Chapter 357
It wasn't a snake monster, Yunli's hanging heart fell, and seeing who was coming, she walked out from behind Wei Lin, and asked curiously: "Uncle, who is this?"

The person who came was one of the five Jindan Daoist people who came in from the Taiyi Sect, Kaiyu, the direct disciple of Tai'a Peak Fuguang Zhenjun.

The embarrassment on Zhenren Kaiyu's face quickly faded away, his eyes fell on Yunli, he paused, and said with a smile: "So it's Master Nephew Yun, what a coincidence."

As he spoke, he glanced at the other three people, and said in a kind tone, "These two are young friends of the Danxia School."

"Cough cough," Wei Lin made a fist with his hand, put it on his lips, and coughed weakly, "Junior Danxia Pai Lu Li, I met senior, this is my junior sister Xing Lili."

Ji Ruochen woke up like a dream, and only then remembered that Chihiro had forgotten to pretend to be weak!
Fortunately, the two girls had big hearts and didn't find out.

While following the salute, he gave Wei Lin a wink, the Jindan Daoist of the Taiyi Sect has arrived, what are you still doing here, hurry up and leave!

It's a pity that Wei Lin seemed to have exploded from the weakness he had accumulated before, coughing intermittently, and didn't even wink at him.

Master Kaiyu quickly retracted his gaze, and looked at Yunli again, "I just met a few ninth-level monsters, fought a battle, and suffered a small injury, please ask Nephew Yun to protect me, I will heal the injury."

What?Do we know each other well?
She has been in the Taiyi Sect for so many years, and she only found out that there is such a real person Kaiyu in the sect on the way back from the Jinye Pavilion auction.

The other party should be similar to her, at most, he has heard of her before, do you want to be so familiar?
Still protecting the law, aren't you afraid of being robbed by yourself?

There was a strange flash in her heart, monks who could reach the late stage of Jindan still had a little bit of wariness, if they were foolish enough to believe in fellowship, they would not be able to survive the second level of Qi training!
These thoughts just turned around in my mind, and the isolation formation instantly enveloped a radius of [-] meters.

The corner of her mouth twitched, should she be so direct, she hasn't agreed yet?
"Uncle, are you injured? Then it's important that you heal quickly!"

While smirking in agreement, she quietly moved two steps to the side, standing on the left and right side of Wei Lin who had turned on the weak mode.

The formation has already fallen, and Master Kaiyu didn't mind her small movements at all, and stopped acting. He smiled coldly: "Stop pretending to me here, and hand over the Dream Slayer knife obediently, grandpa will leave you a whole body!"

It turned out to be the person who coveted the Mengzhan Dao, Yunli suddenly realized that those people who were about to move were suppressed for the time being.

Now that he has entered the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm, his identity and friendship are all fake, only strength is recognized here.

"If the same sect kills each other, the uncle is not afraid of being blamed by the head teacher after going out?"

While speaking, she sent a voice transmission to Mu Yan: "Hide and protect yourself."

"Blame?" Kai Yu seemed to have heard some big joke, "Just you, you still want to get out of here alive, what a big dream."

Behind, Mu Yan did not hesitate to sacrifice a small golden clock. With the infusion of spiritual power, the clock quickly became larger, covering her whole body inside.

Master Kaiyu saw her movements, but did not stop her, she was just an alchemist, after cleaning up this Yunli, she naturally let herself rub it.

Sensing that Mu Yan had already hid behind him, Yunli stopped talking nonsense, and lightly raised her plain hand, the Mengzhan Dao was already in her hand, "Since the uncle wants it, then come and get it."

As she spoke, she flew straight at Kaiyu like lightning.

Kai Yu only felt a shocking aura rising straight to the sky, his formation trembled, and the next moment, Xiaoxiao's saber aura was already in front of him.

Years of actual combat experience made his body faster than his brain, and he raised his sword across his chest with his backhand.

The knife and the sword slammed into one place without fancy, and the surging spiritual power swayed around the two of them.

Seeing a leaf fluttering above her head for a moment, and suddenly split into two parts, Zhenyu Kaiyu felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, and cold sweat spread out all at once.

This is not only as quiet as a virgin and moving like a rabbit, it is as quiet as a pillar moving like lightning, without any momentum, a shocking situation suddenly appears.

No matter how seasoned the Nascent Soul cultivator is in fighting skills, he is not as murderous as she is.

Is this the actual combat experience one should have during the foundation building period?

The old tree next to it swayed, and the huge crown slowly fell to one side.

Ji Ruochen sat on the ground in a daze, and there was a bell-shaped magic weapon lying down beside him. After a while, he came back to his senses, picked up the bell-shaped magic weapon and enveloped himself tremblingly.

Nima, do you want to be so fast, can you give me some reaction time?

Seeing that Mu Yan sacrificed the defensive magic weapon, Ji Ruochen thought for a while and took out his own. Just as he was about to input spiritual power, a terrifying aura suddenly appeared, making his legs go limp in fright, and he sat down on the ground.

It was also this sitting that allowed him to avoid the spiritual power swaying behind him, otherwise he might have been chopped off in the middle like that tree.

After being blocked, Yunli didn't stop, pressing her majestic spiritual power into the Meng Zhan Dao, turned around and swung the sword to meet him again.

After all, Master Kaiyu is in the late stage of Jindan, and his cultivation base is profound, far superior to hers. Facing her fire-like offensive, he protects his body with a spirit gang, and dances with a long sword imperviously, blocking Yunli's offensive completely. .

After the initial shock, it was finally getting better, Master Kaiyu heaved a sigh of relief, while coping with it, he was secretly startled.

This dead girl is indeed very strong. Although her cultivation base is quite short, she narrowed the gap between the two parties forcefully by virtue of her fearless drive and brute strength.

Especially the Dream Slashing Knife, which is worthy of being a magic knife, it can even break through the Ling Gang of the Golden Core Stage!
He doesn't want to use his own body to test the sharpness of the magic sword that has denied its master for thousands of years.

One side made an all-out attack, while the other responded cautiously. For a while, the two were evenly matched. The collision of swords and swords was inseparable.

Ji Ruochen in the bell-shaped magic vessel swallowed, is this the elite disciple of the top sect in Canglan Continent?

Really strong!

After crossing a full four realms, he still can't fall behind.If it were someone else, she would be powerless in a fight, but she was as imposing as a rainbow, faintly seeming to overwhelm the Jindan Daoist.

I wonder if Qianxun is better than her?

Thinking of this, he paused, where is Chihiro?
He looked over, and under the big tree with a flat fracture, the young man was standing with a sword in his hand, standing still like a pine tree, his eyes were dim, and he followed the two people who were moving and turning in the air.

Where did you see that sword?
The azure blue long sword has smooth lines, and the blade is as cold as ice and snow.

It's just that the pattern on the hilt is too delicate, which adds a bit of luxury to this murderous weapon, which makes it a bit uncomfortable in this bloody world.

Where did you see such a special sword?

Ji Ruochen frowned, there was an answer in his mind, but he couldn't think of it.

At this time, the boy under the tree moved.

 Thank you Yingshi for your great reward! ! !

  Thank you 941 Dessert for your monthly pass! ! !
  PS: Help relatives and friends recommend a book "I Have a Picture Scroll of Immortals", if you like this type of cutie, you can read it.

(End of this chapter)

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