all the way to fairy

Chapter 334 Coping

Chapter 334 Coping
Wei Lin continued to stare at her, and asked worriedly: "Take some time, let alone being surrounded by several Nascent Soul True Monarchs at the same time like Lan Shu, even if only one can escape."

As for the identity of the person she opened the seal, Tai Yizong will only treat it with more caution.

"Don't stare at me like this, your eyes are too big, it's scary." Yunli changed the topic, although she said it boldly and dryly, she was still vain inside.

But what is important now is that the senior brother has been stopped in Tianyun City, what if he keeps worrying about himself and reveals his flaws.

"Did you not be found when you entered Sky Cloud City?"

Lan Shu was dead, and the suspicious eyes of the four major sects were first and foremost on the senior brother. He came to Tianyun City at such a sensitive time, and most likely he was still disguised as a boy like before.

Now she doesn't dare to underestimate these superpowers who have lived for tens of thousands of years. The senior brother has exposed it a few times before, maybe they have discovered some patterns, and they will pay special attention to young people.

Thinking of this, she suggested: "Why don't you disguise yourself as a pretty girl next time."

Even though it was out of season, Wei Lin couldn't help but turn dark. It's such a time, he's still in a bad mood.

"I sincerely suggest, this method is really not good."

Seeing that Wei Lin's face was getting darker and darker, she swallowed the rest of the words, and couldn't help muttering, "Why are men so unresponsive? We women don't think it's a big deal when women disguise themselves as men. You guys can't stand wearing women's clothes. What a mess!" don't know."

The corner of Wei Lin's mouth twitched, and he brought the topic back: "Let's make a long story short, Ye Chuchen won't be able to delay much time. I arrived in Tianyun City twelve days ago, and there was no abnormality found at that time."

After a pause, he added, "Maybe I didn't notice it."

"Twelve days ago? What time exactly?" Yunli's eyes widened. Lan Shu died at noon twelve days ago.

"About three quarters before the hour."

Yunli was speechless, I really don't know if this luck is good or bad, that time period was when Lan Shu ambushed her, if he changed the city gate, they would be able to sense each other if the distance was closer; Charm, I can also feel that senior brother, why does he need to go around such a big circle.

Fortunately, Tianyun City was not yet under martial law at that time, and he should not be included in the list of people entering and exiting the sect's strict investigation, which is also a blessing in misfortune.

Wei Lin asked again: "You said Yingmei killed her, are you sure?"

Speaking of this, Yunli immediately became angry, "I'm sure, the sparrow feathers on her round fan are the same thing, I also thought about it later, except for Yingmei, the chief spy of the Canye Pavilion, who can be so accurate? Given the whereabouts of Lan Shu, the Jing Shisan and the super-killer that day she brought are all veterans, it is impossible to hide their whereabouts well;"

"You already know her other identity." Wei Lin was a little surprised. After contacting him, he found that Yingmei's information was accurate and timely, and the scope was very wide. The aftermath of Yuecheng was finally determined.

Yunli nodded, and added: "Besides, Yingsan died for the deputy cabinet master. She killed Lan Shu to revenge the deputy cabinet master! The motive is full, it must be her!"

"Ying San died?" Wei Lin was stunned.

Yunli hummed lightly, and her mood inevitably sank. She sighed and continued to discuss the problems they were facing now, "What position Ye Chuchen arranged is too eye-catching."

Although it is beneficial for them to meet now, it is too risky to appear directly under the eyes of everyone. With so many people coming and going, what if someone has a special secret method and can see through his disguise.

"Among his direct descendants, only this Yi Jianxiu is suitable."

There was no way to do this. After discovering that You Da Neng was searching for something secretly, he immediately lurked and slowly investigated.

A few days ago in the wine shop, he found someone secretly spreading the news that Lan Shu was dead. After tracking down, he found that it was someone from Jin Ye Pavilion. He immediately understood that it was Ah Li who was using Ye Chuchen to inform him, and immediately found Ye Chuchen. Ask him to arrange a meeting today.

Now that the rumors are raging, the new face will definitely attract the attention of those who are peeping in the dark, so we can only find someone to replace him; however, when it comes to Canye Pavilion, the person to be replaced must be cautious, and it will be even more difficult to find a suitable person in a short time.

Appearance can be disguised, and cultivation base is difficult to change unless it is a special secret method, but the secret method to change cultivation base is extremely rare, and there is a danger of being seen through by high-level monks, not all cultivation methods are as perverted as her mortal world, Nascent Soul monks can't see through.

"Then how do you leave Sky Cloud City now? Is there any goods from Jinye Pavilion to send out?"

She looked outside, and saw a beautifully decorated and luxurious building, and the sound of a fierce price increase came from the back of the building, which was a special part of the break in the middle.

It's really lively, even in the staff area at the rear, it can't stop the roar of people coming from it.

The light in her eyes flickered, and she suddenly thought that most of the monks below were still wrapped in black robes, covering them tightly, and in fact, no one could see anyone's face clearly.

And after every auction, there are always fat sheep that are targeted. Today, almost all the people who came to Jinye Pavilion were thinking of buying things. After a while, the surrounding city was full of excitement.

She suggested: "Or take this opportunity to pretend to be a guest and get out?"

Wei Lin shook his head, "Go out now, no matter what method you use, you will come into Tai Yizong's sight."

"You want to stay in the city?!" Yunli was shocked, and immediately objected: "No, no, it's too dangerous."

It is not safe to hide in Jinye Pavilion all the time, and this kind of occasion with a large number of people must be under the supervision of the sect;
Besides, no matter how much the senior brother pretends to be, a fake is a fake. The people here must be very familiar with that Yi Jian, and it is easy to show flaws after a long time;
In addition, being here means completely handing over his wealth and life to Ye Chuchen's hands, which is too dangerous.

"Listen to me." Wei Lin put his hand on her shoulder, signaling her to calm down.

"The news of Lan Shu's death is sent back to the pavilion, how do you think the pavilion will react?"

She blurted out: "That's needless to say, revenge, Lan Shu is the young pavilion master, who is valued by the pavilion master, and is also the daughter of the deputy pavilion master. The stronghold of Xili Mansion was taken over by the Xiao family, and there was such a murder in the pavilion. revenge, not to mention the blue book."

Speaking of this, she suddenly recalled, and her eyes lit up, "You mean to wait for people to come from the cabinet, and then follow them out!"

She got excited, it was related to the blue book, the man sent by the pavilion must have a high level of cultivation, at least a heaven-level killer, with the Nascent Soul Stage leading the way, it would be easy to follow along!

After being happy for less than three seconds, she frowned again, "Then what should I do during this time?"

It didn't take long for the news to spread, and when the pavilion got the news and discussed the plan before rushing over, half a month had passed.

Wei Lin raised his eyes and looked outside, and said in a calm tone, "Naturally, we should go to Zuimenglou and wait."

"Huh?" Yunli blinked, what is the reason for this, the sect is chasing Yingmei, if they follow some clues to find Zuimenglou, wouldn't they send them to Zuimenglou at this time.

The closed door obliquely opposite opened, and Ye Chuchen came out first, with his back to them standing by the door, his head turned towards the direction of the room, as if he was talking to the people in the room.

Looks like it's over there.

"Even if we found Zuimenglou, if there are other people to fish in troubled waters, the chance of escape will be higher."

After finishing speaking in a few words, he urged again: "Be careful, don't stand out."

After finishing speaking, he opened the door, and in a flash, he disappeared silently at the corner of the corridor like a gust of wind.

 Thanks to book friends 20190316204752696 and Meet Yuan for being such two big monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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