all the way to fairy

Chapter 341 Subtlety

Chapter 341 Subtlety
An Ran seemed to have just recovered, stepped forward a few steps, stared at the killing order for a long time, and said, "It seems that there is a shadow of him in his eyebrows and eyes."

She raised her hand and rubbed her temples, "It's been too long, I can't remember clearly, I only have a vague impression."

Kaiyu nodded, but she didn't doubt that she knew about it and didn't report it. At that time, Qianjiu's hunting order was flying all over the sky, and the children from Liang Guo didn't recognize any of them. They were still young at that time, and the time they spent together was short, so they couldn't remember. Also normal.

Lin Chen next to him suddenly asked: "I remember that the little girl he often follows is your cousin, haven't you met him before?"

An Ran nodded, and sighed insignificantly: "I grew up in a deep palace with strict rules and regulations. I rarely saw outsiders, especially boys, except at banquets. And Weininghou's Mansion is adjacent to my aunt's Princess Mansion. They The two grew up together and have a very good relationship.”

"Since he is still alive, your cousin should be alive too, now you can"

In the middle of Su Xu's comforting words, he choked when thinking of Wei Lin's identity, he might still be alive, but most likely he was trapped in the Remnant Night Pavilion like Qian Jiu, and now he is also an enemy.

This is not comforting people, this is simply inserting a knife into people's hearts, he tried to open his mouth, but he really didn't know how to continue, so he pursed his lips, then sighed and remained silent.

Thinking of this matter, An Ran became so angry that she couldn't help spitting: "Damn Xuan Jie!"

Leaving aside her, the others also recalled that if it wasn't for Xuan Jie's robbery, how could so many incidents have happened, and now Qian Jiu is their senior brother.

The eyes of some people who knew something about the inside story suddenly turned subtle, and they couldn't help but look at Mo Huai. At that time, Lin Chen brought An Ran back to the sect. Keep her under the door.

After some debate, the head teacher and Fuyu Zhenjun finally hesitated. Later, the head teacher made a concession. An Ran worshiped under Fuyu's door, and another boy with double spiritual roots worshiped under the head teacher's door.

Unexpectedly, Zhenjun Fuyu rushed to the Four Seasons Valley to pick up people, but in the end he brought back another boy with dual spiritual roots.

Although it was a pity for the head teacher to miss a genius disciple, he also believed that everything had its own fate, so he accepted Mo Huai.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, Mo Huai actually took the boy's place, and the sect did not pursue Siji Valley severely in the end, it was also because Mo Huai made up for the genius who missed the double spiritual root, otherwise the matter would not be so easy to pass.

Although it was a little unreasonable, everyone couldn't help but secretly guess in their hearts, what would the head teacher think when he found out?

Although they are all the top talents of Shuanglinggen, it is obvious that Qianjiu is even better.

What's even more coincidental is that Mo Huai is a sword cultivator, and so is Qian Jiu. From these years of confrontation, it is not difficult to see that his understanding of swords is far superior to that of Mo Huai.

Mo Huai, who was being watched by everyone, was in a mess right now, and had no time to feel the meaningful gazes of everyone.

If Qianjiu was that boy back then, who was the girl who rescued him on Dengtai Mountain?
At that delicate time, he would risk his life and death to save him, as well as the various abnormalities of Yunli outside Tianyun City.

The answer was ready to come out, she was the one who saved him!

He closed his eyes, and a strange sour feeling surged into his heart. The situation was so dangerous at that time, almost all the younger generation of the Xiao Family's Foundation Establishment Stage disciples were there, and she actually rushed in to save people, disregarding her own safety at all.

And her cultivation. At that time, she was already in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and she was a small realm higher than herself. Then how high is her talent? She is clearly a five-spiritual root, but her cultivation speed is not as good as that of a single-spiritual root. Difference.
Mo Huai didn't dare to think about it anymore. He didn't want to pry into her secrets, and he didn't want to think about her conspiracy to hide her cultivation. Now, he just wants to find a quiet place and think about how to face her in the future.

But Lin Chen didn't give him time to buffer, he suddenly raised his head, looked at Kaiyu, and slowly uttered: "Donglu, Canye Pavilion, Liang Guo, he is the one who revealed the seal!"

What unsealer?An Ran was a little dazed, looking around, some people were as puzzled as she was, while others were shocked.

Yunli suddenly raised her head, how could he be sure it belonged to her senior?What is the relationship with Liang Guo?
Looking at An Ran's blue hair fluttering in the night wind in front of her, she quickly restrained her expression, adjusted her body slightly, and completely concealed herself behind An Ran and everyone else.

What to do now?
Her brain turned sharply, she had already arrived at the martial arts arena, and so many people knew it, it was too late to silence her.

Then she could only wait and see what happened. She raised her head slightly, looked at the flickering stars in the night sky, let out a breath, and her heart was completely quiet at this moment.

If it is really a last resort, expose it. It doesn't matter if you don't want to be a disciple of the Taiyi Sect. The worst result is nothing more than dying in the world.

She had just made the worst plan when she saw Mo Huai, who had been silent all this time, startled and blurted out: "He's in Sky Cloud City!"

"How does Brother Mo know?" At this moment, Yunli had collected her emotions. Hearing this, she walked to the front quickly and was the first to ask.

She stared into Mo Huai's eyes, tilted her head slightly, with a curious look on her face.

Lin Chen on the side also hurriedly asked for confirmation, "Is there any basis for what my junior brother said? How sure are you?"

Naturally, when Senior Brother Lin showed up just now, everyone's eyes were on Senior Brother, except her.

She came from the Kingdom of Liang, and apart from An Ran and Mu Yan, the only person she valued was Qian Jiu. An Ran was by her side, and Mu Yan was in the sect. Who was the person who caught her attention?

Seventy percent certainty is Qianjiu, and now she is very sure about her concern.

But these words got stuck in his throat.

Looking at those clear and lingling eyes, and looking at himself quietly and firmly, Mo Huai's throat seemed to be stuffed with a ball of cotton, and he couldn't utter a word.

In her eyes, he saw the determination to break the boat, the determination to never give up.

In Dao Dao's scorching eyes, he slowly shook his head, "No, it's just a guess. Since the killer in blue dared to enter the Jin Ye Pavilion and blatantly asked us for the Golden Supplement Pill, someone must cooperate with him."

"We all know Qianjiu's strength. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the first genius in Canye Pavilion. Under the circumstances that it is inconvenient for Jindan Yuanying stage monks to enter, who is more suitable to carry out such an action than him?"

"Indeed." Su Zhe rubbed his chin and nodded in agreement, "Canye Pavilion is really not afraid of the fall of this genius at all, and sends him to any dangerous missions."

Mo Huai sneered, "Assassin organization, they don't care if they are talented or not. To them, completing the task is the most important thing."

Regarding his extreme remarks, the others wisely did not correct them. Lan Shu, Mo You and the young man who drove the Mist Bee were able to escape from Yuan Yingqi's hands, didn't they rely on the powerful means of Canye Pavilion?

Especially Mo You, who can be described as arrogant, Can Yege is a protection for his core disciples.

In the past, they had a vague feeling that compared to the other talented killers, Qian Jiu seemed to have picked it up, but now they understand it.

Remnant Ye Pavilion mostly focused on bloodlines, and Mo You was a descendant of Mo Qishan, so naturally Qian Jiu, who joined later, couldn't compare.

The other Blue Book and the youth of the Mist Bee are probably descendants of the high-level officials of the Canye Pavilion.

 Thanks summer for the big monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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