Chapter 329
On the other side, Yunli had just flown out of the Taiyi Peak Mountain Range, and met a female cultivator head-on, and saw her sitting leisurely on a smooth mirror, holding a round fan in her hand, shaking it twice from time to time, feeling very comfortable.

When she passed by, she suddenly trembled, and the high-speed flying plantain fan suddenly stopped in the air, a round fan!

Yingmei's round fan!
From the first time she saw her, she never left the fan, Yunli didn't need to think about it, the shape of the fan was clearly outlined in her mind.

The dark red fan surface, pearls and gemstones are inlaid with common and auspicious patterns of flowers and birds, and the whole fan is exaggerated and gaudy.

In the past, she had complained secretly in her heart that holding such a fan was because she was afraid that others would not know her identity as a prostitute in a brothel.

Now it seems that the fan has hidden secrets!

She remembered that the patterns of the round fans were mainly exaggerated gold, and there were very few dark colors. There was only a small group of faint blue down feathers at the bird's ankles; the fan pattern was not embroidery, but silk inlay, and the down feathers were real. bird feathers.

Several fragments in my mind were connected together, and a bold conjecture was formed in my mind, those down feathers were the ghost feathers, and the person who killed Lanshu that day was Yingmei!
She was shocked by her own thoughts, but felt that this was the truth.

If that fan was just an ordinary round fan, Yingmei would not be able to use that one for more than ten years, even if she likes it no matter how much she likes, she should have a few for replacement.

And even though the round fan is made of excellent materials, the surface of the fan is made of high-quality evening cloud gauze, and the border looks like golden gold thread, but it is actually rare silkworm silk, and the other decorations are all different. Made of vulgar materials.

However, as the real person of Yingmei Jindanqi, the director of Zuimenglou, and the chief intelligence officer of Canye Pavilion, this fan can only be said to be in line with her status and financial resources, and it is far from being precious enough to be used for more than ten years.

But if the fluff on the ankle of the bird is the Shadow Sparrow's Feather, then it makes sense, the round fan is just a cover, and her magic weapon is the Shadow's Sparrow's Feather!
Thinking of this, Yunli was so angry that her liver hurts, the bad thing turned out to be their ally, Yingmei!

No wonder she wasn't in Zuimenglou. If she wanted to kill Lan Shu, she would naturally have to stay away from Tianyun City in advance so that she could get rid of the suspicion afterwards.

If there were no accidents, it would take a long time for her to return to Zuimenglou, and it would be impossible to expect her to send a message to inform her senior brother.

Yunli took a deep breath, her brother came and went without a trace, it was difficult for others to know his whereabouts, and now she couldn't stay in Tianyun City for a long time.

Then they can only publicize Lan Shu's death. After hearing the news, the senior brother knows that he is now the number one suspect target of the four major sects.

But how do you spread the word about it?

His eyes fell on the direction of Taiyi Hall, because of the disciples' trial, most of the disciples in the sect were concentrated in the martial arts field, and the Taiyi Hall, which was usually crowded with people, was empty at this time.

The best effect would be to let Lan Shu's body appear in full view, but everyone was in the martial arts arena, and she couldn't sneak into the Hall of Supreme One to steal Lan Shu's body and throw it on a certain competition platform.

Wait, just because she can't, doesn't mean other people can't!

Yunli turned her feet and immediately headed towards Baishou Mountain.

A quarter of an hour later, the martial arts arena.

"Wow, Senior Brother Su is amazing! Su Xu, I love you!"

"Brother Su is the most handsome!"

"Brother Su, I will always support you!"

Under the cold moonlight, after the dazzling white light, the white-clothed man holding the Cangxiu knife half-kneeled on the ground, the tip of the knife touched the ground. Between his brows.

Su Xu flicked his wrist, put away the sword, and said in a serious and sincere tone, "Junior Brother Wang, I accept it."

"Ah, Senior Brother Su——"

The girls in the audience became even more excited, and the screams pierced through the clouds and spread far away.

Suddenly, a low-pitched roar broke out in the boiling sky, and everyone was stunned. It wasn't a human's roar, but a monster's!

The beast-controlling monk who knew monster beasts very well, even recognized that it was the roar of the Xuanshuang Yanhu.

That roar seemed to turn on a certain switch, and the roars and screams of various monsters continued for a long time.

Spiritual consciousness swung past, whether it was the disciples participating in the competition, the onlookers, or the referee who presided over them, they were all stunned. A group of monsters were flying or running, and they were pressing towards this side.

"Beast tide?" A disciple asked himself suspiciously.

Seeing this picture, the first reaction of all the monks was the same, but then they realized that this was a sect, so where did the beast tide come from!
"I'll go, it's the monster from Hundred Beast Mountain!"

"Monster riot! What's going on? How did the monsters from Hundred Beast Mountain come out?!"

The Hundred Beasts Mountain is dominated by mountains and rivers, and there are no tokens. How did these monsters come out?
"Go and call someone!"

A golden core referee reacted quickly. After leaving this sentence, after a few ups and downs, he stopped in front of the herd. The other referees reacted one after another and followed.

However, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. How can a dozen of them stop the monsters in the entire Hundred Beasts Mountain? There are not only low-level monsters here, but there are also a lot of seventh- and eighth-level monsters equivalent to the Golden Core stage.

Some monsters that broke through their line of defense rushed in all directions. Seeing this, all the disciples in the martial arts field panicked, especially those Qi training disciples who joined in the fun, trembling and calling for help.

A crisp sword cry briefly attracted everyone's attention. Su Xu raised his long sword and solemnly ordered: "The disciples in the Qi training period gather together, and those in the early and middle stages of foundation establishment are outside, and each sacrifices defensive magic weapons to protect each other. Follow me to save people."

But not all the disciples are in the martial arts arena, where these ferocious monsters pass by, those people can't bear it.

Everyone seemed to have found their backbone, stopped their panic a little bit, and took action one after another.

Soon, the Nascent Soul monks of the major peaks were also alarmed, and they took action one after another, subdued the monsters running around the sect, ordered people to take them back to Baishou Mountain, and sent people to Baishou Mountain to check the reason. Before long, the situation basically stabilized, and the scurrying monsters were subdued one by one.

Yunli followed her disciples to track down the lost monsters, secretly worried. The highest monsters in Baishou Mountain were only eighth-level, and those who cultivated to ninth-level and successfully transformed were no different from the disciples of the sect. They would move out of Baishou Mountain , get a residence.

Although the head teacher and others are still looking for the whereabouts of the master of the strange shadow sparrow feathers, there are quite a lot of Nascent Soul stage monks staying in the sect. She rubbed her eyebrows and lamented that there are too many Nascent Soul stage monks in this world.

Because of the ban on the mainland, the monks who should have ascended stayed. It is said that the lifespan of the monks in the late Yuanying period is only 3 years, [-] years, and those who exceed the life limit should die.

But these life-hating people poured a lot of resources down, and various methods of prolonging life were researched, which forced some people to procrastinate until now.

There are also a steady stream of Jindan stage monks promoted to Yuanying stage, so the actual number of Nascent Soul stage monks in Canglan Continent is more than Jindan stage, but most of them are not active.

Finally, a gray-white figure leaped down from the direction of the Hall of Supreme One, seeing clearly the corpse it was holding in its mouth, Yunli exhaled, it was finally done.

She immediately exclaimed: "The eighth-level monster! Get out of the way!"

Attention of the people around the sharp voice, they sacrificed magic weapons one after another and scattered in all directions.

"Hey, what's in its mouth?"

 Thank you Yizhixiang for your monthly pass! ! 1
(End of this chapter)

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