all the way to fairy

Chapter 340 That Boy

Chapter 340 That Boy
After listening to Master Kaiyu's narration, Lin Chen frowned, and murmured softly: "So, there are people in Canye Pavilion targeting Qianjiu."

Kai Yu nodded, "He is so talented, his master must have a high position in Can Ye Pavilion, presumably it should be an internal dispute in Can Ye Pavilion."

Lin Chen admired: "Under the double dilemma of Zhengdao's pursuit and Canye Pavilion's internal countermeasures, this Qianjiu is really extraordinary!"

"The beauty of Qingben, how can I be a thief." A woman couldn't help but sigh, "It's a pity that such a good talent and such a delicate face."

Yunli was speechless, why did the topic turn to the senior brother, the sect is near, everyone is free, right?

The woman's words were approved by most of the female cultivators on the spirit boat, and they all echoed in low voices. Whenever Qian Jiu was mentioned, that exquisite and picturesque face flashed in their minds.

The clean and sharp sword eyebrows are raised slightly, showing the youthful spirit and pride; the phoenix eyes are cold and penetrating, as if one can look into the heart of a person at a glance, and when staring carefully, they are like holding the stars in the sky, deep and mysterious, alluring indulge.

At this time, the distance from the Zongmen was getting closer, and everyone's nerves were no longer as tense as before, and they began to gossip.

Some people couldn't help looking at Mo Huai, obviously thinking of the love-hate entanglement between Mo Huai, Mo You, and Qian Jiu.

Seeing that Lin Xi's breath was stuck in her chest, she almost couldn't get up. How could these female cultivators have brains? How could Brother Huai like Mo You? How could her despicable and shameless villain be worthy of Brother Huai? That ghostly look.

If you want to open your mouth, he is very clever, he didn't mention Mo Huai at all, he was discussing Qian Jiu and Mo You the whole time, and he only glanced at Mo Huai from time to time, almost choking Lin Xi out of his mind.

Lin Chen smiled, and couldn't help feeling that the woman was a magical creature. One moment she was on full alert for the killer of the Canye Pavilion, and the next moment the danger was relieved, she could immediately chat about the opponent's appearance and anecdotes with great interest.

However, it’s good, in the secret realm of Jiuliyuan, there are dangers everywhere, and Xu De often tenses his nerves, knowing that he can relax and adjust himself, and he can better adapt to it.

He raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I'm so curious about what I said. It's a person who is like a god, which caused you to react like this."

This conversation made the female disciples even more excited, and they stopped trying to hide their voices.

"Hey, that uncle was in seclusion earlier, in front of Mr. Mingyue, who can be more handsome than you!"

"Yes yes yes, Uncle Lin is the most beautiful! Bah, the most handsome!"

"Uncle Lin is number one in the world"

Some of the female disciples started blowing rainbow farts at Lin Chen, and they were also stubborn, muttering: "I still think Qianjiu is the prettiest."

There is also a very fraternal one, "Uncle Lin is the bright moon in the bright summer night, and Qianjiu is the cold and mysterious star in the vast starry sky."

They had a lively discussion, and the male disciples couldn't help joking around. Su Zhe of the Su family clicked his tongue twice, and raised his voice: "I happen to have a killing order for him here, come here, and compare and compare with the portraits." Who is more handsome, Master Uncle Lin or Qian Jiu?"

The ending sound is whirling, full of ridicule.

Su Zhe is about the same age as Lin Chen. Before Su Xu discovered the twin spiritual roots, he was the most talented child of the Su family among the younger generation.

Lin and Su are family friends, and they had a good relationship when they were young. Unfortunately, his talent is far inferior to Lin Chen, and he is far behind.

As Su Zhe said, he took out a yellowed killing order from the storage bag, shook it open gently, pretended to look at the killing order, then raised his eyes to look at Lin Chen carefully, rubbed his chin with his fingertips, and said slowly : "Well, in terms of appearance, this Qianjiu is indeed no worse than you, each has its own merits."

While speaking, the spirit boat had already arrived above the martial arts arena. Lin Chen smiled helplessly while controlling the whereabouts of the spirit boat: "Brother Su is used to joking, it's just a skin—"

"Do you believe it? Then you can see for yourself." He was interrupted by Su Zhe before he finished speaking.

Holding the killing order in front of his eyes, seeing the change in his expression, Su Zhe smiled, and he knew that it was just a skin, and this guy cared about his face since he was a child.

Once when he was practicing hunting monsters, he accidentally threw a fireball into his face. This fellow went into a rage on the spot, and cut off a monster approaching him with a single sword, causing his face to be covered in blood.

Lin Chen smiled helplessly, his eyes fell on the killing order, and he froze immediately.

"This is Qianjiu?"

"That's not it, how is it, not worse than you?"

"Impossible!" Lin Chen blurted out, in a state of shock, the spirit boat failed to control well, fell suddenly, and slammed onto the ground.

Fortunately, everyone was a monk, and they stabilized after shaking their bodies, instead of lying on the ground sprawled.

Su Zhe was joking, but was stunned by his big reaction, "You just don't want to."

Seeing Lin Chen's astonished expression, he swallowed the foolish joke behind him, and said seriously, "What's wrong?"

"This is that boy." Lin Chen stared at the portrait drawn with light brush and ink on the killing order, his face became very ugly.

"What boy?"

Su Zhe was puzzled, and the others were also confused.

Yunli's heart tightened, and she stuck her nails into her flesh, suppressing the trembling of her body, he recognized it!

He even recognized it!
She was secretly annoyed, how could she forget this, among the people who came to Canglan from Liang Guo, the other children were young and didn't remember anything, and the appearance of the senior brother also changed when they grew up, and in their consciousness, they and the senior brother were already dead, That's why he didn't think about the person on the killing order for his senior brother.

But Lin Chen was already a Foundation Establishment cultivator at that time, and he observed subtleties.

An Ran's pupils trembled, and she looked at Yunli subconsciously. She lowered her eyes slightly and breathed shallowly. Her whole body was like an illusory wind. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, it would be easy to ignore her existence.

On one side of the body, she took two steps forward, and she stood in front of her calmly. Although the cousin is showing no flaws now, who knows if she will be unable to hold on for a while and show something strange.

"That boy from the Liang Kingdom." Lin Chen took a deep breath, calming down his turbulent mood, "Do you still remember the two Liang Kingdom children who died back then? Qianjiu is the boy with the dual spiritual roots of fire and wood."

"Huh?!" Su Zhe felt a little knotted in his head.

Others are also full of disbelief.

"No way? Didn't they say they were swept away by the storm and died?"

"That's right, monsters and beasts are rampant in the boundless sea area, not to mention two children who haven't drawn their qi into their bodies, even monks in the middle and late stages of qi training can hardly survive."

Master Kaiyu raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, "Are you sure?"

"I hope not." Lin Chen frowned, "But these eyes, I will never admit my mistake!"

At that time, among the children who tested the fairy fate, one had a single fire root, and the other had two fire and wood roots. Judging from the light emitted by the test spirit stone, the purity of their spiritual roots was not low, so I paid special attention to the two of them. .

"I remember he is from Liang Guojing." Kui Yu murmured, and slowly turned to look at An Ran, "Junior Sister An, come and recognize me too."

 Thanks for the reward and monthly pass! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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