all the way to fairy

Chapter 310 Ignorant Fool

Chapter 310 Ignorant Fool

Turning her eyes, Yunli was gearing up: "Then are we going to attack Canye Pavilion?"

Zhang Minda couldn't stop laughing, "How could it be so fast? They are still watching. Although they didn't commit suicide, they wouldn't reveal any information about Remnant Night Pavilion?"

Then why not search the soul?

Yunli was about to blurt out, but swallowed the words when they reached her lips, she is a hot-blooded and righteous little fairy, how could she have such evil and crooked thoughts, although she felt that this method would be used by the four schools of thought sooner or later.

Guan Jun looked at Zhang Minda and the others as if looking at idiots, "If you don't say anything, you will search for your soul."

Wang Zhenzhen on the side started to roll her eyes again, and moved to the side, as if she didn't want to know him. This idea must have flashed in everyone's mind.

But after all, they are well-known and decent, and they still have to face. Even if they want to search for their souls, they have to be quiet, how can they say it so loudly.

Zhang Minda's complexion immediately turned ugly, and he scolded sharply: "Junior Brother Guan, we are a decent family! Stop talking nonsense!"

Guan Jun was full of sneer: "Oh, I usually do soul searching, so why pretend to be a gentleman now?"

Everyone: .
I'm afraid it's not a stick, I didn't see that Zhang Minda's face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and, if such a thing is used by someone with a heart, will his father's job as the manager of Fengwutang be kept?
Yunli was so angry that she wanted to beat someone up. Zhang Minda didn't want to say anything after a few words from this silly child. How could she keep saying things secretly? I don't know if she has searched the soul or not.

The atmosphere in the room was a bit dull, and soon Liu Shi came back, followed by Kai Yu and a real person from the Mirage Palace.

Entering the house, they went straight to the tent hook, the two of them studied for a while, and then began to perform tactics against the tent hook, one after another hand tricks fell down, even Yunli, who didn't know the formation technique, felt the complexity of the formation technique and exquisite.

She couldn't help but feel vigilant, there is such a powerful formation master in the Canye Pavilion, and a simple hook can describe such a complicated formation.

An hour later, the formation was finally broken. There was a click, and ripples appeared on the wall next to the bed, and then a delicate brocade box was spit out.

Next, the two real people started to break the formation on the brocade box again. Seeing their efforts, Yunli was really afraid that this would be a joke of the Canye Pavilion in the end. Inside the brocade box was another box, layer after layer. , like peeling an onion.

In that case, it is estimated that the two real people will really go berserk.

Fortunately, the intelligence personnel of Canye Pavilion did not have such bad tastes as hers, and when the brocade box was opened, it was a piece of paper as thin as a cicada's wing.

Master Kaiyu carefully unfolded the paper with the technique of controlling objects, without any hidden weapons, everyone leaned over curiously, and saw the words on the paper: Yin family, Jing Wu, Shen Liu; Chen family, Chang Jiu, Yan Qi, Yan Shisan
Yunli was stunned. Is this the roster of spies?
The master of Mirage Palace frowned: "What is this—"

Before he finished speaking, there was a loud noise, and a huge energy surged from the ground, and everyone's expressions changed suddenly.

Yunli swiftly jumped into the air, and even dragged Wang Zhenzhen who hadn't reacted to her side, while Kai Yu and the Daoist of Mirage Palace immediately sacrificed their defensive magic weapons, enveloping everyone.

After the explosion, Fei Miao Xuan was reduced to flat ground. In the smoke and dust that filled the sky, some monks who could not dodge were standing in disgrace on the ruins, and some were even injured.

Master Kaiyu rushed into the ruins, grabbed a man covered in black and shouted, "What's going on?"

The man seemed to be stunned by the sound of the explosion, and there was no response for a long time in a daze. Kui Yu pushed him away, came to the ruins in three or two steps, waved his sleeves and made a tactic, and evacuated a place.

The people who were shaken to the ground gasped immediately, a huge pit suddenly appeared on the torn apart ground, the bottom of the pit was black mud, the walls of the pit were splashed with bright red blood, and several amputated limbs fell abruptly. inserted in the pit.

Yunli turned around and took a moment to slow down. With so much blood and meat residue, how many people were killed?
When she turned around again, she saw that Kaiyu's face was as pale as paper, her lips were trembling, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

Fei Miaoxuan is in charge of the Taiyi Sect, and almost all of them are elite disciples of the Taiyi Sect. So much loss at once, for the Taiyi Sect, this loss is too great.

"Cough, cough, help, help."

A faint call for help came from the nearby ruins, and the eyes of the real Kaiyu burst out with hope, and the broken wall and ruins above were emptied like lightning.

The two people hid in a bell-shaped magic vessel, which was covered with cracks all over. When the sun came out again, the people inside couldn't hold it anymore, and fell limply, and the bell-shaped magic vessel that lost its spiritual power was completely shattered.

Master Kuiyu flicked his sleeves, and poured spiritual power into them one by one in each hand to stabilize their injuries.

Yunli exhaled, and went forward to take the healing elixir for the two of them. After a long while, the female cultivator who was slightly injured woke up leisurely. When she saw the real person Kaiyu, her tears flowed out, and she choked up and said, "Uncle Master , Brothers are all dead."

Kui Yu pinched her palms, gritted her teeth, and asked, "What's going on?"

The female cultivator took a deep breath and tried her best to suppress her sobs, "They refused to say anything, so Junior Brother Bai frightened them with soul searching, not wanting one of the Foundation Establishment cultivators to explode himself suddenly, we were unprepared for a while."

She couldn't go on, sobbing again, she slowed down, she looked at the unconscious male cultivator, "If Junior Brother Tang hadn't sacrificed the defensive magic weapon in time, I'm afraid the two of us would have died at this time."

Yunli pursed her lips. Except for the two of them, all the assassins imprisoned in the secret room and the disciples of the Taiyi Sect who were interrogated were killed, and the power of the self-detonation was so terrifying.

She really didn't expect that among the killers in Canye Pavilion, there is no shortage of bloody people. Such an organization would be defended in such a decisive way.

Kaiyu's eyes were scarlet, almost squeezed out from between her teeth: "This enmity is irreconcilable!"

The Master of Phantom Palace patted him on the shoulder, "Fellow Daoist Kaiyu, my condolences."

"Who is that person? There are clues." Kai Yu closed her eyes and stabilized her mind.

"Before he blew himself up, he said that he would never betray his master and friends in this life. The name" paused, and the female nun said, "Others seem to call him Ying San."

Shadow Three?

Yunli was stunned, was it the Ying San she knew?Why is he here?Isn't he in charge of delivering goods to Zuimenglou?
How could he appear here and still do espionage? He's a talker, doing espionage. He's so ridiculous. Is this a door-to-door leak?
Her eyes were a little sour, and her eyes lightly fell on the huge pit. The blood in her eyes made her dizzy. How could such a cowardly, fearful and talkative person explode himself? !

His master, deputy pavilion master?
But nine times out of ten, the so-called life-saving grace was just directed and acted by the deputy cabinet master himself, he was just a poor man being used.

She watched Zhenjun Fushu come in silence, reprimanded Master Kaiyu with an ugly expression, took the list from the brocade box from him, followed silently all the way back to the place where she was placed, when she entered the door, Wang Zhenzhen called out worriedly Her, "Are you okay?"

Yunli pulled out an ugly smile, "This is the first time I see such a tragic scene, I just need to get used to it."

"It's good to see you a few more times. Among the monks, such a situation is very common." Wang Zhenzhen patted her on the shoulder comfortingly, "Thank you just now."

Yunli was stunned for a moment before she realized that what she was talking about was that she grabbed her when the explosion happened. She shook her head: "It's a small effort, and it's all because of Uncle Kaiyu's defensive magic weapon."

She just reacted quickly and pulled Wang Zhenzhen to jump high into the sky. Kaiyu sacrificed the magic weapon first, and she didn't move anymore.

"Thank you too, otherwise I might be seriously injured like Guan Jun."

Wang Zhenzhen said sincerely, she quickly jumped to the sky, avoiding the shock wave of the explosion, and there was Uncle Kaiyu's protective magic weapon behind her, so she was not injured.

After entering the door, Yunli set up a formation and stood at the door with a lot of thoughts in her mind. She remembered the first time they met, Yingsan on the spirit boat secretly poked her voice; Disclose all the news that she is not in the cabinet;

Thinking of his anger, sadness and vague hope when he talked about the past on the roof; remembering the last time we met in Jinye Pavilion, he awkwardly asked if there was really something hidden.

If he knew that all these years, the master he had always admired and the person he defended with his life was the chief culprit who caused the suffering of the three of them, how sad he would be under the nine springs.

Immediately, she remembered that he had already established his foundation, and when he died, his soul would be dissipated. She felt even more sad. It was not worth giving up his only life for a master who plotted against him and for a cruel organization.

She stretched out her hand to cover her eyes, and covered her eyes moist with warm palms. After a while, she cursed in a low voice: "This ignorant fool has been completely brainwashed."

 Thank you for resigning from the big monthly ticket! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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