all the way to fairy

Chapter 353 Huge Secret

Chapter 353 Huge Secret

The tears she cried just now hadn't completely dried up, but as she blinked, the remaining tears soaked her eyes, making her eyes look more pure and innocent when staring at people, like a pure and harmless deer.

"Fuck! Who can stand this?" Yunli's heart was so soft that she donated the pile of rations she had saved without hesitation.

Seeing all kinds of spiritual fruits, Little Butterfly Jing's big eyes became brighter, holding a spiritual fruit that was bigger than her face and started to gnaw again.

The spiritual fruits decreased one by one, and the cores increased one by one, Yunli was dumbfounded, "How long has she been hungry? Why does she feel like she hasn't eaten for 800 years?"

Mu Yan stared at her stomach suspiciously, "Will eating so much make you feel full?"

"No, I can still click. I can eat a lot." Little Butterfly answered inarticulately while gnawing non-stop.

"Wait, it's not right!" Yunli looked at the sea of ​​flowers swaying in the breeze, "Isn't she a butterfly spirit? There are so many flowers here, how can she be hungry?"

"Can't. Click to eat, poisonous click to eat"

Yunli couldn't hold back, "Eat after you finish talking."

This intermittently, she only heard clicks one after another.

"Blue flowers are poisonous, you can't eat them, click them, they will kill you if you eat them, click them."

Yunli: .
It's really 800 years since I have eaten, and I don't want to delay the time to say a word.

However, this flower is really poisonous. After thinking about it, she asked, "What poison is it? We sniffed a little bit just now, are you okay?"

Regarding her question, Little Butterfly Spirit looked bewildered, and repeated, "It's poisonous, you can't eat it."

After finishing speaking, he continued to race against time to eat the fruit.

"She is still young, what can she know?" Mu Yan helped to speak.

The corners of Yunli's mouth twitched. It seemed that this little guy couldn't be counted on. He acted entirely on instinct. His intelligence was at most three years old.

Looking at the Yueying Mingxin Umbrella above their heads, they don't feel anything unusual now, so it should be fine.

When the last fruit was left, Little Butterfly was about to bite, but suddenly stopped, reluctantly took the fruit away from his mouth, and put it into his bosom.

Is this hoarding food?
Mu Yan patted her head affectionately, and took out a bunch of spiritual fruits and plants for her, "Eat it, it's enough."

There is a portable medicine garden paid in advance by the sect. She not only moved part of their private medicine garden, but also specially prepared a lot of spiritual fruits and vegetables at someone's request.

Little Butterfly's eyes lit up, and she continued to gnaw, making people wonder whether she was a butterfly or a mouse.

Looking at the little butterfly spirit who gnawed happily, Yunli fell into deep thought. There are not many monsters with space attribute, but now the little butterfly knows no other methods, so I abduct her back and cultivate her well, teaching her talismans, formations, and spells , they can also have space teleportation!
Thinking of this, she looked at Little Butterfly Jing with gentle eyes, "Don't worry, eat slowly, there are so many Lingguo sisters, as long as you follow the sisters, you can eat as much as you want in the future, and you will never be hungry. "

Little Butterfly's eyes lit up, and she didn't hide her greed. She licked her lips, then shook her head firmly, "Sister Nan Mi wants me to stay here. I'm a good boy, so be obedient."

"Nan Mi? Who is it?"

"Nan Mi is Nan Mi's elder sister." Little Butterfly blinked her eyes, her expression was as it should be.

Yunli: .
Can't communicate, don't care, let's abduct them first, and think about intellectual problems later.

She continued to lure gently: "It's not just spiritual fruit. Let me tell you, there are so many delicious things out there. There is a sweet and sour thing called candied haws. It's very delicious, and it's also soft."

Next, Yunli exaggeratedly described all the delicious food she had eaten in her two lifetimes, which made Little Butterfly swallow her mouth wateringly.

It's a pity that no matter how greedy she was, she rejected her warm invitation in the end and was determined to stay here. Yunli was so angry that she wanted to beat her by the ear.

It was rare to see her deflated, Mu Yan covered her mouth and snickered. When Yunli glared at her, she immediately suppressed her smile and said seriously, "In that case, let's go. It's not convenient to stay here for long."

This place is really too weird, except for flowers and butterflies, there are no living things. The flowers are poisonous, and the butterflies are hallucinogenic. Even if there is the Yueying Mingxin Umbrella, it is better to leave early.

Yunli looked at Little Butterfly Jing unwillingly, and made her last effort, "Are you really not going with us? This place only opens in 3000 years. If we leave, you will be hungry for 3000 years."

While talking, she was thinking about whether to grab it directly, what the hell, sister Nanmi, left such an ignorant little girl here, and tricked her into staying here
Wait, what are you doing here?
She looked around, but there was nothing but the bright blue sea of ​​flowers and flying butterflies.

"What do you want to stay here for?" Although it is very likely that you will not be able to ask anything, you have to try.

Unexpectedly, facing this question, Little Butterfly didn't look at a loss. She stopped eating the fruit, quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth, her little head shook like a rattle.

Obviously, she knew the reason, but refused to say.

Based on her reaction just now, Yunli didn't do that useless work anymore, this dead child has a solid eye, and she will definitely not say things that she doesn't want to say.

But in my heart, I became more and more curious about Nan Mi, needless to say, the little butterfly spirit is so simple, this must be Nan Mi's advice.

Mu Yan raised her hand and touched her head lightly, and said softly: "Then we're leaving, you have to be careful, there are a lot of people here, if you see them, stay away, you know?"

After much deliberation, Yunli also gave up the idea of ​​taking her away directly. First of all, Little Butterfly is a space attribute, and it is difficult to catch her.

Secondly, the situation is not clear, if it is of great use for Nan Mi to keep her here, it would be bad if he snatched her away rashly and caused some trouble.

Thirdly, she didn't want to force others to make things difficult.

After making a decision, she immediately drove the plantain fan and flew towards the sea of ​​flowers. They flew far, far away. When they turned around, the little butterfly still stopped there, watching them go away eagerly.

The monks have good eyesight, so far away, they can still clearly see the weeping expression on her face and the longing in her eyes.

The little light purple figure in the breeze was alone, as if abandoned by the whole world, looking extremely pitiful.

An inexplicable emotion took root in her heart, and dense vines grew to wrap her around.

Yunli cursed in a low voice, turned back, stuffed all the small snacks in her storage bag into the arms of the little butterfly spirit, turned around again and flew away without saying a word.

Poisonous flowers, phantom butterflies, and forbidden places for living beings, she had a hunch that what the little butterflies were guarding was a huge secret.

Little Butterfly mentioned Nan Mi in a tone full of convincing and intimacy. It is very likely that Nan Mi did not seduce ignorant children, but there was a real unavoidable reason for such an ignorant little butterfly to stay here.

She is still so young, she has to bear the loneliness and bear it with her immature shoulders, Yunli's heart is a little heavy.

 Thanks to book friends 20180612185024115, book friends 20201004071707909, Meili Yaya, and 941 Dessert for their big monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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