all the way to fairy

Chapter 307 Confrontation

Chapter 307 Confrontation (4)

The crimson flame disappeared, and there was no other burning objects. The fire bypassed the open space where they were, and spread to other withered yellows. put out.

She was stunned for a moment, then quickly flew down, and then the other three arrived one after another.

Seeing that she arrived one step ahead of others in the early stage of foundation establishment, Master Fushu was a little surprised, but soon felt relieved, and some specialties are also common.

He focused on Midorima, took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and gritted his teeth: "We are chasing an important person, make way."

Seeing the person blocking the way, Yunli was a little surprised, why is it him again?
Thinking about how many times she has met this demon cultivator named Lvjian, it is also a predestined relationship.

Hearing this, she secretly prayed in her heart, hoping that this is a wayward demon cultivator, don't let him catch Zhenjun Fushu and make trouble for a while.

I don't know if he heard her prayer, or if Zhenjun Fushu's tone displeased him, but the gentle and gentle smile on Lujian's face disappeared, and his tone was indifferent. "The Taiyi sect is so majestic, it disturbed my rest, and I didn't say a word of apology, so I ordered me when I came up."

He stretched the sleeves of his robe, and asked slowly: "Why, Tai Yizong intends to kill the demon king?"

"You—" Zhenjun Fushu was furious, gnashing his teeth, "In the wilderness, how do you sleep well?"

And this ghostly place, especially for plants, is a barren place. Who the hell came here with enough food, and I haven't suspected that he came here with bad intentions, but he was better off, and started to find his own troubles.

"Taiyi Sect is indeed the number one sect in the Canglan Continent. Look at the people who are worried about where a demon cultivator in this seat is resting." The old god Lujian was there, as if he didn't apologize today, so he couldn't think about the past.

Yunli almost wanted to applaud him, and the more he looked at him, the more he felt that he was very pleasing to his liking, with his delicate features and lovable features.

Zhenjun Fushu beside him was not in a good mood, his eyes spit fire and his face was livid.

If it was just him, an apology would be fine, but this green-eyed old demon opened his mouth and kept his mouth shut. If he really apologized, it would mean that the sect was wrong, and how would he face Tian Wusen's demon cultivators in the future.

Fortunately, they used to think that Lu Jian was the gentlest and closest to the people among the high-level demon cultivators, but now it seems that they took it for granted.

Seeing that Zhenjun Fushu was about to blow up, Yunli felt that it would slow down the atmosphere. If they were equal in strength, it would be fine if they were evenly matched. If Lujian was really as weak as he appeared on the surface, and he lost the fight all at once, it would not have the effect of delaying time, so it would be better to argue .

She blinked her eyes and murmured softly, "It's too far from Tianwu Forest to sleep in the Western Mountains."

Lu Jian's clear eyes were as gentle as streams of water, and he said softly: "Our Tianwu Forest and Tianxin Pavilion have always had good friends. Many friends are here, and it is common for them to come here as guests."

Zhenjun Fushu was not in a good mood: "Since you have a good relationship with Tianxin Pavilion, then get out of the way, this matter is also related to Tianxin Pavilion."

This is true, not to mention Lujian, even Yunli thinks he takes it for granted.

People just cooperate with Tianxin Pavilion, if it is beneficial, they will cooperate, if it is unfavorable, they will disperse, and they have no obligation to share the same hatred with Tianxin Pavilion.Moreover, among the two parties, it is obvious that Tianxin Pavilion is more dependent on the demon cultivator. Not only many important spiritual plants come from Tianwu Forest, but also need the protection of the demon cultivator.

As far as demon cultivators are concerned, elixirs can indeed greatly improve their strength, but they are not necessary. There are many ways to improve their strength, and there are many monks who can refine elixirs.

Lvjian continued to make trouble for no reason: "Fellow Taoist Fushu, what do you mean, that little monk in the foundation building period is more important than me?"

Isn't that nonsense, Zhenjun Fushu wanted to yell at him, Qianjiu is a genius killer of Canye Pavilion, if he grows up, Canye Pavilion will be even more difficult to deal with.

Lan Shu is very likely to be the one who broke the seal, and she is a high-ranking disciple of Canye Pavilion. To move her, Canye Pavilion must be completely eradicated!What's more, Qianjiu also has a lot of secrets, and she also has that sample-level strange fire, so she can't let it go.

However, on the bright side, he definitely cannot admit that Qianjiu is more important than Midorima.

Not to mention that this offends Lvjian's face, he will continue to babble endlessly, if they are allowed to guess something from it, it will hinder the overall situation.

The demon cultivator must not be allowed to intervene in Donglu's affairs.

Thinking of this, Fushu inhaled for the nth time, held back the anger in his heart, and gritted his teeth: "Fellow Daoist was joking, it's just that he has grievances with our four factions, we must"

Before he could finish speaking, Lujian interrupted him, pointing out: "He is in the foundation building period, but you still have to ask you the majestic Yuanying Zhenjun to chase after him personally, what a big face, or is there something in it. "

At this time, two figures descended from the sky, and the two True Monarchs from Four Seasons Valley and Illusion Palace also arrived. Fushu Zhenjun hurriedly stepped forward to explain the situation to the two Zhenjuns, and let them pursue first.

Yunli gritted her teeth, one Fushu was already difficult to deal with, and two more came, are there too many Nascent Soul Masters from the four factions or too much free time? !
"What is the virtue of this little foundation building, let the three true kings chase it together?" Now, Lu Jian was really curious.

He couldn't help but think of that time in Tianwu Forest. By chance, a group of Nascent Soul cultivators chased after him. Didn't he also destroy some rare plants this time?
He calmly glanced at the little girl in white, and stood quietly behind the elder, with his eyes downcast, unable to see his emotions clearly. He looked like a well-behaved junior, but his toes unconsciously touched the ground, revealing her impatience.

"What is that?" A person behind Yunli suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone looked over, and there was a dense black purple spread over the bare ground. When they checked their consciousness, it turned out to be a poisonous purple sand scorpion.

Another male cultivator next to him murmured: "Purple sand poisonous scorpion, born in the wilderness, is highly poisonous."

Yunli's eyes lit up suddenly, she raised her head, and took over the conversation, "The key is, how did they survive the fire just now?"

Zhenyu Kaiyu couldn't believe it: "Impossible! How could there be living things at that temperature."

He was almost scorched by the fire, and the high-grade robes of the ground level were burned up in an instant. How could the purple sand poisonous scorpion survive? !

"Fire?" Zhenjun Suxi of Mirage Palace glanced at Zhenjun Fushu's dignified expression, and looked at him in surprise, "What fire?"

The purple sand poisonous scorpion has a hard body, and it is difficult for ordinary fire spells to work on it. He opened his eyes wide, "Could it be?"

After receiving Zhenjun Fushu's nod, his expression also became serious. Afterwards, they sent someone to check Fengyinyuan, a piece of scorched earth, without any living things on it, and it would be difficult for a blade of grass to grow within a hundred years.

But now, the poisonous purple sand scorpion living in the wasteland has survived safely, which shows that Qian Jiu has completely mastered the strange fire.

Last time in Fengyinyuan, the fire was raging and completely uncontrollable, but this time he has been able to control the fire and only attack those who threaten him.

Looking at each other, Zhenjun Fushu yelled: "Chasing!"

Let him grow up, it's still worth it.

Yunli's eyes darkened, and a majestic thought spread into the consciousness of all the monsters nearby.


In an instant, the purple sand poisonous scorpion crawled to the vicinity, afraid of the power of the three Nascent Soul True Kings, and did not dare to come over, suddenly went crazy, waving its pincers, curling its tail, and spread like a tide in the wilderness come over.

In the distance, the vigorous Clouded Leopard, the nimble and agile Wind Chasing Rabbit, the tall and mighty Tianluo Lion
Almost all the monsters in the wilderness are running towards this side.

Midorima glanced calmly at Yunli, who was standing with her hands hanging down. The monsters in the wilderness had the highest cultivation level of ninth level, and they were not the opponents of the three Yuanying stage cultivators at all, so they could only hold them back for a while.

Such a big commotion will definitely attract the attention of the current demon king. Does she have to save that human being?
"Beast tide!"

Zhenjun Fushu's pupils dilated, and after exclaiming, he looked at Lujian angrily, "You actually launched a beast tide, do you want to start a war with me?"

Lu Jian rolled his eyes, he is a tree demon, commanding a group of monsters, and he is not in his own territory, he really thinks highly of him, he talked about it, he was noncommittal, only vaguely said: "Our monster race has never been afraid of war!"

Fu Shu clenched his fists, the most important thing now is Qian Jiu, Can Ye Pavilion, it is obviously irrational to provoke the demon cultivator at this time.

I don't know what's wrong with this group of monsters. Ever since the world was banned, high-level people practiced monsters, and they all adhered to the principle of not using force if they could.

This is what the higher-ups of the human and demon races would like to see. The juniors who grew up from the slaughter have a solid foundation and a mature mind, so they can go further; in addition, they can also solve the problems of too many races on both sides through fighting.

There is not enough spiritual energy, if there are too many monks and monsters, it will not be enough to cultivate.

In the low level, monsters have obvious advantages, facing their surprise attacks, Renxiu often suffers heavy losses.

They don't mind the monster clan launching a wave of beasts, the key is that who knows how big this dozen will be, Qian Jiu ran back to his lair long ago.

Zhenjun Buyuan of Sijigu squinted his eyes slightly, "Lujian, are you sure you want to protect him? He is from Canye Pavilion."

Remnant Night Pavilion?
Lvjian raised his eyebrows, looked into the distance, his eyes were dim, but he said in his mouth: "They don't care about Canye Pavilion or Jinye Pavilion, the three of you may not be able to make it through today."

Can't make it through?

Yunli was surprised, a few ninth-level monster cultivators couldn't stop the three Nascent Soul True Monarchs, what Lujian meant, would he also make a move?
But she didn't give the order to the twelfth-order tree demon in front of her. Her cultivation base is too high and the distance is so close. The other party will definitely notice who she is.

She wasn't sure if she could command the twelfth-level monster; she was also afraid of what would happen if the other party wanted to absorb her blood to advance after being discovered.

However, not only did the tree demon fail to point out that there was someone else who launched the beast tide, but he also ambiguously misled everyone and threatened to stop it openly and secretly.

Why should he help them?Is it the same as Xuanshuang Yanhu in Dengtai Mountain?

 Thank you Orange for your monthly pass! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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