Chapter 316
Mu Shaoxun wept bitterly, "The junior brother in the courtyard next door retreated and attacked the eighth floor of Qi training, and asked me to help take care of the medicine garden for two days. I got up late today. I thought Cang Jie was still sleeping at this time, so I wouldn't find out."

Yunli's eyes moved, he was in the foundation building stage, condescending to call the disciples of the medicine garden's outer sect Qi training stage junior juniors, but he kindly helped take care of Lingzhi, why did he think it was tricky?
Even if he wants to stay in Taiyi Sect again, it's useless to curry favor with a young disciple in the qi training period.

Thinking of the rare and rare grass they planted on the mountain a month ago, Yunli suddenly became vigilant. Could it be that he knew about their medicine garden and wanted to steal it? !

Mu Yan said helplessly: "Fellow Daoist Mu, it's better to go far away when going to the medicine garden in the future, Cang Jie has a bad temper and will hurt others.

Mu Shaoxun nodded again and again, "Thank you Fairy Mu and Fairy Yun for saving me, I won't dare to take shortcuts next time."

After finishing speaking, he wiped the sweat from his brow, and asked again: "What's the matter with the two fairies so early?"

Hey, you are quite courageous, and dare to inquire in person!

Yunli half-closed her eyes, shook the food box in her hand, and said leisurely: "I haven't seen Xiao Hei for a while, bring him something to eat, and he will have the strength to fight when he is full."

Mu Yan was startled, looked at Yunli, then glanced at Mu Shaoxun, feeling puzzled, what she said seemed to mean something.

Mu Shaoxun laughed dryly, "Those two fairies are busy, I'm going to the medicine garden first."

After he walked away, Mu Yan asked, "What's wrong?"

"Probably coveting Xiaomufeng's spirit fruit."

Outside, Yunli spoke vaguely, but Mu Yan understood that there were only ordinary spiritual fruits and vegetables on Xiaomu Peak, and those coveted spiritual fruits and spiritual plants were worthless, and most of them were their secret medicine gardens.

Going into the woods, I saw Cang Jie walking up and down the intersection impatiently from a distance. The moment it saw them, it immediately stood still and turned its head away from them.

Yunli supported her forehead, she was still so arrogant, didn't it mean that she hadn't seen him for a while, and she was being hypocritical.

She smiled and said, "I brought you something delicious."

Cang Jie immediately turned his head to look at the food box, couldn't help swallowing, felt ashamed after swallowing, and complained aggrievedly: "It's been a month, and you haven't seen me for a month!"

The resentful energy in the words made Yunli's head full of black lines, she learned it from some resentful woman in the boudoir.

She cleared her throat and said comfortingly, "We have something to do recently, you should practice hard, and when you finish your work in a while, I will take you out to play."

Cang Jie's emerald green eyeballs were dazzling immediately, "Really?!"

Yunli nodded, and asked while flying up the mountain: "Mu Shaoxun often comes here?"

"Yeah, it was fine before, but for some reason this month, I have been rushed three times." Cang Jie was very annoyed, looking at him like this, it seemed that he was the one who was tossed.

"Three times?" Yunli murmured, the first time may be due to unknown circumstances, the second time is due to luck, and the third time is due to ulterior motives.And it happened that they had just planted Lingzhi here within a month, hmph, it really was Lingzhi who coveted them!

"In the beginning, I frightened him, but today I am more courageous, and I have touched halfway up the mountain." Cang Jie gasped, and then said bitterly, "Human beings really push their feet!"

Mu Yan corrected, "Human beings are also different, we are also human, and your brother is also human."

"Brother is an exception!" Cang Jie said immediately.

Mu Yan: They are not exceptions, so they are also human beings who push forward.

What surprised Yunli was another point, the little black chicken actually gave Mu Shaoxun a chance, which was not his style.

She thought so, and asked the same question.

Cang Jie became even more depressed, "Eating people is short-sighted. After all, it was his spiritual fruit that saved my life. My brother said that he would give him some face. Who would have thought that he would be like this."

Yunli agrees with this point very much, if it is not for his spiritual fruit, or Daoist Danyang has many spiritual stones, in that case, it would be difficult to save Xiao Hei.Similarly, she couldn't get the Jiuzhong Building so easily, and she had to accept his love for this.

She gritted her teeth, and it was really annoying for people who push forward.

Soon they reached the top of Xiaomu Peak, and the two of them landed one at a time and walked to the back of the house.

After thinking about it, Yunli instructed again: "You take good care of this place, except for the three of us, no one or any monster can come here, especially Mu Shaoxun and Xiaomufeng, don't let him come up here."

"If he insists on coming up," she raised her eyes and said coldly, "Just save your life."

For those who push forward and do not know how to be satisfied, if you don't show some color, you really don't know who you are.

Cang Jie nodded vigorously, but Yunli was still worried: "No one, including your brother, can go to the medicine garden in the back mountain."

Mu Yan tugged at her sleeves, and said via voice transmission: "Is your request a little too strong for someone else? Daoist Danyang is his master, and master's orders cannot be disobeyed. I'm afraid he can't do it."

The last word was interrupted by Cang Jie nodding without hesitation, she was dumbfounded, "Whose soul pet is this? He listens too much to you!"

Cang Jie: "Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been difficult."

Yunli: ".Who taught you this?"

Is this sentence used in this way?What has he learned?
"Sister An Ran."

Yun Li, Mu Yan:
After picking the necessary spiritual plants in the morning light, the two returned to Wanqing Palace, prepared the ratio of medicinal materials, adjusted their respective states to the best, and the three started a new attempt.

Under An Ran's instructions, Yunli mobilized the pill fire at the ground dragon first, and pulled it to the bottom of the furnace. After the furnace was almost warm, Mu Yan put the first batch of medicinal materials such as Lanlianwu into the furnace, and then used the formula to condense the medicine into liquid.

After a while, An Ran grabbed the Sanbailing and threw it into the furnace, saying, "The third level fire on the left."

Mu Yan: "I only need level one here."

Yunli quickly condensed the Taoist formula, controlling the temperature and position of the flame, and the bright flame changed under the formula. Seeing that the two did not say that there was a problem with the fire, she breathed a sigh of relief.

The subsequent drug administration process went smoothly, and with the affirmation, Yunli's hand formula became more and more handy, and he still had the energy to use his consciousness to check the alchemy furnace.

I saw that under the pill fire, the furnace was foggy, and several liquids with different colors, viscosities, and transparency were rolling in the furnace. The Danjue played by the person is controlled, rolling in a special area.

As time passed slowly, Yunli fluttered her hands, controlling the bright flames, and kept making adjustments. She heard Anran Muyan's request that the flames be bigger and smaller, and she was a little stunned. somewhat familiar.

Oh, by the way, the cooking cook of the Princess Mansion often said this to the girl who burned the fire. Generally speaking, one maid is in charge of one stove, and sometimes someone asks for leave temporarily, and there is also a situation where one maid is in charge of two stoves.

Listening to what the cooks said, the maids either added firewood, loosened the burning firewood, or pulled out dry firewood, and the fire intensity also changed accordingly, which was really similar to my current situation.

Thinking of this, she chuckled.

An Ran looked at the alchemy furnace, there was nothing wrong with the hand formula, and the heat was not affected, so she glanced at her out of the corner of her eye, and asked strangely, "What are you laughing at?"

Yunli suppressed her laughter, "I feel like a fire girl, hahaha."

Speaking of the latter, she couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

Mu Yan couldn't help laughing, her thoughts were so clear.

The corners of An Ran's mouth couldn't help but curl up, and she warned: "Pay attention to the movements of your hands, don't let extreme joy turn into sorrow."

The loss of spirit stones in a waste refining furnace is a trivial matter. The key is that time waits for no one, and they don't have much time to experiment.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm paying attention." Yunli assured that she cared more about the success of the pill than both of them, so it was because their expressions were tense, so let them relax for a while.

Now that the condensed medicine has basically entered the late stage, the key is to control the temperature of the fire, not their elixir, just take this opportunity to relax.

The following alchemy is the most critical part of alchemy, it is extremely exhausting, and I have failed in this level the previous few times.It took a lot of mental energy before, and at this point, the energy and spiritual power are not enough. Although she is helping to control the pill fire now, it is not a problem for them to be tense all the time.

After a while, An Ran let out a deep breath, took out a drop of red yeast nectar and dropped it into the alchemy furnace, and said solemnly: "Start melting the alchemy."

The two of them changed their gestures, controlling the fusion of different liquid medicines, and at the same time whispered the heat requirements to Yunli.

The red demon blood entered the furnace, and the deep and shallow green was dyed with red clouds. At this time, the inside of the pill furnace can be said to be full of clouds and clouds, which is very beautiful.

Yunli cheered up 12 and strictly followed their words, not daring to make the slightest difference.

After another boring and tense two days, the alchemy phase was finally successfully completed, and the three of them were relieved. They had been defeated by the alchemy several times before.

Entering a new stage, they immediately encountered a new problem-insufficient temperature.

As another important link in the alchemy process, extremely high temperatures are required to quench and condense the pills into pills. This is another reason why high-level pills need to be above the golden pill stage to be refined.

A monk at the golden core stage can integrate his own original elixir fire to increase the temperature, but a monk below the golden core stage does not have such conditions.

Yunli gritted her teeth, and the spiritual power in her dantian gushed out like a tide. After several transformations, it was transformed into a fire spirit technique and injected into the pill fire. With the help of these fire spiritual powers, she held on for a while. An Ran frowned: "Need more High."

The continuous output of spiritual power is already exhausting, and just now there is a large amount of spiritual power output, the dantian is already empty, and now only the spiritual power of the limbs and bones is left to support the fight.

(End of this chapter)

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