Chapter 319
Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, he felt that he was abnormal just now, so it turned out that he was asking for something.

For a lore to let go of his identity and speak for a junior who doesn't want to see him, what he wants must be very important to him.

He turned around and called his uncle calmly, waiting for Mang Zhong to speak.

Mang Zhong looked at the calm and calm young man in front of him, and he was filled with emotion for a moment. Over the years, under pressure from the pavilion, he not only coped with it freely, but also grew very fast.

In front of him, the genius disciples of the four major sects are just a joke. If Mo You didn't expose his identity from time to time, those so-called geniuses might not even be able to find his shadow.

Mo You has been by his side all these years, and he has not found any clues about the power behind him. His cultivation and action trajectory are all normal.
He suppressed the turbulent thoughts in his heart and said: "In this alchemy assessment, Daoist Danyang of the Taiyi Sect refined the Golden Sudden Pill. I would like to ask you to help Qianshi find a way to get the Golden Sudden Pill, no matter what method It will be all right."

Yingmei at the side glanced at Mangzhong, then lowered her head thoughtfully.

Mangzhong's attitude was very low, and he didn't rely on his status as a lore to give orders, but promised a high reward, "After the matter is completed, two Yingying Pills will be rewarded."

Golden Sudden Pill?
Wei Lin suddenly realized that it was for Wen Ming's sake, no wonder Mang Zhong put down his airs.

This condition won his heart, and now both of them are in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and are about to break through the late stage of foundation establishment, and will spend the next ten years in the secret realm of Jiuliyuan.

If it is a coincidence, if there is a chance to form a pill, because there is no delay in the formation of the baby pill, it is really not worth the loss, but the baby knot given by Mangzhong
Wei Lin smiled and pointed to Yingmei on the other side: "I often go on missions, I don't know when I'll see her again, why don't uncle ask Aunt Yingmei for help."

Mangzhong shook his head: "This is our private transaction, so don't bother others."

It's not that he doesn't want to, but Qianshi's mission is to find out about Donglu's affairs. If she doesn't want to help, she can refuse on the grounds that her identity will be exposed and the mission will be affected. Ming'er's affairs can't wait. If you miss this one, next time One can't say for sure.

Wei Lin pondered for a while, and said: "There is no guarantee of success, I will tell her to give it a try if I have a chance."

I don’t feel safe eating Jieying Pill, but I can still sell spirit stones. After placing two big orders, I almost lost my fortune, and it’s good to get blood back.

In addition, Wen Ming is not bad, with good talent. If he is good, one more genius will be active in the four major factions and help him to disperse his attention.

After getting his promise, Mang Zhong thanked him politely, and returned to the meeting hall.

After he left, Yingmei slowly raised her head, her eyes swept over the faces of several people, and she smiled charmingly: "I'll go ahead, you can do whatever you want."

Wei Lin glanced at the two of them, doubts abounded in his heart, what is the relationship between these two people?
Her eyes seemed to stay on Lan Shu for a moment, and there was a flash of complexity on her face.

And Lan Shu's reaction is also very interesting, she has always boasted that she is approachable to her subordinates, but she has an undisguised hatred for Ying Mei, she doesn't even bother to look at her, as if looking at her will dirty her eyes.

The night is like thick ink that cannot be melted, and you can't see your fingers.

Jing Shisan walked towards the residence with a tired face. With Ruoyi's death, Geli became more and more dissatisfied with Lan Shu. They didn't dare to do anything to Lan Shu, but they didn't have such concerns about Jing Shisan .

All kinds of daily difficulties and non-cooperation made Jing Shisan's work very difficult, and he couldn't tell Lan Shu about these small things, so he had to bear it silently.

Under the cover of the night, he rarely took off his disguise, showed a tired face, and walked slowly along the path, thinking about how to deal with the unresolved matters while walking.

"Hey, do you want me to report this matter?"

As he was walking, he suddenly heard a long sigh, the voice was very familiar to him, it was Ying Mei.

Without even thinking about it, he immediately hid himself and held his breath, drifted a short distance in the direction of the sound, and listened quietly.

"This matter is really difficult. You should think about it again. I don't understand intelligence, but reporting it based on guesswork is indeed against the basic principles of spies."

It was Mingsan with a rough yet heroic voice.

Jing Shisan was a little surprised, he didn't expect Yingmei and Mingsan to still have friendship!

One of them is the chief intelligence officer of Tianyun City, and the other is the chief delivery officer of Qingyang City. When did they have friendship?
"Isn't it? But if she really has obtained the qualification to enter the secret realm of Jiuliyuan, we may not even be able to stop her in the Taiyi sect. If the pavilion master blames it for this, what should we do?"

Jing Shisan was taken aback, Qian Shi was going to Jiuliyuan Secret Realm? !

"Now you can only pay attention. Once you find out that she is participating in the selection of Taiyi's immigration personnel, report it immediately."

Ying Mei sighed again, "I'll pack up and go back to Sky Cloud City tomorrow, so take care."

Jing Shisan took a deep breath, turned his feet, and went to Lan Shu's yard.

Sky Cloud City.

Mo Huai walked out of the Lin's house with a gloomy face, and Lin Xi followed behind him step by step, chattering non-stop, with joy all over his body.

A trace of disgust flashed across Mo Huai's face, and he quickened his pace unconsciously. As if Lin Xihuai hadn't noticed this slight change in him, he still kept saying, "It was so funny at the time, he was so shocked that he sat on the ground."

At this time, a touch of green passed by, and Mo Huai glanced at it casually. When he found the familiar figure on the green fan-shaped magic weapon, he tiptoed and chased after it without hesitation.


Lin Xi's joking and joking stopped abruptly, she blinked her eyes, stared blankly at the corner where Mo Huai disappeared, a little at a loss, after a while, she asked the maid next to her uncertainly, "Did I say the wrong thing just now? "

The servant girl shook her head, her face showing embarrassment, "It should be something temporary, just now a monk driving a fan-shaped magic weapon flew over, and Mr. Mo seemed to be chasing her."

The servant girl Xu'er knows very well what her young lady is like. She always likes to be lively and doesn't like to stay in Taiyi School. If it wasn't for Mr. Mo, she would have gone home to live long ago.

In the past few years, Mr. Mo has been away, and she has almost always lived at home. After cultivating, she wandered around Tianyun City with her sisters, bickered with other ladies from other families, and lived a very comfortable life, instead of spending days and nights on Taiyi Peak. to practice.

Lin Xi's expression changed, and she hurriedly asked, "Is it the green plantain fan?"

There are not many monks who use fan-shaped flying instruments, and with Mo Huai's reaction, she is almost sure that it is Yunli!

However, in the depths of her heart, she couldn't help feeling a little lucky. Not many monks used the fan magic weapon, but she wasn't the only one. Maybe, as Xu'er said, Brother Huai had discovered some suspicious person.

Xu'er's nod shattered her fantasy, and her face instantly paled almost unreal. It's not that she didn't notice Mo Huai's subtle changes in her when she came back this time, but she just didn't want to admit it.

When you like someone, you will unconsciously pay attention to everything about him, understand the various emotions hidden in his flat tone, see clearly the different meanings behind every look and movement of him, and capture every trace of him. Minor changes.

In the past, he was just impatient with her, but after coming back this time, his impatience reveals a faint disgust, those disgusts are not under his control, they always come out inadvertently and are quickly suppressed by him.

Because of this, she felt very sad. He hated her, out of his instinct.

Yunli was about to wander around Zuimenglou, and if Yingmei came back, she would change her disguise and go in to find her. After all these years of contact, she had long suspected that Yingmei was not only the person in charge of Tianyun City's intelligence.

And the last test proved this.

As the person in charge of Tianyun City's intelligence, she knew about the spy Jing Wu who was far away in Hengyue City. Not many people knew about Jing Wu's kind of spy who infiltrated top families.

Apart from the high-level officials such as Pavilion Master Lore, the one who knows the most clearly is Jingwu's immediate superior, the chief intelligence officer of Hengyue City, and the chief intelligence officer of Canye Pavilion.

In this way, Yingmei's identity is self-evident, and she is very likely to be the chief intelligence officer of the Remnant Night Pavilion hiding in the dark.

It's just a little strange, as the person in charge of intelligence, she didn't know that Yingsan became a spy and went to Hengyue City stronghold.

Seeing Mo Huai chasing after her, she could only give up her original plan and stop in mid-air to wait for him to come.

She was a little surprised, since Shuying Xiaozhu found Mo You's trace, Mo Huai has been chasing Mo You's ass outside these years, and he will go immediately if there is news of Mo You anywhere.

She thought that he would come back at the last moment of the assessment.

 Thank you Lei Siyan (*^O^*) for the big monthly ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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