Chapter 322
Remnant Night Pavilion.

After resting for a few days, Wei Lin went to the mission hall to prepare to pick a mission near Tianyun City under the urging of Mangzhong.

Shen Yi slowly got up to take the mission scroll, and the book in his hand was spread out on the table, a light golden word slowly appeared in the blank space, and then quickly disappeared without a trace.

Wei Lin stared intently, did the blue book come out of the valley?
The matter in Hengyue City is not yet over, and the search by the four major factions is still rigorous. At this time, what task is worth her risking out of the valley?
Shen Yi opened the mission scroll for him to choose, and his fingertips seemed to be unintentionally placed on the page, and another line of small golden characters appeared.

Seeing the fine print, Wei Lin's heart shuddered. Didn't pass through the mission hall, was the order given by the pavilion master himself?Or did she leave the valley privately? !
After the Misty Swamp, Lan Shu never left the Qinghe Valley again. The four major sects outside went crazy, but she stayed comfortably in the valley, euphemistically calling it a closed-door practice.

Jinlan and Qianshu were killed by the four factions, and Hengyue City suffered heavy losses. Now both sides are red-eyed. At this moment, it is very unlikely that the pavilion master will send her out. out of the valley.

What would make her venture out of the valley?
He went through the things that happened in the past few days in his mind. There are important things, but it is worth the risk of Lan Shu, and he has no clue.

After leaving the Qinghe Valley, he continued to think while wielding his sword. This time he came out mainly to help Wen Ming get the golden marrow pill. Mang Zhong was worried that something bad would happen to Mo You, so he personally stopped Mo You.

Therefore, it was only he himself who went out this time, and it was much more convenient. He followed Shen Yi's reminder to a small town. It was not convenient to go into details in the pavilion, and it was also not convenient to transmit voices. Shen Yi arranged a confidant in this small town to facilitate future contact.

The town is small, and most of the people coming and going are monks and mortals in the Qi training period. Wei Lin got off his flying sword and walked to the designated place in a low-key manner.

The contact person is a young man with lively eyebrows and eyes, who has three levels of Qi training and is dressed as a waiter in the shop. "I have met Young Master Qianjiu, I will contact you from now on."

Wei Lin nodded, agreed on the way to contact him in the future, and asked casually, "Which people have left Qinghe Valley in recent days?"

After Fenshui City was exposed, if the people in the pavilion needed to take a spirit boat, they would go to another large city with spirit boats for passengers——Luxin City, and the town is located between Canye Pavilion and Luxin City. The pavilion is the only place to go to Luxin City.

The boy was not in the slightest embarrassment, and he articulated the names of the people who ran in succession, but unfortunately there was no name of Lan Shu.

Wei Lin didn't have much hope in the first place, since she left the valley privately, her whereabouts would not be easily discovered by others.

After discussing the future joint matters, Wei Lin walked slowly out of the town, thinking about what he missed while walking.

Compared with other monks' towns, the small town where immortals and ordinary people live has a lot of smoke and fire. In the early morning, the breakfast stalls are overcrowded, and there is an endless stream of shouting and chattering.

"Returning the Jindan Daoist, bah, he is a beast! Seven or eight-year-old girls will not be spared, beasts are not as good as!"

Amidst the noise, a cursing sound was particularly prominent, which attracted everyone's attention. Following the sound, a bearded man slapped the bowl in his hand on the table, his face full of anger.

The woman next to him was his wife, she leaned over to cover his mouth in shock: "Ancestor, shut up, that is a Jindanqi Daoist, we cannot afford to offend him!"

There was a little girl sitting on the other side of the table, her head was almost buried in the bowl, her shoulders shrugged, and she could faintly hear crying.

In this situation, the fire of gossip in everyone's hearts was burning, almost as soon as the woman's voice fell, the woman at the other table asked with concern: "Big sister, what happened?"

The woman's face was distressed, and she waited for a long time, but she didn't spit out any useful information.

The bearded man next to him glared, and said in a rough voice, "What's so embarrassing, it's not us who did such nasty things."

"I want everyone to know that our family just arrived outside the city yesterday. There was no grievance or enmity. A Jindan Daoist came up and grabbed my daughter's belt. Look, the child was frightened."

Before he finished speaking, a very handsome man said: "You are talking about Zhou Zhenren from Ziguang City."

Wei Lin was stunned, slowed down his pace, turned his head to look, and saw the bearded man in shock: "Fellow Daoist, do you know him?"

The skinny man at the opposite tea stand put down the teacup in his hand, and interjected, "The son of Zhou Zhenren was assassinated a few years ago, and then he went crazy, not against your daughter, but all monks who use silk as a magic weapon , no matter men, women, young or old, if he sees it, he will go up and pick it up."

The rich man from before went on to gossip: "It is said that the monk who killed his son was a monk who used silk. He was looking for an enemy. This is no secret near Ziguang City. I heard that he went to Beishan a few years ago. Tie"

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows slightly, Zhou Zhenren was still looking for Huan Shiling, a flash of light flashed in his mind, Huan Shiling!

Could it be that Lan Shu went to Tianyun City to find A Li?

Thinking of this, he quickened his pace, left the small town and hurried towards Tianyun City.
For Taiyi Sect's disciple test, the competition system adopts the regular two-two PK system. The winning party will directly enter the next round. For those disciples who lose, the sect also arranges a resurrection match to prevent some people from being too unlucky. to an opponent of equal strength.

But each person has one and only one qualification for the resurrection match. After all, the disciples are selected to go to the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm to practice. If the luck is really bad, you can save your life if you don't go.

Compared with Xiao Bi of the Canye Pavilion sect who was beaten to death with a hammer, this is already very humane, and it is not allowed to kill the opponent during the competition, so the safety of life is still guaranteed.

This kind of competition has no pressure on Yunli, she upholds the principle of hiding her strength, she didn't even use the Mengzhan Dao, and she went up with the epee.

In the first match, her opponent was an extremely handsome female cultivator in the middle stage of foundation establishment. Seeing the thick layer of weak water mithril on her sword, her face turned green.

Seeing her swaying the epee in one hand, and running towards her with the wind and lightning under her feet, she fell into doubt even more. Could the thick layer of weak water mithril be fake?

Then, she was pushed off the competition stage by Yunli in a daze.

Yunli jumped off the competition stage and came to An Ran's side in the audience. After all these years of getting along, their relationship can finally be regarded as friends on the surface, and they don't have to avoid everything like before.

Looking at the sea of ​​people, she wondered when would be the right time to go to Tianyun City again, counting the time, Yingmei should have returned to Zuimenglou.

Before she could think about it, she saw Mo Huai walking towards her from a distance, and she immediately rolled her eyes, why did she feel that he was staring at her.

"Where's Junior Sister Lin?" Scanning around him, An Ran was very surprised to find no trace of Lin Xi.

Although only 120 disciples were able to go to the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm in the end, there were quite a few people who participated in the disciple test. Almost all the disciples in the foundation building period would participate, and there were also a group of disciples in the Qi training period watching.

For a genius disciple like Mo Huai, there are countless people onlookers, especially female cultivators. On such an occasion, Lin Xi didn't come to declare her sovereignty.

"At Lin's house."

Seeing the two people walking side by side, Mo Huai's heart was complicated. His impression of An Ran had always been that he was defiant, ignorant, stupid and self-willed.

Senior Brother Su gave her all his heart and soul, and she just didn't appreciate it, and often flirted with him, while enjoying his protection, and at the same time swearing at him.

Ever since he knew that Yunli was An Yue, he realized that he had underestimated her. His cousin was still alive, but she acted the same. They had been in contact with each other a lot, but they didn't notice it.

Yunli secretly sighed that it was unlucky, Lin Xi was not here, no one came to stop him, it was even more difficult to leave.

At this moment, a Qi-training disciple hurried over and whispered, "Uncle Yun, people from Jinye Pavilion came to you and said that there was something wrong with the spirit stone you returned last time."

Yunli blinked. The last time she came back to Tianyun City, she met Mo Huai and Lin Xi. In order to have an excuse to go out again, she hasn't returned the spirit stone recently.

Could it be that Yingmei was looking for her?

She vetoed this idea as soon as it crossed her mind. It would be too risky to rashly contact the Taiyi Sect disciples, and Ying Mei would not do so unless it was absolutely necessary.

What's more, this person is flustered and has a guilty conscience on his face. Anyone can see that he is lying, so Yingmei dare not use such a person.

Turning her mind, she was about to speak when Mo Huai on the side said sharply, "What's wrong with Lingshi? Who asked you to bring the words?"

As soon as he questioned, the little qi practitioner panicked and stammered: "Guanshi Xu didn't say anything else, he just asked Uncle Yun to go there in person."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yunli to answer, she turned and ran away.

The three of them were stunned, they didn't expect him to be so useless, and when they came back to their senses, he had already slipped into the crowd and disappeared.

"Someone is going to punish you," An Ran murmured, and sighed, "The methods are clumsy, it's too insulting."

Yunli: "."

Mo Huai looked away, tilted his head and asked, "When do you plan to go?"

Yunli was speechless again, knowing that it was a bureaucracy, she urged people to go, what kind of heart was there, but no matter what, she still had to go and see who was up to it.

"Going right now!"

An Ran was startled, "Now? Don't you prepare first?"

"I have nothing to prepare, and I don't have any Jindan Nascent Soul to suppress the situation for me. In the end, I have to rely on myself. If I delay, I will give the other party time to prepare."

Yunli said indifferently, the person who wants to set up a situation with such a qi training disciple who is incomparable to her is not very capable.

"It makes sense." Mo Huai nodded, and walked towards the crowd, "Then let's go, find out earlier, there will be a competition tomorrow."

Yunli curled her lips, knowing that he would follow suit, but it would be nice to have one more free thug, but I couldn't stop by Zuimenglou to have a look.

 Thanks to book friends 538***436, Lai 4, and 941 Dessert for their monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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