all the way to fairy

Chapter 347 Protection

Chapter 347 Protection
When it comes to his field of expertise, Ji Ruochen committed an occupational disease again, subconsciously trying to figure out the result.

"In addition to the weak disease brought out from the mother's womb, this senior brother of yours is also deeply poisoned-meeting the soul. The main ingredient of this poison is made from the thousand-year-old dragon's claw fruit."

"Dragon claw fruit itself is non-toxic, and eating it can strengthen muscles and bones, warm and nourish the meridians. It is a rare good medicine; but what many people don't know is that the fragrance of dragon claw flower will make people who eat dragon claw fruit frequently Hallucinating."

"It's fine if it's a normal person, but the sick and weak need to rest the most. Long-term panic and anxiety will make people weaker, and the accumulation of toxins will reach the later stage, and they will suffocate to death after hearing it."

He snorted coldly, "Although the sachet on your body is mixed with the deepest and longest pearl orchid, it can't fool my nose. There are dragon's claw flowers in it!"

Ji Ruochen almost finished the last few words, and Xing Lili was in a cold sweat. What is the origin of this person?Actually met and met Hunshang!

This kind of poison was obtained by myself unintentionally, even my father and the first elder didn't see it.

Low was exposed completely, Xing Lili was as embarrassed as if she had been stripped of her clothes, her face was ferocious, and she shouted hysterically: "It's all his fault. If he is willing to obediently withdraw the engagement, I will not disregard the past relationship."

Most importantly, if it wasn't for the broken engagement, I wouldn't have followed Tianyun all the way to Tianyun, so that I am now in jail.

Ji Ruochen was shocked, the two still have an engagement!
He was furious, but it was just a divorce, and he wanted the other party's life, and he said nothing about his past relationship.

"It's really hard for you. With that kind of effort, it takes a lot of trouble, and it's nothing more than talking about it."

Before he finished speaking, a wave of spiritual power brushed past him and hit Xing Lili directly, and she immediately fell limply to the ground, unconscious.

Ji Ruochen froze for a moment, and then remembered that his life was still in the hands of others, so he didn't have the leisure to worry about others.

However, don't you want to ask a question?This is just the beginning, what are you doing to knock her out?
He turned around suspiciously, and faced a strange face, no, it couldn't be said to be completely unfamiliar, because the owner of this face was still getting cold in his arms just now.

He subconsciously looked at the ground, the body was still there, still maintaining the previous movement, no one had moved.

After taking a closer look, I found that the 'living corpse' was wearing Chihiro's clothes, which was clearly Chihiro's disguise.

What kind of disguise technique is this, not only the appearance and body shape are also the same as the corpse on the ground, but also the temperament has changed greatly, almost completely becoming another person.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were only three people and one dead body in the secret room in the house, he wouldn't have dared to confirm that this person was disguised by Qian Xun.

Is this to replace the man's identity?So why not ask for more details?
After thinking about it, Ji Ruochen asked, "Do you know them?"

Wei Lin raised his hands and compared them carefully in the water mirror, and said casually, "The son of the former head of the Danxia School and the daughter of the current head."

Ji Ruochen:
I really know each other.

Three days later, a piece of news shocked Canglan Continent. Taiyi Sect, the leading leader in the mainland, was attacked by Remnant Ye Pavilion. Cong Feng, the side peaks of the Taiqing Mountains, have been cut off several times.

For a moment, people panicked. Although in the past four years, the elite disciples of the four major sects failed again and again under the hands of the devil Qianjiu, but they were only juniors. Who made Canye Pavilion cultivate a peerless disciple who crushed all the arrogances? .

While the monks were envious of Canye Pavilion's shit luck, they also had a lot of fun watching the excitement. It was also a great joy in life to see those geniuses with eyes on the top of their heads deflated.

But this time the situation is completely different. First, the two Zhenjun Qianshu of Mirage Palace and Jinlan of Tianxin Pavilion were killed and injured, and now it is the Zhenjun Fuyu of the Taiyi Sect. The strength of Canye Pavilion far exceeds their expectations.

All three factions have great powers in the hands of Remnant Night Pavilion. The four major factions may not be able to swallow this tone. After the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm is opened, all the great powers will free up their hands. This Canglan Continent is about to change. .

"The rumors are getting more and more outrageous." Mu Yan looked at the disciples who were whispering outside, and she couldn't stop laughing, "There are even such ridiculous rumors that killers from Canye Pavilion broke into our Taiyi Sect and killed all directions."

Yunli sneered, "I can only play lip service."

There were so many disciples present that day, and it was still so absurd. If it was said that no sect intervened in it, no one would believe it.

As for the reason, you can understand it with your toes. It is nothing more than face. Although it is equally embarrassing to be killed by someone entering the sect and beheading many disciples, it is better than being injured by a sword intent.

That day when the several peak masters and the Supreme Elders gathered in the Taiqing Hall, when the sword intent erupted, if a True Monarch thought of the disciples outside the hall and came out to help resist, there would not be such a big loss.

That is the sword intent of a monk after the Yuan Dynasty, not to mention a disciple of Qi training and foundation building period, even a Jindan monk is helpless.

But the real monarchs who are also monks of the Yuan Dynasty have the power to stop them, but they cherish their lives and are afraid of getting hurt. Facing Jing Zhe's powerful sword intent, they first think of their own safety.

"Hey, we can't rely on anyone, we can only rely on ourselves." Thinking of the scene that day, An Ran couldn't help but feel chilled.

After the incident, the elder Taishang's first thought was to check whether there was any sword intent intruding into the teacher's body, and he didn't even think about the low-level disciples outside.

With the strength of the head teacher, even if he is hit by a trick, it is still okay to hold on, but in the eyes of the elders, the head teacher's life is his life. These so-called elites of the sect are actually no different from worthless things.

After confirming that the teacher is all right, the peak masters are concerned about when such a person who can endanger their lives will appear in the Canglan Continent, and they still don't think of the disciples outside.

If it wasn't for the death of Senior Brother Su, the cousin with a muffled voice, no one would have gone out.

Mu Yan couldn't see that they were so sad, and said with a smile: "Others can't be relied on, so let's work hard on our own."

As she spoke, she patted Yunli on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Our Ah Li is definitely reliable."

They were also standing on the track that the sword intent passed that day. If Ah Li hadn't pulled her away in time, she would have returned to heaven and earth now.

Hearing this, Yunli's heart lightened for a moment, no matter what, they are all well, that's good.The poor are good for themselves, and the good is for the world. Since the strength is low now, then protect the people you care about and don't let yourself regret it.

She quickly patted Mu Yan back a few times, with a serious face: "Don't worry, sister will protect you, if you have anything to do, report my name!"

"Only protect Ayan, not me?" An Ran pretended to be jealous.

Yunli smiled meaningfully, "With Senior Brother Su here, you still need my protection."

"Okay, mention what he does, spoil the fun."

"Oh, don't pretend, who was it two days ago, when I heard that Senior Brother Su was dead, he ran out in a panic, and he was relieved when he saw him standing there intact, and directly killed me. I completely ignored it. Thanks to me or you"

She didn't say the word "cousin" later, even if Fuyu is still unconscious, they can't be careless.

She turned her head to the side deliberately not to look at An Ran, "Hmph! I'm jealous!"

The corners of An Ran's mouth twitched, "You are so full of air and strong as a calf, how could something happen to you."

Upon hearing her words, Yunli immediately pouted, "Hey, hey, pay attention to your wording, how can you use words like strong and calf to describe me for a delicate woman like me, it's too hurtful gone."

An Ran: .
Mu Yan:.
Did the child misunderstand Jiaohua?

 Thanks to book friends 538***436, book friends 20191021175341946, and ygy923 for their big monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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