all the way to fairy

Chapter 331 God Unfolding

Chapter 331 God Unfolding
three days later.

"Who do you think is here?" Yunli stopped, turned her head to look at the several outer disciples who were discussing enthusiastically by the side of the road, and asked in disbelief.

Suddenly a strange voice came in, and the people who spoke were slightly stunned. When they saw that it was her, they immediately said enthusiastically, "It's Jinye Pavilion Ding, who is in charge. Two days later, Jinye Pavilion will hold an auction. It is said that most of the auction items It's all specifically for this Jiuliyuan secret realm, and Guanshi Ding is here to send name cards to Senior Brother Su and others."

Special auction?
Jinye Pavilion has a good relationship with Taiyi Sect, so it makes sense for Guanshi Ding to come to deliver the tickets in person, after all, Taiyi Sect has the most places near Tianyun City, but coming at this time, it touched her nerves especially.

She hurriedly asked, "Where is Guanshi Ding now?"

The disciples knew that she was also a popular candidate for the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm, so they were naturally concerned about these issues, so they continued enthusiastically, "I just saw him go to the northeast, so he should be going to Taiqing Peak."

Yunli's eyes fixed, she really came to look for her, Su Xu has been busy in Taiyi Peak these days, all the sect disciples know, if Guanshi Ding came to look for him, he should go to Taiyi Peak.

When I went to Taiqing Peak, I was looking for my cousin, and my cousin would not go to the secret realm this time. Last time, I contacted Ye Chuchen through my cousin. I think I got Ye Chuchen's explanation for Ding Guanshi's behavior.

"Thank you."

After bidding farewell to the few people, she hurried to Taiqing Peak, and saw crowds of people in front of Wanqing Hall from a distance, hundreds of people had already gathered.

The secret realm of Jiuliyuan is extremely dangerous. If you can make more preparations, you will have more hope of coming back alive. The disciples who are expected to be selected are naturally very concerned. As soon as they heard about the special auction, they rushed to Taiqing Peak immediately, hoping to get some Insider information, prepare ahead of time.

As soon as Yunli fell, several startling rainbows streaked across the sky. Elite disciples such as Su Xu, Mo Huai, and Zheng Rui arrived, and Mo Huai's number one admirer, Lin Xi, was naturally indispensable.

Seeing Yunli, Lin Xi immediately became nervous, and unconsciously approached Mo Huai a little bit, quietly declaring his sovereignty.

Yunli didn't notice her small actions. After greeting a few people briefly, she looked at Guanshi Ding who surrounded the center. She didn't know how Ye Chuchen explained to Guanshi Ding, and how she could not know what was going on under the watchful eyes of everyone. Unknowingly got the news?

"Mr. Su, Mr. Mo!" Seeing Su Xu and the others, Guanshi Ding's eyes lit up, he pushed aside the crowd, and greeted him with a wrinkled smile on his face. That's what disturbs you."

"What's the matter with Steward Ding, it's ours that Steward Ding comes here in person." Su Xu consciously acted as a spokesperson, stepped forward, and exchanged pleasantries with Steward Ding.

"My young masters and ladies are all descended from famous families. How can this Jiuliyuan Secret Realm be known better than this old man? This old man will not waste everyone's time. The auction will be held in two days. Welcome to come."

Dao Tong, who was speaking, signaled to follow to distribute the famous posts to everyone, and he took out six copies of the posts from his sleeve, and said with a smile: "Master Ninth specially instructed that the famous posts of several good friends should be handed over by the old man. "

The name card in his hand is different from the one in the little boy's hand, with a circle of purple and gold patterns on the edge, Su Xu took the name card and opened it, inside was an invitation written by Ye Chuchen himself, and his signature on the bottom.

Everyone immediately understood that the so-called name-giving post that Guanshi Ding meant was for Su Xu and others, and they were just incidental.

For tens of thousands of years, Jiuliyuan Secret Realm has been opened many times one after another. Since the Ye family made a fortune, special auctions will be held in various large city squares before each opening.

In the past, it was enough to send Xiaodao Tong to the sect to inform, but this time it was the steward who came to deliver the famous post. Before, everyone secretly speculated whether there were any rare treasures in the auction house. It turned out that they were invited for their master. What about friends.

Although Guanshi Ding works in Jinye Pavilion, he is a servant under the name of Ye Chuchen and a friend of his master. It is reasonable for him to invite him.

As soon as everyone figured it out, they saw Guanshi Ding handing the last name card to Yunli, and they became suspicious again.

Su Xu, Lin Xi, and Zheng Rui are descendants of a famous family in Tianyun City, while Mo Huai and An Ran are the closed disciples of the head teacher and Zhenjun Fuyu. post invitation.

There are not a few elite disciples with higher identities than her present. During the foundation building period, there is also Lin Miaotong, the direct disciple of the master of Taixiao Peak. Pasting is also wrong.

Yunli took the post, and her mind was a little confused. Since Ye Chuchen passed the message through the post, there was no need to come to Taiqing Peak to find her cousin.

She glanced suspiciously at Guanshi Ding, could it be that he came to Taiqing Peak for other business?Or is this Ye Chuchen's temptation?
The last time it was an emergency, I had to contact him through my cousin, but I didn't reveal my relationship with my cousin. Could it be that he still had doubts and deliberately tried this?
But it's a bit far-fetched. What can this test lead to?
When she was at a loss, Guanshi Ding said, "With the strength of Daoist Yun, the quota for the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm must be guaranteed. Why not take this opportunity to make more talismans and earn enough spirit stones."

The corner of Yunli's mouth twitched. He first mentioned the qualifications for the secret realm of Jiuliyuan, and then deliberately raised the pitch of the four characters of talisman and spirit stone. Stone paid off.

However, Ye Chuchen's work is still reliable, and she went perfectly round. She touched the tip of her nose, suppressed the embarrassment on her face, and said haha: "It needs to be discussed."

It turned out that it was the one who urged her to return the Lingshi, and everyone couldn't stop laughing.

Su Xu accepted the words with a smile: "Junior Brother Ye is too polite, just ask the boy to bring it together, and please trouble Guanshi Ding to go."

Guanshi Ding turned into a Maitreya Buddha in seconds, and said cheerfully: "Don't bother, don't bother, we are all one family, don't talk about two families."

Su Xu:? ? ?
What family?

Crowd: ? ? ?
what's going on?Senior Brother Su and Ye Chuchen worshiped each other?Or did he become a Taoist partner with a certain young lady from the Ye Family?

"Ha." Realizing that he had said something wrong, Steward Ding laughed dryly, trying to remedy the situation weakly, "I mean that your family and our Ye family share the same spirit, watch and help each other, and are as close as a family, haha."

Everyone: .
Believe in your ghost, a few years ago, I almost got involved in the sea area, and I was as close as a family, I was lying to the ghost!

The corners of An Ran's mouth twitched slightly, what was the man's intentions all the time staring at her.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, many people have noticed his actions. He is related to An Ran, and he is in the same family as Su Xu. Could it be that An Ran and a certain child of the Ye family are going to become a Taoist couple? !
Everyone opened their mouths in surprise, when did this happen?Why did not hear any wind.

Steward Ding nodded in satisfaction. As expected of the young master's favorite person, he could hold his breath, and he could remain calm under so many curious and probing eyes.

My son has never been close to women, except for the family sisters among female cultivators, they rarely get close. A few days ago, they even talked to Miss An Ran behind their backs, and vaguely saw Miss An Ran handing a letter to the son.

After she left, the young master looked at the letter, and his face flushed with shame. Miss An Ran must have expressed her heart to him in the letter.

Miss An Ran, as a direct disciple of Master Fuyu of Taiqing Peak, is also a single-fire spiritual root, and is also a good match. The son is delicate and kind, and Miss An Ran is dignified and generous, and her temperament is also a perfect match!

Manager Ding was very pleased.

Seeing him looking at her cousin with more and more kind eyes, Yunli's jaw dropped in shock, what kind of magical development is this!

 Thank you book friend 20180612185024115 for your monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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