all the way to fairy

Chapter 348 The Secret Realm Will Open

Chapter 348 The Secret Realm Will Open
After a while of joking, Yunli collected her expression, glanced outside vigilantly, and lowered her voice, "Since he is unconscious now, do you want to go to Jiuliyuan together?"

After ten years in the secret realm, what happens after she comes out is out of Fuyu's control.

After hesitating for a moment, An Ran shook his head lightly, "This is really embarrassing. When the secret realm ends, I'm afraid we will have to confront him directly, which is inappropriate."

Mu Yan frowned lightly, her face full of worry, "We're all gone, and I'll leave you alone. If something happens during this period, you won't even have anyone to discuss it with. Besides, in the next ten years, the sect may be in danger. Nor calm."

Although the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm is dangerous, it is always easier for everyone to face it together.

The most important thing is that Fuyu is in the Nascent Soul stage, and she is also her master. With her strength and status on the table, there are many constraints in her actions.

An Ran comforted with a smile: "Don't worry, he was seriously injured this time, there is no such thing as ten or eight years old, it won't get better, and you will all come out by then."

Ten years is indeed a long time for mortals, but for monks, it is really short. One experience, one retreat, one batch of pills, one magic weapon, etc., let alone ten years, decades Hundreds of years are possible.

"Really?" Yunli doubted, the sword intent had been eliminated, and with the monk's self-healing ability, he recovered very quickly.

"Well, although he is a monk after the Yuan Dynasty, but the end is approaching, all the functions of the body are very slow. From the Beishan system to the Dongshan system, this road has to resist the destruction of the sword, and the loss is very serious."

"If it wasn't for the Supreme Elder to help clear the sword intent in time, and the head teacher took out the elixir that the sect has treasured for many years to continue his life, he might never be able to wake up. This is also the reason why the peak masters of the Empress Yuan are afraid of getting hurt."

"The end is approaching?" Yunli was stunned, "I really didn't realize that he is already that old."

A monk is not immortal, his appearance is still related to his lifespan, the longer his remaining lifespan, the younger his appearance will be.

Zhenjun Fuyu looked like a young man, and his life expectancy should be long, but Yunli was really surprised that he was already dying of old age.

"Dingyan Pill." An Ran didn't care, and said with a smile after finishing, "Don't worry, I will take care of your Dingyan Pill in the future, and I will keep you beautiful forever."

"That's good." Yunli smiled, Dingyan Pill is expensive, and it has no benefit in increasing cultivation, but its allure for beauty lovers is no less than those panacea.

And she is precisely such a person who loves beauty, Dingyan Dan must be taken.

After thinking about it, she added: "I have to wait until I grow taller before taking it. I can't be a dwarf."

An Ran lowered her eyes to look at her, who was short and small, and then at the slim and graceful Mu Yan beside her, and asked suspiciously, "Could it be that you ate something that fixes your face by mistake?"

Not only the height, but also the appearance, which has not grown up yet, looks childish, and looks like a little girl in the age of cardamom.

Yunli: .

This time, the entrance to the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm is in the northernmost boundless desert of the Beishan System, and the journey is far away, so it is necessary to start early.

Two days later, Tai Yizong's Tenglong spirit boat took off from the martial arts arena, and first went to Tianyun City to pick up the Lin family, Su family, Zheng family and other family members who were closely related to Tai Yizong.

Counting the escort and Yuanying Zhenjun who went to stabilize the space passage, there are only about a hundred people in the Taiyi Sect. The Tenglong Lingzhou can carry a huge number of passengers. It is easy to carry all the children of the family who are closely related to the Taiyi Sect. And safe.

Yunli leaned against the side of the boat, staring at the white clouds in the sky in a daze, not knowing where her senior brother was at this time, did she leave for the Beishan system?
Just as he was thinking, when he arrived near Tianyun City, he felt the familiar coolness in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness.

She was stunned, senior brother is still in Sky Cloud City!
I haven't left at this time, is it too late?
This time, the head teacher escorted Fu Guang, Fu Shu and Song Yin, a twelfth-level demon cultivator, in person, accompanied by five other early-stage Nascent Soul cultivators. , she is not good at sound transmission, so she can only worry secretly.

A quarter of an hour later, she looked in shock at the back of the Lin family's team. A young man covered his face with his hands and was out of breath. The girl in blue next to him stretched out her hand and patted him on the back worriedly.

The boy's foggy white clothes are almost transparent in the sun, like dewdrops meeting the morning sun, making people worry that he will melt away in the next moment.

Wucao, why did senior brother mix into the Lin family's team?Looking at this posture, he is going to follow the Zongmen's spirit ship to the Beishan Department!

She was so frightened that her heart was about to jump out, she must be so courageous!This is right under the eyes of the Nascent Soul cultivators of Taiyi!
She swallowed quietly, looked away naturally, and looked elsewhere. She didn't forget that the current self was also under the attention of the higher-ups.

"What are you looking at?"

As soon as he looked away, Mo Huai came over, glanced around, and asked casually.

Out of the corner of her eye, Wei Lin quickly entered the cabin after boarding the boat, Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, and replied casually, "Scenery."

After Sword Intent, Mo Huai began to pay attention to her again. If he hadn't exposed her identity, she would have suspected that he was sent by the sect to monitor her.

"Really?" Mo Huai doubted that under the sword intent a few days ago, no one standing on that line except her and Mu Yan survived, including a Jindan Daoist.

Was it premeditated by them, or was her sense of danger far superior to others?

If it is the former, because of her own selfishness, let her lurk in the sect smoothly, provide information to Canye Pavilion, and kill so many fellow sects
He slightly turned his head away, not daring to think about that possibility.

Seeing that something was wrong with the atmosphere, Mu Yan said softly, "Why are there other people on the spirit boat of the sect?"

She has been with An Ran for a few years, because Lin Xi and Su Xu, she knows almost all of the aristocratic families in Tianyun City, and some of the people who came up just now are obviously not from several families.

"It's in-laws." Mo Huai changed the subject, "This time, the number of places in the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm is limited, and there are not many families assigned to each sect. It's a troubled time, so we naturally have to take care of what we can."

What's more, some unknown changes happened in the secret realm this time, and Jindan stage monks can also enter [-], which not only greatly increases the safety factor, but also some spiritual plants that were difficult to pick before, magic weapons that were difficult to obtain, and places that have not been set foot, this time they are all safe. Can find out.

The four major sects in the golden core period are divided into [-] places, accounting for the majority, and the remaining [-] places are broken by each faction. Many elites in the foundation period who are not willing to go are also willing to go at this time up.

All sects and sects attach great importance to this trip to the secret realm. A few days ago, the matter of Uncle Fuyu just happened. Now all sects and sects attach great importance to the safety of this trip to the secret realm. For those who have no reason, all those who think about the Fa come forward, and the people on the spirit boat will be mixed.

Concerned all the way, after more than a month, they arrived at the entrance of the secret realm smoothly, and the Remnant Ye Pavilion seemed to disappear without a trace.

However, with the previous case of Zhenjun Fuyu, everyone in Taiyi did not dare to be careless.

After setting up the camp, the head teacher instructed the five early Yuanying monks, and then brought the two peak masters to meet up with the leaders of the other three sects.

 Thank you Yingshi for your great reward! ! !

  Thanks to the busy leftovers, the flashy life like a dream, and nanalyqa for their monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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