Chapter 321
A female cultivator next to her asked the person next to her uncertainly, "I remember that Mu Yan is a three-spiritual root, right? Three-spiritual roots also have foundation-building visions?"

"Water, wood and soil three spiritual roots."

That person also had an unbelievable expression on his face. Although Mu Yan was just a Daoist boy, she was the Daoist boy of the Peak Master's young apprentice.

In addition to the bad name, the treatment is actually better than them. They live in the spiritual vein with the most spiritual energy. Some ordinary spiritual plants don't need to be bought at all. They can just get Anran's name directly from the medicine garden.

Everyone envied her so much, they inquired about her situation in private.

The other woman looked at the hut of Huafei and Birdsong with a complicated expression, and added softly: "The purity of spiritual roots is only 53, 75, and 51 in order."

Yunli narrowed her eyes slightly, how did she know such finely locked data?Except during the entrance test, no one would talk about the purity of their spiritual roots, let alone in front of outsiders, Ayan seldom spoke much.

She looked over, and saw the girl in the blue dress, with an oval face, a beautiful nose, and beautiful eyes. She had some impressions, and she also came from Liang Guo. She seemed to be a child of the Xu family in Linchuan. Both are small and don't have a deep impression of each other.

The sect she entered with Ah Yan knew her spiritual root data, so it was not unusual, Yunli looked away.

As soon as the woman's voice fell, there was a sound of gasping around. The monks with double spiritual roots may not have the vision of foundation establishment. There are only three spiritual roots. The purity of the spiritual roots is slightly better except for the wood spirit root, and the other two are not very good. It is unbelievable no matter how you think about it.

Master Dan Yin pinched his beard and sighed: "Surrounded by auspicious clouds, immortals and birds are singing together, the little girl is destined to be immortal."

As soon as these words came out, the people around were even more envious, since Daoist Dan Yin said so, he must be right.

At this time, the aura between heaven and earth became rich again, as if it had substance.

Yunli was stunned. The vision near the hut tended to dissipate, and the aura around her clearly returned to normal. Why did she suddenly...
Not only she noticed the abnormality, but most people also noticed it, and soon everyone discovered that the spiritual energy gathering center was another side hall next to it.

A fat young man murmured incredulously: "That's the side hall where Uncle Wen lives, right? Is this going to break through?"

Yunli looked at the vision that had completely disappeared, and then at Wen Xueluo's side hall. Was Wen Xueluo drawn by the energy of Ah Yan when she established her foundation?

Daoist Dan Yin glanced at the side hall, and said lightly: "It's about to break through."

Hearing this, everyone was so greedy again, this is the benefit of a place with rich aura.

While speaking, the restriction here was opened, and Mu Yan pushed the door and walked out.

Seeing the people outside the house, she was stunned for a moment, then quickly came to Daoist Dan Yin, saluted, and called: "Renren."

Daoist Dan Yin stood with his hands behind his back, and said sternly: "You have ordinary aptitude, but you can build a foundation so quickly, and you have caused such a vision, and your fate is not shallow. However, building a foundation is officially on the road. I hope you will refrain from arrogance and arrogance in the future." Don't worry, cultivate the Tao and cultivate the heart, soar up as soon as possible."

Yunli curled her lips secretly, her attitude changed too quickly, just now he sighed with relief, but now when he saw the righteous master, he suddenly became strict.

She glanced at Mu Yan, and clicked her tongue twice in her heart, Ah Yan established the foundation, and before hearing any congratulations, she was admonished first, this treatment is not bad.

Mu Yan didn't have so many weird ideas as her. She bowed respectfully to Dan Yin's warning, "Follow the teachings of the real person."

Daoist Dan Yin nodded, his body flickered, and he left.

The rest were fellow students of the foundation building period, Yunli was about to go up to congratulate the first one with a smile, when the fat young man next to him suddenly rushed forward, his face wrinkled with a smile.

"Congratulations to Mr. Mu, it can be regarded as the reward of all hardships. Not only has the foundation been successfully established, but there are also visions. The journey of immortality is limitless."

Yun Li put on a blank face, how could she be a flatterer, snatching her first congratulations, and this uncle yelled so smoothly, there was no awkwardness at all.

The first time she came to Wanqing Palace two months ago, she was looking for this male cultivator to ask for directions. She still remembers that he was talking to Mu Shimei at that time.

After the man, people around rushed up to congratulate Mu Yan. Regardless of whether she will be a great fairy in the future, there is no harm in saying a few good words now, but there is no loss in just a few words.

A group of people dispersed after congratulating sourly. Only the man stayed behind. Yunli squinted her eyes and said angrily, "Why don't you leave?"

Why are you so blank, now it's girlfriend time, didn't you see that everyone else has left?

The man completely ignored her white eyes, with a flattering smile on his face, and said to An Ran: "Uncle Mu has established the foundation, and Uncle An wants to find Daotong again? What do you think of me?"

The people who hadn't gone far stopped when they heard this, and the disciples who were in the qi training period like the fat youth were very annoyed, how could they forget this!

And those fellow sects who had already established the foundation also became interested by coincidence, and walked slowly instead, wanting to see who would be the next lucky one in the end.

Although it is too obvious to turn back and flatter now, several qi training disciples don't care about it. Mu Yan is a Taoist boy for An Ran, and the aptitude of the three spiritual roots has been established, let alone their aptitude.

There was also a breakthrough by Wen Xueluo who was the guard, which showed the richness of the aura in Wanqing Palace.

Seeing them like this, the chubby young man became anxious and hurriedly said: "Uncle An, I have spent five or six years on the ninth level of Qi training, but I have not been able to find a way to break through. I still hope that Uncle An will make it happen."

If it was before, An Ran would be willing to help them, but now, she glanced at Yunli who was glaring at Xu Pan beside her. There is such a cult 'spy' by her side, and it is better to have less contact with Liang Guo people in the past.

Over the years, the cousin's appearance has changed a lot. At that time, everyone only knew Princess An Yue, and not many people knew her boudoir name, and she had died long ago in everyone's memory, so she didn't think about it.

With so much contact, if something touches the string in memory, it would be bad to recognize her.

Thinking of this, she said: "I am an alchemist, a Taoist boy must be proficient in alchemy."

Hearing this, the fat young man lost his breath and lowered his head like a defeated rooster.

The pupils of another student in the Qi training period beside him lit up, and when he was about to speak, An Ran added first: "Besides, I don't plan to change Daoist."

Mu Yan also joked with a smile: "I'm rather stupid, fortunately Uncle An doesn't dislike me, please do me a favor and don't fight me."

Everyone felt hehe, to live in such a place with such a strong aura, and to have free spiritual plants to make alchemy, she would of course be willing to continue to be a Taoist boy. Thinking about it differently, if they were not willing to give up such a big benefit for the sake of fame.

An Ran's attitude was firm, and most of the people left, only the fat young man and another female cultivator still refused to leave.

Different from the straightforward request of the fat young man, the woman smiled softly at An Ran, speaking very eloquently.

"Master Mu has just established the foundation, and he wants to consolidate his cultivation. If Master Uncle An has anything to do, just tell me to do it. We are all from Liang Kingdom, so we should help each other."

She is also from Liang country?

Yunli looked at her suspiciously, seemingly impressed.

She looked at the fat young man again, his face overlapped with the deformed little fat face on the transparent light curtain, she suddenly remembered, isn't this the unlucky guy who almost had close contact with the monster, it's called Xu Pan.

She asked via voice transmission: "The two of them are also from Taiqing Peak?!"

In addition to the missing Linchuan Xu's female cultivator, there are three people who came to Canglan Continent together!
An Ran nodded slightly. At that time, she was not aware of Fuyu's sinister intentions. One time when she was passing through the medicine garden, she saw some second-level Qi training monks blocking Ayan in a corner, forcing her to hand over her newly bought alchemy furnace.

Ah Yan was also stubborn, her nose was bruised, her face was swollen, her face was bloody, her hair and clothes were burned, but she kept silent, holding on to the storage bag tightly and refused to let go.

Later, she found that not only Ah Yan was often bullied, but also a few Liang people with poor talents were not living well, so she went to the deacon hall and transferred them to Taiqing Peak to take care of them.

At that time in Wanqing Hall, apart from practicing or practicing every day, no one talked to anyone, so she often went to the medicine garden to see Ah Yan.

It was also because of meeting her, seeing many disciples fighting over a book of exercises, killing people over a pill and other dark sides, that made me quickly realize that this place is different from Liang Guo.

In the Canglan Continent, regardless of gender or background, only talent and strength are important, and she gradually discovered Fuyu's sinister intentions.

An Ran looked indifferent, noncommittal to the woman's words, and the two left helplessly.

Yunli cheerfully stepped forward and joked: "Mr. Sister Mu is freshly baked!"

Mu Yan laughed, it can be considered that the foundation was established before the disciples tried it!

The three of them laughed for a while, An Ran glanced at the side hall where Wen Xueluo lived, at this time, although the spiritual energy was not as sticky as before, it was far more than usual, and said to Mu Yan: "Alchemy masters don't need to participate in the disciple test, You go to strengthen the realm first."

As he spoke, he pouted next to Chao, and the two of Yunli understood in seconds that such a rich aura environment should not be wasted, just rub it when you need it.

Let me explain here, Yunli hurriedly took advantage of the fact that everyone's eyes were still focused on Taiqing Peak, and went to the Hundred Beasts Garden to settle Xuanshuang Yanhu. This matter is related to the future safety of her cousin, and no one should know about it.

Mo Huai has already returned, he knows his identity, and pays special attention to her whereabouts, so he must hurry up!
She settled the tiger father and mother in a hurry, but she did not see Mo Huai return to the sect, and there was no news of his return until the beginning of the disciple trial.

Not only him, but Zhenjun Fuyu, who they were worried about before, did not return to the sect. According to the opinions of several elite disciples who returned from the Beishan Department, Zhenjun Fuyu didn't seem to plan to come back this time.

Yunli was quite relieved, maybe when he came back, his group had already entered the secret realm of Jiuliyuan, and the news that he had stayed on Taiqing Peak for half a month had to reach his ears.

 Thanks to Situ Yirong BB, tkpmm, and color for their monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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