all the way to fairy

Chapter 346 Good place

Chapter 346 Good place

Wei Lin's eyes fell on the girl's clothes, with Jinxia Xiangyun patterns, people from the Danxia school.

His eyes moved slightly. The Danxia School was also a big school a long time ago, but it was a pity that it declined later. The whole school, including the head elders, only had about two hundred members. Out of past affection, Jiu Liyuan and the others also got one. quota.

After all, Jiuliyuan is located in another plane, and the space channel will be unstable when it is opened. It needs the help of various factions to stabilize the channel. In this case, if you want to go in, you can only rely on the identity of his disciples.

Over the years, he has also paid attention to some sects. For those cultivators who are pursuing the Dao and forging ahead, the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm is an opportunity not to be missed.

But for monks who are not firm in their Taoism and lack of strength, going to Jiuliyuan Secret Realm is tantamount to death.

Therefore, most people are enthusiastically participating in a martial arts competition, to show their own strength, to make a name for themselves, to seek resources from teachers, these are their goals.

In the later stage, it is not uncommon to deliberately reveal some flaws and lose the battle.

As far as he knew, although there was only one quota for the Danxia Sect, none of the Foundation Establishment disciples in the entire sect were willing to go. After pushing and pushing, the quota finally fell on the sick young son of the former head, Lu Li.

Could it be this person?

He tilted his head slightly, under the pale moonlight, the male corpse's head was tilted inward, into Ji Ruochen's arms, only half of his face was left outside, but it was enough for him to confirm.

The Danxia faction is one of the important targets for gaining the secret realm qualification. He was very concerned about it before, and specially asked Yingmei to help with the investigation. As for the sick child who was pushed out at the end, he had seen the portrait a long time ago, even his I know everything in my life.

After confirming, he strode forward, quickly tapped a few points on the man, and exhaled, "It's okay, okay, take him back to the inn for treatment first."

The person was dead, Ji Ruochen opened his mouth, but found that he couldn't make a sound, and soon he found that the spiritual power in his body was congested, and it turned out that the spiritual vein and dumb point had been sealed unconsciously.

He was completely unaware of this speed, he was secretly startled, and felt a little grateful from the bottom of his heart, if he had shot rashly just now, he would have been as cold as the man in his arms now.

The girl from the Danxia faction behind was very suspicious. Just now, when Lu Li was clearly out of breath, his eyes fell on Ji Ruochen's hand resting on the man's wrist. Was this movement a pulse?

He is a spiritual doctor!

She was a little flustered in her heart, and quickly stepped forward, looking anxious, "Who are the two fellow Taoists? My senior brother——"

The following words were sealed in her throat, and she couldn't spit them out.

Wei Lin looked at his woman with a shocked face, angrily and fearfully, and replied naturally: "Don't worry, fellow daoist, your elder brother is fine. My friend comes from a medical family, and he has a lot of experience in the medical journey. Hello big brother."

Xing Lili's eyes widened. What nonsense are you talking about? Now that Lu Li is right in front of her eyes, she can see clearly that he is dead.

No, it's a hit!

Xing Lili was terrified in her heart, what the two of them were going to do, she wanted to show her identities and push back, but unfortunately she was sealed off her Lingmai acupoints, so she couldn't speak or move.

He rolled his eyes and wanted to ask for help from other people. This is Tianyun City. Although their Danxia faction is not strong, they have made good friends with many big factions, and there are many monks who want to curry favor with the Danxia faction.

However, although there were many people at the entrance of the restaurant at this time, and various people came in and out, most of them just glanced this way and then looked away, and some people didn't even glance this way.

The monks are indifferent, and few people pay attention to things that have nothing to do with their own interests.

"Hey, fellow daoist, are you alright?"

Xing Lili was in despair. She watched the handsome young man speak worried words naturally, put her arms around her shoulders, and dragged herself into the back door of the restaurant without any explanation, and entered the unoccupied utility room.

Ji Ruochen's acupoint was sealed, so he could move without hindrance. With a complicated expression, he followed with the gradually cold corpse in his arms.

Returning to the secret room again, Wei Lin released Xing Lili's dumb acupoint, threw her on the ground casually, sat down by the low table beside him, took out the tea set, and boiled water slowly.

Xing Lili is the daughter of the current head of the Danxia faction, and she probably lit the soul lamp. If she is killed at this time, the Danxia faction must be aware of it, and it will be difficult to use Lu Li's identity to enter the secret realm of Jiuliyuan later. .

Now, she can't die yet, and she can't disappear in Tianyun City. There are still two months left, and anything can happen, so she has to make sure nothing goes wrong.

Xing Lili got up from the ground in a panic, and quickly looked around. This is an unusually simple secret room, surrounded by cold and simple stone walls, without windows, and the lighting is entirely dependent on the nine huge night pearls above her head.

In the center of the room was a low table with a set of white jade tea sets on it, but the boy didn't use it, so he took out a set of glazed blue tea set himself.

There was a futon on each side of the short case, and now the ghostly boy was sitting on the futon facing her, a cluster of bright flames burning quietly at his fingertips, his brows were slightly frowned, and he was fascinated by the flames.

The man who followed behind put Lu Li's body aside, then stood silently.

The room was very quiet, and soon the water in the teapot boiled, making a gurgling sound, the young man came back to his senses, lightly poured the boiling water into the teacup.

The sound of the water was long and indescribable, but in this situation and the scene, in Xing Lili's ears, the sound was like an invisible hand, grabbing her heart and making her breathless.

After sorting out his thoughts, Wei Lin gently put down the glazed green teapot, glanced at her, and said casually, "Tell me, what are you doing in Tianyun City?"

His words broke the stagnant atmosphere in the room, Xing Lili took a deep breath, and said sternly: "Do you know who I am, dare to catch me, eat the bear's heart and leopard courage, my father is—"

"I don't care who your father is." Wei Lin interrupted her lightly, stood up, "Don't tell me? Then search for the soul."

He looked like he didn't want to talk nonsense.

His decisiveness left a shadow on Xing Lili, and when she saw him get up, she was not lucky at all, and hurriedly replied: "I said, I said, we came to Jinye Pavilion to buy a magic weapon and prepare for Jiuliyuan."

"Really?" Wei Lin smiled, "It seems that you want to go to the underworld to report earlier."

The Danxia faction is far away in the Beishan system, and there is also a special auction held in Jinye Pavilion in Qingyang City, so there is no need to go all the way to Tianyun.

Not fooled, Xing Lili shuddered, and quickly added: "No, we stopped by Tianyun to buy things, mainly to go to Qingque Mountain, and find the spiritual doctor enshrined by the Lin family to treat senior brother."

Wei Lin's eyes moved, Shuying Xiaozhu?That would be a good place to go.

"See a doctor?" Ji Ruochen couldn't hold back, and said sarcastically, "It's his life."

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows. He had noticed something was wrong just now. It seemed that Xing Lili was wearing something that would hinder Lu Li's body.

Xing Lili was flustered for a moment, but quickly calmed down again. The First Elder didn't even notice that a small foundation building period could tell what was wrong.

She looked down at the ground not far away, and continued to speak stiffly: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

 Thanks to Fu Shengruo Meng and book friend 538***436 for their monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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