all the way to fairy

Chapter 355 The Positioning Is So Accurate

Chapter 355 The Positioning Is So Accurate
Not to mention them, all Yuanying Zhenjun were also stunned for a moment, and immediately realized, "Canye Pavilion!"

The Nascent Soul cultivators present were automatically divided into two parts, one part shot to block the Canye Pavilion killer who was about to enter the secret realm, and the other part rushed towards the middle-aged man standing in the air.

In the face of all kinds of attacks, Xing Ye raised his hand without moving his eyebrows, and a few silver lights accurately fell on the people who flew into the secret realm.

With a little silver light, their figures instantly became illusory, and the next moment they appeared directly in the dark entrance. The silver light on their bodies changed again, and merged with the silver light that appeared and disappeared in the black hole itself, and the passage was stable again. , leading a few people into the secret realm of Jiuliyuan.

Afterwards, without the support of Xingye's spatial spiritual power, the entrance flashed and then disappeared completely.

At this time, the attacks of several True Monarchs also arrived in front of Xingye, he glanced contemptuously, his body turned into a stream of light, and disappeared into the void.

The scene was silent for a while, the tribulation thunder in the air lost its attack target, and dissipated at some point, only the missing magic weapons of several True Monarchs collided, producing dazzling auras.

There are no fewer than twenty or thirty Nascent Soul cultivators from each sect, but none of them can stop the one from Canye Pavilion!
Not only the Foundation Establishment and Golden Core stage monks couldn't believe it, but many Yuanying Zhenjun themselves couldn't believe this fact.

Canglan Continent actually has such a character!And this person is still from the Canye Pavilion!

At the same time, the mangoes of Sky Cloud City were also looking for Wei Lin.

"Is there still no news about Qianjiu?"

Yingmei shook her head, and replied respectfully: "No one has seen him in Tianyun City and all the nearby strongholds."

"It shouldn't be." Mang Zhong murmured softly, "His mission is in Sky Cloud City, why didn't he show up?"

"There is nothing unusual about the Xu family, and Xu Qi is living well. Could it be that he has not yet come to Sky Cloud City?"

Yingmei raised his eyes and looked at his expression, and continued: "You also know that after returning from the Northern Mountains, he was very vigilant. The secret blockade of Tianyun City by the four major factions must have attracted his attention. Carry out the mission."

After pondering for a while, Mang Zhong exhaled lightly, "I hope the pavilion master can stop him."

Ying Mei's hand holding the fan paused slightly, then continued to shake it twice, "What if he didn't go to the Northern Wilderness?"

"No," Mangzhong's skinny fingers tapped lightly on the table twice, "Since he betrayed Canye Pavilion, Jiuliyuan is the only way out, he will definitely go in!"

Thinking of this, Mangzhong was startled. After Hengyue City, the pavilion has been chasing down the leaker. After checking and checking, no one was found to be suspected of contacting the four major sects. The whole operation process was very normal.

But all this makes no sense at all.

The exposure of the stronghold in Hengyue City can be said to be the result of the four major factions' investigations over the years, but what about Zhenjun Jinlan?

That was a real invitation to the king, if it hadn't been for Bai Lu, who was good at escaping, the four factions would have succeeded.

There was no problem in the process, so Geli set his sights on the source.

It is hard to find out. Although Mo You testified that Qian Jiu had never been to Hengyue City during that time, but he had appeared in Qingzhou Mansion near Qingyang City.

And the order to assassinate Zhenjun Qianshu was sent back from the branch of Qingyang City.

It's a pity that in order to ensure the identity of the employer, they didn't leave any tracking means, and they couldn't directly confirm that he was the employer.

But there are not so many coincidences in the world. They set up a trap with Qian Shu's death, intending to divert the tiger away from the mountain and kill Jin Lan by surprise.

What is the connection between Zhenjun Qianshu and Zhenjun Jinlan?How did Qian Jiu get in touch with the Four Great Sects?What does he know?
And Qian Shi, how much did she participate in?

Everyone was troubled by one question after another, and now they just waited to catch Qianjiu and torture them one by one.

He stood up and looked out the window, "It's getting late, ready to act."

Ying Mei nodded, and retreated respectfully.


Under the thick and staggered roots of the tree, spiritual energy was dense, and the spiritual energy from all directions gathered continuously. To be precise, it gathered on the blood-stained young man under the tree.

Next to it, the girl in blue kicked the roots of the tree frantically.

The two of them lined up to enter the space channel just now, and they were about to pass through smoothly, but the space suddenly became extremely unstable, and the two almost fell into the endless void.

After working so hard, he managed to reach the secret realm of Jiuliyuan. He had just landed and hadn't healed his wounds yet, yet this man wanted to break through!

Thinking about leaving, he still needs to rely on Chihiro's technique to maintain his appearance. This time there are quite a few monks from the Taiyi Sect and the Lin family. If he let them know that he is still alive, hiss, he doesn't even dare to think what he will be like. sow.

In addition, although he is in the foundation building period, he is obsessed with medicine and is really not good at magic arts. It is extremely dangerous here, and if he ventures into the secret realm alone, he may not survive today.

Glancing at the young man with frosted eyebrows, although this guy was born in a crooked way, he is very trustworthy, he will definitely do what he promised, follow him, and be safe.

Ji Ruochen exhaled, scanning the surroundings vigilantly with his spiritual sense, praying secretly, at this time, please don't come to anyone or monsters.

He was muttering what he was afraid of, when a green plantain fan flew out of the blue sea of ​​flowers on the left, and the two people on the fan were so familiar, they were the two Taiyi sects they had just met outside the secret realm.

He was so depressed that he wanted to scream up to the sky, the last thing he wanted to meet was someone from the Taiyi Sect!
Moreover, I heard that this Yunli is too strong, so far no one knows how strong she is, only that she stood out in the disciple test without even using her natal magic weapon.

I don't know if she is really powerful, or if those people don't want to come and deliberately let the water go.

Seeing the two gradually approaching, Ji Ruochen raised his heart. He looked at the array floating quietly in the air. There is an isolation array, so they wouldn't notice it, right?
The plantain fan flew straight in this direction, and then stopped in front of them.

Ji Ruochen:
A girl dressed in a white Taiyi Sect inner disciple uniform drove around the big tree with a fan-shaped magic weapon, scratching her head in doubt, "Huh? Where's the person?"

Looking at Yunli who was facing Qianxun across the array, Ji Ruochen wanted to cry, did this girl do some kind of stalking trick on them?

The positioning is also accurate.

Outside the formation, Yunli looked confused, "Where's the person?"

She obviously felt that her senior brother was here?

Mu Yan frowned, "Could it be that you feel wrong?"

"Impossible!" Yunli was decisive, never missing the coolness, the senior brother was clearly here.

She stretched out her hand to touch the front, and murmured: "Could it be that there is a formation?"

Obviously here, but did not see anyone, and only this explanation.

The spiritual consciousness is very peaceful, and there is no danger, so there should be something important, otherwise the brother should go to meet him.

After thinking about it, she was about to find a place to sit and wait for Wei Lin to come out, when ripples appeared in the transparent air in front of her, like a stone thrown into a calm lake, rippling layer by layer.

Immediately afterwards, the white mist dissipated, and amidst the aura, a young man sat on the ground under the tree.

 Thanks to Yangyang Dehui and Shuyou 537***864 for their monthly tickets! ! !
  PS: Help relatives and friends recommend a book "I Have a Picture Scroll of Immortals", if you like this type of cutie, you can read it.

(End of this chapter)

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