all the way to fairy

Chapter 345: Sleepless Night

Chapter 345: Sleepless Night
Ling Su rubbed the center of his brows wearily, and ordered: "Send someone to fetch some doctors from Shuying Xiaozhu, and they have to look at Fuyu's injuries."

After speaking, he turned and entered the hall.

Seeing his figure disappear into the collapsed palace gate, Yunli pursed her lips. In this situation, he shouldn't go to Tianyun City to find his senior brother, right?

Fu Yue ordered a few people to ask for a doctor, and then signaled Mo Huai and Su Xu to take care of the outside affairs, and went in with other peak masters.

Yun Li, who had been paying close attention to them all the time, was in a state of suspense again. Are they going to discuss the matter of senior brother next?

She moved her fingertips slightly, and a piece of fine sand quietly condensed. Although it was dangerous, she had to know what they were talking about next.

Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at Lin Chen and Master Qianyin of the Illusion Palace who were coming from behind. She was about to throw sand on Lin Chen when she saw An Ran silently followed.

The grains of sand quietly turned into powder at the fingertips. Now that my cousin has entered, there is no need to worry.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Sky Cloud City, Drunken Dream Building.

"Senior brother Haoyi, this way please."

In the secret room, Wei Lin cheered up when he heard Ying Si's voice outside, and finally came.

This secret room was prepared by Yingmei for herself, and there are only four people who know about it. Apart from Yingmei, him and A Li, only Yingmei's confidant knows about it.

A formation was set up in the secret room, and no sound could be heard from the outside. After Ji Ruochen moved in, he set up another formation around him to prevent him from hearing important news or escaping. His daily practice cannot always seal his spiritual veins.

He turned around and said calmly: "When my aunt comes back in a few days, I will let her let you go. What happens in the future is entirely up to you."

Hearing this, Ji Ruochen was in a daze, suspecting that he had heard wrongly, he had planned to stay in this small secret room for thousands of years, how long has passed now, only five or six years!

Thinking of the agreement reached by the two parties at the beginning, he panicked. Could it be that the forces behind Qianxun wiped out the Taiyi Sect?
Qianxun killed Zhenjun Fujian, Tai Yizong and him are irreconcilable, reconciliation is impossible, when he said that the time is ripe, he will let him go, he thought about it, this time is ripe, it must be the end of Qianxun's danger.

To get rid of the danger, he really can't think of any other possibility except to destroy the Taiyi Sect.

Wei Lin ignored him, and after activating the formations around him, he turned around and walked towards another exit.

There are two exits from the secret room, one is in Yingmei's private reception room, and the other is in the wine shop next to Zuimenglou.

The safety of the reception room is the best in the entire Drunken Dream Building. The people above are afraid that they won't leave for a while, and he can't just go out in a loud voice.

In this short period of time, Ying Si's courteous words outside hardly stopped, and from the man's concise reply, he had already confirmed that this Hao Yi was the folding fan man who had replaced Jin Sui Dan in Jin Ye Pavilion.

Obviously, this Haoyi is a member of Mangzhong's sect, Hao's generation, his real age should not be very old, and he is in the late stage of foundation establishment. It seems that his talent is not bad. How come such a person has not been seen in the cabinet?

He thought while walking, outside, the conversation between Yingsi and Koichi was still going on.

"Junior Brother, don't worry about me, Master will be here in a while, the business is important." Even facing his fellow disciples in the pavilion, Hao Yi's voice was still gentle.

"Master Mangzhong will only act after confirming that the Golden Sudden Pill has been sent out of the city. Senior brother, take a sip of tea first." Ying Si continued to serve tea graciously.

Wei Lin paused, Master?Ear seed?Hao Yi is the direct descendant of Mang Zhong?

He was slightly startled, everyone in the pavilion only knew that Mangzhong had a direct descendant, Wen Ming, who taught him carefully since he was a child, and never knew that he had a direct descendant!

Hao's eyelids drooped slightly outside, hiding the fleeting displeasure in his eyes. Even though this is a stronghold, he should be more cautious.

A thought flashed through my mind, but the curvature of the corners of my lips did not change a bit, and my voice was as calm as before, "My aunt is not here, so I have to rely on my junior brother for everything. There are so many secrets here, and none of them can be left behind, so my junior brother should be more cautious."

Ying Si was as good as he was, "Then I'll go get ready first, brother, please do whatever you want."

Wei Lin looked at the dark corridor ahead, Mang Zhong wanted to come to Tianyun City in person!
He suddenly remembered something, changed his mind immediately, turned around, opened the formation around Ji Ruochen, and said, "Follow me."

Ji Ruochen had heard some of the outside talk before, and he was curious about the identity of the outside visitor.

After staying here for five or six years, when he saw Yingmei, he knew that this was Zuimenglou, but he didn't know who the power behind it was.

However, he already has some basic understanding of Zuimenglou, that Yingsi is the deputy manager here, and it is rare for him to be so considerate to a person.

Hearing Wei Lin's words, he became even more curious. What did the people outside say just a moment after closing the formation, which caused Qian Xun to change his mind?
Although he had doubts in his heart, he didn't ask. In any case, it would be good to get out of this place earlier.

Standing under the sky again, feeling the cool night wind blowing on his face, Ji Ruochen almost cried with joy. Although he often retreats for several years, it is completely different to retreat on his own initiative and be locked up by others.

The former takes the initiative by himself and is free to go out whenever he wants, while the latter's life is completely in the hands of others.

After rejoicing, he quickly realized another thing. In the eyes of the world, he was already a dead person. How could he explain what happened when he appeared so rashly and was discovered by the people of Taiyi Sect?
Will Tai Yizong believe that he colluded with others and murdered Zhenjun Fujian, and will it cause trouble for the senior sister?

Hearing Wei Lin's greeting, Ji Ruochen suppressed the confusion in his heart, and quickly glanced around. The late-night wine shop was in good business, with bright lights and people coming and going.

And this is a utility room behind the restaurant. Everyone is busy receiving guests at the moment, and no one notices it.

As for the young man strolling in front of him, his steps were light and his posture was comfortable, without any vigilance.

This was a good opportunity, but he snuffed out this idea as soon as it came up. Part of the reason for the short fight was that he was defenseless, but the biggest reason was that the opponent's strength far surpassed his own.

He would be so defenseless, and he was absolutely sure that he would not be able to hurt him.

He followed, with his head lowered all the way, carefully avoiding the crowd, just after he left the gate of the restaurant, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a person bumped into his arms.

Ji Ruochen's scalp exploded. He grabbed the opponent's hand and was about to throw it away. He felt the abnormally weak pulse of the opponent. He had an occupational disease and almost blurted out: "Weakness brought out of the mother's womb. Huh? And poisoned! Human, it's a meeting "Soul Shame"

The corner of Wei Lin's mouth twitched in front of him, this person really was, and he didn't look at the occasion, he was about to speak when a nagging girl came out from beside him.

"Elder Brother! Senior Brother!"

After yelling twice, she quickly noticed the angry man in Ji Ruochen's arms, his face was full of displeasure, "Really, you didn't tell me when you left, it made me look for a long time."

"Don't come here!" Ji Ruochen yelled hastily as he smelled a faint fragrance of orchids at the tip of his nose.

However, it was still too late, the person in his arms coughed weakly, tilted his head, and lost his breath.

 Thank you book friend 854***988 for your monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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