all the way to fairy

Chapter 343 They Are All Ants

Chapter 343 They Are All Ants
Her performance made the several True Monarchs very satisfied. Children who know how to advance and retreat, and know how to measure are always more pleasing.

Fuyue signaled her to stand aside and wait with his eyes, seeing that she would walk to Danyang's side with understanding, he was even more appreciative.

It has to be said that a child from the mundane world is more polite than others, and he is worried that she will be like Xi'er, who will not care about anything when she gets emotional.

In that case, the uncle would probably throw her out directly.

The room was silent and silent, only Zhenjun Ling Su was panting more and more heavily, his rosy face had turned pale at this moment, beads of sweat rolled down drop by drop, it was obviously very difficult.

After a while, Zhenjun Fuyu's body shook violently, as if he was enduring some inhuman torture, he kept twitching.

Outside the house, Yunli's heart skipped a beat, she pulled Mu Yan over without thinking, and moved across the ground.

In the next second, a fierce sword intent suddenly appeared in the Hall of Supreme Purity, and the extreme sense of danger appeared in everyone's heart, but they seemed to be tapped on acupuncture points, unable to move.

A little bit of golden light rushed out with unrivaled momentum, passing through the palace gate, crowd, trees, and mountain peaks.
It wasn't until the fifth mountain peak that the sword intent was exhausted.

A bit of bloody smell drifted into the tip of the nose, and the night wind blew slowly, making the bloody smell thicker and thicker.
Yunli turned around, seeing Su Zhe's astonished face, her gaze slowly moved down, and landed on his chest, her gaze was fixed.

On the snow-white clothes, the thin red blood line was exceptionally clear. Slowly, the blood color smeared, the thin line turned into a thick rope, and the small golden sword at the skirt was also cut in two from the blood color.

Shouldn't it be
Thinking of a possibility, she swallowed.

However, Su Zhe didn't notice it, he blinked his eyes, as if he came back to his senses, the astonishment on his face gradually disappeared, and he murmured: "Sword intent?"

There are fallen leaves in the sky, and without exception, there are neat fractures on one side.

One of them fell from Su Zhe's eyes, and he subconsciously raised his hand to brush it away.


Yunli shouted silently, watching his body slowly staggered, the upper part fell to the ground with a slap, and rolled away, and then the torso also collapsed, and the bright red blood instantly infected large areas of the white jade floor .

As if a certain switch had been turned on, bang bang bang sounded continuously, mixed with shrill and frightening screams, but soon, these screams disappeared.

The surviving disciples were stunned, and the entire Taiqing Hall was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

In the silence, there was a soft moaning moan suddenly, and everyone followed the sound neatly and quickly. A fat young man raised his chin slightly, looking in the direction of the palace gate, amidst the remains of the ground. at every turn.

On his chest, dark red blood quickly flowed down, staining his clothes bloody, in stark contrast to the clean green clothes above the blood line.

It's Xu Pan, the little fat guy who came from Liang Guo together.

Beside him, there were several other people whose bodies were also stained with blood. Obviously, they didn't know whether they were slow to react or calm and calm. Facing such a situation, they didn't yell and shake the gap, but kept their previous actions. The atmosphere did not dare to come out.

A vague thought flashed through her mind, and Yunli hurriedly said, "Don't move!"

While speaking, she lightly stepped on her feet, and suddenly came to a few people, and quickly sealed their main spiritual acupoints.

The healing ability of monks far exceeds that of ordinary people. When Wen Ming was almost cut into tofu by the eight-eyed spider silk array on the back of the flower, it is very similar to the current situation.

Many of the monks here came back from the Jinye Pavilion auction just now, and they immediately thought of the folding fan man who asked for the Golden Sudden Pill for his younger brother, and they all reacted.

Just as he was about to go over to help, he suddenly heard a slight puffing sound, and everyone stopped, that was the sound of blood flowing.

Yunli also looked suspiciously at Xu Pan beside her, only to see that the wound where her acupuncture point was sealed just now started to bleed again.

"It's useless." Su Xu sighed, "That's not ordinary sword energy, but sword intent, the sword intent with the master's will, if the sword intent is not removed, it will continue to damage the wound, and it will not heal at all."

After hearing this, Yunli immediately thought that Fuyu was covered in blood just now from a distance.

Just now she felt a little strange, the one who brought him back was a Nascent Soul True Monarch, no matter how anxious he was, he should have bandaged him first, bleeding all the way, even if he wasn't injured, he couldn't stand it.

It turned out that it wasn't that he didn't bandage, but that it didn't work.

"Then this sword intent is"

Immediately, she realized that this sword intent was brought back by Fuyu, she swallowed the rest of the words, and turned to look at Xu Pan who was still trying to keep still, his eyes were full of fear and despair.

Meeting her gaze, those desperate eyes gave off a strong light of hope, as if a drowning man grasped the last straw.

Yunli's heart trembled from the scorching sight, such a satisfied hope was too heavy, she opened her mouth helplessly, "I—"

"Master Fuyu's sword intent was eliminated by the elder."

The cold words interrupted what she said later, and also extinguished the last ray of light in Xu Pan's eyes. Elder Ling Su went in for about a quarter of an hour to clear the sword intent from Zhenjun Fuyu's body.

Others don't think about it, and the elder will not save him, an outer disciple, not only him, but also several other inner disciples.

In the eyes of the high-ranking elders, there is no difference between the disciples of the outer sect and the inner sect, they are all ants.

Yunli turned her head and looked over, Mo Huai looked ferocious amidst the blood all over the ground, his dark eyes were filled with indifference and gloom, and the miserable white moonlight poured down from behind him.

The criss-crossed leaves above his head cast shadows on his face, and his whole body exuded a slight chill, like Shura who came from hell.

She was slightly startled, glanced around, and fell silent. The scene tonight was very similar to the night when Fang's family was destroyed.

She turned her head, looked at the hopeless Xu Pan, closed her eyes, and said softly, "You haven't established your foundation yet, and you still have a chance to reincarnate."

With the flow of blood, Xu Pan's breath was already very weak, but he still stubbornly refused to move an inch, still maintaining the previous posture, a hot tear slipped from the corner of his eye.

He moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything because he was worried about touching the wound.

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and fell forward, a low murmur dissipated in the wind in an instant.

"But I only want this life"

Yunli's eyes became hot, and a sense of powerlessness invaded her from the inside and outside, and she couldn't be saved.

She looked around blankly, the blood in her eyes made her eye sockets sore, and an inexplicable sense of frustration overwhelmed her, dragging her into a dark abyss.


Hearing someone calling her in a trance, Yunli turned her eyes blankly, and the blurred face in her vision gradually became clear.

"it's not your fault."

Mu Yan's voice rang in my ears, and it seemed to come from the long river of time, with a vague echo, sometimes clear and sometimes blurred.
She shook her head vigorously, rolled her eyes again, her vision finally became clear, and Mu Yan's words were no longer separated by a layer of cloth.

Yunli raised her hand and rubbed the center of her brows, thinking strangely, could it be that she fainted from blood?
 Thanks to the two big monthly tickets of Vanity Life Like a Dream and Yun Chui! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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