all the way to fairy

Chapter 354 9 Never Go In

Chapter 354 Qian Jiu must not go in

Canglan Continent, Beishan Desert.

Figures flashed into the circular hole one after another, and within a short period of time, the disciples of the four major sects all entered, followed by the Xiao family, the Ye family, and aristocratic families with deep ties to the four major sects.

All the True Monarchs present couldn't help cheering up. Judging from past experience, if they wanted to sneak into the secret realm, it would be better to replace them with disciples from the small sect behind.

In the past, they didn't care about it. The Jiuliyuan Secret Realm was so dangerous, and entering it would mean death. It would be good to save one righteous disciple from dying.

But Qianjiu is different, he must not be put in.

Most of the inside is the foundation building period, and if he goes in, it will be like a wolf joining the sheep, and there will be even fewer people who can come back alive by then.

Zhenjun Fuyue glanced at him, raised his hand and dragged down a female cultivator from the Lin family who wanted to enter the secret realm, and said sharply: "What are you doing under cover, what's there to hide, take off the hood and veil for me!"

He was so strict in his own family, and when the other monks behind saw him, they all took off their hoods and veils, and a few who refused to take it off immediately felt a surge of powerful spiritual power, and the strong wind blew up, making their faces deformed .

Several people were picked out on the spot, some were covered with hoods and veils, and some were waiting in line generously before, but at this moment, they were all in a panic and wanted to escape.

With so many multiple infants present, it was impossible to escape, and soon they were recognized by others, there were Guizong, Hehuangu, evil elements in the Loose Cultivation Alliance, etc., and there were some famous people in Canglan Continent Almost all the evil sects have sent people.

But they didn't find a Canye Pavilion killer, or there were Canye Pavilion disciples among them, but no one knew about it. After all, there were very few Canye Pavilion killers who showed their true colors now.

Wei Lin, who was in line behind the Lin family, looked up, then quickly lowered his head and covered his mouth and coughed a few times.

Ji Ruochen unconsciously increased his strength. Originally, he was helping Wei Lin, but now he was hanging on Wei Lin's hand.

Feeling the wet sweat on his wrist, Wei Lin frowned in disgust, resisting the urge to throw him away.

Why are you so nervous, these Nascent Souls are powerful and powerful, except for a few extremely outstanding juniors and juniors who are closely related to themselves, how many they can know during the foundation building period, and they can't recognize all of them from their own sect.

Most of these exposed evil cultivators were allowed to sneak out when they saw Yuan Yingqi's great ability to make a move.

What he is worried about is the way of heaven.

Looking at the dark hole in front of him, Ah Li had just entered, and the long-lost malice enveloped him in an instant. He felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, his limbs and bones were soaked in a deep cold, and he couldn't move.

But Ji Ruochen, who was supporting him, didn't feel it at all, not only him, but also the Nascent Soul powers around him, no one felt it except him.

Just when he gritted his teeth and mobilized his spiritual power, and wanted to rush in directly, the Li Li sword at the dantian moved, and a little bit of warmth rose from the dantian, and with the circulation of the spiritual power, it entered the four meridians and eight meridians, dispelling all the blood in the body little by little. cold.

Although the imminent way of heaven was once again captured by Mo Lijian, he was still a little anxious, and the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm Remnant Night Pavilion would not let it go. Regardless of others, Yue Yi had already mentioned that he would go too.

If Yue Yi is discovered, there is no guarantee that he will not be implicated.

Under the power of Yuanying's power, soon, all the monks who were about to enter had no cover, and the eyes of several true monarchs from the four major sects flickered back and forth.

After a while, they silently exchanged glances, but they didn't see who Qian Jiu was, nor did they find any trace of Mo You.

When they were looking for Wei Lin, someone was also looking for him.

In the endless void of darkness, a faint fluorescent light flickered, like a firefly in the endless night.

In the twilight, the middle-aged man in the white brocade suit looked ahead and asked faintly, "How is it?"

The woman in pink next to her frowned, "Strange, he seems to have left just now."

At the beginning, Tiandao's malice was very restrained, no different from when Qianjiu was there before, but just now it broke out suddenly, and then subsided in just a moment, but it was still much stronger than at the beginning.

After thinking about it, she guessed, "He should have left, but he didn't go far."

Xingye breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes were sharp, "Leave now, it seems that he won't go in."

Mo You bit her lip, hesitated for a while, and asked cautiously, "Are you going to execute him after you find him?"

"Do your own thing."

After Xingye Liangliang said this sentence, he stopped talking, and there was silence in the endless void, and Mo You could even hear his own heartbeat more and more clearly.

She lowered her eyes and stared at the darkness beneath her feet.

Suddenly, there was a thunder on the dry ground, and Huanghuang Tianwei suddenly descended, directly shattering the space, and landed on the fluorescent lights all over Xingye.

The disciples who were waiting to enter were stunned, and the true kings who were closely searching for the remnants of the cult were also stunned.

In mid-air, two figures slowly appeared, and the thunder and lightning accurately landed on the person in the pink cloak.

"Don't worry!" Fuguang Zhenjun murmured, and attacked the two of them without hesitation.

Fu Yue vigilantly searched around, Mo You is here, where is Qian Jiu?
The sudden thunder tribulation made Xing Ye stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted, pulling Mo You's figure in a flash, and disappeared from the spot, allowing Zhenjun Fuguang's attack to land in the air.

The two suddenly fled into the void, and when the true kings didn't know where to find them, the thunder and lightning in the sky showed them the direction.

Xing Ye's complexion was ashen, after having the Buddha's relic, Qian Jiu was in Tianyun, Mo You was in the pavilion, and the punishment of heaven was only gathered, and did not come down directly.

There is only one explanation for this situation, Qian Jiu is no longer in the Canglan Continent.

Regardless of questioning Mo You, he no longer dodged, silver light flowed all over his body, a pentagram pattern slowly appeared under Mo You's feet, and then she appeared at the entrance of the secret realm and disappeared.

The sky was billowing with dark clouds, as if provoked by something, a huge beam of light slammed into the entrance of the secret realm.

"Quickly open!"

Zhenjun Jinqing yelled in horror at the foundation-building monks waiting to enter the secret realm below, and raised his hand to sacrifice a snow-white silk handkerchief-shaped magic weapon, which suddenly became larger as it rotated, covering the monks waiting to enter below.

The accident happened suddenly, and half of the people were waiting at the entrance. Under such a catastrophe, it would be very difficult for the Golden Core Stage to survive, let alone the Foundation Establishment Stage.

"The entrance to the secret realm is about to be closed!" Someone shouted suddenly below.

The people who survived the catastrophe looked over subconsciously, and saw that the blue and colorful colors on the edge of the entrance were disintegrated and turned into powder under the thunder and fire, leaving only a black hole hanging in the air, and there were strips of silver in the black lacquer. The line appears and disappears from time to time, which is an unstable space channel.

Almost as soon as the man's voice fell, several figures suddenly flew up and rushed straight to the entrance.

The foundation-building monks who have not yet entered are stunned. The entrance to the secret realm is inherently unstable, and it takes all the Nascent Soul masters to stabilize it.

Now under the tribulation and thunder, the passageway is broken, and it is extremely dangerous. There are still people who are not afraid of death rushing to die.

 Thank you Yingshi for your great reward! ! !

  Thanks to the book friend 854***766, and the two big monthly tickets! ! !
  PS: Help relatives and friends recommend a book "I Have a Picture Scroll of Immortals", if you like this type of cutie, you can read it.

(End of this chapter)

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