Chapter 333

After such a short period of time, the price increase outside has already reached 500 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones, and finally it was taken away by a female cultivator diagonally opposite at 570 yuan.

The next few lots were all elixir, among which the special detoxification elixir was the most popular, and its price was almost sky-high, which made Yunli feel very regretful.

If it weren't for the fear that someone in Tianxin Pavilion would know the panacea, the panacea that can detoxify a hundred poisons, would instantly turn these so-called detoxification effects into dross.

Halfway through the auction, during the intermission, a waiter came over and whispered, "Fairy Yun, Master Fourteen invites you to discuss something."

"I really thought I was here to participate in the auction." Lin Xi immediately gloated, thinking that just now Zheng Rui offered to help her take pictures of the cassock, and she felt uncomfortable.

An ordinary outer disciple who had to rely on others, now he has become an elite of the sect, and has been recognized by Zheng Rui and other core disciples. They are all just for face.

Yunli didn't want to talk to her anymore, she was just a dodder who relied on her family, and she planned to lower her status more, besides, the business was important.

She followed the waiter directly out of the box, just in time to see the guards changing shifts below, and she was immediately relieved.

The auction guards need to closely monitor the movement in the arena, and they are under the pressure of everyone upstairs. The guard work is extremely hard, so a shift will be changed every half-time to ensure that the security work is not negligent.

In this way, it won't be conspicuous for the senior brother to leave, but why arrange the guard work under the nose of everyone?

Arriving in the box with doubts, there was no Ye Tiancheng inside, the waiter showed doubts, and grabbed Wei Lin who was pretending to be passing by outside: "Where is the Fourteenth Master?"

Wei Linyuan, a big man with bearded beards, glared at him, and said in a rough voice, "There was an accident at the moment, and I'm discussing with the Ninth Young Master."

While speaking, the short beard on her chin was still trembling, Yunli almost laughed out loud when she saw it, it was so realistic, if it wasn't for the familiar coolness in her sea of ​​consciousness, she really wouldn't dare to confirm that it was her own delicate and picturesque brother.

The waiter didn't have any doubts, turned around and apologized to Yunli, "Excuse Fairy Yun to wait a moment, go to the room and have some tea, I'll go and have a look."

If the matter can't be resolved in a short while, it's not good to make people wait all the time. This is Tai Yizong's new talent, not the little-known little Qi practicer before.

Yunli smiled and nodded, let's go, let's go.

This reception room was obviously also specially selected by Ye Chuchen. It is located at the corner where two corridors intersect. Quarantine prohibition.

"Why did you come so soon? What's the matter? Didn't you get noticed?" Yunli asked anxiously as soon as she entered.

During the operation in Hengyue City, Geli fell into the trap of the four major sects and suffered heavy losses. The reason must be found out. As a participant in the operation, the seniors were the first to be strictly investigated, so they should not be on the mission so soon.

"Mang Zong asked Wen Ming for the Golden Sudden Pill, and worked out of it."

After talking about Canye Pavilion, he asked: "The target of the blue book is you, how is it, no accident?"

Although she was standing here unscathed now, he still felt uneasy. This time, Lan Shu not only brought Jing Shisan with him, but also brought a sky-level killer with him.

"Fortunately, Tai Yizong set up an ambush and appeared in time."

Speaking of this Yunli, I am also very fortunate. That sky-level killer is really cautious, and he is not careless when dealing with her in such a small foundation-building stage. The domain and natal magic tools are used. Fortunately, the sect master set up an ambush in advance.

After hearing her words, Wei Lin frowned, "Did they ask you anything else?"

Yunli was a little confused, "No, everything is under the control of the head teacher and others, so there is nothing to ask. They have been following Lan Shu since he arrived near Tianyun City. If she hadn't approached Lin Xigou Aroused the curiosity of the real monarchs, before she lays an ambush for me, she will be caught."

Wei Lin looked solemn, and poked her head, "Where is the vigilance, I don't even notice such a big danger. Tangtang Yuanyingqi killed you a small foundation, and it is a domain and a natal magic weapon. Do you think it is too one?" Don't the peak masters in charge think too much?"

Nascent Soul Stage's all-out attacks against the Foundation Establishment Stage showed that there was something he was afraid of. After coming to the Taiyi School, she actually seldom took action. Where did these fears come from?

Yunli's mind went down for a short time. After he reminded her, she immediately remembered that after she told the reason why Lan Shu killed her that day, several people had brief eye contact.

They didn't believe it at all!

I was anxious and negligent at the time, but the head teacher and others would not be negligent, but they didn't ask, they just asked something unimportant, and they gently exposed the matter.

This is so obvious that he is paralyzing himself!Be careless! Be careless!

Thinking along this line of thought, there are actually some clues in the back, I am already a core disciple, and I am also a party involved, so I should take part in the follow-up pursuit and secret investigation, just like last time in Hengyue City .

But no, the higher-ups seem to have forgotten the fact that they are also core disciples, and even the fact that the sect secretly controlled all the monks entering and leaving Sky Cloud City was also revealed by Su Xu inadvertently.

She swallowed, a little flustered, and a little guilty, this time she was really careless.

Soon she comforted herself that the Zongmen hadn't taken any action against her, so it was probably still in the stage of suspicion, and there was no definite evidence yet.

Moreover, they may not be able to guess that they are from the Remnant Night Pavilion. The reason for the previous Mengzhan Saber can barely explain that Nascent Soul Killer treats them with caution. After all, Mengzhan Saber has never recognized its master for thousands of years. No one knows the power.

From this point of view, they should suspect that they have a secret.

Thinking about this clearly, she said: "I will restrain myself and work silently until the secret realm is opened."

Now she wished that Jiuliyuan Secret Realm would be opened tomorrow, it was too dangerous outside!

"It's fine as before, don't let people see that you already know that they suspect you." Wei Lin frowned, although he escaped Lan Shu's ambushes, after all, he exposed a little, and Tai Yizong will pay close attention to it in the future she.

Many of her previous behaviors can be ignored when she doesn't pay attention, but now she is suspected, and her various behaviors will be interpreted repeatedly, but whether it is her identity as a spy in the Canye Pavilion or the cousin An Ran who should have been buried in the sea, Whether it's about breaking the seal or breaking the seal can't stand up to scrutiny.

Fortunately, Jiuliyuan Secret Realm was opened in only two months, rubbing the center of his brows, he then instructed: "Disciple, try not to reveal too much."

The most important thing now is to ensure that she can enter the secret realm smoothly. If she is exposed too much, Tai Yizong will not let her go to the secret realm, then it will be a disaster.

Yunli nodded vigorously, took out the panacea, and smiled: "Take the panacea quickly, this is the most important thing!"

"You're still laughing." Wei Lin glared at her, took the panacea and threw it into his mouth, the joy of getting the antidote was gone, and now she was dancing like stepping on the tip of a knife, and her life would be gone if she didn't pay attention , Still laughing, lack of heart.

Yunli blinked, "Then how about I cry?"

Wei Lin: .
"Don't worry, I'm fine. If the vest falls off, I'll just run away." She comforted her proudly, and then hurriedly asked: "How is it? Did Devil May Cry get over it?"

Originally, the purpose of going to Taiyi School was to get the antidote to Devil May Cry, not to be a core disciple of Taiyi. Now that the goal has been achieved, the rest will follow the fate.

As long as he wasn't surrounded by them immediately, with his mortal kung fu skills of changing his cultivation level at will, escaping wouldn't be a matter of minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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