all the way to fairy

Chapter 318 The Most Suspected

Chapter 318 The Most Suspected

Two months later, Remnant Night Pavilion, Xingyao Mountain.

Wei Lin turned a corner and met Yue Yi unexpectedly. This was the first time they met after their mission.

The two of them went back to the pavilion, and Yueyi escaped easily all the way, but after all, two fists were no match for four hands, so many people chased them, and they also suffered some injuries, so they retreated to heal their injuries as soon as they came back;
Wei Lin ran fast, and was only affected by Zhenjun Fushu's flag gun attack, but Zhenjun Yuanying's attack, even if it was only affected, was seriously injured, and he was still recovering after returning.

"I heard that you have been retreating since you came back, have you been injured?" After being stunned, Yue Yi asked.

Wei Lin nodded, he didn't want to talk about his experience, so he asked: "I heard that Master Bai Lu also returned from a serious injury, is he feeling better?"

"I just woke up today, so the pavilion master invited everyone to ask questions."

While talking, two people came out from the path ahead, they were Lan Shu and Mo You.

Wei Lin said seemingly unintentionally: "This time the four major factions clearly came prepared."

Hearing this, Yue Yi's eyes were dark, who on earth leaked the news and wanted to put them to death?

His eyes fell on Yan Xiaoyan's Lan Shu, could it be her?
It's not the first time she doesn't know how to measure, if she didn't shake the foundation of the cabinet in order to get rid of Qian Jiu, the four major factions wouldn't be chasing them like this.

"Why don't the two juniors go in, what are you talking about?" Lan Shu asked with a gentle smile on his face.

Yue Yi felt that the smile was very dazzling, and couldn't help choking: "Master respects you, if a senior uncle dies, the senior sister will be able to laugh."

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, Ruo Yi died?Didn't Bai Lu go deep into Tianxin Pavilion alone?How did Ruoyi die?

This time, Bai Lu's strength not only exceeded the expectations of the four major sects, but also far exceeded their expectations. He thought it was a dead end, but he escaped.

"Senior Brother Yueyi!"

Mo You called out in a low voice, and then tried to smooth things over: "Senior Uncle Bai Lu was seriously injured, and Senior Brother Yue Yi was overly sad, and he couldn't choose what to say at the moment. I hope Senior Sister will forgive me."

Lan Shu's face was even uglier, but it was only a serious injury during a mission, which was very common for a killer, and it was worth making a fuss about getting an injury.

She snorted coldly and flung her sleeves away.

She didn't appreciate it, Mo You was a little embarrassed, looked at the two of them, forced a smile and said: "Let's go in too, don't make the pavilion master and all the uncles and uncles wait for a long time."

In the meeting hall, almost all the high-level members of the cabinet were there, and the deputy cabinet master who hadn't seen for a long time appeared. Bai Lu was sitting on the armchair, her face was almost transparent, her breath was extremely weak, and Ying Mei was standing slightly behind the pillar with her head down. At one point, the shadow half covered the face, and the expression could not be seen clearly.

After a while, Ruoqi brought Shen Yi in, and waved to activate the ban on the meeting hall.

After all the people gathered, Xing Ye turned around and said, "The latest news, apart from the large and small strongholds, all the spies we buried in the family in Hengyue City were dug out one by one, and none were left behind."

His voice was very weak, and he couldn't hear the joy, but the people below were so arrogant that they didn't dare to make a sound. Just yesterday, a member of the mission hall who came to Xingyao Mountain to report was almost strangled to death by Zhenjun Xingye. The pinch marks haven't gone away yet.

Although it took a day to digest, who can be sure that the anger of the pavilion master has dissipated.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Xingye sneered: "Yue Yi, tell me about your experience, starting from entering Hengyue City."

Yue Yi hurriedly took a step forward, explaining how his group entered the city, how they met Yunli by chance, how they made an appointment to meet at Fei Miao Xuan, how he responded when the incident happened later, and how he went through hardships and dangers to avoid the four factions. After chasing and fleeing back to the cabinet, everything happened quickly and accurately.

Xing Ye didn't ask any questions, and then asked Wei Lin to talk about his experience, after Wei Lin, there was Mo You.

After the three of them finished speaking, Xingye Fang said coldly: "This operation is not only about the base, but also if you die, you must thoroughly investigate to the end!"

As soon as these words came out, Wei Lin obviously felt the stagnation of everyone in the hall. He glanced around from the corner of his eye, and most of the people had surprised expressions on their faces.

Obviously, they didn't know about it either.

After a long while, Ruo Qi looked at Bai Lu, his eyes filled with disbelief: "How could it be, senior brother is a master in the cabinet, how could it be, died?!"

Bai Lu's usually indifferent face rarely showed a trace of sadness, and he told the matter slowly, "The four major sects are chasing after him."

"Please Pavilion Master thoroughly investigate this matter!" Ruo Qi was furious, someone must have leaked this matter, so far, Can Ye Pavilion has not failed such a big task.

Xing Ye's eyes were sharp: "You are in charge of the mission hall, and you have verified all the details of the mission release."


He turned his eyes around the deputy pavilion master and Mang Zhong, pondered for a while, and said: "Mang Zhong, take someone to Hengyue City to investigate, and Ying Mei cooperates."

Xingye arranged the manpower swiftly and vigorously. From the release of the task, and after the five people left the cabinet, all the personnel involved in the Tianxin Pavilion were checked.The most important thing is naturally the passage after arriving at Hengyue City.

Yue Yi was dripping with cold sweat. Earlier, the pavilion master asked the three of them how they arrived at Hengyue City. Besides, was he suspecting that the three of them had leaked secrets?

Mo You bit her lip, and said boldly, "To the Pavilion Master, I think the person who leaked the secret this time is most likely to be suspected."

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt two cold gazes on her body, and a cool voice sounded beside her, sending chills down her back, "Junior Sister Mo must have evidence for what she says."

Mo You froze, she clenched her fists, and instead of looking at Wei Lin's cold eyes, she analyzed methodically: "In Hengyue City, apart from us, she is the only one who knows about this operation. "

"Then you are also suspected." A voice suddenly interrupted.

Wei Lin was taken aback for a moment, and looked up to the left side in amazement, with a cold glint in his eyes and a cold expression.

Mang Zhong didn't like Mo You, he knew that, after all, Wen Ming was abolished for Mo You to get the Buddha's relic, it's normal that Mang Zhong didn't like her, but he never let her step down directly.

Mo You's face turned red. After coming to the Remnant Ye Pavilion, although everyone talked about her behind her back, because of her identity as a member of the Shuangjiang tribe, the Pavilion Master valued her, and no one had ever embarrassed her in person.

Wei Lin withdrew his gaze, and said: "Pavilion master Mingjian, Qianshi went to Feimiaoxuan, and the other strongholds are unknown, and the accident is not limited to Feimiaoxuan."

Yue Yi also hurriedly said: "Before we set off, Master told us that we only knew the location of Fei Miao Xuan, and we didn't know anything about the rest."

Wei Lin was speechless, so there was no need to remind him so clearly, he was so eager to get rid of it, it seemed that there was a ghost in his heart.

Mang Zhong once again chimed in: "Thousands and ten things are related to Donglu, so we must be cautious."

Not to mention Wei Lin now, most people in the room looked at him in astonishment, only one or two people showed their eyes clearly.

Xingye ignored their distinction, and said in a low voice, "Yingmei."

"Since Qianshi met at Fei Miao Xuan that day, she has been staying in the inn without going out. According to her, she accompanied an alchemist to make alchemy until the Taiyi Sect Zhenjun Fushu and others arrived later."

Xing Ye: "Verified?"

Ying Mei nodded: "There are people coming and going in the inn, and no one has seen her go out; Hengyue City had an accident in several bases at the same time. According to her, the four major sects have already figured out our bases, and they still have a detailed report in their hands. Enter and exit personnel list."

She paused, "Qianshi is also on the list. Because she was disguised at the time, we haven't found her yet. If we don't think of a way, it will be a matter of time before we are exposed."

Xing Ye was silent for a moment, then said: "Find a disciple with similar stature and walk around Hengyue City."

Hearing this, Wei Lin heaved a sigh of relief. This was a nonsense that Mo You didn't believe. He glanced at Mo You coolly, but he was just a test product of the Blood Underworld Kung Fu, and he really regarded himself as an onion.

Yingmei's report is still going on, "The four major factions found the list of spies from the family in Fei Miaoxuan, and only then did they find out our spies one by one."

At this point, she paused, and continued: "Except for Jingwu, the other people on the list have been found out by the four major factions."

"Jing Wu?" Xingye frowned, "It's been more than a year, and the list hasn't been updated?"

"It's the subordinate's dereliction of duty."

This should prove Qianshi's words in disguise, the four major factions got the list and are checking people according to the list, because Jing Wu died long ago, if someone leaked the secret, the four major factions would not look for a dead person.

Ying Mei glanced at Wei Lin calmly, since they have formed an alliance, they must cooperate sincerely, the two of them will live well, and the chances of revenge will be greater.

Things froze again at this point. The stronghold of Hengyue City is basically confirmed by the four major factions in advance, but the task of assassinating Zhenjun Jinlan must have been leaked!

Hearing that their focus had been on the release and execution process, Wei Lin slightly raised the corners of his lips.

The questioning of several executives was over, and then a group of high-level executives had to discuss how to deal with it. Wei Lin and others who were not qualified to observe were invited out of the conference hall.

"Qianjiu, wait a minute." As soon as he walked out of the meeting room, Mang Zhong chased him out.

 Thank you Qingda for the monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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