all the way to fairy

Chapter 311 Another role

Chapter 311 Another Role

"Have you checked out everyone on the list?"

In the temporary meeting hall of the four major sects in Hengyue City, Zhenjun Fuguang had a serious expression on his face.

Zheng Rui replied: "Most of them have been found, only Yin Jiajing 39 and Xu Jiahao[-] have no clue."

The only consolation for Fei Miaoxuan's matter is that they got the list, after discussion, it should be the spies hidden in the Hengyue City family.

This point is actually easy to guess, the above families are all famous families in the city, and Jingwu, Shenliu, Changjiu, etc., referring to Qianjiu's name, it is not difficult to guess that this is actually the name of the killer of Canye Pavilion.

With this list, it is easy to find out through targeted searches. After all, there are countless foreigners in every family.

After checking one by one, not only the spies of Canye Pavilion were found out, but also a lot of dirty things.

True Monarch Fuguang knocked on the armrest, and said for a long while, "Let's search for the soul directly."

Zheng Rui couldn't believe it. He raised his eyes and looked around at the high-ranking monks in the room. Everyone was expressionless and did not express any objection to Zhenjun Fuguang's words.

Fuguang said helplessly: "Don't look at it, this is the result of our discussion together."

He sighed, he did not agree with this approach.

In recent years, they have also caught some killers of Remnant Night Pavilion. Although some people have proposed to search for the soul directly, most of them insist on the moral bottom line and disagree with this evil method, especially now that the Eastern Land is about to appear and the blockade of the mainland is reopened. , everyone is facing ascension, so they are even more reluctant to do so.

But this operation made them fully realize the strength of Canye Pavilion. If it weren't for this list, it can be said that this operation failed.

They failed to stop the Nascent Soul Stage killer, failed to capture Mo Youqianjiu alive, and even Fei Miaoxuan, the stronghold they had investigated a long time ago, also because the killer blew himself up, everything went down the drain and suffered heavy losses.

On the other side of the Phantom Palace, according to the news sent back by Junior Brother Fuyu, the killer not only escaped, but also killed a Jindan real person who discovered the warning in time, and then killed the early Nascent Soul cultivator who heard the warning and rushed away.

Judging from the situation at the scene, no matter it was Jindan Zhenren or Yuanchu Zhenjun, they all sealed their throats with one sword!
This kind of strength, even he himself can't do it, not only him, but also most of the late Nascent Soul cultivators in the Canglan Continent.

When the cultivation reached the Nascent Soul stage, the only difference between them was the cultivation. The secret skills, magic weapons, experience, etc. were not bad. Even if there were some gaps in the cultivation, it was difficult to kill the opponent with one move.

The strength of that killer is not much worse than that of the Supreme Elder Zhenjun Ling Su.

After Junior Brother Fuyu and others rushed to the Phantom Palace, they didn't find any clues. The killer came and went calmly, completely ignoring the four major sects. This is provocation.

Seeing that several True Monarchs had all acquiesced, Zheng Rui couldn't say anything more, so he took orders to go out.

Over the past few years, they have dug out the power of Canye Pavilion little by little. They thought they had roughly touched the bottom of Canye Pavilion, but it turned out to be just an illusion.It is like an iceberg, only a little is exposed, and most of it is hidden under the iceberg.

In the conference hall, Zhenjun Fushu saw that everyone was in a low mood, and said: "In any case, now we are basically sure that Lan Shu is the one who broke the seal."

After the incident in Hai Yu, they once suspected that the blue book was just released by the person who unveiled the seal to confuse the audience. All the evidence has been repeatedly verified to be her, which makes people suspicious.

In addition, Lan Shu has the means of Zhenjun Yuanying. If it is her, there is no need to release the news of the secret treasure and lead everyone to muddle the water. She can enter the swamp and leave calmly with the means of Zhenjun Yuanying.

Based on this, they guessed that someone else opened the seal, and his cultivation level would not be too high. Although Lan Shu's cultivation base was not high, she was protected by the monks of the Empress Yuan Dynasty, which also ruled her out.

But now about the three True Monarchs Fu Jian, Qian Shu and Jin Lan, especially the two late Nascent Soul True Monarchs who killed Qian Shu and Jin Lan, all of them explained that the person who opened the seal was in the Remnant Ye Pavilion. Very high status.

Since the blue book has the protection of Yuan Empress True Monarch, its status must not be low.

Suxi Zhenjun of Phantom Palace reminded: "The mysterious person who appears later has a high status, and he may also be the one who broke the seal."

Zhenjun Fuguang added, "He is most likely related to the killer who attacked Zhenjun Jinlan. The attack method in his jade pendant belongs to that person."

"There's also the Mist Bee!" Suxi Zhenjun's eyes were sharp, "He used the Mist Bee in the Misty Swamp, and the Nascent Soul Killer who attacked Jin Lan that night relied on the Mist Spirit Bee to escape."

After several discussions, everyone felt that the person who revealed the seal was more confusing; on the other hand, Zheng Rui's soul search also encountered problems.

In order to prevent someone from blowing themselves up again, the killers were detained separately, and a barrier was set up outside. Even if they blew themselves up again, the threat was only to the person who was interrogated outside.

After Zheng Rui arrived, after conveying the meaning of the several true monarchs, he and Liu Shi prepared to do it themselves.

In a small room, a person sits quietly in the middle of the room and meditates with his eyes closed. It is a person with an ordinary face and no characteristics. He is so ordinary that he is thrown into the crowd, and it is difficult to notice him.

However, it was such a person who had been a guard in the Yin family, the largest family in Hengyue City, for decades. All the servants and subordinates of the Yin family knew him, and many masters also knew him.

It was inconceivable for the Yin family to find out that he was a spy. In the past few decades, he worked hard in the Yin family and rescued the children of the Yin family many times with his outstanding combat power.

He even became a Taoist couple with a woman with Wulinggen from the side branch of the Yin family, and had a son, so he was considered half of the Yin family.

Hearing them coming in, the people in the room didn't even lift their eyelids.

Zheng Rui sighed, wanting to give him another chance, "Shen Liu, if you don't tell me, we will search for the soul."

Shen Liu turned a deaf ear and kept his eyes closed.

"Why bother, you already have a wife and children, wouldn't it be good to live a bright and aboveboard life? Why do you still have to work for such evil organizations?"

Shen Liu still didn't open his eyes, but the eyeballs under his eyelids moved, and there was a touch of sarcasm and bitterness on his lips.

Seeing his reaction, Zheng Rui continued to talk about this topic, "Think about your wife and children. Your son is still young, and his wife's cultivation base is not high. Without your protection, how will they live? Especially when your identity is revealed, The Yin family has no reason to protect them."

Shen Liu still didn't respond, thinking of his wife and children made his heart even bitterer, if he said it, Geli would definitely kill them, if he didn't say it, they would have a chance to survive.

Zhengdao is no better than Canye Pavilion. In any case, they are the Yin family and have not participated in this matter. Zhengdao will not directly attack them.

At this time, someone rushed over, "Senior Brother Zheng, I can't search for souls."

"What?" Zheng Rui was in a daze for a moment. The spies caught this time were all at the foundation-building stage. Those here are all the elites of the sect, and they are also at the foundation-building stage. , how could it be impossible to search for the soul?
The person who came said helplessly: "Their souls can't be drawn out, it seems that something has locked them firmly in the body."

Shen Liu opened his eyes, it turned out that Devil May Cry still has this function, he felt sad, Can Ye Pavilion's means of controlling people is really powerful.

If you are caught, you can only wait to die, even if you flee back without saying anything, Ge Li will suspect that you have been instigated, and you will still die.

For those who are concerned about their hearts, such behavior will hurt their relatives, so naturally they dare not betray them; for those who have no worries, they are dead anyway, why should they be cheap and upright people, after all, they were trained by Remnant Night Pavilion since childhood, Acquiring a whole body of cultivation, and doing missions to kill people all the way, has long been at odds with the righteous way.

But in this life, being ruined by the Canye Pavilion like this, thinking about it, I really don't want to be reconciled.

From the day he became a Taoist couple with his wife, he has always been worried. If his identity is exposed, the situation of his wife and children will be righteous and benevolent if he can live.

And kindness is scarcer than natural treasures in the Canglan Continent. His eyes flickered slightly. Instead of placing hope on their illusory kindness, it is better
He looked at Zheng Rui who was in a daze, and gently opened his lips: "Let's make a deal."

"Are you willing to say it?" Zheng Rui was both delighted and surprised. He was still acting reckless just now, so why did he suddenly change his mind.

Shen Liu said lightly: "If you want to ask the headquarters of Canye Pavilion, I advise you to give up your mind."

If the lair is leaked, the people in the pavilion will definitely guess that someone leaked the secret. At that time, they must adhere to the principle that they would rather kill by mistake than let it go. His wife and children must not escape.

Zheng Rui also quickly understood this, pressed the question he wanted to know the most, and asked, "What do you want to exchange?"

"Let me tell you a very important news, you let the Yin family keep my wife and children alive."

The corners of Shen Liu's lips were ironic. In this case, it was not the four factions that killed his wife and children, but his own family.

It is a disgrace to the Yin family that the people of the tribe and the spies of the Canye Pavilion become Taoist couples. The survival of the wife and children is to remind the Yin family of this shame over and over again, and the people who can make the world forget this matter as soon as possible are the people who are related to it all die.

Zheng Rui nodded, there is nothing wrong with it, his wife and children are completely ignorant of this matter, so naturally the four factions of them will not harm the innocent.

Shen Liu stared straight at him, and said word by word: "You swear by your heart."

Liu Shi rolled his eyes. In this day and age, there are still people who believe in the heart demon oath, but Donglu is about to appear, and the heart demon contract is really effective for their four factions, especially the younger generation.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Shen Liu, did he know the news about Dong Lu's present life?

Zheng Rui had no objection, and immediately swore an oath.

The more Shen Liu paid attention to it, the more it showed that his wife and children were very important to him. Once this opening was made, he tried to keep him, maybe he could work for them.

 Thank you book friend 20190403152018629 for your monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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