all the way to fairy

Chapter 336 Bidding

Chapter 336 Bidding
With her confirmation, there was an uproar in the audience, and there were people bidding against her. It's been a long time.

He also looked at the box on the second floor where the price was quoted, and it was clear that Tai Yizong was a disciple of a large sect, no wonder he was so rich and powerful.

Just now when the group of them came in, they didn't make any concealment, and there was no way to hide it. This box was specially reserved for them by Jinye Pavilion, and it was only for them to use.

After calming down the scene, An Ran explained to the sluggish Yunli: "It's impossible to take advantage of such a tight commodity. You have to show that you are sure to win, and calm down your opponents in one fell swoop, otherwise they won't be able to take advantage of it." Add a little more, and the final price will be ridiculously high.”

"Besides, if only two people are left to carry each other later, for the sake of face, the other party will follow you, and you may not be able to get a high price."

The corners of Yunli's mouth twitched slightly, so you don't have to lift it yourself, it's so arrogant, and it always gives people the feeling that they are stupid and have a lot of money.

And, what am I surprised about?
I was surprised by Lingshi!
These are two thousand high-grade spirit stones!At the beginning, my Meng Zhan Dao was only a hundred, so I had to bear the debt for such a long time, and it has not been paid off yet.

"Two thousand and ten dollars."

Someone in the hall below made a tentative bid again, with a low voice, but Yunli still heard a trace of familiarity, she stretched her neck and looked down, Wen Xueluo?

With Yunshu Immortal Mansion here, what is she doing in the portable medicine garden?There are too many spirit stones and no land flowers?Or do you want to use the portable medicine garden to cover the Lingzhi in Yunshu Immortal Mansion?
Speaking of which, it is rare to see her using the rare and rare herbs in Yunshu Immortal Mansion.

Soon she understood that the Yunshu Immortal Mansion had been explored by the Remnant Ye Pavilion for so many years as a secret place, and what was inside the Pavilion could not be more clear.

As long as a little special product of Canye Pavilion appears, Canye Pavilion will definitely follow the clues to investigate. It may not be clear once or twice, but if there are too many times, it will be a matter of time to find out Wen Xueluo's hiding place.

However, if you go to the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm, you don't have such worries. There are people from the Remnant Ye Pavilion, who are also at the foundation building stage of the same level, and the foundation building stage obviously has nothing to do with her.

Yunli looked at the hall below, where Wen Xueluo was sitting there with her head lowered, in a black robe that was indistinguishable from the people around her, but there was an invisible coldness covering her body, making those around her unconsciously stay away.

Her bid immediately attracted everyone's attention to her. Since she was sitting in the hall below, she was not a second-generation cultivator from a famous family. She actually had more than 2000 top-grade spirit stones. The key was that her cultivation was only in the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

For a moment, the eyes of everyone looking at her became subtle.

Wen Xueluo turned a blind eye to these things, she had long been familiar with such scenes, wasn't she just planning to rob after a while.

Heh, with Yunshu Immortal Mansion here, no one in this world can rob him!

"Two thousand one hundred." An Ran lazily raised the price again.

But after all, it was a sky-high price of [-]. This time she added a small amount, but it still shocked Yunli. She looked away, tugged at An Ran's sleeve, and asked, "Do you have so many spirit stones?" ?”

Although her cousin is an extremely talented alchemist, Yunli doubts whether she can earn two thousand high-grade spirit stones in just ten years.

An Ran picked up the teacup and moistened her throat, then blinked at her: "Guess?"

The brisk tone and playful appearance made Su Xu stunned. How long has it been since I saw her like this?
At some point, her whole body was full of irritability and depression, as if a storm was brewing, and one day it would completely erupt.

Zheng Rui's eyes flickered on the side. At this price, it is obviously not just as simple as giving away.

His eyes moved, as if he had thought of something, he smiled slightly, and praised: "The auction is indeed like this, Senior Sister An knows it well!"

He didn't have much contact with An Ran, but he did know about her.

An eye-catching genius like her has attracted everyone's attention from the very beginning, and her cultivation speed is frightening. She can draw Qi into her body in just one day, and she has broken through the second level of Qi training in less than half a month.
She has refreshed almost all the cultivation records of the sect, but unfortunately, she was too eager for quick success and instant benefits. When practicing the ninth level of qi, she actually built the foundation directly, and then her cultivation base continued to increase all the way, and everyone turned from envy to waiting to see her joke.

The personal disciples of the peak master should naturally become the core disciples of the sect after the foundation is established according to the principles. They will gradually experience themselves and gradually participate in the affairs of the sect.

But after she established her foundation, whether it was her master Fuyu Zhenjun or other high-level officials, they all forgot about this, which made her position in the sect not awkward.

Especially with Lin Miaotong as a reference, she is also an alchemist. Although she did not practice outside like them after foundation establishment, she was in charge of the distribution of the elixir for the sect's disciples during the Qi training period.

In private, he secretly felt sorry for her. She was indeed messing around in terms of cultivation, but in fact, her contribution to the sect over the years was no less than that of their core disciples.

She has provided the sect with a lot of pills, and with her talent in alchemy, she has cultivated them, and the sect will add a master of alchemy in the future.

But, I don't know what she was thinking, before she was all focused on cultivation, and later she was all on alchemy, everything was in vain, and the sect let her go.

Yunli glanced at Zheng Rui, then at Mo Huai with a calm face, and then at Su Xu, although his expression was in a daze and a little pensive, but obviously it wasn't because of his cousin's wealth.

She didn't have a spirit stone, yet she dared to offer a sky-high price. Could it be possible that someone would give it to her?

But who will help her?
"Couldn't Zongmen buy it?" As soon as the words came out, she was surprised. There is such a good thing?

The portable medicine garden is also a kind of magic weapon, and to use it needs to recognize the owner. There is no accident, this medicine garden will belong to Ah Yan from now on.

The sect would spend such a large price to buy a magic weapon for an outer disciple? !

After thinking about it, it seems that there is only this explanation.

The cousin is arrogant, and because of Fuyu's relationship, she is wary of the great power of the sect. Except for the two senior brothers of Taiqing Peak, everyone else is casual acquaintances.

It is obviously impossible for them to help buy it with Zheng Qianjin, so that only public expenses are left.

An Ran nodded, "Ah Yan is the only alchemist who went in this time. According to the sect, this medicine garden is helping to pay in advance, and I will pay back slowly when I come out later."

Su Xu pulled away from the past, and interjected with a smile: "Speaking of which, I borrowed from your method of buying knives."

It turns out that Yunli has no objection, if it is really a free gift, it will make people feel uneasy, there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, if you give it away, you may have to pay back how much it will be in the future.

There are many spiritual plants in Jiuliyuan, and many rare spiritual plants are even sold for sky-high prices. As long as they can come back alive, they are afraid that they can't afford it.

The price increase was too high this time, and it really stunned many people. A gentle voice sounded from the hall below: "Since Fairy An needs it, I will give up this portable medicine garden to Fairy An. I give up."

Yunli immediately rolled her eyes, and she spoke in a high-sounding way, which is also called letting, obviously poor!Why did he go early? He raised the price more than once.

However, with his leadership, one after another bluntly announced their abandonment, with the exception of two people, one was Wen Xueluo, and the other was a guest in the box next to them.

In just a short while, the price has already been raised to more than 3000 yuan, even with Wen Xueluo's background, it has reached the limit.

After she stopped bidding, the owner in the next room suddenly said: "Since there are only two of us, why don't we discuss it? I actually plan to buy this medicine garden and exchange it with others."

(End of this chapter)

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