all the way to fairy

Chapter 332 Recognition

Chapter 332 Recognition
In just two days, Yunli lived like a year, and learned from Ye Chuchen's news that the senior brother was already in Tianyun City!
Is it still too late?
She was very anxious, and one time she accidentally learned from Su Xu that after the incident happened that day, the head teacher and others secretly summoned the Taiyi Sect and Lin Su two experts to search for Yingmei with all their strength. Tianyun City is very close to the place where the incident happened. Nature is the focus of attention.

Any monks who enter or leave Sky Cloud City these days are under their control, even the last time my cousin went to Sky Cloud City was included in their records, one can imagine how strict the search was.

The current Sky Cloud City is not an exaggeration for senior brother to call it a dragon pool and a tiger's lair. Under such circumstances, senior brother is already in Sky Cloud City. Thinking about Yun Li, his heart shudders.

The whole journey was tense, and as soon as I arrived near Jinye Pavilion, I felt the familiar sense of coolness in the sea of ​​consciousness. Using the consciousness in the city square, it is easy to spy on others and cause disputes.

Therefore, most people don't know how to use it, and it's fine on weekdays, just be more careful, but now that the entire Tianyun City is under the strict monitoring of Zongmen Da Neng, it's better to be careful.

She followed the crowd patiently, and saw Ye Chuchen greeted at the door from a distance, and when he saw them, he quickly walked up to them.

"You guys are here, tell my younger brother to wait."

Yunli quickly glanced at the followers behind him, but did not find Wei Lin. She blinked and told herself to calm down. The auction was full of fish and dragons, and Jinye Pavilion must be the top priority of the sect's monitoring.

Su Xu smiled and said, "Master Ye Jiu personally greeted the guests, it seems that we are sure to be the fat sheep today."

One sentence made Ye Chuchen's fair cheeks blush in an instant, and he coughed lightly, "Brother Su just likes to joke, and you are all friends of Yemou, so you should greet him in person. Today's baby promises not to let everyone Disappointed."

"Still saying no." Zheng Rui laughed loudly, "I think brother Ye is going to empty our wallets today."

Yunli stretched her neck and looked in, acting impatiently, "I'm getting more and more curious, hurry up, don't stick around at the door."

Ma Dan, do you have to say hello at the door? You can't talk while walking.

"Tch! You don't have a spirit stone, why are you so excited." Lin Xi didn't miss any chance to hit her.

Yunli gritted her teeth, intending to swallow this breath and not to argue with her, otherwise it would take a long time to argue.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Rui who was on the side suddenly said: "If Junior Sister Yun is interested in something, wrap it on me, and within the financial resources of Senior Brother, I will definitely get it for you!"

Lin Xi's eyes widened, and she looked at him in disbelief. Since when did the relationship between the two of them get so good?
An Ran couldn't help staring at him meaningfully. If there were no accidents, Wei Xiaosan would be nearby, courting his cousin under his nose. Junior brother Zheng really had the courage. She remembered the last second of the Duke of Yasukuni's mansion who did this. Young Master, Wei Xiaosan almost broke his leg.

Yunli also looked puzzled, and Zheng Rui said righteously: "The secret realm is dangerous, we brothers and sisters must work together and help each other."

After a pause, he winked at Yunli: "In the secret realm, don't forget me when junior sister makes talisman seals."

Everyone: .
Yunli pursed her lips, "As long as the spirit stone is in place, everything will be fine."

No matter what the hell, she's really going to explode on the spot, and she's already at the door, can I go in first!
"No way, junior sister is too unfeeling, we talk about spirit stones between the same sect, hey, it really hurts senior brother's heart."

Yun Li's face was dull, didn't this person do it on purpose?

As for the person who holds the power of life and death, Ye Chuchen can't help paying attention whenever she is there, seeing the impatience in her eyes from the corner of the eye, he hastily interjected.

"The relationship between you guys is really good. Go in quickly. You are all handsome people. If you stay here any longer, the gate of Jinye Pavilion will be completely blocked."

Everyone laughed, seeing that many people around had slowed down their pace, and knowing that it would be wrong to stay any longer, they quickened their pace and walked into the Jinye Pavilion.

Yunli secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and as soon as she stepped in, her gaze landed precisely on the side of the vermilion lacquer column on the right side of the hall, where stood a big man with a beard.

Jin Ye Pavilion was dressed in guard clothes, his black beard covered his face like steel needles, his skin was dark, his eyes were like copper bells, and he was holding a big knife in his hand, showing the aura of disrespect.

The corner of Yunli's mouth twitched, wasn't he always a handsome boy before, but this time he turned into a bandit.

She glanced up and found that many boxes upstairs had activated the ban. She couldn't help but be surprised. The Jiuliyuan Secret Realm is a secret realm for cultivators in the Foundation Establishment period. What are so many high-ranking monks doing here?
Could it be that they used the guise of an auction to check on the guests who came to the auction?
But Yingmei is a Jindan stage monk, so she won't come here.

Could it be that their target is the person who breaks the seal? !
Her heart trembled, and she restrained the urge to transmit the sound. If there was a Nascent Soul Stage upstairs, the sound transmission would be a bright target now.

She glanced downstairs, Wei Lin stared round and scanned the audience, dutifully acting as a guard, waited a while, but did not receive his voice transmission, it seemed that there were other arrangements.

She had no choice but to enter the box with Tai Yi and the others. There is a one-way isolation formation in the box, which isolates the spiritual sense from the outside, but from the inside, she can easily release the spiritual sense to inspect the auction items.

Soon, the auction started, and the auctioneer who presided over the auction this time was an exquisite Jindan female cultivator.

This auctioneer not only has a hot body, but also acts resolutely. She ended her opening line with a few words, waved her plain hand, and invited the first auction item.

"Since fellow daoists are going to the secret realm of Jiuliyuan, defense is naturally the most important thing. Our first auction item today is the defensive vestment—Lengkong Xunmei."

While speaking, a dress on the floating tray suddenly unfolded, the overall color is foggy white, the sleeves and the front skirt are a little light purple, the skirt is decorated with plum blossoms, and the waist belt is also ingenious. It is in the shape of a rope, and a plum blossom is also embroidered on the bottom.

The foggy white color is alienated and cold, and the light purple is soft and cool. The blossoming plum blossoms are elegant and unique, and the whole is very beautiful!
This auction item is obviously aimed at female nuns. The auctioneer patiently showed the exquisiteness of the cassock before saying: "The lower grade of the heavenly rank is woven with Cangmu ice silk, which is fireproof and waterproof, and the skirt is engraved with dust-proof Formation, dust-proof and clean, can resist all damage below the middle stage of ordinary foundation building, and resist the three moves of the middle stage of Jindan, even the Nascent Soul stage can barely resist for a while."

Afterwards, not only the female cultivators couldn't sit still, but the male cultivators were also greedy. This defensive ability was life at critical moments!
After adjusting the atmosphere to the highest level, the woman parted her red lips and said slowly, "The bidding price is 200 middle-grade spirit stones."

Although her mind was not on it, Yunli gasped when she heard that, is this thing so expensive?
Zheng Rui adhered to the principle of building a good relationship with her, and asked enthusiastically: "Junior Sister wants it? Do you need my help?"

In this apprenticeship test, he could see clearly the strength of this junior sister, which is unfathomable. She has never met an opponent with her strength alone, and she is also good at making talismans. Most importantly, she has good conduct, and she is indeed a reliable teammate in the secret realm. .

I didn't know why the head teacher accepted her as a registered disciple before, but now it seems that she does have the qualifications, not only has it, but she is also worthy of being passed on by the head teacher!
Yunli waved her hands again and again, "Too prodigal!"

"Hey, the defensive magic weapon is [-] to [-]% more expensive than other magic weapons. After all, it is related to wealth and life."

 Thanks to 941 Dessert and book friend 20170329122538413 for the monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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