all the way to fairy

Chapter 325 The Death of Blue Book

Chapter 325 The Death of Blue Book
On the other side, Yunli hadn't come to a conclusion yet, she saw a little blue from the corner of her eye, she turned her head in surprise, the dense dark blue dots quickly enlarged in her eyes, like dark blue thin needles, and there was another small dark blue dot at the end Scalloped down feathers.

It looks like a miniature version of the arrow, but the shape is a bit strange. There is no arrowhead, and the front section only has a slender shaft, which seems to be a semi-finished product. The arrow feathers at the end are not streamlined, but semicircular fan-shaped.

Those half-finished thin arrows went straight to the four true monarchs on the edge of the blockade formation. The expressions of the four true monarchs all changed, and they shouted: "It's the shadowy sparrow feather! Get out of here!"

The figures of the four were like smoke and shadows, and the dense blue needles did not stain them at all.

Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, someone came to save her, so she didn't have to put up with the urge to save her, and saw several true kings flashing in the dark blue needle rain as thick as drizzle, she couldn't help but I lamented the good skills of the four true kings.

At this moment, the tiny blue arrows changed, and they approached quickly, and in the blink of an eye, they condensed into a bird feather, and then passed through Lan Shu's eyebrows.

The hood was shredded by the strong wind, and the broken yarn fluttered and scattered, gradually revealing the face under the veil, which was indeed a blue book.

There was a blood spot the size of a grain of rice on her smooth forehead, the blood spot was not ferocious, but there was some black and blue around it, at first glance, it looked like a cinnabar mole.

The astonished expression on the blue book froze, and she fell backwards straight. I wonder if it was her illusion. Apart from disbelief, there seemed to be some sadness in those gradually dilated pupils?


The loud sound of her falling to the ground woke up the stunned crowd, not only Lan Shu, but everyone present did not expect that it was not to save her, but to kill her!

Seeing that the biggest suspect who broke the seal was about to fall into their hands, but was beheaded and killed right under their noses, the true kings were furious.

Fuguang Zhenjun's figure flashed, and immediately chased him in one direction.

Seeing the remaining True Monarchs, the eyes staring at Lan Shu's corpse became subtler, Yunli's heart skipped a beat, the thing she was worried about still happened.

Once Lan Shu dies, she can't be the one who broke the seal. For such a person, the four major sects will not easily believe that she is dead. In this way, the suspicion of senior brother and Yue Yi will rise.

Especially the senior brother, Zhenjun Fujian died directly at his hands, and he was also nearby when the two Zhenjuns Qianshu and Jinlan had an accident. Without Lan Shu, the biggest suspect, he was almost the number one suspect.

No, I have to tell my senior brother not to come to Sky Cloud City!
"Master." Mo Huai stepped forward and saluted several true monarchs one by one. Yunli immediately changed her expression and followed suit.

Fu Yue Zhenjun frowned, "Why are you here?"

The person Lan Shu wants to kill is her, and there is no way to hide this, even if Mo Huai is willing to help hide it, the worthless disciple who spread the word can't hide it, Yunli can only tell the matter honestly, "Just now Martial nephew said Jinye Pavilion is in charge"

After finishing speaking, she found that Fuyue's expression was indescribable, and Zhenjun Fushu squinted at her in surprise, and murmured, "Her goal is you?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Mo Huai, and suddenly realized, "So that's how it is..."

What's the meaning?Also has something to do with Mo Huai?
His series of actions and words directly confused Yunli, and Mo Huai beside him was also confused.

"Knowing that it's a bureau, you still drill in." Fu Yue was annoyed, wondering if he was changing the topic.

If you don't come here sooner, let them finish deploying the blockade formation, and one day they go out and bump into it, that would be called "every day's unresponsiveness", and the ground will not work.

Of course, Yunli only dared to slander these words in her heart, and in front of Fuyue, she only dared to refute in a low voice: "I just want to know who is trying to trick me out."

The strange expression that could not be explained in words appeared on Fu Yue's face again, and Yun Li was even more strange. After thinking about it repeatedly, there was no loophole in what he said.

A vague thought flashed through his mind, could it be that it wasn't the blue book that lied to him?
She almost blurted out: "Do you know who it is?"

After the words fell, a flash of embarrassment flashed across Fu Yue's face, he turned around and refused to answer her question.

Fushu Zhenjun who was at the side glanced at Mo Huai with a funny look, and explained to them, "This matter is a long story."

It turned out that Master Kaiyu received a message a few days ago that Lan Shu was coming to Tianyun City. Although they suspected that it was a fake news from Canye Pavilion, they didn't want to let go of any chance to catch Lan Shu.

Then the Zongmen's senior officials began to secretly investigate the people who had recently entered Tianyun City and its vicinity, and they really found the blue book.

Just as they were about to make a move, they discovered that Lan Shu had actually contacted Lin Xi through a maidservant of the Lin family. This frightened everyone, thinking that she was going to use Lin Xi to deal with the Lin family, but in the end they found out that she had taken people to set up an army outside the city.

Confounded by her, several Zhenjun followed from a distance, trying to find out what kind of medicine was sold in her gourd, and then they waited for today.

After listening to his explanation, Yunli didn't know what to say, so Lin Xi was the one who tricked her out with such an unreliable little disciple?

In Lin Xi's heart, how stupid she is, she can't even see such a simple trap.Uh, seeing through, she also jumped in, thinking of this, Yunli felt ashamed.

Turning her eyes to Mo Huai next to her, she couldn't help gloating. She wondered if Lin Xi knew that her elder brother Huai, whom she was thinking of, had also come out to the danger, would she be jumping with anger or turning green with regret?
After having fun for a while, she turned her mind to the business. Judging from the news that Kaiyu had learned beforehand, there was no doubt that Lan Shu had also fallen into someone else's trap!
Moreover, the person who leaked her whereabouts is likely to be the owner of Sparrow Ling, or someone related to it.

She grew up in the Canye Pavilion since she was a child, and rarely came out to do missions, and the only ones who have enemies with her are the Canye Pavilion except for the four major factions.

The four major sects wanted to catch her instead of killing her, so the person who killed her was probably from the Canye Pavilion, but who in the pavilion wanted to kill her?

In the past few years, because of Blue Book's coquettish operations, how many people in the pavilion died because of this, and it is possible for these people's relatives and friends;

As the Young Pavilion Master, she has blocked the way of some people, and those high-level children who have the opportunity to rise to the top may also be;
In addition, there are people she offends unintentionally. It's really hard to say who wants to kill her.

The other clue, Sparrow Ling, also had no clue, at least she didn't know who in the pavilion had this.

On the other side, after Zhenjun Fushu finished explaining, Zhenjun Fuyue had adjusted his expression, turned around, stared at Yunli with two sharp eyes, and asked in a cold voice: "Why did she kill you?"

Several True Monarchs pricked up their ears, they wanted to ask this question just now, as a high-ranking disciple of Canye Pavilion, Lan Shu rarely showed his face outside, why did he go to such lengths to ambush her for a period of foundation establishment?

Due to Fuyue's presence, she didn't ask this question. In any case, she was also Fuyue's registered disciple on the surface.

Yunli looked blank at first, "I don't know, I got along with her before outside the swamp. Eh, it couldn't be"

With an expression of enlightenment, she flipped her hand and took out the Meng Zhan Dao, muttering to herself: "When we two were fighting magic that day, I destroyed her magic weapon. Could it be that she is holding grudges?"

She was surprised and shocked, and she had already greeted Lan Shu's eighteen generations of ancestors in her heart.

On the bright side, she and Lan Shu had only one encounter outside the Misty Swamp. When it comes to this point, there is no way around it.

It's up to her to remind the high-level officials that she was also in the Misty Swamp at that time, and she put herself on the suspect list of the four major factions. Don't feel too aggrieved.

Yunli really wished she could pick up the dead Lan Shu and flog the corpse. It wouldn't be nice to stay in the pavilion, because she doesn't have the strength to always covet other people's things.

Seeing that the four major factions almost believed that she was the one who broke the seal, it was all right now, she told the four major factions with her life, look, you guessed wrong.

And the killer who used the ghostly shadow sparrow feathers also clashed with them, why are they so impatient, when they enter the secret realm of Jiuliyuan, they love to kill and kill.

Several True Monarchs looked at each other, Fu Yue narrowed his eyes slightly, "Have you ever fought?"

 Thanks to book friends 537***864, tkpmm, and book friends 20171020145305613 for their monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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