all the way to fairy

Chapter 309 Tent Hook

Chapter 309 Tent Hook
At this time, the people in Fei Miao Xuan have been arrested seven or eight times, and now their mission is to search for hidden killer remnants, secret rooms, and some useful information.

When they arrived at the house, Liu Shi handed them a roster and said: "This is the suspicious person we have counted who has been to Fei Miaoxuan these days and has not yet been caught. If you find anyone, you must let me know whether they are dead or alive."

Yunli blinked, what?They recorded the people who have been to Fei Miao Xuan! ! !

Then he wouldn't be on the list, would he?
She resisted the urge to snatch the roster from Zhen Yuchen's hand to check it out, and kept reassuring herself that she should be fine, if she was found out, she wouldn't be able to stand here right now, would she?

Next to him, Liu Shizai continued: "Of course, this roster may not be complete, and the killers who are not on it must not be let go. In short, just be careful, and don't stand alone with a few people. Those killers are powerful, and you must not underestimate them."

Several people nodded hastily. At other times, it is possible to underestimate the enemy. Now that I just heard that the killer who assassinated Zhenjun Jinlan broke out from the Tianxin Pavilion, Qianjiu, Mo You and the mysterious person all escaped. How dare you underestimate Can Ye Court killers.

The job was assigned, and as soon as Liu Shi left, Yunli hurriedly approached Zhen Yuchen, looked at the roster in his hand, and asked pretendingly curiously, "How many people are on the roster?"

With a quick glance, I saw on the roster, "October [-]th, at the end of the Xu hour, a petite man in black robes, no face."

During that time period, these descriptions are not exactly what I said.

She was glad that she was cautious enough, even after entering Fei Miao Xuan, she did not take off her disguise. Originally, it was out of the caution of an undercover agent, to prevent people from Can Ye Pavilion from recognizing her face, which was not good for her. She didn't expect it to play so quickly It worked and saved my life.

Later, when he came out of Fei Miao Xuan, he also changed clothes several times, and communicated with his senior brother through sound transmission throughout the whole process, without showing any signs of recognition.

Immediately, she thought of the waiter at the door that day, he was the one who took her to find her senior brother and Yue Yi, and was waiting at the door the whole time, would he know something?
Zhen Yuchen: "Not many, just five or six people, two of them should be Qian Jiu and the mysterious person."

After reading it, he passed the roster to others, scanned the room, and said, "Come on, let's start searching."

Having just become elite disciples, the few of them are full of meaning and full of ambition, so they are working hard and have to do a big job.

It's a pity that this is just an ordinary box, with so many guests coming and going, Can Ye Pavilion will not be big enough to put any confidential items here.

After searching inside and out several times, it was confirmed that there was nothing abnormal. The three of them felt a little depressed, and then comforted themselves, making achievements, which can be achieved in a short period of time, and then confidently devoted themselves to the search for the next box.

This time it was a high-class box, when the door was opened, the first thing that caught the eye was the warm jade floor, the sunlight outside the window slanted, the floor was warm and clear, and the light could be seen.

Next to the window, there is a simple and simple tea table. There is a gauze curtain hanging on the left side of the room, and there is a faint bed inside.

Another female cultivator among the four, Wang Zhenzhen, was stunned on the spot, and muttered puzzledly: "Is this here for tea, or for a rest?"

"Naturally, drinking tea while sleeping." Guan Jun showed a wretched smile, his already wide face, with this grin, almost formed a square, "The clerk serving tea here is very good at serving people."

Wang Zhenzhen's face turned red, and she cursed, "Dirty!"

"Let's get started quickly."

Seeing that they were starting to argue, Yunli hurriedly interjected. She was still in a hurry to finish her work and went to talk to Liu Shi.

Looking through the veil, she fell on the hook of the lotus curtain at the head of the bed. She felt the fluctuation of spiritual power, and there might be a formation on it.

Zhen Yuchen on the side also echoed: "Hurry up and work."

After entering the room, Guan Jun went straight to the bed in the inner room, Wang Zhenzhen rolled her eyes when she saw it, and the corner of Yunli's mouth twitched, how did this guy become an inner disciple before?
Perhaps her eyes were too straightforward, or his behavior made Wang Zhenzhen very uncomfortable, and she wanted to complain to others, so she took the initiative to send a voice transmission to Yunli: "His father is a manager of Taixiaofeng Fengwutang, and he loves him on weekdays. Relying on Uncle Guan's influence, he will do some dirty things in the sect."

Yunli glanced at her, she remembered that Wang Zhenzhen was also a disciple of Taixiao Peak, it seemed that she was disgusted by Guan Jun.

She searched the side for quite a while, but Guan Jun didn't find anything unusual about the hook. In desperation, she could only search there calmly, then lightly touched the lotus hook at the end of the bed, and murmured: "This The tent hooks are exquisite in workmanship, and the material is also extraordinary."

Guan Jun who was searching by the bedside heard the words, straightened up and squeezed it, then curled his lips and said: "It's gaudy, you girls love these impractical things."

Yunli: Trash, I want you to watch this, I didn't feel the obvious fluctuation of spiritual power!
Fortunately, the other two were more reliable. After listening to their words, both Zhen Yuchen and Wang Zhenzhen turned their heads to look over, focusing on it, and they immediately noticed the difference.

Wang Zhenzhen let out a 'huh', frowned and said, "It seems to be made of Hanyan silver."

Hanyan silver is an expensive casting material, used on decorative tent hooks, it is overkill and useless, even the most extravagant monks can't make it.

Yunli made a surprised expression, and pinched the one next to her to have a look. Zhen and Wang also stepped forward to check carefully.

Yunli stepped aside cooperatively, Zhen Yuchen rubbed it once, and murmured strangely: "This is an ordinary tent hook, there is nothing special except for the material.

Wang Zhenzhen glanced at the one on the bedside, and exclaimed: "Spiritual power! That's only formation!"

Zhen Yuchen threw down the one at the end of the bed, stepped over, almost snatched it from Guan Jun's hand, and was shocked: "There is indeed a formation! It is so meticulous to describe the formation on such an exquisite thing."

The tent hooks are so easily overlooked, especially the curtains on the bed are still closed, layers of veils are hooked, and most of the hooks are covered by the veils.

Most people only notice the soft silk brocade mat on the bed and the quilt of the incense pillow, it is difficult to pay attention to a single tent hook.

Yunli: "What kind of formation is this, can it be broken?"

"Let me try it." Wang Zhenzhen volunteered.

It's a pity that this formation is too subtle, and she has no clue about it for a while, so she can only tell Liu Shi.

After a while, Liu Shi arrived with a large group of people. A group of formation masters fiddled for a day, but still failed to break through.

Now, everyone knows that this formation is of great importance. They thought that the confidential documents were in the clerk's residence, so they checked the shopkeeper's and the clerk's residences, and found a lot of hidden compartments, as well as secret rooms, but there were countless things inside. Satisfactory.

Never expected that the box where the guests live also has such an exquisite formation.

With a dignified expression, Liu Shi ordered nine people including Yunli and the others, and ordered: "You stay here and guard."

Before they could answer, he continued to order others, "Brother Xu, take someone to the dungeon and ask, who has been to this box? Sister Cheng, check the other boxes to see if there are any omissions."

After giving the order in one breath, he turned around and left Fei Miao Xuan.

Yunli's heart was beating wildly, and she went to the dungeon to ask, did she mean there was someone alive? !

If the mission failed, shouldn't he commit suicide?How many days have passed?How are you still alive?
She blinked, and looked at the other five people left in the room suspiciously, "Dungeon? What dungeon?"

Among the five people, one of them was Zhang Minda who was patrolling with Yunli on the island, and the two of them had some kind of friendship, and they also made meritorious service when they discovered the abnormality of the tent hook, Zhang Minda was happy to explain her doubts.

"There is a secret room in the Canye Pavilion. There is a dungeon. It should be a place where they punish those who made mistakes. We caught some survivors and temporarily placed them there."

"The killers of Canye Pavilion are still alive?" Wang Zhenzhen was curious, "Wouldn't they commit suicide if they were caught?"

Yunli glanced at her, she was really a good person, she was planning to do it by herself, Wang Zhenzhen's interruption made her chatter more natural.

She quickly adjusted her expression, and followed suit: "I've heard it too, it seems that it was because of this before that we didn't know much about Canye Pavilion."

Zhang Minda: "It was true in the past. Few people were exposed, and they were determined. That's why they were not investigated. There seems to be something wrong with them. Since Qianjiu exposed it a few years ago, it was the first, and then they were arrested. Most of the killers who live here will not commit suicide on the spot like before, they will try to escape."

Yunli raised her eyebrows, according to this trend, Canye Pavilion is not far from Miemen.

 Thank you 941 Dessert for your monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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