all the way to fairy

Chapter 324 It was her

Chapter 324 It was her
She took out a few pills and swallowed them, then cupped her hands to Song Yin, who was bleeding from the corner of her mouth: "Thank you."

Song Yin Yaoyao nodded at her, and went forward again holding the stick, and stopped the man in Tsing Yi who was about to rescue the female cultivator at the Foundation Establishment Stage.

The people in Tsing Yi moved fiercely, forcing Song Yin to retreat steadily, Fu Yue glanced at this side and then looked away, obviously in their eyes, the woman in the middle of the Foundation Establishment Stage was more important.

The man in Tsing Yi also saw their intentions, so he couldn't help speeding up his attack. He was born as a killer and had rich experience in fighting skills.
And Song Yin's body is Baisong Taolu, which is not a race that is good at fighting. After Fuyue became the head teacher, they rarely need to do things by themselves.

As a result, Songyin struggled even more. If he hadn't been an eleventh-level demon cultivator, one level higher than the Tsing Yi man in the early Yuanying period, he might not be able to survive even one move.

Waiting for the spiritual power in her body to recover, Yunli didn't say anything, ran over with the knife, and slashed at the back of the man in Tsing Yi. While Song Yin can still persist, let's join hands to kill him first!
Under the blazing sun, the blade of Zhan Meng Dao was shining brightly, reflecting a dazzling light.

Feeling the surge of air behind him, the figure of the man in Tsing Yi flashed sharply, and his body bent into an incredible arc, dodging her knife.

Then he flipped his wrist and sent the long sword back in his hand. Yunli spun his feet to avoid the bloody long sword, and then swung the knife again to slash towards him.

However, the man in Tsing Yi seemed to have eyes on his back, and his body seemed to have no bones. If she slashed left and right, he could always narrowly avoid it.

The blood-colored long sword suddenly shone brightly, and the man in Tsing Yi's body was also surging with spiritual power. The area under his feet was fully exerted, and Yunli seemed to be stuck in the mud, and the speed of swinging the knife also slowed down.

The attack from behind was a bit weaker, the man in Tsing Yi relaxed slightly, and the bloody long sword slashed towards Song Yin fiercely, wrapped in the murderous aura of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

Song Yin's mind was shaken by the cold and bloody aura coming from the pavement, and his demon power was momentarily in disorder.

The man in Tsing Yi will not let go of such a good opportunity, the bloody long sword is shining red, and it hits Songyin Mingmen directly, at a critical moment, an orange streak suddenly floats in front of him, it is the decorative ribbon on the knife!

He sounded the alarm, the most dangerous thing about that knife was not its sharpness to cut through gold and jade, but the peach-pink knife light that would make people lose their minds for a short time.

Although the confusion is only for a short moment, but a master's move is life and death in an instant. If she is in the Jindan stage, she will have died under her sword just because of her short absence.

Without thinking about it, he gave up on Song Yin, who was right in front of him, and swung out streaks of bright red lights and shadows with his backhand, trying to cut up the fluttering ribbon.

The light orange ribbon and the peach pink knife light are mixed together. If you can't distinguish it for a while, you will be hit by that warm and soft phantom.

Under the shadow of the fierce Yinhong sword, the thin orange gauze was not damaged at all. The man in Tsing Yi was stunned for a moment, and when he looked again, he found that it was the phantom of the ribbon. He was even more surprised in his heart.

He clearly felt that his dharma sword had hit the veil. This was his natal dharma sword, which was connected with his flesh and blood. What the dharma sword touched was no different from what he felt personally. The real touch could not deceive anyone.

This is not a reaction that an ornament can make, this damask is also a magic weapon!
His heart trembled slightly, and in the next moment, a clear peach pink flashed across his eyes, and all he could think of was the petals that were falling one after another.

Immediately, his heart felt cold, and he was pulled out of that soft dream.

He lowered his head, with a gray-white stick stuck in his chest.

Having achieved the desired effect, Yunli smiled as she held the Meng Zhan Dao and gently sent it forward.

A knife and a stick pierced the man in Tsing Yi's heart one after the other, two very different vigors raged in his heart, the long and narrow eyes of the man in Tsing Yi turned from bewilderment to astonishment, and then to anger.

He actually died because of a foundation-building monk!

When he was on the verge of death, he disregarded the looseness in front of him, and ignored the stick and knife stuck in his heart, he turned his body sideways and reached out to grab Yunli.

As soon as killing intent emerged from his body, Yunli made a decisive decision, pulled out the Meng Zhan Dao, and moved across the ground to the four peak masters.

"My lord—" The movement here attracted Jindan Daoist, who was struggling to support himself under Zhenjun Fushu's attack, and he exclaimed.

When he was distracted, it was no surprise that he took the lunch box.

Jindan Daoist fought against Yuanhou monks, even if he raised 12 points of energy, he might not be able to survive, and he dared to be distracted.

Hearing this, Yunli was stunned. The voice was, Jing Shisan!

She turned her head to look at the young woman surrounded by four peak masters, so she is Blue Book? !

I'll fuck it up and say that the figure is a bit familiar, so it's her!
If she doesn't stay in the pavilion well, run out, she's here to kill herself.

Thinking of this, a trace of complexity flashed across her eyes, what hatred and resentment made her risk being caught by the four major sects, and went deep into the Dongshan faction to kill herself.

Apart from Huan Shiling, the two of them had no grievances at first, and all the grievances were all because Lan Shu wanted her Huan Shiling, she couldn't help but secretly lamented that greed killed people.

She didn't need to think about it to know that this time Lan Shu took a huge risk to kill herself, and it was also for Huan Shiling.

If she went to the secret realm of Jiuliyuan by herself and her strength improved by leaps and bounds when she came back alive, it would be difficult for her to get the Huanshiling. If she died inside, Huanshiling would fall into whose hands.

Wait, she can't die, who will take the blame when she dies?

The four major sects would not believe that the person who opened the seal died.

She can't be caught by Tai Yizong, Lan Shu has no bottom line, and it's a trivial matter to reveal her identity as an undercover agent. After all, she is going to Jiuliyuan soon, so if she is exposed, she will be exposed.

The point is, she doesn't know anything about the opening of the seal. When the two confront each other, the spirits of the four major sects who have lived for tens of millions of years will definitely find out that Lan Shu is not the one who opened the seal, or No one will take the blame.

But, let alone whether I can rescue her under the current situation, and save a person who is going to kill me, I feel panicked when I think about it.

Eh?What about the pavilion master's space teleportation array?What about the ultimate move to kill the Nascent Soul Golden Pill?

She was puzzled, since she was surrounded until now, she didn't find Lan Shu resisting at all, so it couldn't be a fake, right?

Lan Shu, who surrounded the center, was in a panic. After discovering the four-dimensional Empress True Monarch, she immediately wanted to activate the teleportation jade pendant given by her master, but damn it, the spiritual power in her body froze for a moment, as if she had been caught by something. locked.

The stagnation is only for a short moment, and it will disappear soon. Normally, it is insignificant, but it is very important when life and death are at stake.

In the blink of an eye, the four Nascent Soul cultivators had completed the blocking formation they had not completed before, and quickly added a set of space confinement formations at the outer door.

Lan Shu vomited blood in his heart, the blocking formation was originally set up by them to prevent Qian Shi from escaping, and because she resisted too fiercely to attract the high-ranking monks of the Tai Yi sect. She never thought that she would come so fast and be very vigilant, and it hadn't been used by Qian Shi before. Ten, but he took the lead in using it on himself;
The head teacher of the Taiyi Sect in front also opened up the domain. In the domain, she seemed to be frozen, and it was extremely difficult to move.

Only then did she realize how big the gap was between herself and Qianshi. She was also in the Realm of the Nascent Soul, and Qianshi could still break free and use her spiritual power. It's all very difficult.

Above the head, Tai'a Peak Fuguang Zhenjun stood in the air with ten fingers flying, and the formulas were like blue butterflies, flying out of his hands, and landed lightly on the imprisonment formation. Falling, the formation became stronger and stronger.

In anxiety, Lan Shu could only turn her eyes to Chun Wu and Jing Shisan, seeing that Chun Wu had completely suppressed the demon cultivator, she felt a little relieved.

As long as he comes over to break through Fuyue's domain, he will have a chance to move, first blast the space confinement formation, and then teleport, then he can escape back.

It's a pity that Chunwu's suppression lasted only a few breaths before being destroyed by Qianshi, and Lan Shu stomped her feet in anger. This bitch is born to suppress her, and there must be no good things for her.

Her anger lasted less than two breaths before it turned into horror, and Chun Wu actually died!

Even though it was such a life-and-death moment, she couldn't help thinking about the origin of the knife in Qianshi's hand, which could easily break through the protective spirit of Yuanying Zhenjun.

A piece of orange silk is already extremely extraordinary, but Qianshi actually possesses such a magic sword, she feels a sense of powerlessness in her heart, first Wen Xueluo, then Qianshi, why does heaven always favor these lowly bastards.

 Thanks to book friends 537***864, Gan Yuheng, 941 Dessert, Fat Dandan 0428, and several big monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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