Chapter 314
"It's not a solution for us to search without a clue. Does Shen Liu have any other tips?"

After searching several houses, but there was no clue, Yunli pretended to be impatient and probed, "He and Jing Wu are both secret agents lurking in the Yin family, so there should be some overlap, but I don't know who he is, his cultivation level, and his age? Don't you know?"

Zheng Rui sighed, "He only made this deal with us, even about that spy, he doesn't know much, he only knows that there is such a person who sneaked in, the specifics are male or female, cultivation base age, etc. I don't know."

Hearing this, Yunli's heart relaxed, but she muttered: "There is no such thing as a transaction, and we don't know anything, so how do we investigate it?"

Zheng Rui explained to her patiently: "The spies need to be careful not only with us righteous people, but also with their own people."

"The evil sect is different from us. They don't have the slightest sense of camaraderie. It's common for them to make trouble for each other. If others know his identity as a spy, they will cheat him someday. He doesn't know much. Normally, if he really knows that spy, we have to be careful, maybe it was a trap set up by Canye Pavilion..."

Yunli's eyebrows twitched, where only the evil faction should be careful about his fellow sects, and there are also many people who harbor ghosts among the decent sects.

However, Shen Liu doesn't talk too much, it's a good thing for her to say something. After all, the information a person knows is limited. If he discloses all kinds of information he knows to the four factions, after comparing the information of the two parties, it is impossible to say that he can really guess. some of my own business.

Next, they naturally didn't find out who Jing Wu was, and Yunli couldn't help being curious, this colleague hid quite deeply.

The five people turned back to the living room, and when they returned to the courtyard, they found a quaint mirror hanging at the door, exuding a copper-colored light. Under the dark yellow beam of light, a young man from the Yin family maintained a stepping posture, with a dazed expression. Leng.

Immediately, he looked terrified, waved his hands again and again, and said with a mournful face: "I really didn't bully my thirteenth sister. Her Qi Gathering Pill was snatched by Eleventh Brother, and then Eleventh Brother shared one with me. I really didn't snatch it."

Soon his fear faded away, and he walked in as if nothing had happened, as if he didn't know what happened just now.

At the gate of the courtyard, a direct descendant of the Yin family called the next one to come in. The little girl walked under the copper-colored light, her expression was still blank, and she panicked immediately: "Don't kill me, Seventh Sister, save me."

All Yunli thinks, can this mirror create an illusion?
A disciple of the Illusion Palace next to them gave them science popularization with a hint of showing off: "This is the dream mirror of the Seven Illusions of our Suxi Zhenjun. It can peek into people's hearts. This is just one layer, which can lead to the most feared things in people's hearts."

Yunli curled her lips. Generally speaking, the most feared thing to become a Canye Pavilion killer is identity leakage, but there is an exception to everything. If the other party has a strong psychological quality, the most feared thing is not this.

Zheng Rui looked outside the courtyard, there were not many people waiting, were the spies cautious and deliberately hiding behind, or were they in the wrong direction, and Jing Wu was not a member of the Yin family?

The last member of the Yin family passed the bronze mirror and still did not respond. Not long after, the Qihuanmeng mirror was withdrawn, and the two true kings left the Yin family with everyone.

After the 12 members of Tai Yizong left, Mrs. Yin said to a middle-aged man next to her with no expression on her face, "Go to the fifth room and say, girl Ling, mother and child must not die."

"Mother." The middle-aged man cried out, "keeping them is to remind the world all the time that our Yin family has a son-in-law who is a spy from Canye Pavilion."

"I'm not old enough yet."

A faint sentence blocked the man's mouth, and he took the order to go.

There is no light in the east and light in the west, and the Yin family's trip was fruitless, but Zhenjun Fushu and others found Hao 39 in the Xu family, and he was indeed a child of the Xu family.

This person is a soft bone. After being discovered, he explained everything in one brain. Unfortunately, he was threatened to join the Canye Pavilion after discovering another spy in the family. He had never been to the headquarters, and he knew nothing about other things. Know.

At present, this matter is limited to those who participated in the search from their four factions, the direct descendants of the Yin and Xu families and the heads of other families and sects know about it.

After the matter here came to an end, the three sects returned to their respective sects.

Knowing that Zhenjun Fuyu hadn't returned to the sect, Yunli immediately went to Taiqing Peak. Such a good opportunity happened to refine the panacea, so he couldn't miss it.

The afterglow of the setting sun quietly shines on the clear and black roof of Wanyun Palace, refracting bright rays of light. The bar covering the entire Wanqing Palace faintly reveals some colorful rays of light in the sun, and the side facing the door is still shining brightly. The four characters of 'Alchemy, Do Not Disturb' emerged.

Yunli smiled, they must have started refining, she was about to find someone to ask how long they had been in, when the restraint trembled suddenly, her heart also trembled, the reaction was so big, it couldn't be a blast Furnace it!
After another burst of violent shaking, the restraint was opened, and Mu Yan appeared at the door, her complexion as pale as thin paper, and her whole body dripping with sweat.

"How are you?" Yunli was worried, as if she had overused her spiritual sense.

"It's okay, it's just overdrawn spiritual power, just rest for two days, Mu Yan waved her hand.

Yunli felt a little relieved, "It was a fryer just now?"

Mu Yan nodded depressedly, "After we came back, we got Bai Yuelianxin and other medicinal materials and started to practice, but we have not been successful."

After so many years of alchemy, it has been a long time except for the initial introductory stage, and now I have re-experienced the original frustration.

Yunli's eyes darkened, and she comforted her immediately: "It's okay, let's try slowly, now I have to go to Tianyun City, and when I come back, I will find a solution with you."

The mission failed this time, and I happened to be in Hengyue City, so I had to go to Zuimenglou to explain what happened.

At this time, An Ran came out, the same pale and extremely weak, she said: "Stop by Jinye Pavilion and ask if there is a medicine garden with you."

Portable medicine garden?

It is a must for high-level alchemists. It is an upgraded version of the storage bag. It has different sizes and can grow spiritual plants. For alchemists, with a portable medicine garden, they have a mobile private medicine garden. It is hugely expensive, and the smallest one is several times higher than Linglong House.

Of course, it is incomparable with the Yunshu Immortal Mansion, which has complete rules and can operate on its own. The mechanism of the portable medicine garden is mainly to store a certain amount of light, water, oxygen, spiritual energy, etc. needed for the growth of spiritual plants.

She said: "Isn't it too ostentatious to buy a portable medicine garden during the foundation building period?"

Mu Yan had no choice but to say, "There's nothing you can do about it. A small part of the spiritual plants in Zhenjun Lingchu's medicine garden are still immature, and they can still be planted; some extra can be cut and can't be wasted; Those who keep the seeds are not in a hurry."

The main reason is that the plants in Taiqing Peak will definitely not escape the eyes of Zhenjun Fuyu, how will they explain where these rare spiritual plants come from.

Yunli frowned. In this way, the portable medicine garden really needs to be arranged, and they are going to Jiuliyuan Secret Realm, and they will stay for ten years. There must be a lot of rare and rare herbs in it, and the portable medicine garden is just needed.

An Ran rubbed the center of her brows, "We told Ye Chuchen last time that there is a medicine garden that will keep it for us. Go and ask if there is any stock."

"Out of stock?!" Yunli was speechless, is this thing so in short supply?Jinye Pavilion, the number one auction chain in mainland China, has no stock!
"The materials in the portable medicine garden are very scarce. Every time they are refined, high-level alchemists rush to buy them."

Mu Yan smiled lightly. She was so shocked when she first heard about it, especially at the time when she was just learning alchemy, and all her net worth was used to buy alchemy furnace spirit plants. shocked.

It was later discovered that alchemists only used spirit stones in the early stage, and they would no longer be short of spirit stones when they reached a high level. A large number of people came to them to refine elixir, and rushed to give them spirit stones. Naturally, the more medicine gardens, the better.

Yunli murmured: "Then the hope of getting it is too slim."

Fighting for financial resources with high-level alchemists, hehe, it's too hard to think about it.

Turning her eyes, she said: "Why don't we set up the secret medicine garden in Xiaomu Peak first, there is Xiaohei Town Mountain, and no one dares to go up, just need to stop Master Danyang."

Xiao Hei had a bad temper when he was a fifth-level monster, and he liked to play tricks on people when he was bored. There was no one around Xiaomufeng, and occasionally someone passed by would be worried. Now that he has become a seventh-level monster, no one dares to go up.

An Ran raised her eyebrows: "What about Cang Jie? The second senior brother specially assigned it to Xiaomufeng because he always made trouble for the second senior brother's medicine garden before."

Yunli was fierce: "If he dares to move, he will pluck all his hair!"

An Ran, Mu Yan:
The autumn rain kept falling, and the coolness was wrapped in the autumn rain.

In such cool weather, Yingmei waved her fan irritably and paced back and forth in the room.

Not long after the accident in Hengyue City, the pavilion kept urging Qianshi for information. A month ago, Taiyizong's spirit ship returned to Taiyizong smoothly, but Qianshi did not come back with him.

Now Lord Bailu and Ruoyi don't know whether they are alive or dead, Yueyi and Qianjiu have not yet returned to the pavilion, there is no news from Hengyue City, and it is completely unclear what is going on inside, Hengyue City is also surrounded by four factions. Under control, the only hope now is Qianshi who was also in Hengyue City at that time.

But Qianshi also suddenly disappeared, making people even more worried.

There was a gentle knock on the door, and the divine sense reached over, and a petite figure stood by the door at some point, her face was tightly wrapped in a cloak.

Ying Mei is slightly surprised, she uses her spiritual sense instead of her naked eyes, why is the face under the hood so indistinct and indistinct?

Opening the door to see who came, she breathed a sigh of relief, "Little ancestor, you are finally here, what is the situation in Hengyue City?"

Yunli walked into the room without saying a word, and waited for Yingmei to place the restraint again before she turned around and stared into her charming eyes, and said flatly, "Ying San is dead."

Ying Mei was stunned, the round fan in her hand fell to the ground with a "slap", her eyes were blank, and after a while, she came back to her senses, "Ying San? You said Ying San is dead?"

Her voice trembled imperceptibly, and her eyes were fixed on Yunli, full of disbelief.

"Blow up."

The two words that are light and fluffy are like a giant hammer, and the hammer is heavy on Yingmei's heart. He has been afraid of death since he was a child, how could he choose to blow himself up?

In the past, when the three of them went out to do missions, he always chattered endlessly, chatting about all possible situations and possible coping methods before giving up.

At that time, although I and A Jiang disliked his talkativeness on the surface, they took his words seriously. It was because of his timidity that they escaped many dangers in the mission and overcame difficulties one after another.

 Thank you book friend 20190914181853857 for your great reward! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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