junior sister who had just established a foundation had gone, if they didn't go, where would they face it?

Glaring secretly at the figure standing upright, everyone could only pinch their noses and express to Zhenjun Fushu that they would also do their best.

The juniors have such lofty feelings for Zhang Zhi, how could Zhenjun Fushu have no reason to refuse.

These juniors really need a lot of experience. In the past few years, in the pursuit of Qianjiu Moyou, the younger generations of the four major sects have lost face.

This time, I and others were sitting beside me, and I took them to arrest Qian Jiu, but I couldn't pick it up, and I had to get some face back.

Feeling that the coolness was getting closer and closer, Wei Lin made a decisive decision, descended from a high altitude, and flew over the wasteland with the dry grass instead.

Zhenjun Fushu led the crowd down, and when he saw the withered grass, he paused, then rose a little higher, and told the crowd: "Keep at this height, stay away from the withered grass."

Yunli was puzzled, and looked down, it was just ordinary withered grass, so what are you doing away from?
The other three foundation-building monks were also very puzzled, but they didn't ask any more questions. Nascent Soul's powerful words cannot be doubted.

Seeing that these people didn't take it seriously, Zhenjun Fushu reminded him: "On Fengyin Plain, most of the people chasing and killing him are Golden Core cultivators."

Although these few disciples are not the elites of the sect, they are also disciples of the inner sect, it is a pity to lose them.

The disciples were stunned for a moment, and then gasped. They only knew that Fengyin Yuan Shangqianjiu used fire to burn the monks chasing him to death, but they didn't know the details.

I thought that most of the dead would be the Foundation Establishment Stage monks, and one or two Golden Core Stage monks could not dodge in time, and were plotted by him. The news that a bunch of Golden Core Stage monks were chasing and killing them was just an exaggeration of the Xiao family.

After all, a bunch of golden core stage monks couldn't stop a foundation establishment stage monk, and they all died at his hands, which is shameful.

Master Fushu looked forward, his eyes were burning and cautious.

The fire on Fengyinyuan came and went strangely, if the Xiao family hadn't witnessed a group of Jindan monks chasing Qianjiu into Fengyinyuan.

Afterwards, they checked their identities one by one. Facing the coke all over the place, no one could believe that those were almost all Jin Danqi's corpses.

The scorched corpses were concentrated in one place, it was clear that they were chasing Qianjiu and were about to strike, but Qianjiu used a strange fire to burn them to death in an instant.

There were only two corpses far away. I don't know whether they fled to a distance after the incident and were burned to death, or were swallowed by the spreading fire before they could catch up.

This incident was too weird. In order not to cause panic, the Xiao family immediately blocked the news after arriving at the scene and kept silent about it.

Occasionally, it was rumored that most of the dead were Jindan monks, but no one really believed it. They all thought that the Xiao family was trying to save face for their failure to hunt down.

If so many Golden Core cultivators died at the hands of Qian Jiu, then the Anxi City Lord of the Xiao family who died at his hands earlier would not be eye-catching.

If it wasn't for the various sects and factions reaching an agreement in Nanling City four years ago to eradicate Canye Pavilion first, and then discuss Donglu, the Xiao family would not have disclosed these details.

Only then did they know that what they had overlooked, and that they could instantly burn to death a Golden Core cultivator, must be a strange fire, or a high-ranking strange fire!

These words reminded Yunli that it would be best to use Crimson Flame in the withered yellow of thousands of miles.

As the distance got closer and within the range of the sound transmission, Yunli didn't care about the danger of being intercepted in the presence of Zhenjun Yuanying, so she hurriedly sent the sound transmission: "Huo Gong."

Wei Lin in the front also had this plan. He changed from the air to fly close to the wasteland. Firstly, he wanted to make Fushu and others who were chasing him remember Feng Yin's scruples; push them back.

Seeing that Yunli had already understood his intentions, and the distance was a little closer, Wei Lin hit the withered grass behind him with a backhanded fire spirit technique combined with a wind movement technique.

On the wasteland, there are dry grass and trees everywhere, and the fire spreads in an instant by the wind.

Realizing his movements, Zhenjun Fushu immediately led the crowd to fly high into the sky.

"It's just ordinary fire." Kaiyu couldn't help muttering to himself after sensing the spreading fire with his spiritual sense.

"Don't be careless."

The distance between the two sides was getting closer. After leaving this sentence, Zhenjun Fushu suddenly accelerated and chased forward with all his strength.

Master Kaiyu followed closely behind, and the remaining four Yunli also drove their magic weapons at high speed, and the distance between the six gradually widened.

After encountering the surging fire, Yunli took the opportunity to throw Feiyan into the sea of ​​flames, and the flames turned into dots of scarlet lights and merged into the sea of ​​flames.

Zhenjun Fushu, who was about to catch up with Wei Lin, felt his heart skip a beat, he fled into the sky, turned around and shouted: "Be careful!"

The sudden violent drinking shook the fire below, and the real Kaiyu who was a little behind was burnt by the sudden burst of fire.

The scorching temperature made his scalp explode, and without thinking, he swung his hand down, cutting off the robe that was scorched by the sparks.

After ascending to the high altitude, he looked down at the cloth engulfed by the sparks. Master Kaiyu was dripping with cold sweat. This is not an ordinary cloth, but a high-grade cassock of the earth rank, which cannot be achieved by ordinary Golden Core cultivators.

The few foundation-building cultivators in the back were fine, but Fei Yan spread out forward. Hearing Zhenjun Fushu's shout, they hurriedly drove the magic weapon into the sky.

In front, Wei Lin's figure was like lightning, ignoring the movement behind him, he flew wildly.

Suddenly, a touch of greenery came into view in front of the wilderness. Doubt flashed in his heart, but he didn't dare to stop at all. If he hesitated, he might be overtaken.

Zhenjun Fushu lowered his eyes to look at the crimson color floating below, the fiery temperature made his heart skip a beat, the burning sensation, even at such a distance, he still felt his soul trembling.

With a flash of light in his eyes, he chased after him again, and a blue flag gun suddenly appeared in his hand, his spiritual power flowed, he threw it violently, the flag gun pierced the air, and plunged diagonally downward.

Its speed was so fast that the surrounding air almost rubbed off sparks, it quickly passed Fei Yan and caught up with Wei Lin in front.

Huge energy came from his back, like a glow on his back, Wei Lin didn't even think about it, Yu Jian swiped out to the right side.

Dust and mud splashed, and the pain in the back was burning, and the greenery had come into view completely. It was a huge pale green tree with a luxuriant crown and a tall and straight trunk, full of vitality.

In such a wilderness reborn with withered grass, such a green tree full of vitality is obviously strange, but at this moment, he didn't care about it, and pressed all the spiritual power of his limbs and bones into the flying sword, which flew past like lightning.

The future is unknown, and the rear is dangerous. Don't think about it, he knows how to choose.

After he passed by the green tree, the big tree that stood still suddenly trembled, its roots quickly shrank, and turned into a young man in green clothes and green eyes.

The young man looked at the flames spreading in the distance, his green pupils throbbed with awe, and with a flick of his sleeves, pieces of turf were blown up, sending dust and mud flying.

Soon, thousands of miles around were bare, and then a vine entangled the flag gun that flew up again, pulling it back.

The fire surging in the rear has no burning material and no longer spreads, but it does not go out for a long time, and the scorching air waves are staring at the side, scalding people's souls to tremble.

"It's you!"

Sensing that the natal magic weapon was blocked, Zhenjun Fushu fell from the sky, saw who was coming, and immediately became alert.

"Midori, what do you mean?"

The green-eyed boy waved his hand and returned the flag gun to Zhenjun Fushu, and said softly, "Your gun pierced my roots and disturbed my sleep."

At this moment, Master Kaiyu also came down from behind. When he saw Lujian, he was taken aback for a moment, then quickly walked to Zhenjun Fushu, and looked at Lujian warily.

Yunli's spiritual sense saw that they were stopped, she was relieved, and controlled her plantain fan to fly lower.

The Huanshi Ling hung down under the cover of the belt, and the flames quickly gathered on the Huanshi Ling, followed by the Orange Ling, and was taken back to the dantian.

Senior brother has already left, if Fei Yan still exists, they should see the clue.

(End of this chapter)

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