all the way to fairy

Chapter 356 Strange Design

Chapter 356 Strange Design

"Ah, it turned out to be two fairies. It's a pleasure to meet you." Ji Ruochen stepped over to block Yunli's sight, and forced a smile.

Since the other party had doubts, the next step would be to forcefully break the formation. In desperation, Ji Ruochen could only open the formation and come out to deal with it.

As soon as the formation was opened, a girl unexpectedly appeared, Yunli's mind froze briefly, and she blurted out: "Who are you?"

"Uh," Ji Ruochen didn't expect her reaction, and choked.

After thinking about it, Xing Lili, the majestic headmaster of Taiyi, who I borrowed is also a disciple of a small sect of the Beishan sect, so it's normal for her not to care.

Then he explained: "We are disciples of the Danxia sect. When we entered the secret realm, something happened. Under the guidance of Qi, my elder brother was about to break through, so we set up this formation."

After being stunned for a while, Yunli quickly realized that this girl was a fellow student of the Danxia sect who followed her brother all the way. After hearing Ji Ruochen's explanation, the inexplicable emotion in her heart disappeared instantly, and she hurriedly asked, "Accident? What is it?" Accident?"

"We don't know, but shortly after entering the entrance, the passage suddenly became unstable."

Ji Ruochen was also at a loss about this matter, "Fortunately nothing happened, senior brother got a blessing in disguise and broke through to the late stage of foundation establishment."

Yunli glanced at Wei Lin behind him. At this moment, the surging spiritual energy around him had gradually calmed down, the spiritual power was harmonious, and the spiritual platform was stable. It seemed that he had successfully broken through the late stage of foundation establishment.

She was relieved, half-closed her eyes and smiled at the anxious blue-clothed 'girl' in front of her, "It turned out to be a friend of the Danxia School, it's a pleasure to meet you, such a big secret place, we can meet so quickly, it's also a fate, Let’s practice together next time.”

Ji Ruochen rejected it all over the body, and he might not be too happy to be with the people of Taiyizong.

"Hehe, Fairy Yun is kind, but our strength is low, I'm afraid—"

Halfway through the refusal, a voice came in from behind: "It's our honor to be invited by Fairy Yun."

Ji Ruochen:
Do you have the self-consciousness of demons and crooked ways, and see decent elites and still go up?

"This senior brother is too polite, just call me Ali." Yunli walked over the blue-clothed 'girl', and said to Wei Lin with a smile: "Senior brother has a great chance, as soon as he enters Jiuliyuan, he breaks through the late stage, envy!"

"In Luli, it's better to be respectful than obedient." Wei Lin chuckled. After entering the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm, he suddenly felt relaxed, and he didn't feel the slightest bit of malice from heaven.

"Hello Senior Brother Lu, Mu Yan of the Taiyi School." The two were so familiar that Mu Yan had no choice but to come forward and speak politely.

Yunli glanced to the side, and asked via voice transmission: "Is this junior sister Lu Li familiar with him? Will she notice if we get along for too long?"

"He is Ji Ruochen."

Yunli blinked, and calmly glanced at the girl in blue next to her, isn't Ji Ruochen a man?
Unconsciously, Ji Ruochen looked at Lan Yingying's sea of ​​flowers, and asked curiously, "What's there in the sea of ​​flowers?"

Such a large sea of ​​flowers, it is really hard not to attract attention. As a doctor, Ji Ruochen just wanted to go there to find out, but suffered from his own lack of strength, and his companions couldn't get away because of their breakthrough.

"It's nothing, except that flowers are butterflies, flowers are poisonous, and butterflies are hallucinogenic, so we quit."

After finishing speaking, she looked around. The ancient big tree covered the sky and the sun, lying on the edge of the sea of ​​flowers. The trunk and protruding thick roots were covered with dark green moss.

On the other side of the ancient tree is a stone platform, which is shaped like a flower petal that has been cut in half. There are quaint array patterns on it. Because no one has visited it for a long time, the depressions in the pattern are also occupied by moss.

Further up, there are dilapidated steps with a width of three feet, and the edges are also covered with moss. On both sides of the stone steps, there are thick stone walls standing at a distance.

"This seems to be some ruins."

Mu Yan took out the map distributed by the front door and looked at it, with a solemn expression: "This place has never been found before, and it is not on the map."

Before leaving, Zongmen specially sent out a map of the secret realm, drawing out the places explored by the predecessors, and marking which places have special products.

After generations of supplementation and improvement, most of the current maps have been successfully assembled, only a few people entered by accident, and then went out inexplicably, without knowing where the exact location is, so they are also alone in the map of a piece.

Yunli took out the photo stone, "It doesn't matter, just record it first and then talk about it."

Wei Lin took two steps forward, looked up at the stone pillar, and said, "Look at the top!"

Several people raised their heads upon hearing this, and saw two stone statues of monsters squatting on the top of the two stone pillars below the stone steps.

It looks like a fox, but with sharp horns on the head and back, half-closed eyes, looking down, looking evil.

"What kind of monster is this?" Yunli was surprised, "There should be a formation on it."

The stone pillars were covered with moss, and there were many sunken places on the monster stone statue, but it was as clean as new without any moss dust.

With a thought, the banana fan supported her to rise slowly, and came to the stone pillar. Looking closely, one can find that the mouth and nose of the stone statue are almost connected together, and the color is still a little yellow.

"Be careful." Wei Lin was worried, and also flew into the air with Yujian, "Straight pupil."

He looked behind the stone statue again, "Tailless, could it be a snake?"

"Don't scare me." Hearing that word, Yunli's legs became weak, she swallowed, looked around carefully, and flew away far away.

Oh my god, this is a fox-faced horned snake with a carved head and neck.

Seeing her reaction, Wei Lin was surprised, "It really is."

"Let's go, let's go!" Yunli didn't want to stay here for a moment, it was so annoying to be a snake again.

Yunli was frightened to death, Mu Yan was also pale, Ji Ruochen was so blank but kept chattering.

"It's really a snake. Look at the stone pillar below. Does it look like a snake's body? But who is so weird? Carve an upright snake, hey! Its eyes seem to move."

One word snake after another made Yunli's scalp tingle, but her eyes couldn't help but look over.

I saw the stone statue shaking, and suddenly separated from the middle, revealing a hole.

"This designer is really weird. The snake is upright, and its head is split in half, so it can penetrate people!"

Ji Ruochen's chatter was heard again, Yunli couldn't bear it anymore, "Shut up!"

She turned her head and stared at Ji Ruochen viciously, "Say that word again, and I'll pull out your tongue!"

"Which word?" Ji Ruochen was in a daze, just as he was about to continue asking, a huge pressure of spiritual power surged.

Wei Lin suddenly retreated in front of Yunli, staring cautiously at the entrance of the cave where the wind was blowing. This power was at least eighth-level. If it was really a snake-like monster, it would be difficult for Ah Li to display half of his combat power.

"Ayan, come here." Yunli stared at the hole nervously, pulled Mu Yan behind her, and Huanshiling slowly wrapped around their wrists.

As long as it is a snake-like monster that comes out in a while, she can only expose Huanshiling. Although she has prepared a lot of other defensive magic weapons, she still feels that Huanshiling is more at ease.

Amidst the high tension of the four, a white figure spewed out from the hole, hitting the ancient tree nearby like a cannonball.

Accompanied by a clear cracking sound, the broken branches and green leaves fell to the ground, and the man in white finally stabilized his figure, turned around in the air and landed firmly.

Raising his eyes to meet the four pairs of eyes, Master Kaiyu couldn't help but blush.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of Vanity Life Like a Dream! ! !

  PS: Help relatives and friends recommend a book "I Have a Picture Scroll of Immortals", if you like this type of cutie, you can read it.

(End of this chapter)

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