Chapter 323
At noon, the sun was in full bloom, and the scorching air waves hit people, the raging flames licked all things on the earth, and the grass and trees on the roadside hung their heads and looked listless.

As soon as she left the sect, Yunli immediately hid herself and collected her breath. Although the opponent's method was clumsy, she still had to deal with it with 12 points of energy to prevent the ship from capsizing in the gutter.

Suddenly there was no one around, the corner of Mo Huai's mouth twitched, "Aren't you very capable just now?"

Yunli rolled her eyes, "Am I stupid if I knew someone was going to mess with me, but I didn't make any preparations?"

As a cultivator, one must not only have the courage and courage to face difficulties, but also be cautious at all times. Conceit is a big taboo.

After finishing speaking, she was very surprised to see him throwing out the flying sword directly, "Aren't you trying to hide it?"

"It's not to punish me." Mo Huai said, calmly walking with his sword.

Yunli rolled her eyes, and landed lightly on the back of his sword with her toes, "Can you give me a ride along the way?"

There is a fatal shortcoming of invisibility and restraint, which is the problem of spiritual power fluctuations. If you don't use spiritual power, it's okay, the possibility of exposure is very small, and it's easy for people to see the clues if you use spiritual power.

This place is quite far from Sky Cloud City, and although walking there won't break your leg, it's still choking.

Mo Huai was speechless, she came up, could it be that he could still drive people down.

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your acquiescence." Seeing that he still didn't respond after speaking, Yunli sat down in a comfortable position with peace of mind, let go of her senses, and explored her surroundings with all her heart.

All the way out of Huzong Dashan smoothly, just arrived near Qingque Mountain, a faint sense of crisis rose in Yunli's heart, and the sense of crisis became more obvious as she went forward.

She immediately sent a voice transmission: "Stop it! There is a situation."

As the distance approached, she already felt the source of the crisis, blocking the formation!
An escape talisman appeared in her hand without a sound. At the same time, her mind communicated with the Dream Slayer, her whole body tensed up, and she entered a state of high alert.

In the short time of the sound transmission, the flying sword had already jumped a certain distance before stopping abruptly.

Mo Huai opened his mind, but found nothing, but the surroundings were indeed too quiet, there were no birdsong or insects, only the rustling of the wind passing by Lin Xiao.

If she hadn't suddenly reminded him, he wouldn't have noticed this little abnormality. This area is the only place that Taiyi disciples must pass to go to Tianyun City. Only some low-level monsters are active, and high-level monks pass by. Will hibernate, static is actually quite common.

In addition, she said 'there is a situation', which shows that she has discovered the danger, not just suspected it.

How did she find out?

Doubts are doubts, and now is not the time to get to the bottom of it, he flicked his wrist, with the magic sword in his hand, and shouted sharply: "Who! Come out!"

It was quiet all around, even the wind stopped, and the air seemed to stop flowing, very suffocating.

Following his words, there was a wave of spiritual power in the empty midair in front of him, and immediately two figures appeared, one left and one right, faintly surrounding them.

Seeing the cultivation bases of the two of them clearly, Yunli's eyes were about to pop out. She couldn't see through the late Jindan man in black clothes, at least in the early Yuanying period. Both faces were masked. Wearing a black veil that cuts off the detection of the spiritual sense, leaving only a pair of eyes outside.

Right in front of her stood a woman with a graceful figure. She was cultivated in the late stage of foundation establishment, and the light veil hanging from the hood on her head also had the effect of isolating the consciousness. For some reason, her figure always gave Yunli a familiar feeling. I feel like I have seen this woman somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while.

The female-centered formation has not yet been completed, thinking of the words of the qi training disciple, Yunli still doesn't understand, this is the person who wants to punish herself.

One Yuanying Zhenjun and one Jindan Daoist, with such a strong lineup, it is a bit rash to let a little Qi Lian who is not easy to speak inform her?

They don't worry that they won't take the bait after seeing the clues, or did they guess their own thoughts and deliberately send such a disciple to spread the word to lower their vigilance?
Thoughts flashed through her mind quickly, without saying a word, she crushed the escape talisman in her hand, if only Jindan Daoist, the two of them could still fight together.

But with the addition of a nascent infant stage, one slap can turn them into meatloaf, and even spank them, so it's important to escape.

The yellow light of the Escape Talisman flashed rapidly, and her figure disappeared, but within a short breath, she reappeared, only moving half a step away.

An invisible aura spread to their feet unknowingly, and the two suddenly felt that their bodies were out of control, and their spiritual power was tightly suppressed in their bodies, unable to use it.


Yunli's face was ashen. Should I be so cautious? It's fine for two high-ranking monks to besiege them in the two small foundation building stages. What's more, the face of the high-ranking monks in the domain is important.

Mo Huai was also secretly startled. The other party was determined to kill them. He raised his hand and crushed a special communication talisman. The bright beam of light quickly rose into the sky, exploding gorgeous golden sword-shaped fireworks. This is Tai Yizong. A special help talisman for disciples.

Seeing the beam of light, Yunli's eyes lit up, this place is so close to the Taiyi Sect, someone will come here soon, right?
Now I can only pray that the other party will attack later, let them hold out until the sect comes, no matter how bad they are, don't attack them with all their strength, don't slap them to death, and give them a chance to struggle.

Unfortunately, this can only be wishful thinking.

"Don't let the other one go." The young woman in front ordered coldly, her voice was a little illusory, it must have been a deliberate disguise, and there was a sharp murderous look in her moderate tone.

Without extra words, following the woman's order, the two attacked them without reservation.

Feeling the fierce attack coming, Yunli's scalp exploded, and she screamed: "Senior Brother Mo! Take out the magic weapon!"

Her heart is broken. On the surface, she is only in the early stage of foundation establishment, and her status is not comparable to that of Mo Huai. Why did this goddamn Nascent Soul stage pick her up without even thinking about it.

There is also the Jindan stage real person, the persimmons are too soft to pinch, don’t you know, there is the Yuanying Zhenjun, what can you do, the beloved disciple of the leader of the righteous way, don’t have too many magic weapons, are you sure you can handle it!

At the critical moment, she had completely forgotten that the other party was here for her, and Mo Huai was just hurt.

With Mo Huai around, she wouldn't be so good at Da La La offering Huan Shi Ling. Fu Yue is such a precious apprentice of Mo Huai, he must have some means to save his life. Maybe there are some monks in the Nascent Soul Stage like Lan Shu Moyou who store the attacks of Nascent Soul Stage monks. object.

After shouting hastily, she didn't put all her hopes on Mo Huai. She moved quickly and tried to jump out of the domain, while trying to regain control of the spiritual power in her body, and slashed at the huge palm print of the man in Tsing Yi.

The clear peach pink is like a dream, making the man in Tsing Yi, who was flying towards him, momentarily lost his mind. The light orange streamer tied at the end of the handle of the knife meanders in the air, making a beautiful trajectory, which prolongs the gleam in his eyes. At a loss.

Seeing that person regained his clarity and attacked her again, Yunli's heart was in her throat. Fortunately, with the previous start, the spiritual power in her body became a little more active.

She mobilized all the spiritual power that could be controlled in her dantian and poured it into the Mengzhan Dao, the peach light was in full bloom, as if there were pieces of flying flowers falling from the clear peach powder;

At the same time, the orange gauze tied to the handle of Meng Zhan Meng seemed to be blown up by a strong air current, and wrapped around her arm. If it really came to a critical moment, she would not care whether to expose it or not.

The man in Tsing Yi looked at her Meng Zhan Dao vigilantly, and withdrew his attack.

Before Yunli could breathe a sigh of relief, the man raised his right hand slightly, and a blood-red long sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

you sir!
She almost wanted to yell, Nascent Soul is using the natal magic weapon to build the foundation, forget about using the domain!What about the dignity of Yuanying Zhenjun?
Seeing the aura-bright long sword approaching her eyes in an instant, she raised her hand to block it, and was about to control the fluttering Huanshi Ling to fly to the neck of the man in Tsing Yi, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw a gray-white tree stick flying towards the man in Tsing Yi. The man flies.

The man in Tsing Yi also felt the chilling murderous intent behind him, and he didn't care about Yunli at the moment. He turned around with his horizontal sword and collided with the flying tree staff heavily. The intense spiritual light pierced his eyes.

After a hedging move, the two figures separated suddenly, and the latecomer was obviously no match for the man in Tsing Yi. After the aura dissipated, the bright red at the corner of his mouth was shocking.

However, the man in Tsing Yi seemed very flustered, turned his head to look at the woman who established the foundation, four figures had surrounded the woman, they were Fu Yue, Fu Guang and other four Taiyi sect masters.

On the other side, Zhenjun Fushu also stopped the Jindan stage monks and solved Mo Huai's crisis.

Finally someone came, Yunli exhaled, it was still such a luxurious lineup, except for Song Yin, the other five were all the main peak masters, and the speed was too fast!
 Thank you Duan Birong for your great reward and monthly pass!
  Thanks to Cai Cai, Yang Yang De Hui, Yu You Ruo Li, and yiye_mp for their big monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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