Chapter 328
Unexpectedly, An Ran already knew about this, Lin Xi choked, and immediately continued to shout: "Who wants her to save, without her, there are other brothers and sisters who will save me! Besides, I gave her the spirit stone, This matter has been settled long ago!"

An Ran was very disappointed, she could easily forget about saving her life, and took other people's help and love as a matter of course.

If she was in a secular world with a strict hierarchy, it would be understandable for her to think this way, and she had thought the same way before; but this is the Canglan Continent, not a secular world where status is more important than everything else.

She is a person with low cultivation and ordinary talent. If it weren't for the face of the head teacher, who would remember who she is. There are so many children like her in the Lin family, and many of them can't even enter the sect.

"She was the one who wanted to snatch Brother Huai. He was not like this before. Once she came, Brother Huai changed. It's all her fault!" Lin Xi was still complaining hysterically.

An Ran was impatient, "How many times have I said that Mo Huai's love for you is not between a man and a woman, and has nothing to do with her. You have been with them almost all the time they have been together these years. Don't you know if she has that kind of thought? Why lie to yourself and blame others for the cause."

These words touched Lin Xi's sore spot. She knew these facts in her heart, but she just didn't want to admit it. She clenched her fists tightly, her nails pressed hard against her palm, and the sharp pain in her palm blurred the dull pain in her heart.

She shook her head vigorously, "No, it wasn't like this when she didn't come. Among the girls in the sect, only I can talk to him, and he treats me differently. I'm different, if it wasn't for her, Brother Huai wouldn't treat me like this."

She muttered to herself, getting more and more excited as she spoke, "I understand. This is her conspiracy. She is playing hard to get, and deliberately acting like she doesn't like Brother Huai is actually to attract his attention. And what about my relationship with Huai?" She is also the one who secretly played tricks on Brother Huai!"

An Ran is speechless, why can't she see it, but he is just a man, for him, abandoning his dignity, seeking perfection, tying his mood, preferences and judgment to one person, is there still self?
But no matter what, during his most difficult days, Lin Xi's appearance helped him a lot, allowing him to escape from Fuyu's control for a short time, and blazed a path through the thorns bit by bit.

She persuaded her patiently: "She has no intention of being interested in Mo Huai. The problems between the two of you have never been related to others. It is Mo Huai who--"

Before she finished speaking, Lin Xi interrupted, "Didn't you say so, people's hearts are like a belly, and you are not her, how can you know her thoughts, among the female cultivators of the same generation in the sect, is there any one who dislikes brother Mu Huai?"

An Ran: .
Where is the self-confidence? Mo Huai is not a magic weapon of spiritual stones, so everyone would like it.

As for the previous question, that girl has only had Wei Xiaosan since she was a child, so no one else can catch her eyes.

When I was young, I was imprisoned in the palace by my mother and learned all kinds of rules and etiquette, but my cousin followed Wei Xiaosan to all the shops and neighborhoods, and she even followed Wei Xiaosan to fight and make trouble with those dudes in the capital.

Aunt's request to her is that as long as she can pretend to be like that on important occasions, she will leave everything else, so that her life will be much more comfortable.

The strong contrast once made me very dissatisfied, and I was clamoring to be like my cousin. At that time, the imperial grandmother took my hand and told herself patiently, "In this world, as a woman, the rules are both restraint and protection. It is to prevent people from finding fault, and to have the opportunity to use the rules to hurt themselves.”

As for the cousin, the imperial grandmother said: "Her life can be seen at a glance, where Wei Xiaosan is, she is, even if Wei Xiaosan is a beggar in the future, that girl will definitely follow him to serve him a bowl, so The rules for her don't have to be too strict."

At that time, I didn't understand, Wei Xiaosan and his cousin bickered from time to time, really didn't see how good their relationship was, but the emperor's grandmother said that looking at a person, you can't listen to him, it depends on what he does.

Later, when she grew up, she gradually got used to it. From childhood to adulthood, although Wei Xiaosan was very distasteful and picky, she finally complied with all the demands of her cousin, and nothing was left behind.

As for my cousin, since she was a child, Wei Xiaosan was the first thing that came to her mind when she was in trouble. She once asked her the reason. Acting like a baby, everything can come true in the end.”

When she said this, she never thought that she still had a brother. With Cousin Feng's doting on her, she would have the same effect if she acted like a baby.

She herself didn't realize how dependent she was on Wei Xiaosan.

At that time, the elders of both Yunwei and Yunwei were tacitly aware that they would come to this Canglan Continent to practice Taoism after they grew up.
But her life can still be seen at a glance, at least in terms of feelings.

For these reasons, she couldn't tell Lin Xi, she paused and said: "The authorities are obsessed with the bystanders, just like you care about him, you can't hide your eyes when you care about someone, he is like that—"

However, Lin Xi felt that she had found the truth, and her eyes shone brightly. It wasn't that Brother Huai didn't like her, it was just that she was blinded by the bitch.

Before An Ran could finish speaking, she hurried after Mo Huai, wanting to tell him about Yunli's 'sinister intentions'.

An Ran rubbed the center of her brows helplessly, said what she said, persuaded her, and let her go in the future.

She turned around, faced the bamboo forest behind her, and shouted coldly: "Come out!"

The faint green bamboo was desolate and lonely, the evening wind blew, and the bamboo leaves swirled and flew down in the air. A figure walked out of the dark forest and saluted softly: "I have seen Senior Sister An."

"It's you!"

The visitor was dressed in a light blue costume of an outer disciple, which almost blended with the dark green bamboo forest. When An Ran found him, he didn't show any panic, and his back was straight.

His name is Lian Yang, and he was the little beggar who was with them in the capital to find out the fairy fate. He was also the only person who refused his care and did not join Taiqing Peak, but he was also the first person with the same talent to build a foundation.

An Ran said coldly: "No matter how much you have heard what you just said, you'd better forget it."

Lian Yang nodded, no objection, he just returned to his residence after the competition, who would have wanted to break up with two heavenly girls, these right and wrong, he, a low-level disciple with little influence, naturally didn't want to get involved.

This is the reason why he didn't come out just now, but since he was found out, there is nothing to hide. If Lin Xi found out, he would hesitate a bit, but he was at ease about An Ran.

She always remembers the responsibility of Princess Liang. The people who came with Liang were more or less protected by her. Although she did not follow to Taiqing Peak, An Ran's partiality towards other Liang people Help, and let others have scruples about themselves.

An Ran nodded, climbed up to the flying sword, and just after flying for a certain distance, she found Mo Huai stopped in the air.

When did he turn back?With this distance, how much did he hear what they said just now? .
Thoughts were surging, she felt Lin Xi on the ground in her consciousness rushing towards Fei Qifeng, while Mo Huai stood here as if she didn't see it.

An Ran couldn't help sighing, with this attitude, everyone can see that he doesn't have the slightest intention for Lin Xi in that way, why is Lin Xi so obsessed with it.

 Thank you book friend 538***436 for your monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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