all the way to fairy

Chapter 315 What's His Name?

Chapter 315 What's His Name?

A vague thought flashed through her mind, her eyes widened suddenly, and she opened her mouth, wanting to ask something, but her throat was dry and suffocating like a ball of cotton wool.

After a long time, she finally asked slowly word by word: "Why does he want it?"

Seeing those charming eyes full of sadness, and not seeing the old style anymore, Yunli couldn't bear it, and couldn't help but complain why she didn't tell Yingsan the truth last time.

I ran into him at the Jinye Pavilion auction that day, and I had already reminded Ying San that there was something hidden about what happened back then.

She told Ying San's last words truthfully, Ying Mei's eyes turned red immediately, and she choked up for a long time and said: "I hurt him."

Thinking back to that day, the bloody setting sun stretched his shadow very long, he slowly raised his head, as if he had struggled for a long time, and said eagerly: "When... what happened back then, do you have any difficulties?"

At that time, she was very surprised. For so many years, Ying San didn't want to see her, and he avoided the delivery once a year, and even thought of transferring to other cargo teams.

She thought that not telling him was protecting them, but now, he died in vain because he didn't know the truth.

The past was so vivid that her vision was blurred.

After a long time, she walked slowly to the window, looking at the pattering rain curtain, her voice was so soft that it was almost unreal, "He used to like rain the most."

Yunli raised her eyebrows, Yingsan she knew hated rain.

Ying Mei stretched out her hand out of the window, and droplets of water bloomed in her palm, "Because it's raining, we can't go out to play, so we can only stay indoors, eat snacks and listen to him talk."

Yunli was slightly stunned, this 'before' was probably before they had drawn their breath into their bodies, they were shadow characters, at least a hundred years old, so she still remembered such a long time ago.

"The day of the accident was also such a rainy day in autumn"

She still remembers that during the mission at sunrise, that fellow Axiu would babble endlessly after he came out of the mission hall, saying that he should stay indoors in such weather, warm a pot of wine, serve two plates of snacks, and gossip with his friends Homely is.

In the years to come, she thought more than once, if they had listened to his words that day and hadn't given up the mission, would something have happened.But when she thought of the Deputy Pavilion Master, she knew that this idea was just wishful thinking. From the moment he stared at her, their fate was doomed.

In the past, the three of them also trusted and supported each other. If they hadn't been targeted by that old man, they should be prefecture-level killers now.

Yunli asked, "How did he become a spy?"

This question has been on her mind for a long time. At first she thought that Ying San was just being targeted when he went to the stronghold, but later she found someone to ask, and it turned out that he was also a spy of the stronghold.

This is very strange. Although he is good at scouting intelligence, he is a talker, and the possibility of exposing his own information is also very high. It stands to reason that the pavilion will not let him become a spy.

Ying Mei shook her head, "Since he left Sky Cloud City that time, I haven't seen him again. If you didn't say it today, I would have thought he found other connections and was transferred to another cargo team."

After a while, she firmly grasped the window lattice, with a ferocious expression on her face: "I will definitely tear his body to pieces!"

Yunli's heart is heavy, the deputy pavilion master is a monk in the late Yuanying period, and his cultivation base is much higher than theirs, so it is not easy to kill him.

Moreover, the strength of the monks in the Remnant Ye Pavilion far surpassed those of the same level. The space transmission formation of the pavilion master Xingye allowed Mo You to escape from under the eyes of the real emperors of Yuanhou time and time again; Fighting down, she really didn't dare to underestimate the high-ranking monks in the Canye Pavilion. She sighed softly, and asked, "What's his name?"

Ying Mei was silent, and after a long time Fang said softly, "Feng Xiu."

"Feng Xiu." Yunli read it lightly, and said solemnly, "I remember it."

Ying San is their only friend in Canye Pavilion, she will definitely avenge him for this revenge!
Putting down this heavy topic, she asked, "Is there any news about my senior brother?"

After he escaped in the desert last time, there was no news of him, and the four factions did not find him. Although in that case, if there is no news, it is best to want news, but she is still a little worried.

Yingmei suppressed the deep pain in her heart, nodded and said: "He has already arrived in the Nanshan Department, and he should return to the pavilion to hand in the task in the next two days. Let's talk about the situation in Hengyue City. I will go back and report."

Yunli immediately picked and picked, and reported some irrelevant information.

After it was over, she got up and walked out. She was about to push the door, but stopped again, turned around and asked, "By the way, do you know who Jing Wu is?"

Ying Mei shook the hand of the fan, "Why, you also think he is from the Yin family?"

Yunli shook her head, "I'm just a little curious, this colleague hides really deeply, it's worth learning from."

"Her," Ying Mei blinked her eyes, and said meaningfully, "It's impossible for the Four Great Sects to find her."

What does it mean?Yunli was even more confused, impossible to find?Could it be that Jing Wu is a direct descendant of the Yin family? !
Just about to ask, Yingmei interrupted, "Okay, it's getting late, you hurry up and leave."

As he said that, he opened the door, and a gentle spiritual force pushed her out directly.

Yunli looked at the closed door, her heart was heavy, Yingmei's identity was indeed not simple.

Taiyizong, Wanqing Palace.

The bright pill fire was burning under the furnace, and the girl in red next to her looked serious, and pill formulas poured out from her hand, and fell on the pill furnace in an orderly manner, and the flames on it changed slightly.

On the other side, the slender girl raised her plain hand, and a spiritual plant flew out from the long table next to it and fell into the alchemy furnace. Then the movement of her hand slowed down, her expression was focused, and she felt the pain in the alchemy furnace. Lingzhi condensed into liquid little by little.

After it's done, raise your hand again and put in a new spiritual plant, sometimes alone, sometimes several together.

Beside the long table where the medicinal materials were placed, there was a girl in a yellow shirt sitting on her knees. She did nothing, but she was more nervous than the other two.

His eyes were fixed on the alchemy furnace, he held his breath involuntarily, and unconsciously squeezed his fists and pursed his lips from time to time.

Suddenly, the stove shook like a patient suffering from Parkinson's, and the flames below were out of control. It was blazing for a while, and it seemed to be dying for a while.

Yunli stood up awkwardly, stepped forward a few steps, the cry reached her throat, and she swallowed it back.

She retracted her outstretched hand, turned her head to look at An Ran, her white forehead was covered with dense beads of sweat, and then looked at Mu Yan, her face was also pale, she bit her lower lip tightly, and the movements of her hands gradually became difficult.

Finally, they couldn't hold on anymore, the furnace cover was blown away by a wave of air, and a thick blue smoke came out, and the pungent smell went straight into their noses.

Yunli rushed over to take a look, and saw that the pill furnace was a mess, the liquid medicine was all over the place, and there were some black marks on the furnace wall.

An Ran wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said discouragedly, "It's still not enough."

Failed again. On the way, she and Mu Yan had studied the alchemy thoroughly. After returning to the sect and getting the Baiyue Lianxin, they began to refine it. They failed one after another, except for the first one. It is all because of insufficient cultivation, insufficient temperature and spiritual consciousness to control the condensed pill.

If it wasn't for Jiuchonglou and Baiyue Lianxin that they didn't need to put the whole plant in, they would be finished after the first furnace failed.

"Hey, look at the bottom of the furnace!" Yunli exclaimed, at the bottom of the furnace, there was a white concretion the size of a grain of rice, which clearly had the embryonic form of the elixir.

An Ran was not interested, "It's far away, there is no way in a short time."

Yunli pondered, since the embryonic form appeared, it meant that their technique was indeed correct. The core part of alchemy was actually a problem of technique. Now the core was correct, but she was not reconciled to failure because her cultivation could not keep up.

Insufficient cultivation is due to the temperature of the pill furnace, the condensing and fusion of the medicinal liquid at the same time, and the double loss of spiritual power and consciousness. After thinking about it, she said: "How about I control the pill fire, and you concentrate on refining it?" system."

An Ran raised her eyebrows: "Do you know when the fire should be high and when it should be low?"

Yunli shook her head, and said again: "You can tell me."

After thinking for a moment, An Ran took out a jade slip and gave it to her, "Learn this set of tactics first."

This is a set of manuals for controlling the fire, and there is also a detailed explanation of the fire, the temperature of each level of fire, what color it will appear, and how much effect it will have on Lingzhi.

Yunli endured the boredom, while memorizing and understanding, while practicing with hand formulas.

Two days later, An Ran and Mu Yan were back to their best condition again, and Yunli's hand formula was mastered after two days and two nights of non-stop practice.

The three of them were going to start the furnace again, Zhenjun Fuyu would come back at some point, he was in Taiqing Peak, so it was not easy for them to refine the panacea as if no one else was around.

Mu Yan glanced at the gray sky, after a while, it will be dawn, early morning is the best time to pick Jiuzhonglou, she got up and greeted Yunli: "Let's go, let's go to Xiaomu Peak to get the spiritual plants."

The two of them first went to Tianxiang Tower to pack a big meal, and then transferred to Xiaomufeng. Cang Jie selflessly dedicated its territory, and also helped it as a guard for free. With such dedication, it cannot be treated badly.

"Help—" A sharp cry for help pierced the silent mountain forest at dawn.

Yunli held her forehead helplessly, this little black is playing tricks again.

Looking up from a distance, accompanied by screams, a figure flew out of the black shadows in a parabola. When the figure fell back to the woods, as the trees swayed, a huge black wing was revealed, and then he was caught again The fan flew out.

Yunli's face turned black, and the royal driving fan flew up to catch the fallen man who was still in shock. The man collapsed on the plantain fan, tears streaming down his face.

"Friend Daoist, didn't I ask you to go around?"

Seeing the person on the fan clearly, Mu Yan sighed, because she owed Mu Shaoxun favors and was anxious to go back to the sect at that time, she took advantage of the situation and suggested to bring him to the Taiyi sect, although he missed the entrance time, it is still possible to stay temporarily.

Considering that he is an alchemist, Danyang Zhenren specifically placed him near the medicine garden, so that he could exchange and study with the disciples of the Taiyi Sect, and he was also given a free visit to the outermost part of the medicine garden.

The way to the medicine garden would pass under Xiaomu Peak, and she had told him to take a detour, so why did she still go here.

 Thank you nanalyqa for your monthly pass! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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