all the way to fairy

Chapter 320 The Vision of Foundation Establishment

Chapter 320 The Vision of Foundation Establishment
She took the initiative to stop but failed to disperse the cold air in Mo Huai's body. As soon as he came up, he asked coldly: "What are you doing here?"

Yunli showed a smile, "Hey, isn't the assessment of various sects and sects about to start? I made some talismans and specially sold them in the Spirit Talisman Hall. I have to take this opportunity to earn more spirit stones and pay off the debt as soon as possible!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the surrounding temperature dropped another degree, she rubbed her arms, this girl is not Bing Linggen, why is it hissing and air-conditioning every day.

"To sell talismans, come in through the west gate." Mo Huai half-closed his eyes dangerously, his face was so gloomy that water dripped out, and his voice was so cold that it was icy cold.

The enemy slipped away from under his nose again and again, Mo Huai's mood can be imagined, and he knew her identity, at this juncture, Yunli didn't want to provoke him, if he spread his depression on her, it would be really The loss outweighs the gain.

She smiled embarrassingly, "I'm too excited to think about the money rolling in on the road, I'm flying over my head."


Lin Xi, who was chasing after her, immediately sneered when she heard this.

Yunli looked at her, then at Mo Huai, Mo Huai came back, Lin Xi must be following her every step of the way, could it be that Mo Huai was chasing her in front of Lin Xi?
Thinking of this, she couldn't help but rolled her eyes, because of Mo Huai, she had endured so many inexplicable targets from Lin Xi.

Heartbroken, she ignored Lin Xi's black face, and said to herself: "I suddenly remembered that I haven't fed Xiao Hei yet, let's go first, you are busy."

After speaking, without waiting for their reaction, the royal driving plantain fan ran away at lightning speed.

Mo Huai leaned slightly and was about to chase when Lin Xi grabbed his arm.

She smiled sweetly: "Let's go to Xu Ji first and then go to Su's house. Sister Yu likes Xu Ji's golden dew crisp the most."

Mo Huai looked around calmly, and there was indeed a Spirit Talisman Hall not far away, but no one would believe the lame reason for flying over his head.

"Brother Huai?" Seeing that he didn't respond, Lin Xi called out a little nervously, and her hand that was holding his arm loosened unconsciously.

Mo Huai came back to his senses and nodded, "Okay."

After getting rid of the two of them, Yunli hurried back to the Taiyi School, dragging a young disciple to ask that Zhenjun Fuyu hadn't returned yet, so she hurried to Taiqing Peak.

Seeing An Ran, she couldn't help but take out something and stuff it into An Ran's arms: "This is for you."

An Ran looked at the fluffy cub in her arms, her heart skipped a beat, and she almost couldn't help throwing it out, exclaiming: "Fourth-order monster!"

"It's a cub of the Xuanshuang Yanhu with the blood of the ancient Xuanshuang White Tiger." Yunli smiled, and she felt that her tongue was twisted after she finished speaking, and she didn't know if An Ran understood. It's a little bit off."

Seeing that the little boy in his arms didn't show any attack, but flustered, An Ran felt at ease, and murmured, "It's not like Cang Jie."

Cang Jie is arrogant and loves to tease people, all the disciples around Cyanwood Peak do not dislike him, and this little tiger cub with the blood of the ancient Xuanshuang White Tiger, although it is a fourth-order monster, is not the slightest ferocious. The eyes are so cute that people's hearts melt.

Suddenly arriving in a new environment and being stuffed into the arms of a stranger named Xiu, the young Xuanshuang Yanhu was a little frightened, staring at Yunli pitifully with her cute and cute eyes.

Yunli patted its soft head reassuringly, "Don't be afraid, Sister An Ran is fine, you will follow her from now on and protect her well."

An Ran also reached out and stroked its back, "It will take a few years for it to protect me, but it's good to relieve boredom."

Yun Lishen smiled mysteriously, opened the spirit beast bag at her waist, motioned her to look, and lowered her voice: "I brought the tiger father and mother, and put them quietly in the Mountain of Beasts later. If you encounter danger, run to the Mountain of Beasts, they will protect you."

If as expected, both Su Xu and Wen Xueluo will go to Jiuliyuan Secret Realm, so that there will be no one around my cousin.In ten years, any misfortune could happen, and she wouldn't worry if she didn't take some protective measures.


An Ran was moved. She had to face Fuyu alone in the next ten years. She was not afraid in her heart. Facing the complacency of the two, she didn't mention anything.

They are facing so many crises, becoming stronger is the most thorough way to get rid of the crisis, and Jiuliyuan Secret Realm provides a good opportunity.And every time she saw her cousin wandering around under the noses of the Yuanying Zhenjun, she couldn't help but feel frightened, she might as well go to the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm to hide for a while.

She didn't mention it, but her cousin thought of it a long time ago, and the corners of her lips curled into a beautiful arc, "Is this why you went away?"

"That's right." Yunli smiled, "Usually you take Xiao Hei with you when you go out, the blood of Kunpeng, the speed is incredible, and it's already the seventh step. If you encounter danger, you can't beat it, and you can always escape."

"But if you encounter the Nascent Soul Stage, then it won't work."

She pouted her lips towards the main peak of Taiqing, this Nascent Soul Stage refers to Fuyu Zhenjun, as long as he is not a moth, basically no other Nascent Soul cultivator will attack her cousin.

"If you really encounter the Nascent Soul stage, let Xiao Hei hold on, and you run quickly, go to the Hundred Beasts Garden to find the tiger father and mother, let them create some trouble, and take you away while taking advantage of the chaos."

Xiao Hei is not only Daoist Danyang's favorite pet, he is an important existence to the entire sect.

With Kunpeng's bloodline, as long as he doesn't die halfway, it is a certainty that he will reach the twelfth level, and there is even a great possibility of ascension.As Daoist Danyang's spiritual pet, his growth also strengthened the sect's strength.

Fuyu will not kill him easily, if he grabs a little bit, he still has a chance to escape.

Although the tiger father and the tiger mother are not as powerful as Fuyu Zhenjun, but with the wisdom of the tiger father, it should be possible to create some troubles in the beast garden and take her out of the sect by taking advantage of the chaos.

After thinking for a while, she added: "If it doesn't work, I think it's okay to ask Zhenjun Fuguang to block it. He looks very decent. You can make up the reason at random. If you don't really trust someone, don't just think about it." It’s all said, and.”

"Okay, okay," An Ran was both funny and moved, "When did you nag like this? I'm not stupid. I only trust you in this Canglan Continent."

Yunli pouted, "I'm serious."

She is really worried. Fuyu is a monk of the Yuan Dynasty and the ruler of the Taiyi sect. She is really determined to do something to her. No one can do anything to get him. Her protective measures may not be effective.

Just as she was about to explain a few more words, she suddenly smelled the fragrance of flowers at the tip of her nose, and she froze immediately, the fragrance was somewhat familiar.

"Where does the fragrance of flowers come from?" An Ran frowned, got up and walked to the window to look out.

"It's Ah Yan!" Yunli jumped up and rushed to the door of Mu Yan next door, excited, "She is building a foundation!"

Some fragments flashed quickly in her mind, and she remembered, Mu Yan's alchemy furnace was full of this flower fragrance, but the smell on the alchemy furnace was very, very weak, and it was infected with the smell of various spiritual plants, she didn't feel it for a while discern.

"Building the foundation?" An Ran whispered softly, and then she thought of something, and suddenly raised her head to look at the direction where Yunli rushed out, "Could it be that this is the vision of building the foundation?"

Cultivators with excellent talent or profound celestial karma will have corresponding visions according to their spiritual root attributes and physical talents when their foundation is about to be established, such as her.

She has a single-fire spiritual root, and the purity of the spiritual root is extremely high. When the foundation was first established, the surrounding fire was soaring, the ice and snow melted, and the cold winter turned into a scorching summer in a blink of an eye.
Ah Yan has three spiritual roots, her talent is not considered good, and she even has the vision of foundation establishment!

"Wow wow wow!" Yunli's surprised voice came from outside, An Ran came back to her senses and hurried out.

On the edge of Mu Yan's house, tender green grass sprouts emerged from the ground one by one, growing and climbing along the wall, and after a while the whole house was shrouded in lush greenery.

The petals of light pink and near white fall endlessly from nothingness, accompanied by the gentle breeze, swaying and flowing, like a dream.

The sky is cloudy and misty, with faint rays of light flickering, and the singing of fairy birds, an auspicious scene.

People who noticed the movement in the surrounding mountains flew over one after another and landed in front of the house. One of the middle-aged men saw An Ran and walked up quickly and asked, "Little Junior Sister, who is building the foundation?"

Hearing this, the excited Yunli turned her head and looked at him. She had similar features and eyes to Su Xu. He should be the first disciple of Zhenjun Fuyu and Su Xu's grandfather, Daoist Danyin.

Seeing him, An Ran saluted first before replying, "Mu Yan."

Daoist Dan Yin frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and asked in astonishment: "That Taoist boy of yours?"

"Well, it's her."

An Ran breathed a sigh of relief, and now she is basically sure that she will be alone in the next ten years. Unlike militants such as Fa Xiu and Jian Xiu, almost no alchemist is willing to go to Jiuliyuan Secret Realm.

There are many dangers inside, and you can't take care of yourself. No one is willing to protect an alchemist who has little combat power. According to records, no alchemist has ever come out of it alive. As time goes by, no one is willing to go.

But ten years is too long, and there is no certainty about what will happen inside. In order to improve the survival rate of an elite disciple of a sect, it is necessary to bring an alchemist.

Therefore, each faction will appoint an alchemist to go there in the end, and promise a high reward. Ah Yan volunteered to sign up, and the sect was so happy, as there was no competition at all.

 Thanks to Duan Birong for the reward, the monthly ticket, and Bunny/yiw for the big monthly ticket! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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