all the way to fairy

Chapter 326 Shocking Footwork

Chapter 326 Shocking Footwork
"At that time, she and others wanted to enter the swamp, and Senior Brother Zheng led us to block it"

Yunli described the situation that day, ignoring the grievances and grievances between her and Lan Shu, and quietly highlighted the sharpness of the Dream Slayer.

"Don't talk about her, I was stunned at the time. It was the first time I used Zhanmeng, and I didn't know it was so sharp. Blue Book was very angry at the time. We were about to fight again, and Junior Sister Lin stopped me."

Mo Huai glanced at her. He had heard about this matter from Zheng Rui.At that time, he hadn't caught up with Lan Shu, and his anger couldn't be dispelled. Zheng Rui didn't know how to comfort him, so he kept talking nonsense.

"Junior Sister Yun has avenged you a little bit. You don't know, she was so ruthless, a deep blood groove on her face is shocking, and half of her shoulder was removed."

At that time, his thoughts were all about revenge, and he listened to these comforting words, and he didn't pay attention to them at all. Thinking about it now, there is a lot of grievances between the two of them.

He looked at the girl with a natural expression calmly, what is her identity in Canye Pavilion?
Judging from the family's annihilation that day, Lan Shu's status in Remnant Ye Pavilion is definitely not low. Yun Li, a young disciple who was arrested, has poor talent and low cultivation level, why would he become enmity with Lan Shu?

The most important thing is that she is still alive and kicking after she has made a grudge.

The several True Monarchs were silent, which made sense, not to mention the foundation-building period of the blue book, but many Nascent Soul cultivators coveted it.

"What is the ghostly sparrow feather?" Seeing that they believed it temporarily, Yunli quickly changed the topic, she pointed at Lan Shu's black brow that was getting bigger and bigger, "It seems to be poisonous."

Fu Yue said concisely: "The feathers of the monster, the shadow sparrow, are poisonous."

Yunli: .
What's the difference between explaining and not saying?

Song Yin smiled softly, and said warmly: "The Phantom Sparrow is a very strange monster. Their appearance is no different from ordinary birds, but they are extremely rare space attributes. Teleport to another place in an instant."

"Mist grass, so awesome!"

Yunli was stunned, the space attribute is rare, look at Xing Ye, using the space teleportation to make Mo You so arrogant, the four major sects hate him so much, but there is nothing he can do about it.

The entire race of this ghost sparrow is actually a space attribute!
Coupled with the concealed appearance and the highly poisonous substance, this ghostly shadow sparrow is probably going against the sky!
Seeing through her thoughts at a glance, Songyin shook his head, "Its poison is actually not fatal, but it is more tormenting. Among them is the pain that pierces the heart and liver, and there is no peace for a moment, and its antidote is also very difficult. Searching."

Could it be that the medicinal materials for the antidote are very rare?

Yunli immediately thought of the antidote to Devil May Cry, they had spent a lot of effort in order to gather the medicinal ingredients, and they owed Mu Shaoxun a favor.

Thinking about it now makes me tired, well, in the future, I must collect more elixir and grow it myself, in case of emergency.

"Other medicinal materials are easy to talk about. Only one flavor is very strange, which is the half-ripe fruit of Hongshan cherry. It needs to be stuck in the middle of the fruit from green to red in order to achieve the effect of detoxification. It will not work if it is more or less. .”

Yunli: .
This antidote is indeed very individual!
Fu Yue looked in the direction of Tianyun City, then at the injured Songyin, and told Yunli and the two: "You two clean up this place, and then send him back to the sect."

After speaking, without waiting for a few people to react, he and the rest of the True Monarchs suddenly disappeared in place.

go back?Now!
The news hadn't spread yet, Yunli was secretly anxious, if the senior brother came to Tianyun City without knowing the situation, wouldn't he just hit the gun.

But now is the most sensitive time, and she is not easy to act rashly.

Not to mention Mo Huai, who knew her identity, he paid extra attention to his every move after he came back this time;
Besides, he had just recovered his life from Lan Shu's killing game, so he didn't want to hang out in the sect, turned his head and ran out, wasn't this clearly telling Fu Yue and others that he had a problem.

Looking down at the corpse on the ground, Mo Huai recalled that night, amidst howling and dripping blood, the girl walked into the courtyard calmly, her water-blue skirt raised an elegant and indifferent arc in the wind, at her feet, the Familiar faces wailed and begged one after another, as humble as ants.

For more than ten years, as long as he closes his eyes, he can see the group of executioners wrapped in black robes, slaughtering their own people with a grinning grin. One is elated and happy, and the other is condescending indifference.

But right now, the enemy who made him wish he could eat his flesh lay quietly on the ground, without experiencing the fear and torment of their Fang family, and died without much embarrassment.

"It's really cheap for her!"

He exhaled deeply, staring fixedly at the nothingness in front of him, his eyes filled with coldness, and his voice was filled with coldness soaked into the marrow of his bones, "I, Fang Mo, swear that I will never let other enemies die easily."

Yunli clenched her fists unconsciously, her body tensed up, and she stared at him warily. Mo You was not the only enemy, and everyone who went on missions that day counted, including herself.

Put away the corpses and go back to Taiyi School. Song Yin simply explained a few words and went to heal his wounds. Mo Huai sent a sound transmission talisman to the other core disciples, and wanted to search the items on the three corpses together to see if there was a remnant night pavilion. related clues.

Yunli rolled her eyes, and took advantage of this time to contact her cousin to help find out if Yingmei had returned to Zuimenglou. Now she only has one chance to go out, so she can no longer follow her previous thinking and just take chances.

She said: "I still have a competition tomorrow, so I have to go back and prepare. I will leave this to Senior Brother Mo."

Before he could answer, he turned around and walked out, but was stopped by Mo Huai.

He looked at Lan Shu's body on the ground, and sent a voice transmission: "In Canye Pavilion, what is her identity?"

Yunli nervously looked back outside the house, most of the disciples are now participating in or watching the competition in the martial arts arena, and there is no one outside the house; the sound transmission talisman has just been issued, and those core disciples have not yet reached Taiyi Peak.

She let go of her spiritual sense and felt for a while, making sure that no one around was paying attention, so she sent back with a cold face: "It's related to my life, so I won't tell you."

As soon as the words came out, Mo Huai immediately realized that his question was inappropriate. After the two revealed their identities, except for that confession, he never asked her about Canye Pavilion afterwards.

Firstly, he knew that she would not be able to tell, and secondly, it was for her safety.

With the information she disclosed, Canye Pavilion can be cleaned faster, but if Canye Pavilion detects any abnormalities, with their coldness, what awaits her is death, so without absolute certainty, she will never Said.

He rubbed the space between his brows, Lan Shu's death dragged him back to that cold night, he was impatient, eager to know more information about his enemy.

Except for Lan Shu and Mo You, there were more than [-] enemies hidden under the black robes and masks. He wanted to find them out one by one, but he didn't have much time left.

Judging from that day, except for the leader of the killers who is at the Golden Core stage, the rest are all based on foundation building and Qi training. This time I went to Jiuliyuan Secret Realm, and I went there for ten years. I don’t know if the Remnant Night Pavilion still exists when I come back. .

After a long silence, he asked, "Your body method is very special. Do many people there practice this body method?"

Movement?Shocking footwork?
Yunli was taken aback for a moment, and immediately became more energetic, "Why are you asking this?"

Mo Huai turned to look at her, and continued to transmit the voice: "You are not curious, how did I confirm your identity?"

He had reminded her so clearly, there was still something Yunli didn't understand.

After entering the Fang's house that night, although I didn't make a move, my senior brother did. Later, under the watchful eyes of everyone, I used the startling footwork to avoid the attack of a Fang family who suddenly resisted.

Under his display, Jinghong's footwork retreats and advances suddenly, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, as graceful as orchids and emerald greens, graceful as a dragon's movement, and his ordinary body movements are forced to show a peerless feeling.

Later, because of this, there was a frenzy in the pavilion, and a large number of people went to exchange for the Jinghong Footwork, and it was Mo You who changed his fate against the sky, and the body technique he practiced was also the Jinghong Footwork. Brother's influence.

But when I met Mo Huai again at the gate of the deacon's hall, as a crowd eating melons, I didn't use my body skills.

 Thank you Fengyou for your great reward! ! !
  Thank you book friend 537***864 for your monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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