all the way to fairy

Chapter 338 Unusual

Chapter 338 Unusual

When everyone's eyes were on Lin Chen, Yunli's eyes met Wei Lin who was poking his head out from the corner of the hall, and she hurriedly mouthed to tell him to go away.

Since the Canye Pavilion has already come, then hurry up and find an organization to go out with it. Mang Zhong attaches so much importance to this matter, why he came to Tianyun City in person, there is a lore to attract firepower, so when not to leave now!
Wei Lin nodded, signaling her to be careful, then turned and left.

Yunli exhaled lightly, finally something good happened, I hope everything goes well.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mo Huai leaning sideways, stretching his neck to follow her line of sight, Yun Li's crow's eyelashes trembled, and his heart almost stopped suddenly in fright.

Didn't he see his brother?
No, she quickly denied her own thoughts, Senior Brother Cai had been watching this side all the time, if he found something abnormal in him, he would not take any other actions at all.

From this point of view, Mo Huai followed his gaze after he left, at least after his senior brother turned around.

As long as he didn't see the interaction between himself and his senior brother, he had already changed into that ghostly appearance, and he almost couldn't recognize him, let alone Mo Huai.

She pretended not to notice Mo Huai's movements, turned her eyes naturally, first looked at a corner on the other side, then at the people who pushed the door on the opposite side, and finally set her eyes on Lin Chen who walked in slowly .

He walked up to the folding fan man, looked at him indifferently, and repeated: "We agree."

The folding fan man was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized that he cupped his hands with a smile: "It turns out that he is the famous Mr. Mingyue, sorry for your disrespect!"

Facing Lin Chen who was in the Golden Core stage, he was neither humble nor overbearing. After a polite sentence, he tilted his head slightly, and said to the auctioneer on the stage: "500 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, I will give it directly to Fairy An Ran in a while."

Suddenly there were gasps in the arena, all of them were suppressed by his generous handwriting, the corner of Yunli's mouth twitched, and he raised another 200 yuan. Do these people have so many spirit stones that they have no place to put them?
Lin Chen was also unambiguous, and told with a smile: "Brother Su and Nephew Zheng, go back and get the Golden Sudden Pill."

Yunli: .
After going on for a long time, Jin Sui Dan was not here at all, and with the posture of the folding fan man who was determined to win, she thought that Daoist Danyang had also come to Jinye Pavilion secretly.

Seeing Su Xu's leaving figure, Yun Li didn't know what to say, Jinsui Pill belonged to Daoist Danyang, the master didn't know anything, and the elixir had already been sold.

Wait, there seems to be something wrong.

Mangzhong's people must have come to Tianyun City after learning that Lan Shu was dead, so the whereabouts of the folding fan man must be under the control of the sect.

He sought the Golden Sudden Pill with such a strong posture, even if Tai Yizong hadn't doubted his identity before, it is impossible not to doubt his identity at this time.

So why give him the Golden Sudden Pill?
Thinking of Lin Chen's resolute attitude, it's rare that the sect is bound to win this portable medicine garden?
After hearing Lin Chen's instructions, the folding fan man relaxed, and nodded at everyone, "This way I won't disturb your gathering, see you later."

Watching the folding fan man leave, Lin Chen still didn't say anything, instead he spoke softly to Lin Xi, "Why are you still crying, aren't you happy seeing your brother?"

At this moment, Lin Xi was already crying till the pear blossoms were raining, and threw herself into Lin Chen's arms, "Brother, I miss you so much."

"How old you are." Lin Linchen smiled helplessly, looked up at An Ran, and sighed: "The scene of bringing you back to the sect was like yesterday, and you have grown into a big girl in a blink of an eye."

"I heard that you are very talented in alchemy, so learn from Senior Brother Danyang. His attainments in alchemy are no worse than the alchemists in Tianxin Pavilion."

An Ran smiled, "Senior brother Xie Lin pointed out that he has retreated for many years, and his demeanor is as good as before."

Lin Chen smiled, then turned to Mo Huai and said, "Are you Grandpa's new disciple, Mo Huai?"

"I've met Senior Brother Lin." Mo Huai quickly stepped forward and bowed.

"That's right, after such a big change, you can still calm down and polish your cultivation, you have a good heart!"

Mo Huai was very convinced of Lin Chen, the number one genius of the Taiyi Sect. With his affirmation, Mo Huai, who was always gloomy, rarely smiled.

Lin Xi also suppressed her tears, raised her chin proudly, hugged Lin Chen's arm, and said proudly: "That's right, brother Huai's swordsmanship is second only to you in the sect."

After thinking about it, I added another sentence: "Grandpa said it himself!"

"Really?" Lin Chen was a little surprised. He remembered that Su Xu's talent in swordsmanship was also very good. Since grandpa said so, then his swordsmanship is indeed good.

After talking about Mo Huai, he turned his gaze to Yunli, his eyes flashed with surprise, "When did the sect add such a genius, at such a young age, he has already established a foundation!"

What is rare is that the breath is long and the foundation is solid, and it is not the kind of cultivation that relies on taking medicine and blindly piles up.

Yunli hurriedly saluted, and said, "Taiyi Peak disciple Yunli, met Master Lin."

"Are you a disciple of Taiyi Peak?"

An Ran smiled: "It's still a registered disciple of the Master Master."

Surprise flashed across Lin Chen's face, and his smile became more cordial, "It's too unfamiliar to call you uncle like that, let's call him brother."

"Yes, Brother Lin."

An Ran didn't want his attention to be too much on Yunli, so she changed the subject, "Senior brother Lin, why did we agree to that person? There is obviously a problem with his identity."

Yunli pricked up her ears. If she hadn't been suspected, she would have asked.

"Hey," Lin Chen rubbed the center of his brows, "The sect really can't spare other portable medicine gardens, we must take this one."

He lowered his voice again while speaking: "This time the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm, the Golden Core Stage can also enter."

"Ah?" Lin Xi couldn't hold back, and exclaimed: "Isn't it only possible to enter during the foundation building period?"

A trace of solemnity flashed across Lin Chen's face, "We don't know the specific reason. What we know about this matter now is limited to our four major factions. After a while, more people will know about it. No matter how many magic tools like the portable medicine garden You can’t even buy spirit stones.”

With the joining of Jindan stage monks, many rare spiritual plants that could not be picked before can be picked, and the importance of the portable medicine garden can be imagined.

"Brother, are you going too?" Lin Xi was full of reluctance, "I just left the customs."

In the house, Lin Chen comforted his little sister softly, but the atmosphere outside became tense unconsciously.

Those present were all human beings, and they had already sensed something unusual from the conversation between Lin Chen and the folding fan man. If this auction was not related to life and death in the secret realm of Jiuliyuan, they might have gotten up and left early.

The female nun who presided over the auction stopped mobilizing the atmosphere, and after introducing the characteristics of the lot in a few words, the guests also involuntarily accelerated their bids.

Although both parties are determined to end this auction as soon as possible, but after all it is related to their wallets and lives, after several considerations, how fast can this speed be.

After the auction ended, after waiting for a while, Su Xu returned with the Golden Sudden Pill, and after directly handing the Golden Sudden Pill to the other party, Lin Chen raised his hand and sacrificed a small spirit boat: "All disciples, get on the spirit boat quickly. "

There is indeed a problem!
Yun Li's eyes flashed, could it be that Mang Zhong had already appeared and confronted Tai Yizong?

(End of this chapter)

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