all the way to fairy

Chapter 330 tacit understanding

Chapter 330 tacit understanding
The panicked crowd subconsciously looked at the big mouth of the demon tiger, a cylindrical object wrapped in a white cloth, whether it was the demon tiger's saliva or something else, the white cloth was wet and dripping water continuously.

Yunli tilted her head to look up and down, and murmured uncertainly: "How do I feel, this shape looks like a person?"

With her reminder, everyone broke out in a cold sweat. The wet white cloth perfectly outlined a graceful shape. Isn't that shape just like a person!Still a graceful woman!

"The monster is eating people, save them!" Yunli screamed again, trying to attract more people.

She anxiously looked at the disciples around her, and as soon as she caught her sight, everyone shook their heads like rattles, saving people from the mouth of the eighth-level monster, forgive them for not having the courage.

"She seems to be dead." A male disciple with a rough face frowned in confusion.

Yunli couldn't help but glanced at him, she was quite courageous, and noticed this little detail at this time.

After his reminder, everyone quickly discovered that the so-called 'person' did not have a heartbeat, and immediately some people guessed: "Been bitten to death by this beast?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the tiger father turned his head abruptly, staring fiercely at him with a pair of huge tiger eyes, the man backed up a few steps in fright, as if someone had strangled his neck, unable to make a sound.

"There's no smell of blood, it doesn't look like it was killed just now." Yunli glanced at the white cloth, denying his guess, and at the same time reminding Father Tiger that now is not the time to care.

She secretly glared at the person who spoke, the eighth-level monster, his intelligence is very complete, except for his appearance, his thinking is no different from that of a human being. This guy is only in the early stage of foundation establishment, and he dares to call him a tiger. He really wants to die !
Father Tiger was furious, even if he couldn't teach him a good lesson, he still wanted to give that man some color first. He flicked his tail, like a sharp long whip, and lashed at the male cultivator, then jumped over the crowd and rushed into the in the jungle.

At this moment, a person suddenly fell from the sky and blocked the way.

Feeling the power of the Nascent Soul stage, the eighth-level Xuanshuang Yanhu couldn't resist, and panicked on the spot, vomited the "person" in his mouth, and Fei Ye seemed to want to escape, but of course he failed.

The corpse fell to the ground, and the white cloth wrapped around it spread out, revealing a grayish arm covered with corpse spots, and the crowd who surrounded it again were stunned, "It's really a corpse."

The one who stopped Xuanshuang Yanhu was Taixiao Peak Shaohuan Zhenjun, the son of Fushu Zhenjun. Yunli went to watch when he was a baby a few years ago, and he frowned and shouted sharply: "You steal What are the dead bodies doing?"

The drenched white cloth on the corpse shows that someone used the ice freezing technique to freeze it before, but it was snatched out by the monster tiger, and it will be like this when the ice freezing technique melts, and the monster tiger came out from the direction of the Supreme One Hall. Huan Zhenjun can be sure that the corpse is the blue book.

Thinking of this, he raised his eyes and looked at the group of young disciples who followed him. Lan Shu's death should not be known to too many people. He was about to wave his hand to make them retreat when a clear voice of doubt sounded: "What treasure is on the corpse?" ?"

Yunli seemed to be muttering to herself, her eyes lit up as soon as she finished speaking, she stared at the corpse on the ground, and then quickly raised her head to look expectantly at Zhenjun Shaohuan.

A stern-faced male cultivator from the inner sect on the left had a flash of light in his eyes, and said in a daze, "What treasure can a corpse have?"

As he spoke, he quickly threw an object control technique and lifted the white cloth.

Hey, this brother is very good at pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Yun Li kept looking forward to staring at Zhenjun Shaohuan, and only glanced over from the corner of his eye. It turned out to be him.

The guy who talked about Canye Pavilion's sinister intentions in order to pick up girls in Tianxiang Tower, and scolded his senior brother for his inhumanity when his senior sisters were obsessed with his beauty.

While Yunli was grateful for his help, she couldn't help feeling a little gloating, telling you to be quick, something has happened!

Seeing the corpse on the ground clearly, Du Lesheng's stunned expression slowly turned into shock, his eyes were full of disbelief, "Isn't this a blue book?"

He didn't act this time, so he was really surprised.

Who is the blue book? It is the genius killer of the Remnant Night Pavilion who killed many Golden Core cultivators of the four top sects in the Canglan Continent in one fell swoop, and killed the Nascent Soul Stage cultivators again. The four sects have been looking for it for four or five years but have no clue. The mysterious person, such a person, is dead!
"It's really her!"

The surrounding disciples were so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear. They immediately caught a glimpse of Zhenjun Shaohuan's face that was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and then remembered the movement of him raising his hand just now. There is nothing that everyone didn't understand. He didn't want this to happen. Known by them.

Finish the calf!
How did things get here?
Everyone looked at Yunli who was the first to answer the conversation, and saw her cherry lips slightly parted, her face was full of surprise, and she seemed to have thought of this immediately, and her surprise turned to annoyance. He covered his mouth unconsciously.

Looking at Du Lesheng who had uncovered the white cloth, he was really petrified!

The worries in everyone's hearts were a little lighter. Anyway, with these two people blocking them, they were just watching. Thinking of this, they tacitly stayed away from Yunli and Du Lesheng.

At this time, most of the fleeing monsters were subdued, and Su Xu, who had freed his hand, was paying attention to where he needed help. Hearing the noise here, he rushed over immediately, and saw an eighth-level Xuan Shuangyan squatting at Zhenjun Shaohuan's feet from a distance. Tiger, submissively bowed his head, not showing the slightest appearance of a ferocious beast.

Glancing at the crowd, except for one person whose body was stained with blood, the rest of the clothes were clean and nothing serious happened. Su Xu heaved a sigh of relief, but found that the atmosphere was a bit weird.

Shaohuan's face was black, and he stared at one person coldly, following his gaze, the young man in white shrunk his neck, his face full of annoyance, and the expressions of his fellow disciples around him were even more strange, gloating, worried, and frowning Puzzled, frowning contemplative are all different.

Soon, he found the corpse on the ground, and immediately gasped, why is Lan Shu's corpse here? !

After the incident that day, everyone quickly guessed that Lan Shu was not the one who broke the seal, but Zong Zong was able to confirm one thing before, the one who broke the seal must have an inseparable relationship with Canye Pavilion.

Whether it is the deaths of Fu Jian, Qian Shu, and Jin Lan, the people who revealed the seal, or the blue book of the replacement, they all have a great relationship with Remnant Ye Pavilion.

If Qianjiu and the man who used the mist bee were not the ones who revealed the seal, it would show that the person who revealed the seal had a close relationship with Canye Pavilion.

Therefore, the Zongmen immediately blocked the news, except for those who were present when the incident happened that day, only the most core personnel knew about it.

And the purpose of all this is to lure the person who really opened the seal to come.

But now, ruined.

After him, there were people who kept coming. Su Xu wanted to stop them, but found that it was useless to stop them. So many people had seen them before, so they couldn't all be silenced.

Moreover, these individual spirits talked about the friendship of the same family at the same time, and politely gave way to those who came later.

Yunli was about to laugh, everyone was very vigilant when it came to their own safety.

(End of this chapter)

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