all the way to fairy

Chapter 344 Take the initiative to find the door

Chapter 344 Take the initiative to find the door

Is that sword intent from Awakening Insects?

As far as she knows about such a sword that is so fast, Jing Zhe is the only one.

When she practiced Huanshiling back then, she achieved some success at the beginning of practice, and she proudly showed off to Wei Lin.

Wei Lin smiled lightly, pulled the tassel of the sword, and said leisurely: "I heard that my master's swordsmanship is extremely good. Wherever his sword passes, the object does not move at all, and it still maintains the previous state. If you can get Huanshi Ling Only when you have practiced to that point can you be considered a talent.”

At that time, the senior brother had just become a teacher, so many things about Jing Zhe were just hearsay, and he was not sure if it was true, but he said it very seriously, as if it was the truth, but in fact he was afraid that he would not cultivate well after retreating.

Later, although he followed Jing Zhe to study in seclusion, he had never seen his sword. It is said that those who saw his sword all died.

However, there are rumors in the pavilion that his sword is actually a soft sword, as thin as a cicada's wing, and elusive.

Bang bang!

The palace door behind her was broken in two and collapsed, Yunli's heart tightened, her cousin was still inside.

She rushed to the door with a stride, then stopped abruptly, no, if she rushed in like this, it would attract suspicion.

"Master, are you alright?" She yelled at the top of her voice. There are so many infants in the room, shouldn't something happen to my cousin, a genius with a single spiritual root?
She comforted herself like this, and then thought that such a big thing happened outside, but no one came out to take charge of the overall situation inside, so she couldn't help but raise her mind again.

Inside the house, Fu Yue's face was ashen, and his right arm was stained with blood.

They knew that there was sword intent in Fuyu's body, but they didn't expect that sword intent to be so powerful.

In Fuyu's body, it behaved no differently from ordinary sword intent. When Zhenjun Ling Su forced it out of the wound, it seemed to have vitality in an instant and burst out suddenly.

Fu Yue reacted quickly, and immediately dodged, but he was very close, and the speed of the sword intent was extremely fast, and his right arm was still rubbed by the sword intent.

"Feng Guo Wuhen!" Ling Su's eyes were fixed, and he shouted in disbelief: "It's him!"

He turned around abruptly, grabbed Fuyue's arm, penetrated with spiritual power, and examined it carefully.

Fu Yue was slightly stunned, and twitched his hands: "You have expended a lot just now, rest is important, this minor injury can be dealt with by yourself."

Ling Su remained silent, with a very dignified expression, seeing Fu Yue's heart skip a beat, remembering what he said just now, he couldn't help asking: "Master uncle knows this sword intent?"

The others in the room also looked at him curiously. After living for so many years, they never knew that there was such a number one person in the Canglan Continent, with such extreme sword intent. can't do it.

After checking to make sure that there was no sword intent remaining in his wound, Ling Su's heavy heart relaxed, and he sighed, and said with a complicated expression: "That sword cultivator in the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm back then."

Everyone was stunned, wasn't the Supreme Elder the only one who came back alive back then?

The Jiuliyuan Secret Realm is very dangerous, and it is extremely difficult for a dozen or so of the 2000 people who entered it to come back alive. In Zhenjun Lingsu's session, something happened inside, and no one came out except him.

Back then, this incident caused a huge commotion in the Canglan Continent. Afterwards, all sects and sects became more cautious, and would always use various excuses to replace genius disciples when the opening was approaching.

Ordinary disciples who went in faced the dangerous Jiuliyuan, and their survival rate was frighteningly low, and it was common for all disciples to be wiped out.

How come others came out alive?
Everyone was waiting for Zhenjun Ling Su to clarify their doubts, when they heard Yunli shouting to Fu Yue outside.

Without waiting for their reaction, her mournful cry sounded again: "Senior brother Su is dead—all the brothers and sisters are dead—"

In the protracted tone, there was also a bit of suppressed crying.

"Xu'er!" Daoist Dan Yin's expression changed suddenly, his figure flashed, and he disappeared from the spot.

An Ran was startled, and hurriedly followed out.

"Xu——" Daoist Dan Yin's call came to an abrupt end. Seeing Su Xu who was unharmed, his hanging heart sank, and at the same time, a burst of anger rushed into his forehead. What little bastard, what are you yelling, almost frightened him Cardiac arrest.

The tiger's eyes swept away, and he quickly determined the target. The mouth of the little girl in the yellow shirt was not closed at the nearest position to the palace gate.

He widened his eyes and roared fiercely: "You are mourning, the palace is healing, and you need to be quiet, don't you know?"

Yunli quickly glanced at An Ran who came out after him. She could run and jump, so she seemed to be fine.

She shrank her neck in fear, pointed to the ground beside her aggrievedly, and muttered softly: "But Senior Brother Su is dead, and many people have died."

As she spoke, her voice lowered, her worries about An Ran passed away, and the cruel reality filled her heart again. Xu Pan's stubborn figure appeared in her mind over and over again, making her breathless.

A fresh life is not worth mentioning in front of these great powers.

Daoist Dan Yin looked in the direction of her finger, and a familiar face came into view, half of his face was stained with bright red blood, his blank expression froze, and the next inch of his neck was cut neatly.

A few steps away, there is a mutilated body, on the translucent green jade pendant, the blood-stained word 'Su' is shocking.

"Su Zhe!" Daoist Dan Yin gasped violently, and the strong bloody smell filled his lungs.

With a sweep of his gaze, he quickly found familiar faces. This is Taiqing Peak. Apart from the people who came to watch, most of them were disciples of Taiqing Peak, and most of them were from the Su family.

Daoist Dan Yin only felt a mouthful of fishy sweet stuffed in his chest, dizzy, these are the backbone of the Su family, they were damaged so much at once.
"Grandpa!" Su Xu hurriedly called out, and rushed forward to support the crumbling Daoist Danyin.

"Hiss..." Lin Chen and a beautiful woman fell from the flying sword. After seeing the tragedy here, they were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

After feeling the strong sword intent emanating from the Taiqing Mountains from a distance, he knew something was wrong, and then he thought that the peak masters of so many people gathered in Taiqing Peak, and he felt relieved.

In any case, he never expected it to be like this.

Soon, people came out of the hall one after another, gasping for breath when they saw Shura's hellish outside the hall.

The unsettled slope and the rising wave made Fu Yue furious. He stared at the beautiful woman viciously, gritted his teeth and said, "Who is he?"

Originally, Zhenjun Qianyin was extremely displeased. At any rate, she was also a cultivator of Yuanying in the Phantom Palace, and she escorted Fuyu back from thousands of miles away. Teaching Fuyue's own grandson also made her extremely uncomfortable.

But Fuyu was injured because of the investigation of the murderer who killed Senior Sister Qianshu. For this point, Phantom Palace had to accept his affection, and she could only hold her nose and bear it.

Seeing such a scene now, Zhenjun Qianyin didn't care about his rudeness, and immediately replied: "It's the Canye Pavilion. Fellow Daoist Fuyu has found clues to the murderer who killed Zhenjun Qianshu. Let's track down all the way and find his hiding place"

"Where did you find him?" An old voice interrupted her narration.

Qian Yin was taken aback, looking at the tired old man, she looked a little embarrassed, her voice lowered unconsciously, "Teahouse."

Yunli's eyes moved, so it wasn't that she had found a clue at all, but that Jingzhe asked them to find it on purpose.

In other words, Jing Zhe took the initiative to find her.

 Thanks to the two big monthly tickets of Vanity Life Like a Dream and book friend 20180812113022361! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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