all the way to fairy

Chapter 352 I'm Hungry

Chapter 352 I'm Hungry
"Seventh level?" Mu Yan was surprised, "Isn't she a great monster in the transformation stage?"

The Butterfly Essence on the opposite side did not make any other movement except crying, Yunli loosened his grip on the knife, "It's the seventh level, maybe it's the limit of the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm, after reaching the level of cultivation, it can't break through, and then the seventh level will transform into form. "

There is a precedent of the mutated snake demon in Jueying Peak, Yunli quickly thought of this, thought for a while, and added: "It is also possible that, like Ying Feng, he took the Transformation Pill in advance."

Mu Yan nodded, Little Butterfly was ignorant and innocent, very similar to the wolf cub back then.

Seeing the aura of the Mengzhan Dao in Yunli's hand go out, Little Butterfly Spirit felt that the danger was over, and flew to Mu Yan's side cautiously, and said pitifully, "Sister, I'm so hungry."

Without even thinking about it, Yunli made a backhand with a knife. She said that her sister smells delicious, but now she is hungry. It is self-evident what she means.

Looking at the cute and innocent little girl, she actually wants to eat people!
She made a move suddenly, although the little butterfly spirit reacted very quickly, and Dang even fled away, but the distance was too close, and a long slit was cut in the hem of the skirt.

After dodging, she wowed and cried again, but Yunli didn't give her extra time to cry, she turned her wrist and swung the knife forward again.

The light of the Lie Lie knife is like snow, and the sharpness rushes towards the face, which makes people feel frightened.

Little Butterfly was so frightened that she forgot to cry. There was only one thought in her mind, run away!
In my mind, I moved to another place in an instant, and just after she appeared, a bright white light suddenly appeared at the place where she was standing, followed by intoxicating peach pink and brilliant orange.

An extreme sense of danger welled up in her heart, and the little butterfly spirit was frightened out of her wits. She wanted to escape into the void, but a majestic aura suddenly appeared. Under her aura, she felt that her soul was trembling. His strength seemed to be drained all at once, and he couldn't move a single finger.

It wasn't for nothing that she had slipped away for so long just now, Yunli has basically figured out her pattern, since she can't catch up, then predict where she will appear and wait there.

After making a feint to scare away the little butterfly spirit, she immediately attacked the most likely position of the little butterfly spirit, and suddenly changed her routine, which really had a miraculous effect.

Before the blade reaches, Xiaoxiao's saber energy has already cut through the clothes of Little Butterfly Jing and cut her flesh
Little Butterfly looked at her with wide-eyed eyes, her long curled eyelashes trembling all the time, her eyes were full of fear, but she didn't make any resistance, completely sorry for her seventh-level great demon's cultivation.

The blade barely stopped an inch above Little Butterfly's forehead, and the majestic spiritual power dissipated completely in an instant.

Yunli frowned, won't she know how to fight?
After waiting for a long time for the blade to fall, Little Butterfly couldn't believe her eyes. She closed her eyes and rubbed them, then opened the blade and it still rested on her forehead. There was no spiritual power surge, and the terrifying aura that made her shudder No more.

For the rest of her life after the catastrophe, her tears flowed like a flood once again, "Don't kill me, woo, don't kill me, I'm very good, I'm really good and obedient."

"There seems to be something wrong with her." Mu Yan also saw that something was wrong, stepped forward, looked at the teary-eyed little butterfly spirit, ignoring her seventh-level cultivation, this reaction was completely like a child, or an ignorant person Only children will have it.

Yunli pursed her lips, recalling carefully that since the appearance of the little butterfly spirit, she has been hiding and did not attack at all.

Previously, she thought that Little Butterfly was deliberately playing tricks on her by raising herself two realms, but now it seems that she is really naive and ignorant, and doesn't know how to fight.

After thinking about it, she asked, "Why do you want to eat people?"

The little butterfly spirit continued to cry aggrievedly.

"Don't say hit you."

Mu Yan couldn't hold back, and after giving her a blank look, she couldn't say anything nice.

She shook her head, took out a rejuvenation pill, and said softly: "My sister is scaring you, not really going to hit you, you are injured, can you take the pill first to heal the injury?"

"Will the Rejuvenation Pill work for her?" Yunli suspected that although she was a child, she was already at the seventh rank, and the Rejuvenation Pill was a elixir used by low-ranking monks, and had limited effect on high-ranking monks.

"It's all skin trauma, so it should be fine." Mu Yan is not sure, but they are all in the foundation building stage, and the elixir they prepare is naturally based on the foundation building stage.

Considering that the sect had several Jindan masters here, the sect prepared some rare medicinal ingredients needed by high-level monks before departure, so that she could learn to refine by herself if she needed to in the secret realm. The regular pills are purchased by the five golden alchemist uncles themselves.

Smelling the aroma of the elixir, Little Butterfly stopped crying, quickly took the elixir and stuffed it into her mouth without any hesitation.

After eating one, she opened her tearful eyes and softly said to Mu Yan: "Sister, I want more, I'm hungry."

She was hungry just now because she asked Ah Yan to eat, didn't she want to eat Ah Yan?

Yunli turned her head and stuck out her tongue guiltily, so was she really bullying the children just now? It's so sinful.

Mu Yan didn't know her thoughts, but the soft voice of Little Butterfly touched the softness in her heart, and her tone became lighter and gentler, "This is medicine, you can't take too much, one is enough."

After taking a Rejuvenation Pill, Little Butterfly's wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The clothes on her body were made of unknown material, and the blood stains on them gradually faded and then disappeared.

The opening that was cut by the knife's energy gradually closed, and the disconnected places were reconnected bit by bit, but after a while, the tattered clothes returned to their original state, and the stitching was not so perfect.

"Wow, it's amazing! What material is your clothes made of?" Yunli was amazed that there is such a magical material!She also wants to wear the whole one!
Hearing what she said, Little Butterfly flashed behind Mu Yan, her tears as if she didn't want money, she came right away, "Don't peel my skin, it hurts!"

"Don't scare her." Mu Yan glared at her, squatted down, and comforted the little butterfly spirit in a low voice.

Yunli has a black face, she really didn't intend to scare the children on purpose, who would have thought that her clothes were illusionary.

This butterfly spirit is obviously not smart among children. She believes what Mu Yan says, and she is very easy to coax. After holding back her tears, she stared at Mu Yan again, "Sister, I'm hungry."

Yunli: .
She silently took out a spiritual fruit and handed it over, "Here."

The little butterfly flinched, her desire for food overcame her fear, hesitated for a moment, took the fruit, and gnawed.

Her mouth is small, but the speed is very fast. In just a few breaths, there is only one core left in the fruit the size of an adult's palm.

With the previous fruit feeding, Little Butterfly Spirit, who doesn't remember beating, has completely forgotten Yunli's previous viciousness and screamed for beating and killing.

After eating, she blinked her big watery eyes, and launched a soft attack on Yunli, "I want more."

 Thank you Yingshi for your great reward! ! !

  Thanks to those who love to eat peaches, they can't afford a big monthly ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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