all the way to fairy

Chapter 337 Disgusting People

Chapter 337 Disgusting People

The whole place was silent.

Everyone has also participated in many auctions, and this is the first time they have encountered such a situation. Shouldn't this kind of thing be discussed in private? If you say it so loudly, how does Jinye Pavilion feel?

After a brief silence, everyone started to discuss, "Isn't this against the rules?"

"Yeah, who is this person? He's really brave enough to disturb the order of Jinye Pavilion."

At this time, the man in the next room came out despite the discussion of the crowd. He was in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, wearing a cream-white inner shirt and a smoky blue robe. He was holding a green landscape folding fan. Looking at it makes people feel cordial.

"Who is this?"

"do not know."

"New faces"

Listening to the discussion below, Yunli couldn't help but become curious. Most of the boxes on the second floor were genius disciples from the aristocratic sects near Tianyun. It was rare that so many people didn't know each other.

She turned her head and asked, "Do you know each other? Could it be that what he said just now meant that he wanted to exchange something with us?"

If the exchange object is not them, he is determined, and the price increase is; if it is not necessary, just give up, there is no need to deal with so many moths.

At this time, Ye Chuchen's voice came from upstairs, "So, the two of you will discuss first."

Yunli and the others were even more surprised that Ye Chuchen agreed to this blatant violation of the auction rules!
"It won't be tricky, right?" Yunli immediately became vigilant.

The expressions of the others were also a bit dignified. After a moment of silence, Su Xu said, "Let's see what he has to say first."

Unknown to them, Ye Chuchen on the other side was walking back and forth anxiously in the room.

This person came over when the auction was about to start, and he was very generous. He doubled the Lingshi and reserved the box without saying anything, and said bluntly: "I want to take a certain auction item as a gift for someone to meet, in order to win the favor of the beautiful woman. It will break the rules of Guige, please be more generous. Of course, the final price will not let Guige suffer."

At that time, he thought that the man really wanted to please some beautiful woman, and it was only a foundation building period, so he could make a lot of noise; moreover, he could use him as an excuse to discuss with Uncle Fourteen and stop Fourteen in a reasonable way. Uncle agreed after a while.

How could he expect his target to be Tai Yizong, and this tone, there is nothing to please the beautiful woman, it is clearly asking for something, and it also faintly reveals some threatening meaning.

Now that Ye Chuchen's guts are green with regret, and he is showing off his wealth without any concealment, this person's background is definitely not just an ordinary foundation cultivator.

If that person really came to plot against Tai Yizong, the relationship between Tai Yizong and the Ye family might break down afterwards.

Da da da!
After three clear door knocks, a waiter came in and said in a low voice, "Ninth Young Master, Fourteenth Master invites you to come over."

Ye Chuchen took a deep breath and told Guanshi Ding who was standing quietly beside him, "Come and inform me as soon as you have any news."

After finishing speaking, he followed the waiter to find Ye Tiancheng.

In the box here, the folding fan male cultivator solemnly saluted, "This time, I have something to ask for, and I have to do it as a last resort. I hope you will be tolerant."

Su Xu smiled lightly, politely and distantly: "Fellow Taoist, please tell me."

"The little brother in the family went wrong in his cultivation, and his tendons were completely destroyed. We heard that Daoist Danyang of your sect had refined a golden marrow pill. We wanted to ask for it, but we suffered from lack of friendship. That's why we came up with such a bad idea. I'm really sorry."

Yunli's heart skipped a beat, is this someone from Canye Pavilion?
She looked at the man suspiciously. Although his appearance was not stunning, there was a different kind of gentle temperament all over his body, which was very different from the killer's temperament in Canye Pavilion. If she had seen it, she would definitely have an impression.

But at this time, she came to buy Jin Sui Pill with such great fanfare and was sure to get it, she really couldn't think of anyone else except the awn seed.

After Lan Shu's death, just for the sake of face, the pavilion will definitely retaliate. As a result, Wen Ming's Golden Sudden Pill will be ruined again, and if the delay continues, who knows whether Master Danyang's Golden Supplement Pill will be kept or not? .

Speaking of this, Yunli couldn't help but sigh with emotion, Lan Shu really caught Wen Mingkeng.

If it wasn't because of her moth, Wen Ming would have been injured, and if he rushed back to the pavilion in time, he wouldn't have become a useless person. Now he finally has a chance to recover, and because she has little hope.

"This portable medicine garden will be photographed by me, and I will apologize to everyone." Nanxiu still had that gentle and sincere appearance.

If he directly took a photo of the medicine garden with him, it would barely be credible, but now he is clearly threatening.

If he doesn't agree, he will continue to raise the price, even if he wins the medicine garden in the end, the spirit stone he paid must be far more than expected; and with a man's attitude, he obviously doesn't mind it in his hands at all.

Especially Yunli, who knew his identity, was even more aware of his determination. The battle between the two sides was imminent, and Daoist Danyang was a down-to-earth nerd, who wouldn't come out once in a century.

When the two sides started fighting, he would stay in the sect to concentrate on alchemy and provide logistical support. It would be difficult to trick him out by any means.

This is also why Mangzhong risked being exposed and asked for Jin Sui Pill with such a forceful attitude. This was the only chance.

For a moment, everyone's expressions were a little ugly. For those who don't need it, Jin Sui Pill is really tasteless. It would be gratifying to be able to sell it at a high price, but in this way, it will always make people swallow A fly, very disgusting.

Don't agree, they really need this portable medicine garden. With the medicine garden, they can pick and plant a large number of spiritual plants in the secret realm, which is very important for the future development of the sect.

"We promise."

When the few people were hesitating, a pleasant voice suddenly came to mind outside the door, like spring water flowing slowly through the bluestones among the pine trees under the lonely moonlight, quiet and charming.

Lin Xizhu stood up suddenly, rushed to the door excitedly, opened the door, and exclaimed in surprise: "Brother!"

Yunli was startled, Lin Chen?

She raised her eyes and saw that the handsome young man was slowly floating down the stairs, his white clothes were blown up slightly by the wind, his belt was flying, and three thousand ink hairs were flying, drawing an elegant arc in the air, his skin was fair and shiny Flowing, a pair of glazed eyes are clear and penetrating, against the figure hanging in mid-air, it looks like the moon god coming to the world.

It's really him, Yunli lowered his eyes slightly, he won't recognize himself, right?
Thinking of her drastically changed appearance, she quickly calmed down again, raised her eyes again, and looked over curiously.

The slightly stunned Su Xu and the others came back to their senses, suppressed the surprise in their hearts, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute, "Senior Brother Lin."

Lin Chen nodded to the others, looked at the folding fan man, and said again: "We agree with this method, please, fellow daoist."

Lin Xi's voice was undisguised, and everyone in the audience clearly heard his words "brother", and they were also shocked.

"It's Young Master Mingyue!"

"Isn't he in seclusion? When did he leave the seclusion, and he didn't hear the wind at all."


"Uncle Lin is still so handsome, like a banished fairy"

For a while, everyone was talking and guessing, while craned their necks to look into the room on the second floor.

 Thanks to book friends 111026192755964 and book friends 20170519194754837 for their monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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