all the way to fairy

Chapter 308 Elite

Chapter 308 Elite
After confronting each other for a while, the monks who followed from Hengyue City also arrived. Seeing this situation, they all sacrificed their magic weapons, and the battle was imminent.

Taking a glance, Zhenjun Fushu realized that the number of people was wrong, only the juniors from Taiyi Sect and Tianxin Pavilion came.

There are three main purposes of this operation, one is to protect Zhenjun Jinlan, behead the high-ranking killer of Canye Pavilion, and destroy his prestige; Clear the Hengyue City stronghold.

They have already figured out the stronghold of Hengyue City, it will be a matter of time, and it is Mo You and Qian Jiu who are bothering, these two people are not slippery.

It stands to reason that after Hengyue City is over, Brother Fuguang should send people over to chase Qianjiu, why only a small group of people came?

He looked at a Taiyi sect monk and asked, "What's going on over there?"

"The mysterious person who intruded in the Misty Swamp in the late stage has appeared, and he is also a member of the Canye Pavilion. Fellow Taoists from Four Seasons Valley and Mirage Palace are chasing him."

The majestic and deep voice, with undisguised solemnity, made Yunli raise her head in shock, and looked over: "Senior Brother Zheng Rui?"

Zheng Rui nodded to her as a greeting.

After being amazed for a while, Yunli looked away. Zheng Rui had been in charge of secretly tracking down the headquarters of Canye Pavilion, and it was normal to appear here.

Several Zhenjun couldn't believe it. They looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes. The second suspect was also a member of Canye Pavilion!
Could it be that the Canye Pavilion is behind the Donglu incident?
They glanced at Lu Jian with a curious face on the opposite side, and the monster beasts around them, gritted their teeth, and said, "Get out!"

Yunli exhaled lightly, looked at Lujian, only to see him leaning slightly, "Go slowly."


Fushu Zhenjun was so angry by Lujian that he ignored his overtures, snorted coldly, picked up Zheng Rui and disappeared on the spot.

Midorima ignored them, and kept looking at them with a smile, Yunli's heart skipped a beat, she always felt that his soft eyes fell on her for an extra long time.

Will not be found out?
The two monks from the Phantom Palace and Four Seasons Valley were also unambiguous. They followed the people, and Master Kaiyu also wanted to run away.

However, there are a bunch of Foundation Establishment Stage disciples around him, most of whom belong to the Taiyi Sect, and there are Transformation Stage Demon Cultivators and various eighth and ninth-level monsters watching covetously.

If he left, the group of monsters would go mad, and these disciples would be here. In desperation, they could only protect everyone from behind.

Wei Lin's crisis has been resolved, and Yunli is not interested in chasing Yue Yi next, but she was so active before, and now she suddenly quits, which is unreasonable.

Naturally, this pursuit ended without a problem, Yue Yi was a personal heir of the lore, with many cards, and his combat power was not bad among his peers, and Wei Lin had attracted the attention of all the high-ranking monks earlier, so he had already taken the opportunity to escape.

A few days later, the group arrived at a small town at the junction of the Xishan system, Zhongzhou, and Nanshan system, and completely lost his trace.

Zhenjun Fushu was in a panic, if it wasn't for Lujian's obstruction, how could he have returned empty-handed, he didn't know the identity of the mysterious person before, and he didn't know that he would participate in the action, it's normal if he can't be stopped, but Qianjiu is almost sure!
Qianjiu and Mo You had appeared in Qingzhou Mansion before Zhenjun Qianshu's accident, and they were almost certain that Qianshu died at the hands of Can Yege.

The pursuit of these years has not been fruitless. In terms of searching for Mo You's trace, the four factions already have a complete intelligence line.

After Qian Shu's death, everyone knew that Remnant Night Pavilion would attack Zhenjun Jinlan, but they didn't expect them to be so decisive. They disappeared for a while, and when they reappeared, they pointed directly at the Xishan family.

There is such a perfect reason for the alchemy assessment, the right time, the right place, and the harmony of the people. With such a careful plan, a mysterious person was missed, and Mo You was lost; According to the sound transmission, the killer also ran away from Tianxin Pavilion.

The three Zhenjuns hated their teeth, and now only one of the three goals has been achieved, the eradication of the Hengyue City stronghold. Fushu Zhenjun said bitterly: "Go back to Hengyue City."

"Uncle, how do you arrange them?"

Faced with Zhenjun Fushu's anger, Master Kaiyu stepped forward and asked, after suffering such a big loss, no one knows whether Canye Pavilion will jump over the wall in a hurry.

Therefore, when they acted, the alchemists left by each faction had already rushed to their respective sects in spirit boats at the fastest speed, and those who stayed here to participate in this matter were all elite disciples of the four factions. How to arrange the disciples is a big question.

Let them go back, there may be danger on the way, so let them stay, they will not be able to hide anything about Canye Pavilion from them.

Master Fushu squinted his eyes, "Zheng Rui, you arrange it."

In the past two days, all kinds of news about Canye Pavilion directly shocked the other three inner disciples who were forced to follow, like a little white rabbit strayed into a pack of wolves, panicking.

With a faint excitement, these news are not something they can know at all. Now that they know it by accident, it is impossible to silence them, and it is not some evil spirit. Then they are likely to be promoted to elite disciples and participate in it.

Now hearing Zhenjun Fushu's words, the three of them were so happy that they jumped up.

The so-called elite disciples are the reserves of the Taiyi Sect's high-level executives, who are in power. From now on, they can also be regarded as participating in the sect's power system. How far they can go depends on their personal fortune.

The corner of Yunli's mouth twitched, she just wanted to be an outer disciple in peace, and she wanted to be an undercover agent, and become an inner disciple. Now it's good, she's about to become an elite disciple.

She shook her head, and on the way back, she carefully recalled the matter of Bai Lu. The thing that surprised her the most was Bai Lu.

Among the four lore kills, Shuang Jiang is vicious, and even the dead ones leave blood power behind, causing harm to one side; There is no mountain or dew in the sky.

But I heard that the pavilion master Xingye trusted him the most. After Xiaobi, Zhaoyingjian skipped Wen Ming and gave it to Yue Yi. It is obvious, but I didn't expect him to be so awesome. Although he didn't complete the assassination, he seriously injured Zhenjun Jinlan , escaped from Tianxin Pavilion alive.

The Nascent Soul cultivators of Tianxin Pavilion all live on the central lone peak, and almost everyone has a spiritual pet with good combat power. So many high-ranking people are cultivating demon cultivators, but they can't stop a Bailu. Thought-of.

Thinking of Yue Yi again, Yunli tsk-tsk twice, this baby is lucky, he also comes from ordinary people, he worships a master, treats him with heart and soul, and even gives him life-saving means; He won the fourth place, but passed Wen Ming and Hao Si to get the Zhaoying Sword.

However, his identity was exposed, which she is very satisfied with, and the exposure has nothing to do with them, and the pavilion will not find out that they are doing tricks in the dark, and this time he escaped with a high profile. Take care.

When they arrived at Hengyue City, Zheng Rui thought about it, took the four of them to Feimiaoxuan, and stopped a busy figure, "Junior Brother Liu, come here."

Yunli looked over, um, the person here is very familiar, his name is Liu Shi, and he met him in the Misty Swamp.

"Senior brother Zheng, what do you want me for?" Liu Shi trotted over.

Pointing to the four people, Zheng Rui said: "They also follow you to search for the remaining crimes."

"Newcomer?" Liu Shi was a little surprised, and he was even more surprised when he saw several people clearly, "Junior Sister Yun?"

Yunli greeted with a smile: "Hello Senior Brother Liu."

Zheng Rui gave a few more instructions, and before leaving, he said earnestly to Yun Liyu: "Being an elite disciple not only means honor, but also many dangers. Brother Liu has participated in this matter all these years and has rich experience. Follow him and study hard. .”

Yunli nodded vigorously, her tone was very sincere: "Thank you, Senior Brother Zheng, for your guidance."

After Zheng Rui left, the other three looked at Yunli together, and Guan Jun with a broad face said sourly: "You know a lot of people."

Yunli heheed twice, "I was a Taoist boy for senior brother Mo Huai before, and many people followed me."

For anything related to the Misty Swamp, she put all her energy into it, carefully considering her words, and tried not to remind others that she was also in the Misty Swamp during that time.

Liu Shi also couldn't help laughing and joking, "Junior Sister Yun's experience is also rare. In just a few years after entering the sect, she went from an outer disciple to an inner disciple. In a blink of an eye, she is now an elite disciple."

"Hehe, it's all luck." Yunli scratched her head, please don't pay attention to me, just treat it as air.

Liu Shi actually agreed all over his face, "Luck is indeed good, and the fairy fate is deep."

Yunli smirked a few times, what can she do?She didn't want to show her head, there was no other way.

Zhen Yuchen's eyes flickered with melancholy, "Junior Sister Yun is really lucky. Speaking of which, this time we are also in the honor of Junior Sister, thank you very much."

Yunli wanted to laugh at him, please forget about these dangerous details.

This is really just a coincidence, she thought that if the interception was not successful, she would return directly to the sect, but she did not expect that she underestimated the strength of the Canye Pavilion and overestimated the strength of the four major factions.

With such a large error in Canye Pavilion's information, Bai Lu could not be stopped. Are the true monarchs of the four major sects busy fighting for power and gain, intrigue, and neglecting to fight?
She sighed, it was a pity for such a good opportunity, and then sighed, the disciples of the four major sects, even though they practiced often, did not have as much experience as the killer in Canye Pavilion.

In the Remnant Night Pavilion, even lore, there are tasks to be done, but it is not mandatory to complete a task every year.

In terms of killing and escaping, who has more experience than them.

(End of this chapter)

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